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The Ambulatory Blood Pressure (ABP) Report Management System assesses a patient’s cardiac
health via blood pressure readings taken during daily activity for 24 to 48 hours, or more.
The ABP system consists of a standard ABP monitor, a personal computer (PC), host software
application, and an electronic interface between the monitor(s) and the PC system(s). The
monitors used with the ABP system include the 90207 monitor and 90217 Ultralite
Warnings, Cautions, and Notes
•The ABP Report Management System and any non-medical equipment that is
connected to the ABP Report Management System should not be a llowed within the
patient’s vicinity (patient vicinity extends 6 feet or 1.83 m beyond the perimeter of
the bed, table or chair, and 7 1/2 feet or 2.29 m above the floor).
•Remove the arm cuff from the patient before defibrillation. There is a risk of
defibrillation failure, burns and equipment damage if defibrillator paddles contact
the arm cuff or ABP monitor. In the special case where the patient has a defibrilla tor
at home, family members and in-home caregivers who could be responsible for
attempting defibrillation must be advised of this hazard.
•Explosion hazard. Do NOT use in the presence of flammable anesthetics.
•Do NOT use acetone, ether, freon, petroleum derivatives, or other solvents to clean
the ABP monitor.
•Spacelabs Medical’s ABP monitors are designed to meet IEC 60601-1-2 EMC
immunity requirements. The presence of strong EMI fields generated by electronic,
surgical, or diathermy instruments in close proximity to the unit may cause trace
noise or input overload conditions. Refer to the Electromagetic Compatibility
appendix in the 90207 service manual (P/N 070-0 189-xx) or the 90217 service manual
(P/N 070-0502-xx).
•To avoid operator injury, refer to your PC owner’s ma nual fo r prope r ergometric use.
ABP Report Management System Operations Manual
•Microsoft Windows requires a minimum of 250 MB fr ee hard drive space ava ilable at
all times for virtual memory, print spooling, and caching. Failure to comply with
these requirements will degrade system performance or cause th e system to crash.
•U.S. Federal law restricts this device to use by or on the order of a physician.
•This device is intended to be used as an ABP monitor analysis system for the purpose of
screening for blood pressure disturbances.
•A 24-hour patient record with 240 readings requires a maximum of 50 KB of hard drive
space. A 48-hour patient record with 240 readings requires a maximum of 50 KB of hard
drive space.
•A qualified physician should review the results of the ABP reading befor e treatment or nontreatment of any patient.
•Installing the application on an operating system not specified on the 92506 Ambulatory
Blood Pressure Report Management System data sheet (P/N 061-1283-00) is not
•The regional/language settings for the operating system must be identical to that of the
Starting the Program
When the ABP Report Management System software is loaded on your computer a Client
application icon is placed on the desktop.
To initiate the Client application:
If this is the first time starting the Client application since installation, refer to Setting up a New
User on page 1-3
1 Power ON your computer.
2 Double-click the Client application icon to start the program.
The User Profile is automatically set to Administrator and Physician during initial startup. Your
screen may be different, depending on your software version.
ABP Report Management System Operations Manual
3 Type in your User ID and your Password at the User Login window and then click Login
(Figure 1-1).
Figure 1-1: User Login window
If this is the first time you have logged on, a message displays, and you will be required to
change your password. Click OK to close the confirmation box. Enter the old and new
password information and then click OK.
The Client application starts and the Main Menu displays.
Setting up a New User
The first time you log on to the system the software will prompt you to establish a User ID.
1 Double-click the Client application icon to start the program. A confirmation box
appears (Figure 1-2).
2 Click OK to open the New User dialog box.
Figure 1-2: Initial startup message
ABP Report Management System Operations Manual
Figure 1-3: New User dialog box
3 Fill in the required fields: User ID, First Name, Last Name, Password, Confirm Password,
and Select Role.
4 Click OK.
•For additional information on configuring this dialog box, refer to Adding User Profiles on
page 6-13.
•The User Profile is automatically set to Administrator and Physician during initial startup.
Your screen may be different, depending on your software version.
•The Password you enter in this dialog box is temporary. You will be required to chang e it
immediately after the Client application adds you as a user.
5 Click OK when the confirmation box appears.
6 Enter your User ID and Password and then press ENTER at the User Login window.
7 Click OK at the message stating that the initial password has expired.
8 Enter the old and new password information and then click OK.
The Client application starts and the Main Menu displays.
Inactivity Logon
If the application remains inactive for more than 15 minutes, you must log on again before
If you click OK and log on again, unsaved information will still be available to save, and all
previously opened reports and other windows will remain open.
If you click Cancel, all unsaved information will be lost, and open reports and windows will be
initialized the next time you log on to the application.
ABP Report Management System Operations Manual
ABP Main Menu
The Main Menu appears immediately after you log on.
Figure 1-4: Main Menu
The following options are available from the Main Menu:
•Initialize Monitor (refer to Initializing the Monitor on page 3-1)
•Upload Monitor (refer to Acquiring Patient Data on page 4-1)
•Review/Edit Patient Test (refer to Reviewing th e Re po rt on page 5-1)
•View/Change System Settings (refer to System Setup on page 6-1)
•Log Off/Exit (refer to Logging Off the System on page 1-6)
Click the appropriate button to continue.
The Select group list box only appears if multiple groups are set up on the
ABP Report Management System.
ABP Report Management System Operations Manual
Logging Off the System
When you are finished working with the Client application, be sure to log off:
1 Click Close or Cancel to return to the Main Menu from any other location.
2 Click Log Off/Exit from the Main Menu.
User Permissions
This manual covers all of the normal operating procedures of the Client application. However, the
ABP Report Management System assigns access permission based on user type: administrator,
user, physician, technician, or nurse. Depending on your user type, you may have access to some,
most, or all of the actions that are covered in this manual.
The following table shows which user types have access permission to various tasks.
Table 1: User Permission
Create a new patient record
by entering the demographics
in the Initialization wizard
while importing from a file.
Modify an existing patient’s
Delete a patient record and
Confirm a patient’s
Create a new ABP report/test
by uploading from the monitor
or by importing from a file.
Modify data in an existing ABP
report/test (monitor start time,
indications, medications, etc.).
User Permission (Yes/No)
PhysicianNurseT e chnician
7Delete an ABP report/test.YesYesNoYesNoYesYes
8Confirm an ABP report/test.YesYesYesNoNoNoNo
Print a report or send a report
through e-mail.
ABP Report Management System Operations Manual
Table 1: User Permission (continued)
Create a custom report format
for printing or sending through
e-mail. (The Report Format
tab on the System Settings
dialog box will not be
Delete an individual reading
from the set of readings in the
ABP report/test.
Modify monitor settings
(change the minimum and
maximum values of the blood
pressure readings, etc.).
Modify statistical settings
(change the sleep and wake
periods and the number of
readings/hour, etc.).
User Permission (Yes/No)
PhysicianNurseT e chnician
Modify a patient ID in the
Electronic Signature
The Client application may be configured to stamp a confirmed test with the electronic signature of
the confirming physician. Any time a physician who is logged on to the Client application confirms
a test, the Client application stamps the test with the physician’s electronic signature, as well as
the date and time the test was confirmed. The confirmation information appears on the hard copy
printout as well as in the electronic display of the report.
ABP Report Management System Operations Manual
System Navigation
The Client application is capable of displaying multiple, independent windows, enabling you to
have several different reports open at once. Each report opens in a sep arate window which can be
moved, resized, opened, closed, and printed.
To activate a window:
1 Click the window,
2 Press CTRL+TAB to cycle through the open windows.
You can also open the Window menu on the menu bar and select from the list of open windows
•When an object appears lighter than the rest, or dimmed, this means that the object is not
available. An object may be unavailable if:
-You do not have permission to access this object (refer to User Permissions on page 1-
6 for more information).
-Your version of the Client application does not support the object’s function.
-Patient demographics or report information has been confirmed.
Menu Bars
Click an item on the menu bar to open a list of menu commands corresponding to that item.
Figure 1-5: Example of a menu bar
You can use either the mouse or the keyboard to select a item in a menu.
Using the Keyboard
To access menu items using the keyboard:
•Hold down the ALT key and press the appropriate hot key (the underlined letter) to activate a
menu. For example, hold down the ALT key and press R to open the Procedure menu.
•Press the appropriate underlined hot key to select an item from the menu that appears. (The
ALT key is not needed once the menu is active.) The up ar row and d own arrow keys ma y also
be used to highlight an item in a menu.
•Press ENTER to select the highlighted item.
•Press ALT to close menus, or use the left and right arrow keys to move to other menus.
ABP Report Management System Operations Manual
Toolbars consist of a row (or rows) of icon buttons located just below the menu bar. Toolbar
buttons provide shortcuts to the most commonly used functions. All of the buttons have a
corresponding menu command that will perform the same function.
Figure 1-6: Example of a toolbar
The icons presented in the toolbar change according to what is shown in the active window.
You may also choose which toolbars are displayed an d wh et he r or not the te xt lab els are ON or
To change these options:
•Right-click anywhere in the toolbar area. A shortcut menu appears.
•Options are active when a check mark is next to the name. If you make any changes to these
options, your selections will become active after the program is restarted.
The Report Manager is the starting point for accessing and organizing patient records. Click
Review/Edit Patient Test on the Main Menu to access the Report Manager.
To return to the Main Menu, click the Close icon on the toolbar at the top of the Report
Manager window. (This will also close all open reports.)
ABP Report Management System Operations Manual
Displaying Reports
Default/Advanced Search
When the Report Manager opens, the default patient search options display. When searching for
a particular patient’s record, you can provide one or more details of the record for which you are
searching. The more details you provide, the more accurate the search results will be. (All fields
except Monitor Time are empty by default. The default value for Monitor Time is 01/01/1900.)
The default search fields include First Name, Last Name, Patient ID, Physician, Monitor Time,
and Status.
Figure 2-2: Default search options
Advanced search enables you to search on multiple conditions at the same time.
Click Advanced on the toolbar to display the advanced search options.
Figure 2-3: Advanced search options
To display the default search options again, click Default on the toolbar.
Performing a Search
To perform a default search:
1 Specify as many factors as you can for the search.
2 Click Search.
ABP Report Management System Operations Manual
To perform an advanced search:
1 Click Advanced.
2 Click the Field arrow and select an option from the list. The options available include:
Medications, Indications, Interpretations, Confirming Physician, Nurse, Physician,
Status, Monitor start date, Monitor end date, First Name, Last Name, Second Last Name,
Patient ID, Date of Birth, Gender, Race, Height, and Weight.
3 Specify search conditions using a combination of the Field, Operator, and Criteria boxes.
4 Click Add to Search to add a search condition to the box below the Field, Operator, and
Criteria boxes.
In Figure 2-4, the final search condition was achieved as follows:
First search criteria enteredLast NameEqual ToDoe
Click Add to Search
Second search criteria enteredFirst NameEqual ToJohn
Click Search
Report Manager
Figure 2-4: Example of search combinations
To clear all search conditions specified and refresh the list of records with the default search
conditions, click Restore Full.
To clear all values across all fields, click Clear.
ABP Report Management System Operations Manual
Saving Search Factors
After specifying a set of factors for a search, you can save these factors for later use in case you
need to search on these factors or a similar set of factors again.
To save search factors:
1 Click Save Search.
2 Specify in the Save As dialog box the folder where you want to save the file, and then specify
a file name for the set of factors (Figure 2-5).
3 Click Save.
Figure 2-5: Save As dialog box
ABP Report Management System Operations Manual
Loading Search Factors
If you previously used the Save Search button to save a set of search factors, you can recall and
use this search file.
To load a previously saved search file:
1 Click Load Search.
2 Browse from the Open dialog box to the folder containing the saved set of search factors and
then specify the file name (Figure 2-6).
3 Click Open.
Report Manager
Figure 2-6: Open dialog box
ABP Report Management System Operations Manual
Sorting Patient Reports
The patient records listed in the Report Manager are displayed in table format with each row
organized into columns of information for a single patient record . Click a column he ading to sort all
the displayed records according to the information in that column in either descending or
ascending order.
Figure 2-7: Click a column heading to sort
Quick Find Feature
The row directly below the column headings can be used to quickly locate a specific report in the
list. Each column contains the text, Enter text here. Click in the desired column box and type the
appropriate data for the patient record you wish to locate.
Figure 2-8: Type text into a Quick Find edit box
For example, to locate the record for a patient with a last name of Smith, click in the Enter text
here box in the Patient Name column and type Smith. The Report Manager window displays
only those records that match the information you typed. If you enter only the first letter of the
patient’s last name, the list displays all the records that begin with that letter.
To return to the normal display of the patient record s, delete the text you entered in the Enter text here box, or click Refresh.
ABP Report Management System Operations Manual
Tracking Open Windows
Open the Window menu on the Report Manager menu bar to display the viewing options of
Cascade or Tile.
•Select Cascade to display all open windows overlapping each other.
•Select Tile to display all windows so that no window is obscured by any other.
Each open window is listed at the bottom of the list. The window that is currently active is indicated
by a check mark.
Opening a Patient Report (Importing)
To open a patient report from the Report Manager, double-click the record you want to review or
edit (refer to Reviewing the Report on page 5-1).
Report files generated with previous versions of ABP that used the extension .rpt can be imported
into the present system by selecting Open from the File menu. (Current version .abp files not
listed in the Report Manager can also be imported in this manner.)
Report Manager
To open (import) a patient report:
1 Select Review/Edit Patient Test from the Main Menu.
2 Select Open from the File menu.
3 Click the Look In drop-down arrow and browse to the folder where the file is located (. abp, .rpt,
.g, or .mon file). Refer to Figure 2-9.
Figure 2-9: Open dialog box
4 Select the file to import and click Open. The Acquisition Wizard guides you through the steps
necessary to open the file.
5 Click Finish in the Acquisition Wizard to open the patient’s record in the ABP system and
make it available for editing.
6 Click Close on the toolbar to return to the Report Manager.
ABP Report Management System Operations Manual
Opening Multiple Reports
The Open Multiple feature enables you to import multiple reports (.abp, .rpt, .g, and .mon files)
simultaneously and assign them to a physician.
To open (import) multiple reports:
1 Select Review/Edit Patient Test from the Main Menu. The Report Manager opens.
2 Select Open Multiple from the File menu. The Open dialog box opens (Figure 2-10).
Figure 2-10: Open dialog box
3 Click the Look in arrow and browse to the folder where thereportfiles are stored.
4 Select one or more report files from the list and click Open.
You may open files of multiple types by selecting
The Multiple Open Report File dialog box opens (Figure 2-11).
in the Files of type text box.
* . *
Figure 2-11: Multiple Open Report File dialog box
The files you selected are listed under Unassigned Report Field(s) on the left side.
ABP Report Management System Operations Manual
5 Select a file from the list.
To select more than one file, press and hold the CTRLkey and click the additional file names.
6 Select a physician from the Assign to Physician list.
7 Click Assign to move the selected file(s) to the Assigned Re po rt Fi el d( s ) list.
To unassign an already assigned file, select the file name under Assigned Report Field(s)
and click Unassign
8 Click Open to import the assigned files.
9 Click OK when the successful import message appears (Figure 2-12).
Figure 2-12: Import successful message
Report Manager
The files are now available in the Report Manager.
Saving a Report
Saving in .abp Format
To save a report in .abp format:
1 Select a patient record in the Report Manager.
2 Select Save from the File menu.
3 Browse to the folder where you want to save the files, and click OK.
The default folder is: C:\Spacelabs\Export.
4 Click OK at the confirmation message.
Performing the steps above creates a file in the designated folder with the patient’s name, patient
ID, and the date of the report as the file name. The file name extension is .abp.
ABP Report Management System Operations Manual
Saving in Other Formats
Entire patient reports or partial information may also be saved (or exported) in a variety of other
formats. You can also convert the entire report into an Adobe Acrobat .pdf file.
The Adobe Acrobat software must be purchased and installed on your workstation before
attempting to convert the patient reports to .pdf files. The application may be rendered
inoperable if an attempt is made to convert the report to .pdf and Adob e Acroba t is n ot loaded
on the workstation.
Several file extensions are available to differentiate between the different sections of the report.
These files may be opened in a standard text editor, such as Windows Notepad. All of these file
types are in a comma- separated value (CSV) format, enabling your to export them into a
spreadsheet program (for example, Excel).
The following table lists the various options and their corresponding file extensions.
Table 1: File Extensions for Report Sections
Report Page to Save/ExportFile Extension
Cover Page.txc
Raw Data Table.txr
Hourly Data Table.txa
Caliper Summary.txs
Complete Patient Data.pdf
To save the report sections in a different format other than .abp:
1 Select a patient record in the Report Manager.
2 Select Save As from the File menu to open the Export Wizard (Figure 2-13).
ABP Report Management System Operations Manual
Figure 2-13: Export Wizard
Report Manager
3 Select the appropriate pages to save or export from the Page to Export area of the
Export Wizard dialog box.
4 Select the Add Patient Name check box from the Configure File Name area of the
Export Wizard dialog box, if you want the patient’s name to appear in the file name.
The default file name consists of the patient ID and the date and time when the report was
generated. The patient name is optional.
5 Specify the Destination Folder where you want to save the file(s).
The default folder is C:\Spacelabs\Export.
6 Click Finish.
Figure 2-14 displays examples of four files created using the procedure specified above. The .pdf
file is not shown.
The Add Patient Name box was not checked when the files were generated – only the
Patient ID is noted in the file names.
ABP Report Management System Operations Manual
Figure 2-14: Example file entries
Files generated by the Save As command (file extensions .t** and .pdf) cannot be imported
back into the ABP report management system.
You can open the files listed in Figure 2-14 using any standard text editor (for example, Windows
Notepad). You can export the files that are in CSV format to a spreadsheet program using the
standard Windows copy and paste procedures.
Figure 2-15: Sample .txc file
To prepare for a patient recording, you must pre pa re the ABP moni to r an d at ta ch th e cu ff to th e
patient. Refer to the operating instructions that came with your monitor for additional information.
To record data from a patient, first initialize the monitor.
1 Connect the ABP monitor to the ABP Report Management System using the monitor interface
2 Start the Client application to display the Main Menu.
3 Click Initialize Monitor to start the Monitor Initialization Wizard.
Entering Patient Information
The Monitor Initialization Wizard opens when you click Initialize Monitor on the Main Menu
(Figure 3-1).
Figure 3-1: Monitor Initialization Wizard
ABP Report Management System Operations Manual
Existing Patients
If the patient has been tested before, the demographic information already exists in the
ABP Report Management System.
To search for the patient’s name:
1 Click the Search Patient button in the Patient Demographic Information area of the
Monitor Installation Wizard to display the Patients List dialog box (Figure 3-2).
Figure 3-2: Patients List dialog box
2 Select the patient’s name from the list and click Close.
The patient information displays in the Patient Demographic Information area of the
Monitor Installation Wizard.
To quickly locate a patient in the list, begin typing the appropriate information in any of the
Enter text here boxes below each column title. The closest match will display at the top of the
list. For more information, refer to Quick Find Feature on page 2-6
3 Select the name of the physician from the Physician list box.
Continue with Optional Information on page 3-3.
New Patients
For new patients, enter the appropriat e in fo rmation in each text box under Patient Demogra phi c
Information. (Press TAB to move from field to field.)
Select the name of the physician from the Physician list box.
•The Second Last Name, Date of Birth, Race, and Gender fields are optional.
•You may enter a maximum of 64 characters in each name box. However, the Client
application displays only the first 52 characters of the combined name text boxes in the
Report Manager window. The name and patient ID may be truncate d for printing
+ 64 hidden pages
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