STM32L ultralow power discovery board
■ STM32L152RBT6 microcontroller featuring
128 KB Flash, 16 KB RAM, 4 KB EEPROM, in
an LQFP64 package
■ On-board ST-Link/V2 with selection mode
switch to use the kit as a standalone
ST-Link/V2 (with SWD connector for
programming and debugging)
■ Board power supply: through USB bus or from
an external 3.3 or 5 V supply voltage
■ External application power supply: 3 V and 5 V
■ I
■ Four LEDs:
■ Two pushbuttons (user and reset)
■ One linear touch sensor or four touchkeys
■ Extension header for LQFP64 I/Os for quick
current measurement
– DIP28 package
– 24 segments, 4 commons
– LD1 (red/green) for USB communication
– LD2 (red) for 3.3 V power on
– Two user LEDs, LD3 (green) and LD4
connection to prototyping board and easy
Table 1. Device summary
Data brief
The STM32L-DISCOVERY helps you to discover
Order code Description
STM32L ultralow power
discovery board
the STM32L ultralow power features and to
develop and share your applications.
It is based on an STM32L152RBT6 and includes
an ST-Link/V2 embedded debugging tool
interface, an LCD (24 segments, 4 commons),
LEDs, pushbuttons, a linear touch sensor or
May 2011 Doc ID 018775 Rev 2 1/3
For further information contact your local STMicroelectronics sales office.

System requirements STM32L-DISCOVERY
1 System requirements
● Windows PC (2000, XP, Vista, 7)
● USB type A to Mini-B USB cable
2 Development toolchain
● Altium TASKING™ VX-Toolset
● Atollic TrueSTUDIO
● Keil™ MDK-ARM
3 Demonstration software
The demonstration software is preloaded in the board Flash memory. It uses the built-in IDD
measurement and touch sensing feature of the STM32L-DISCOVERY to automatically
measure and display on the LCD the microcontroller consumption in run and low-power
The latest versions of the demonstration source code and associated documentation can be
downloaded from www.st.com/stm32l-discovery.
4 Revision history
Table 2. Document revision history
Date Revision Changes
29-April-2011 1 Initial release.
11-May-2011 2 Replaced slider by linear touch sensor and touch key by touchkey.
2/3 Doc ID 018775 Rev 2