Ambulatory Blood Pressure
Report Management System
Interfaces to the 90202, 90207, and 90217 Ambulatory
Blood Pressure Monitors.
Windows-based, mouse-driven software for ease of
Supports Windows Clipboard Cut and Paste
operations for moving data between Windows
applications such as Word, Excel, and Lotus.
Facilitates selection of measurement intervals, inflation
frequencies, display of graphic or tabular data, data
analysis, and data transfer.
Standard Components
Three 3.5-inch diskettes
Operations Manual (P/N 070-0529-xx)
Choice of multiple user-configurable report formats and
commonly used data entries to simplify redundant
Supports importing/exporting of data between the
90219-02/90219-03 PC Direct/Base Station Interfaces
and 90219-05 analysis software, as well as exporting
of raw ASCII data files, faxing, and simultaneously
reviewing and editing of multiple reports.
Supports remote communications for remote monitor
programming and data retrieval.
90121 Ambulatory Blood
Pressure Report Management
Computer Support
Minimum configuration:
80386 personal computer or 100% compatible
3.5-inch floppy disk drive (1.44 MB)
VGA monitor (640 × 480 resolution or higher)
20 MB hard disk space
2- or 3-button mouse
Software Compatibility
Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition, Windows NT
Workstation 4.0, Windows 2000 Professional,
Windows XP Professional or Home Edition
Novell 3.1x or later
Printer Support
Dot-Matrix Printers Any dot-matrix printer supported
by Windows
Laser Printers Any laser printer supported by
Required Accessories
90121 ABP Report Management System
Direct cable for the 90202 monitor
Part Number: 012-0102-01
Direct cable for the 90207/90217 monitors
Part Number: 012-0097-02
Optional Accessories
Data selector to switch between the 90207, 90217,
90202, and modem
Part Number: 010-0186-00
Cable for data selector switch
Part Number: 012-0165-00
Modem cable for the 90202 monitor
Part Number: 012-0029-02
Modem cable for the 90207/90217 monitors
Part Number: 012-0096-01
Regulatory Approvals
CE marked in accordance with the Medical Device
Directive, 93/42/EEC.
Modem Support
Hayes or Hayes-compatible modem operating up to
1200 baud for 90202 and 90207, or 9600 baud for
Other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners.
061-0397-01 Rev. E 07/2004