SoundCraft CPS275, CPS250 User Manual

Console Power Supply
User and Technical Manual
For your own safety and to avoid invalidation of the warranty all text marked with these Warning Symbols should be read carefully.
IMPORTANT: please read this manual carefully before connecting your Soundcraft console power supply to the mains for the first time.
© Harman International Industries Ltd. 1997 All rights reserved
Parts of the design of this product may be protected by worldwide paten ts.
Part No. ZM0195 Issue 3 Soundcraft is a trading division of Harman Intern at iona l Industrie s Ltd . Information in this manual is subject to change withou t notic e a nd doe s not
represent a commitment on the part of the vendo r. Soundcra ft sha ll not be lia ble fo r any loss or damage whatsoever arising from the use of information or an y error contained in this manual, or through any mis-operation or fault in hardware contained in the product.
No part of this manual may be reproduced, stored in a ret rie va l syst em , or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, electrical, mechanical, optical, chemical, including photocopying and rec ording , for any purp ose without the express written permission of Soundcraft.
It is recommended that all maintenanc e and service on the product should be carried out by Soundcraft or its authorised agents. Soundcraft cannot accept any liability whatsoever for any loss or dam ag e c a use d by service, maintenance or repair by unauthorised personnel.
Harman International Industries Ltd. Cranborne House Cranborne Industrial Estate Cranborne Road Potters Bar Herts. EN6 3JN England
Tel: 01707 665000 Fax: 01707 660482
Table of Contents
Introduction 1
Introduction 2 Short-circuit Protection 2 Mains Voltage Selection 3 Replacing Mains Fuse 3 Warranty 4
Recommendations For Installation 5
Recommendations For Installation 6 General 7 Dimensions 8 PSU Linking (CPS275 Only) 8
Technical Specification 9
Technical Description 11
Circuit Diagram (1) 12 Circuit Diagram (2) 13 Circuit Description 14 Servicing 17 PCB Layout 20 Output Pinouts 21
Parts List 23


Introduction 1
The CPS250/CPS275 are linear power supplies which, like other linear supplies, produce DC voltages by rectifying, smoothing and regulating AC voltages from the secondary windings of a mains transformer. Soundcraft mixing consoles employ a number of dc voltage supply levels in their op eration and these are all provide d at the output of each supply unit.
The CPS275 provides higher currents than the CPS250. The CPS275 also has the capability of being linked to a second CPS275 to provide a utomatic power backup in the event of one of the units failing.
In regulating these voltages there is considerable heat generated, the dissipation of which is achieved through a substan tial internal heat sink. A fan is incorporated which draws air over the heatsinks to provide adequate heat dissipation for the regulators and reduce the outer case tempera ture .
The CPS250/CPS275 is designed for installation in a 19" rack unit, oc cupyin g 2U of rack height. Refer to the section "RECOMMENDATIONS FOR INSTALLATION" on Page 5.
LED indication is provided on the front panel to show operation of the regulating circuits.
The +/-17V rails can withstand a short to ground or each other for up to one second; if the short circuit remains for longer than one second then both of the 17V ra ils will be shut down. To reset them the supply must be switched off for 6 seconds and then switched on again.
The +5V and +48V are current limited and will self rec over whe n any short ci rcuit is removed.
2 Introduction
Special attention should be paid to the fo llowing infor m atio n:
Do not change the voltage setting without first turning the unit off and unplugging the mains lead.
This unit is capable of operating over a range of mains voltages by means of a 4-position mains input fuse carrier. It is important to ensure that the correct voltage setting is selected for the level of local mains voltage supply, for safe, uninterrupted operation of the unit. Voltage selection is achieved by positioning the fuse carrier so that the required voltage appears next to the arro w which is moulded in the conne ctor. In this way the unit is set up for operation at one of the following ranges of mains supply:
Vrms AC Vrms AC
230 196 - 253 115 98 - 126 100 85 - 110 85 73 - 93
To remove the fuse use a small screwdriver to prise the fuse carrier from its location in the connector.
To avoid risk of fire use the correct value fuse, as indicated on the unit.
Switch the ON/OFF switch to the OFF position. Remove the mains lead from the connector. Use a small screwdriver to prise th e fuse carrier from its location i n the connector. Check the fuse and replace if necessary; also check that the voltage selection is correct for the mains supply level be fore switc hin g the unit ON agai n.
In the event of repeated failure of t he mains fuse co nsult the Sound craft dealer from where the unit was purchased.
This unit contains no user serviceable parts. Refer all servicing to a qualified service engineer, through the appropriate Soundcraft dealer.
Introduction 3
Soundcraft End User Dealer
purchased the Equipment, provided such a pe rs on is a utho ri se d fo r th is purpos e by Soundcraft or its accredited Distributor.
2 If within the period of twelve months from the date of delivery of the Equipment to the End User it shall prove defective by reaso n only of faul ty ma terials and/or workmanship to such an extent that the effectiveness and/or usability thereof is materially affected the Equipment or the defe c tiv e c omp onent should be returned to the Dealer or to Soundcraft and subject to the following conditions the Dealer or Soundcraft will repair or replace the defective com pon en ts. Any com pone nt s replaced will become the property of Soundcraft.
3 Any Equipment or component returned will be at the risk of the End User whilst in transit (both to and from the Dealer or Soundcraft) and postage must be prep ai d.
4 This warranty shall only be available if:
a) the Equipment has been properly installed in accordance with instructions
contained in Soundcraft’s manual; and
is a trading division of Harman International Industrie s Lt d.
means the person who first puts the equipment into regular operati on.
means the person other than Soundcraft (if any) from whom the End User
means the equipment supplied with this ma nua l.
b) the End User has notified Soundcraft or the Dealer within 14 da ys of the defe ct
appearing; and
c) no persons other than authorised representatives of Soundcraft or the Dealer have effected any replacement of parts maintenan ce ad justme nt s or repa irs to the Equipment; and
d) the End User has used the Equipment only for such purposes as Soundc ra ft recommends, with only such operating supplies as mee t Sou ndc raft’s spec i fica t ions and otherwise in all respects in accordance So undc ra ft ’s rec omm e nda ti ons.
5 Defects arising as a result of the following ar e not cov ere d by thi s Wa rra nty: faulty or negligent handling, chemical or ele c tro-c hem ic a l or electrical influences, accidental damage, Acts of God, neglect, deficiency in electrical power, air-conditioning or humidity control.
6. The benefit of this Warranty may not be assign ed by the End Us er.
7. End Users who are consumers should note their rights under this Warrant y are in addition to and do not affect any other rights to which they may be en tit le d ag ai nst the seller of the Equipment.
4 Introduction
+ 18 hidden pages