This transceiver was assembled using Pb (lead) free solder, based on the RoHS specification.
Only lead-free solder (Alloy Composition: Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu) should be used for repairs performed on
this apparatus. The solder stated above utilizes the alloy composition required for compliance with the
lead-free specification, and any solder with the above alloy composition may be used.
Channels:All USA, International and Canadian
Input Voltage:13.8 VDC ±20%
Current Drain:Standby 0.3 A
Receive 1.0 A
Transmit 5.5 A (Hi); 1.5 A (Lo)
Individual DSC Directory Memory:15
Dimensions:2.4” H x 6.1” W x 6.7” D (60 H x 155 W x 170 D mm)
Flush-Mount Dimensions:2.0” H x 5.2” W x 6.7” D (51 H x 131 W x 170 D mm)
Weight:1.7 lbs (770 g)
Frequency Range:156.025 to 157.425 MHz
RF Output:25 W (Hi); 1 W (Lo)
Conducted Spurious Emissions:80 dB (Hi); 60 dB (Lo)
Audio Response:within +1/–3 of a 6 dB/octave pre-emphasis characteristic at 300 to 3000 Hz
Audio Distortion:5 %
Modulation:16K0G3E, for DSC 16K0G2B
Frequency Stability (–20°C to +50°C):±0.0005%
FM Hum and Noise:50 dB
Frequency Range:156.050 to 163.275 MHz
Sensitivity:12 dB SINAD0.25 μV
Squelch Sensitivity (Threshold):0.15 μV
Modulation Acceptance Bandwidth:±7.5 kHz
Selectivity (TYP.):–70 dB (Spurious and Image Rejection)
–70 dB (Intermodulation and Rejection at 12 dB SINAD)
Audio Output:4.5 W
Audio Response:within + 2/–8 of a 6 dB/octave de-emphasis characteristic at 300 to 3000 Hz
Frequency Stability (-20°C to +50°C):±0.0005 %
Channel Spacing:25 kHz
DSC Format:RTCM SC101
NMEA Input/Output:Output - DSC, DSE
Input - GLL, GGA, RMC and GNS
Performance specifications are nominal, unless otherwise indicated, and are subject to change without notice.
Measurements are made in accordance with EN301 025. All stated specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation.
Non-designated parts are available only as part of a designated assembly.
Exploded View & Miscellaneous Parts
Block Diagram
Block Diagram
Circuit Description
Reception and transmission are switched by 8-bit MPU
IC Q2004 (UPD78F0395GC) on the CNTL Unit. The receiver uses double-conversion superheterodyne circuitry, with a 21.4 MHz 1st IF and 450 kHz 2nd IF. The 1st
local is produced by a PLL synthesizer, yielding the 21.4
MHz 1st IF. The 2nd local uses a 21.85 MHz crystal oscillator, yielding the 450 kHz 2nd IF. The 2nd mixer and other
circuits use a custom IC to convert and amplify the 2nd IF
and detect FM to obtain demodulated signals. During
transmit, the PLL synthesizer oscillates at the desired frequency directly, for amplification to obtain RF power output. During transmit, voice modulation is applied to this
synthesizer. Transceiver functions, such as TX/RX control,
PLL synthesizer settings, and channel programming, are
controlled using the MPU.
Incoming RF signals from the antenna connector are delivered to the MAIN Unit, and pass through a low-pass
filter (LPF) consisting of coils L1001 & L1002 and capacitors C1003, C1011, & C1024, and antenna switching diode D1004 (L308CCB) for delivery to the receiver front
Signals within the frequency range of the transceiver are
passed through a bandpass filter consisting of coils L1006
& L1008 and capacitors C1027, C1036, & C1059, before RF
amplifier Q1022 (3SK294).
The amplified RF is passed through a bandpass filter consisting of coils L1022, L1026, & L1027 and capacitors
C1145, C1150, C1115, C1159, C1170, C1174, & C1179. The
pure in-band input signal is delivered to the main 1st mixer
Q1028 (3SK131).
Buffered output from the MAIN VCO is amplified by
Q1018 and Q1019 (both 2SC5006) and low-pass filtered
by coils L1009 & L1011 and capacitors C1064, C1071, &
C1076, to provide a pure 1st local signal between 134.625
and 136.025 MHz for delivery to the main 1st mixer.
The 21.4 MHz 1st mixer product is passed through the
monolithic crystal filter XF1001 (±6.5 kHz BW), and is
amplified by Q1036 (2SC4400).
After that, it delivered to the input of the FM IF subsystem
IC Q1029 (TA31136FNG). This IC contains the 2nd mixer, 2nd local oscillator, limiter amplifier, FM detector, noise
amplifier, and squelch gates.
The 2nd local in the FM IF subsystem IC Q1029
(TA31136FNG) is produced from crystal X1001 (21.850
MHz), and the 1st IF is converted to 450 kHz by the 2nd
mixer and stripped of unwanted components by ceramic
filter CF1001.
After passing through a limiter amplifier, the signal is
demodulated by the FM detector. Demodulated audio
from the FM IF subsystem IC Q1029 (TA31136FNG) is
amplified by Q1038 and Q1033 (both 2SC4154). The amplified signal is passed through the AF mute switch Q1031
(2SK2035) and the front panels volume control. The adjusted audio signal is delivered to the AF power amplifier Q1039 (LA4425A).
The amplified audio signal is delivered to the 8 Ohms internal loudspeaker and external Speaker terminal in the
accessory cable.
PLL Synthesizer
The 1st Local signal maintains stability from the PLL synthesizer by using a 21.850 MHz reference signal from crystal X1001. PLL synthesizer IC Q1026 (TB31202FNG) con-
sists of a prescaler, reference counter, swallow counter,
programmable counter, a serial data input port to set these
counters based on the external data, a phase comparator,
and a charge pump.
The PLL synthesizer IC divides the 21.850 MHz reference
signal by 1748 using the reference counter (12.5 kHz comparison frequency).
The VCO output is divided by the prescaler, swallow
counter and programmable counter. These two signals are
compared by the phase comparator, and applied to the
charge pump.
A voltage proportional to their phase difference is delivered to the low-pass filter circuit, then fed back to the VCO
as a voltage with phase error, controlling and stabilizing
the oscillating frequency. This synthesizer also operates
as a modulator during transmit.
The VCO consists of Q1019 (2SK210GR) and varactor di-
odes D1009 and D1011 (both HVU359), which oscillates
at 21.4 MHz below from the receiving frequency while
receiving, and oscillates at the fundamental transmit frequency during a transmit with direct frequency-modulation using varactor diode D1010 (1SV214). The VCO output passes through buffer amplifier Q1018 and Q1017
(both 2SC5006) to obtain stable output, then applied to
the 1st mixer of while receiving, and to the driver amplifier Q1008 (2SC5006) during a transmit.
The DC supply for the VCO is regulated by Q1016
Circuit Description
The voice from the microphone is passed through the
CNTL Unit to the microphone amplifier Q1001
(LM2902PW) on the MAIN Unit, a pre-emphasis network,
limiter (IDC: instantaneous deviation control), and lowpass filter network, the audio is adjusted for optimum deviation level.
The voice or DSC (Digital Selective Calling) encoded signal from the low-pass filter network Q1001 (LM2902PW)
is applied to the VCO Q1019 (2SK210GR) which oscil-
lates at the fundamental transmit frequency with direct
frequency-modulation using varactor diode D1010
(1SV214). The modulated signal is amplified by the buffer amplifier Q1018 and Q1017 (both 2SC5006), then
passed through the diode switch D1006 (DAN235U) to
drive amplifiers Q1008 (2SC5006) and RF power amplifier module Q1014 (S-AV37A).
The RF energy then passes through antenna switch D1003
(L308CCB) and low-pass filter (LPF) consisting of coils
L1001 & L1002 and capacitors C1003, C1011, & C1024, and
finally to the antenna connector.
RF output power from the RF power amplifier module
Q1014 (S-AV37A) is sampled by C1014 and C1021 and is
rectified by D1002 (1SS321). The resulting DC is fed
through Automatic Power Controller Q1007 (RT1N441U)
to RF power amplifier module Q1014 (S-AV37A), thus pro-
viding positive control of the power output.
Generation of spurious products by the transmitter is minimized by the fundamental carrier frequency being equal
to the final transmitting frequency, modulated directly in
the transmit VCO. Additional harmonic suppression is
provided by a low-pass filter consisting of coils and capacitors, resulting in more than 80 dB of harmonic suppression prior to delivery of the RF energy to the antenna.
DSC Encoder/ Decoder
The DSC (Digital Selective Calling) encode signal which
D/A converted in the 8-bit MPU Q2004 (UPD78F0395GC)
on the CNTL Unit is fed through the low-pass filter Q1001
(LM2902PWR) on the MAIN Unit to the VCO Q1019
A portion of the demodulated signal from the FM IF subsystem IC Q1029 (TA31136FNG) is passes through the
low-pass filter Q1037 (2SC4154) to the DSC Decoder ICQ1034 (NJM2211M). The decoded DCS signal delivered
to the 8-bit MPU IC Q2004 (UPD78F0395GC) on the
CNTL Unit.
1050 Hz Weather Alert Decoder
The 1050 Hz Weather Alert signal from the buffer amplifier Q1033 (2SC4154) is applied to 8-bit MPU IC Q2004
(UPD78F0395GC) on the CNTL Unit.
Operation is controlled by 8-bit MPU IC Q2004
(UPD78F0395GC) on the CNTL Unit. This MPU uses a
18.432 MHz crystal X2001 for the system clock. IC Q2003
(PST597CN) resets the MPU when the power is on.
The EEPROM Q2006 (BR24L08FVT) on the CNTL Unit
retains TX and RX data for all memory channels, prescaler dividing, IF frequency, local oscillator injection side,
and reference oscillator data.
The GX1000S has been carefully aligned at the factory
for the specified performance across the marine band.
Realignment should therefore not be necessary except in
the event of a component failure. All component replacement and service should be performed only by an authorized Standard Horizon representative, or the warranty
policy may be voided.
The following procedures cover the sometimes critical and
tedious adjustments that are not normally required once
the transceiver has left the factory. However, if damage
occurs and some parts are replaced, realignment may be
required. If a sudden problem occurs during normal operation, it is likely due to component failure; realignment
should not be done until after the faulty component has
been replaced.
We recommend that servicing be performed only by authorized Standard Horizon service technicians who are
experienced with the circuitry and fully equipped for repair and alignment. Therefore, if a fault is suspected, contact the dealer from whom the transceiver was purchased
for instructions regarding repair. Authorized Standard
Horizon service technicians realign all circuits and make
complete performance checks to ensure compliance with
factory specifications after replacing any faulty components.
Those who do undertake any of the following alignments
are cautioned to proceed at their own risk. Problems
caused by unauthorized attempts at realignment are not
covered by the warranty policy. Also, Standard Horizon,
a division of Vertex Standard must reserve the right to
change circuits and alignment procedures in the interest
of improved performance, without notifying owners.
Under no circumstances should any alignment be attempted unless the normal function and operation of the transceiver are clearly understood, the cause of the malfunction has been clearly pinpointed and any faulty components replaced, and the need for realignment determined
to be absolutely necessary.
The following test equipment (and thorough familiarity
with its correct use) is necessary for complete realignment.
Correction of problems caused by misalignment resulting from use of improper test equipment is not covered
under the warranty policy. While most steps do not require all of the equipment listed, the interactions of some
adjustments may require that more complex adjustments
be performed afterwards. Do not attempt to perform only
a single step unless it is clearly isolated electrically from
all other steps. Have all test equipment ready before beginning, and follow all of the steps in a section in the order presented.
Required Test Equipment
RF Signal Generator with calibrated output level at
200 MHz
Deviation Meter (linear detector)
AF Millivoltmeter
Inline Wattmeter with 5% accuracy at 200 MHz
Regulated DC Power Supply: 13.8 VDC, 10A
50-ohm Non-reactive Dummy Load: 30W at 200 MHz
Frequency Counter: >0.1 ppm accuracy at 200 MHz
AF Signal Generator
DC Voltmeter: high impedance
VHF Sampling Coupler
AF Dummy Load: 4 Ohms, 10 W
Spectrum Analyzer
CP180 GPS/Chart Plotter
GX5500S Marine Transceiver
Alignment Preparation & Precautions
A dummy load and inline wattmeter must be connected
to the main antenna jack in all procedures that call for
transmission. Correct alignment is not possible with an
After completing one step, read the following step to determine whether the same test equipment will be required.
If not, remove the test equipment (except dummy load
and wattmeter, if connected) before proceeding.
Correct alignment requires that the ambient temperature
be the same as that of the transceiver and test equipment,
and that this temperature be held constant between 68 °F
and 86 °F (20 °C and 30 °C). When the transceiver is
brought into the shop from hot or cold air it should be
allowed some time for thermal equalization with the environment before alignment. If possible, alignments
should be made with oscillator shields and circuit boards
firmly affixed in place. Also, the test equipment must be
thoroughly warmed up before beginning.
Note: Signal levels in dB referred to in this procedure are
based on 0 dBμ = 0.5 μV (closed circuit).
Main Reference Frequency Adjustment
Setup the test equipment as shown below.
Dummy Load
Set the channel to CH16.
Use the [H/L] key to set the transceiver to “LOW”
With the PTT switch pressed, adjust TC1001 so that the
Frequency Counter reading is 156.800 MHz ±100 Hz.
Transmit Power Adjustment
Setup the test equipment as shown below.
Dummy Load
Set the channel to CH16.
Use the [H/L] key to set the transceiver to “HI” power.
With the PTT switch pressed, adjust VR1001 so that
RF output power is 24 W ±0.3 W.
Release the PTT switch, then set the transceiver to
“LOW” power by the [H/L] key.
With the PTT switch pressed, adjust VR1002 so that
RF output power is 0.8 W ±0.1 W.
Release the PTT switch.
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