Connecting the System 2
328XD Configuration 3
DS2416 Configuration 5
Soundcraft 328XD and Yamaha DS2416
Digital Connections
Connect audio connections as shown in the diagram below. Coaxial S/PDIF cables must be connected
from the DS2416 S/PDIF output to the 328XD S/PDIF input and vice versa.
Analogue Connections
Besides the digital S/PIDIF connections, the DS2416 has analog inputs and outputs. The DS2416
outputs can be connected to any 328XD input – Stereo 1 for example. The inputs can be derived from
any 328XD output, such as a pair of aux sends or the mix output, depending on how you wish to record.
Soundcraft 328XD and Yamaha DS2416
To configure the 328XD as the wordclock master, enter the 328XD Menu pages by pressing the
<MENU> button on the right hand side of the LCD display. Using the PARAM encoder beneath the
display, scroll up or down until the ‘Clock Source Sel’ menu is highlighted, and press <ENTER>. Here,
the sample rate at which you wish to work is also determined. Select ‘Internal:44.1kHz’ or
‘Internal:48.0kHz’, depending on the chosen sample rate:
S/PDIF Input
The S/PDIF Input on the console must be routed to a suitable destination. The available options are one
of the 2 Stereo Inputs, one of the 2 FX Returns or as a digital 2-Track Return.
So, the input which should be used will depend on which other inputs are connected. It is likely that the
most suitable input would be either Stereo 2 or as a digital 2-Track Return.
Enter the menu pages by pressing the <MENU> button on the right hand side of the LCD display. Using
the PARAM encoder beneath the display, scroll up or down until the ‘SPDIF I/P Setup’ menu is
highlighted and press <ENTER>. Using the PARAM encoder select the input required and press
<MENU> to return to the menu pages.
Selecting one of these destinations will override an analogue signal present at that input.
S/PDIF Output
Similarly, the S/PDIF Output from the console must be routed from a suitable source. The available
options are auxiliary ouputs 1/2, 3/4 FX-1/2 dry sends, the Mix bus, odd / even pairs of Group outputs or
the Control Room output. If the auxiliary or FX sends are selected, they should be considered as a stereo
source, 1 acting as the left channel and 2 acting as the right channel. If an auxiliary output is selected,
both the S/PDIF digital output and the analogue sends will be active.
Enter the menu pages by pressing the <MENU> button on the right hand side of the LCD display. Using
the PARAM encoder beneath the display, scroll up or down until the ‘SPDIF O/P Setup’ menu is
highlighted and press <ENTER>. Using the PARAM encoder select the output required and press
<MENU> to return to the menu pages.
Soundcraft 328XD and Yamaha DS2416