This manual is a collection of AT commands supported by Sony Ericsson PC Cards
(GC75,GC79,GC82,GC83,GC85 and GC89). The set of AT commands and AT command
functionality implemented may vary between PC Cards. Not all commands will operate on
every Sony Ericsson PC Card.
This chapter specifies concepts and definitions that are common to both ITU-T V.25ter [28]
and ITU-T V.250 [29] recommendations (V.250 supersedes V.25ter), extended with Sony
Ericsson specific implementations.
This manual is a collection of AT commands supported in Sony Ericsson GC7X and GC8X
PC Cards. The set of AT commands and AT command functionality implemented may vary
between PC Cards.
The ITU-T T.50 [27] International Alphabet 5, hereinafter cited as “IA5”, is used in this
specification. Only the low-order seven bits of each character are significant to the TA; any
eighth or higher-order bit(s), if present, are ignored for the purpose of identifying commands
and parameters. Lower-case characters (IA5 values from 6/1 to 7/10) are considered identical
to their upper-case equivalents (IA5 values from 4/1 to 5/10) when received by the TA from
the TE. Result codes from the TA, which are defined in this recommendation, shall be in
upper case.
DTE command lines
In the descriptions that follow, words enclosed in <angle brackets> are references to
syntactical elements defined in this specification. When they appear in a command line, the
brackets are not used. Words enclosed in [square brackets] represent optional items; such
items may be omitted from the command line at the point where they are specified, and when
they appear the square brackets are not included in the command line. Other characters that
appear in syntax descriptions shall appear in the places shown.
In the following sub-clauses regarding TE commands, references are made to responses
issued by the TA, which are defined in “TA responses”, page 18. In order to provide a clearer
presentation, TA responses are mentioned in terms of their alphabetic format; the actual
response issued will depend on the setting of parameters that affect response formats (e.g. Q
and V commands).
Command line general format
A command line is made up of three elements: the prefix, the body, and the termination
The command line prefix consists of the characters “AT” (IA5 4/1, 5/4) or “at” (IA5 6/1, 7/4).
The body is made up of individual commands as specified later in this recommendation.
Space characters (IA5 2/0) are ignored and may be used freely for formatting purposes,
unless they are embedded in numeric or string constants, see “Numeric constants”, page 13
or “String constants”, page 13. The termination character may not appear in the body. The
TA shall be capable of accepting at least 40 characters in the body.
The termination character may be selected by a user option (parameter S3), the default being
CR (IA5 0/13).
Command line editing
The character defined by parameter S5 (default, BS [IA5 0/8]) shall be interpreted as a
request from the TE to the TA to delete the previous character. Any control characters (IA5
0/0 through 1/15, inclusive) that remain in the command line after receipt of the termination
character shall be ignored by the TA.
The TA checks characters from the TE, first to see if they match the termination character
(S3), then the editing character (S5), before checking for other characters. This insures that
these characters will be properly recognized even if they are set to values that the TA uses
for other purposes. If S3 and S5 are set to the same value, a matching character will be treated
as matching S3 (S3 is checked before S5).
Command line echo
The TA may echo characters received from the TE during command state and online
command state back to the TE, depending on the setting of the E command. If so enabled,
characters received from the TE are echoed at the same rate, parity, and format as received.
Types of TE Commands
There are two types of commands: action commands and parameter commands. Action
commands may be “executed” (to invoke a particular function of the equipment, which
generally involves more than the simple storage of a value for later use), or “tested” (to
determine whether or not the equipment implements the action command, and, if subparameters are associated with the action, the ranges of sub-parameter values that are
supported). Parameters may be “set” (to store a value or values for later use), “read” (to
determine the current value or values stored), or “tested” (to determine whether or not the
equipment implements the parameter, and the ranges of values supported).
TE Command
“Basic Command”, page 11 defines Basic Syntax TE commands, which are implemented in
common TA. This specification also defines Extended Syntax TE commands in “Extended
commands”, page 12. Commands of either type may be included in command lines, in any
Basic Command
Basic Command Format
The format of Basic Syntax commands, except for the D and S commands, is as follows:
•<cmd>[...<number >]
where <cmd> is either a single character, or the “&” character (IA5 2/6) followed by a single
character. Characters used in <cmd> shall be taken from the set of alphabetic characters.
<number> may be a string of one or more characters from “0” through “9” representing a
decimal integer value. Commands that expect a <number> are noted in the description of the
command. If a command expects <number> and it is missing (<cmd> is immediately
followed in the command line by another <cmd> or the termination character), the value “0”
is assumed. If a command does not expect a <number> and a number is present, an ERROR
is generated. All leading “0”s in <number> are ignored by the TA. Additional commands
may follow a command (and associated parameter, if any) on the same command line
without any character required for separation. The actions of some commands cause the
remainder of the command line to be ignored (e.g. A).
See the D command “D - Dial (non GPRS calls)”, page 34 for details on the format of the
information that follows it.
Commands that begin with the letter “S” constitute a special group of parameters known as
“S-parameters”. These differ from other commands in important respects. The number
following the “S” indicates the “parameter number” being referenced. If the number is not
recognized as a valid parameter number, an ERROR result code is issued.
Immediately following this number, either a “?” or “=” character (IA5 3/15 or 3/13,
respectively) shall appear. “?” is used to read the current value of the indicated S-parameter;
“=” is used to set the S-parameter to a new value.
If the “=” is used, the new value to be stored in the S-parameter is specified in decimal
following the “=”. If no value is given (i.e. the end of the command line occurs or the next
command follows immediately), the S-parameter specified may be set to 0, or an ERROR
result code issued and the.stored value left unchanged. The ranges of acceptable values are
given in the description of each S-parameter.
If the “?” is used, the TA transmits a single line of information text to the TE.
For S-parameters defined in this specification, the text portion of this information text
consists of exactly three characters, giving the value of the S-parameter in decimal, with
leading zeroes included.
Extended commands
Command naming rules
Both actions and parameters have names, which are used in the related commands. Names
always begin with the character “+” (IA5 2/15). Following the “+”, from one to sixteen (16)
additional characters appear in the command name. These characters shall be selected from
the following set:
•A through Z (IA5 4/1 through 5/10)
•0 through 9 (IA5 3/0 through 3/9)
•! (IA5 2/1)
•% (IA5 2/5)
•- (IA5 2/13)
•. (IA5 2/14)
•/ (IA5 2/15)
• : (IA5 3/10)
•_ (IA5 5/15)
•*E (IA5 2/10 and 4/5)
The first character following the “+” shall be an alphabetic character in the range of “A”
through “Z”. This first character generally implies the application in which a command is
used or the standards committee that defined it (e.g. command names beginning with “F” are
generally associated with facsimile-related standards, promulgated by Study Group 8). See
Appendix I for information on first command characters reserved for use by particular
standards committees. All other +leadin character sequences are reserved for future
standardization by the ITU-T. The command interpreter in the Data Circuit-terminating
Equipment (TA) considers lower-case characters to be the same as their upper-case
equivalents; therefore, command names defined in standards referencing this
Recommendation that include alphabetic characters should be defined using only the uppercase characters.
Standards that reference this recommendation may choose to establish internal naming
conventions that permit implicit recognition of a name as an action or as a parameter. For
example, the standard could choose to end all action names with an exclamation point (“!”),
or all parameter names with a percent sign (“%”). This recommendation imposes no such
conventions, however.
Sony Ericsson Specific Command
Both actions and parameters have names, which are used in the related commands. Names
always begin with the two characters “*E” (IA5 2/10 and 4/5). Following the “*E”, from one
to fifteen (15) additional characters shall appear in the command name.
When sub-parameters are associated with the execution of an action, or when setting a
parameter, the command may include specification of values. This is indicated by the
appearance of <value> in the descriptions below.
<value> shall consist of either a numeric constant or a string constant.
Numeric constants
Numeric constants are expressed in decimal, hexadecimal, or binary.
Decimal numeric constants shall consist of a sequence of one or more of the characters “0”
(IA5 3/0) through “9” (IA5 3/9), inclusive.
Hexadecimal numeric constants shall consist of a sequence of one or more of the characters
“0” (IA5 3/0) through “9” (IA5 3/h), inclusive, and “A” (IA5 4/1) through “F” (IA5 4/6)
inclusive. The characters “A” through “F” represent the equivalent decimal values 10
through 15.
Binary numeric constants shall consist of a sequence of one or more of the characters “0”
(IA5 3/0) and “1” (IA5 3/1).
In all numeric constants, the most significant digit is specified first. Leading “0” characters
shall be ignored by the TA. No spaces, hyphens, periods, commas, parentheses, or other
generally-accepted numeric formatting characters are permitted in numeric constants.
Note!An “H” suffix is appended to the end of hexadecimal constants.
String constants
String constants shall consist of a sequence of displayable IA5 characters, each in the range
from 2/0 to 7/15, inclusive, except for the characters “““ (IA5 2/2) and “\” (IA5 5/12). String
constants shall be bounded at the beginning and end by the double-quote character (“““, IA5
A “null” string constant, or a string constant of zero length, is represented by two adjacent
delimiters (“”).
Compound values
Actions may have more than one sub-parameter associated with them, and parameters may
have more than one value. These are known as “compound values”, and their treatment is the
same in both actions and parameters.
A compound value consists of any combination of numeric and string values (as defined in
the description of the action or parameter). The comma character (IA5 2/12) shall be
included as a separator, before the second and all subsequent values in the compound value.
If a value is not specified (i.e. defaults assumed), the required comma separator shall be
specified; however, trailing comma characters may be omitted if all associated values are
also omitted.
Action Command
Action execution command
There are two general types of action commands: those that have associated sub-parameter
values that affect only that invocation of the command, and those that have no subparameters. If sub-parameters are associated with a command, the definition of the action
command shall indicate, for each sub-parameter, whether the specification of a value for that
sub-parameter is mandatory or optional. For optional sub-parameters, the definition shall
indicate the assumed (default) value for the sub-parameter if no value is specified for that
sub-parameter; the assumed value may be either a previous value (i.e. the value of an omitted
sub-parameter remains the same as the previous invocation of the same command, or is
determined by a separate parameter or other mechanism), or a fixed value (e.g. the value of
an omitted sub-parameter is assumed to be zero).
Generally, the default value for numeric sub-parameters is 0, and the default value for string
sub-parameters is “” (empty string).
The following syntax is used for actions that have no sub-parameters:
The following syntax is used for actions that have one sub-parameter:
The following syntax is used for actions that have two or more sub-parameters:
For actions that accept sub-parameters, if all sub-parameters are defined as being optional,
and the default values for all sub-parameters are satisfactory, the Data Terminal Equipment
(TE) may use the first syntax above (i.e. omit the “” from the action execution command as
well as all of the sub-parameter value string).
If the named action is implemented in the TA and other relevant criteria are met (e.g. the TA
is in the proper state), the command shall be executed with any indicated sub-parameters. If
<cmd> is not recognized, the TA issues the ERROR result code and terminates processing
of the command line.
An ERROR is also generated if a sub-parameter is specified for an action that does not accept
sub-parameters, if too many sub-parameters are specified, if a mandatory sub-parameter is
not specified, if a value is specified of the wrong type, or if a value is specified that is not
within the supported range.
Action test command
The TE may test if an action command is implemented in the TA by using the syntax:
If the TA does not recognize the indicated name, it shall return an ERROR result code and
terminate processing of the command line. If the TA does recognize the action name, it shall
return an OK result code. If the named action accepts one or more sub-parameters, the TA
shall send an information text response to the TE, prior to the OK result code, specifying the
values supported by the TA for each such sub-parameter, and possibly additional
The format of this information text is defined for each action command; general formats for
specification of sets and ranges of numeric values are described in “Responses”, page 18 and
“Extended syntax result codes”, page 19.
Parameter Command
Parameters may be defined as “read-only” or “read-write”.
“Read-only” parameters are used to provide status or identifying information to the TE, but
are not settable by the TE; attempting to set their value is an error. In some cases (specified
in the description of the individual parameter), the TA may ignore attempts to set the value
of such parameters rather than respond with an ERROR result code, if the continued correct
operation of the interface between the TA and TE will not be affected by such action. Readonly parameters may be read and tested.
“Read-write” parameters may be set by the TE, to store a value or values for later use. Readwrite parameters may be set, read, and tested.
Parameters may take either a single value, or multiple (compound) values.
Each value may be either numeric or string; the definition of the parameter shall specify the
type of value for each sub-parameter. Attempting to store a string value in a numeric
parameter, or a numeric value in a string parameter, is an error.
Parameter set command
The definition of the parameter shall indicate, for each value, whether the specification of
that value is mandatory or optional. For optional values, the definition shall indicate the
assumed (default) value if none is specified; the assumed value may be either a previous
value (i.e. the value of an omitted sub-parameter retains its previous value), or a fixed value
(e.g. the value of an omitted sub-parameter is assumed to be zero). Generally, the default
value for numeric parameters is 0, and the default value for string parameters is “” (empty
The following syntax is used for parameters that accept a single value:
The following syntax is used for parameters that accept more than one value:
If the named parameter is implemented in the TA, all mandatory values are specified, and all
values are valid according to the definition of the parameter, the specified values shall be
stored. If <cmd>is not recognized, one or more mandatory values are omitted, or one or more
values are of the wrong type or outside the permitted range, the TA issues the ERROR result
code and terminates processing of the command line. An ERROR is also generated if too
many values are specified. In case of an error, all previous values of the parameter are
Parameter read command syntax
The TE may determine the current value or values stored in a parameter by using the
following syntax:
If the named parameter is implemented in the TA, the current values stored for the parameter
are sent to the TE in an information text response. The format of this response is described
in the definition of the parameter. Generally, the values will be sent in the same form in
which they would be issued by the TE in a parameter setting command; if multiple values
are supported, they will generally be separated by commas, as in a parameter setting
Concatenating commands after extended syntax commands
Additional commands may follow an extended syntax command on the same command line
if a semicolon (“;” IA5 3/11) is inserted after the preceding extended command as a
separator. The semicolon is not necessary when the extended syntax command is the last
command on the command line.
Concatenating commands after basic format commands
Extended syntax commands may appear on the same command line after a basic syntax
command without a separator, in the same manner as concatenation of basic syntax
Issuing commands
All characters in a command line shall be issued at the same data rate, and with the same
parity and format.
If the maximum number of characters that the TA can accept in the body is exceeded, an
ERROR result code shall be generated after the command line is terminated.
The TE shall not begin issuing a subsequent command line until at least one-tenth of a second
has elapsed after receipt of the entire result code issued by the TA in response to the
preceding command line.
Executing commands
Upon receipt of the termination character, the TA shall commence execution of the
commands in the command line in the order received from the TE.
Should execution of a command result in an error, or a character be not recognized as a valid
command (or command string), execution is terminated, the remainder of the command line
is ignored, and the ERROR result code is issued. Otherwise, if all commands execute
correctly, only the result code associated with the last command shall be issued; result codes
for preceding commands are suppressed. If no commands appear in the command line, the
OK result code is issued.
Aborting commands
Some action commands that require time to execute may be aborted while in progress; these
are explicitly noted in the description of the command. Aborting of commands is
accomplished by the transmission from the TE to the TA of any character. A single character
shall be sufficient to abort the command in progress; however, characters transmitted during
the first 125 milliseconds after transmission of the termination character shall be ignored (to
allow for the TE to append additional control characters such as line feed after the command
line termination character). To insure that the aborting character is recognized by the TA, it
should be sent at the same rate as the preceding command line; the TA may ignore characters
sent at other rates. When such an aborting event is recognized by the TA, it shall terminate
the command in progress and return an appropriate result code to the TE, as specified for the
particular command.
Handling of invalid numbers and S-parameter values
The TA shall react to undefined numbers and S-parameter values in the following way; issue
the ERROR result code, and leave the previous value of the parameter unchanged;
TA responses
While in command state and online command state, the TA shall issue responses using the
same rate, word length, and parity as the most recently received TE command line. In the
event that no TE command has yet been received, rate, word length, and parity used will
depend on the capabilities of the TA.
When the TA transitions from the command state or online command state to the online data
state, the result code CONNECT should be issued at the bit rate and parity used during the
command state. When the TA transitions from the online data state to the command state or
online command state, the result codes should be issued at the bit rate used during the online
data state.
Thereafter, any unsolicited result codes should use the bit rate and parity of the last command
line issued by the TE to the TA.
The characters of a response shall be contiguous, with no more than 100 milliseconds of
mark idle issued between characters in addition to stop elements.
There are two types of responses that may be issued by the TA: information text and result
Information text responses consist of three parts: a header, text, and a trailer. The characters
transmitted for the header are determined by a user setting (see the V command). The trailer
consists of two characters, being the character having the ordinal value of parameter S3
followed by the character having the ordinal value of parameter S4.
Result codes consist of three parts: a header, the result text, and a trailer. The characters
transmitted for the header and trailer are determined by a user setting (see the V command).
The result text may be transmitted as a number or as a string, depending on a user selectable
setting (see the V command).
There are three types of result codes: final, intermediate, and unsolicited.
A final result code indicates the completion of a full TA action and a willingness to accept
new commands from the TE. An intermediate result code is a report of the progress of a TA
action. The CONNECT result code is an intermediate result code (others may be defined by
manufacturers). In the case of a dialing or answering command, the TA moves from
command state to online data state, and issues a CONNECT result code. This is an
intermediate result code for the TA because it is not prepared to accept commands from the
TE while in online data state. When the TA moves back to the command state, it will then
issue a final result code (such as OK or NO CARRIER).
Unsolicited result codes (such as RING) indicate the occurrence of an event not directly
associated with the issuance of a command from the TE.
Table 1 indicates result codes that shall be implemented by the TA, their numeric
equivalents, and a brief description of the use of each. In clause 6, the description of each
command includes the specific result codes that may be issued in relation to that command
and the circumstances under which they may be issued.
Table 1/V.250 - Result codes
Result code
OK0Acknowledges execution of a command
CONNECT1A connection has been established; the TA is moving
RING2The TA has detected an incoming call signal from the
ERROR4Command not recognized, command line maximum
BUSY7Engaged (busy) state detected
3The connection has been terminated or the attempt to
from command state to online data state
establish a connection failed
length exceeded, parameter value invalid, or other
problem with processing the command line
“@” (Wait for Quiet Answer) dial modifier was used,
but remote ringing followed by five seconds of silence
was not detected before expiration of the connection
timer (S7)
Same as CONNECT, but includes manufacturerspecific text that may specify TE speed, line speed,
error control, data compression, or other status
Extended syntax result codes
Extended syntax result codes may be issued in response to either basic or extended
commands, or both. The appropriate responses shall be specified in the definitions of the
commands, the responses, or both.
The general format of extended syntax result codes is the same as result codes defined in
TIA-602 with regard to headers and trailers. The characters specified in S-parameters S3 and S4 shall be used in headers and trailers of extended syntax result codes as they are in basic
format result codes. The setting of the “V” command shall affect the headers and trailers
associated with extended syntax result codes in the same manner as basic format result codes;
however, unlike basic format result codes, extended syntax result codes have no numeric
equivalent, and are always issued in alphabetic form.
Extended syntax result codes shall be subject to suppression by the “Q1” command, as with
basic format result codes. The issuance of extended syntax result codes shall not be affected
by the setting of the “X” command.
Extended syntax result codes may be either final, intermediate, or unsolicited; the type shall
be indicated in the definition of the result code.
Extended syntax result codes shall be prefixed by the “+” or “ *E” character to avoid
duplication of basic format result codes specified in TIA-602 and by manufacturers.
Following the “+” and “ *E” character(s), the name of the result code appears; result code
names shall follow the same rules as command names (see “Command naming rules”, page
Extended syntax result codes may include the reporting of values. The definition of the result
code shall specify whether or not values are appended to the result code, and, if so, how
many, their types, and their assumed default values if omitted. When no values are to be
reported, the result code appears in the simplest form:
If a single value is to be reported, the form of the result code shall be:
Note!A single space character (ASCII 20h) separates the colon character (ASCII 3Ah) from the
<value>; no space appears between the result code name and the colon.
If multiple values are to be reported with the result code, the form is:
where <compound_value>follows the rules specified in “Compound values”, page 14.
Information text formats for test commands
In general, the format of information text returned by extended syntax commands shall be
specified in the definition of the command. This subclause describes recommended formats
for information text returned in response to action test (for actions that accept one or more
sub-parameters) and parameter test commands. The definitions of the responses to such
testing commands, as described in the definitions of the associated commands in standards
that reference this Recommendation, may use this recommended format or any other suitable
format that is adequately specified.
Note!The TA may insert intermediate <CR characters in very long information text responses, in
order to avoid overrunning TE receive buffers. If intermediate <CR characters are
included, the TA shall not include the character sequences “0 <CR ” (3/0, 0/13) or
“OK...CR ” (4/15, 4/11, 0/13), so that TE can avoid false detection of the end of these
information text responses.
Range of values
When the action accepts a single numeric sub-parameter, or the parameter accepts only one
numeric value, the set of supported values may be presented in the information text as an
ordered list of values. The list shall be preceded by a left parenthesis (“(”, IA5 2/8), and is
followed by a right parenthesis (“)”, IA5 2/9). If only a single value is supported, it shall
appear between the parentheses.
If more than one value is supported, then the values may be listed individually, separated by
comma characters (IA5 2/12), or, when a continuous range of values is supported, by the first
value in the range, followed by a hyphen character (IA5 2/13), followed by the last value in
the range. The specification of single values and ranges of values may be intermixed within
a single information text. In all cases, the supported values shall be indicated in ascending
For example, the following are some examples of value range indications:
(0) Only the value 0 is supported.
(1,2,3) The values 1, 2, and 3 are supported.
(1-3) The values 1 through 3 are supported.
(0,4,5,6,9,11,12) The several listed values are supported.
(0,4-6,9,11-12) An alternative expression of the above list.
Compound range of values
When the action accepts more than one sub-parameter, or the parameter accepts more than
one value, the set of supported values may be presented as a list of the parentheticallyenclosed value range strings described in above, separated by commas. For example,
the information text in response to testing an action that accepts three sub-parameters, and
supports various ranges for each of them, could appear as follows:
This indicates that the first sub-parameter accepts only the value 0, the second accepts any
value from 1 through 3 inclusive, and the third sub-parameter accepts any of the values
0, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, or 12.
In-band Escape mechanism
An in-band escape mechanism is an identifiable sequence of characters sent from the TE to
the TA that when received, causes the TA to switch from on-line data mode to on-line
command mode. These characters are called escape sequence.
This specification covers the use of the Time Independent Escape Sequence (TIES) by
The TIES method is as follows:
•Start with the escape sequence (three +)
•Followed by
•Followed by an optional AT-command
•Followed by the terminating character stored in S3
Control and Identification Commands
In the following syntax tables, the final result codes “OK” and “ERROR” are implied and
are omitted from the command syntax
Z - Reset to Factory Defined Configuration
Action command syntax
CommandPossible response(s)
This command resets the values to user default settings and closes all connections. If the TA
has a data-call in progress, it is disconnected from the call, terminating any (GSM) dataconnection in progress. GPRS connection isn’t affected by this command.
All of the functions of the command shall be completed before the TA issues the result code.
An OK result code for this command is issued using the same rate, parity, and word format
as the TE command line containing the command, but using the new values for parameters
that affect the format of result codes (e.g. Q, V, S3, S4).
ATZ is the same as ATH&F.
The TE should not include additional commands on the same command line after the Z
command because such commands may be ignored.
Because this command may take into consideration the settings of nonvolatile parameter
storage, it does not necessarily return the TA to a “known state”. In particular, the TA may,
as a result of execution of this command, be placed in a state in which it appears to not
respond to TE commands, or respond in a completely different format than was being used
prior to execution of the command.
Control and Identification Commands23
&F - Reset to Default Configuration
Action command syntax
CommandPossible response(s)
This command instructs the TA to set all parameters to factory default values specified by
the manufacturer, which may take into consideration hardware configuration switches and
other manufacturer-defined criteria.
An OK result code for this command is issued using the same rate, parity, and word format
as the TE command line containing the command, but using the factory-defined values for
other parameters that affect the format of result codes (e.g. Q, V, S3, S4) and dependent upon
other commands that may follow on the same command line.
I - Request HW Version
Action command syntax Command
CommandPossible response(s)
This command causes the TA to transmit one or more lines of information text, determined
by the manufacturer.
0 same info as +GMM
1 same info as +GMR.
8TA hardware revision (Type approved HW revision).
Hardware revision must be stored so it does not change when the software is upgraded.
Set command to select the WDS side stack <n> to be used by the TA. Read command shows
current setting and test command displays side stacks implemented in the TA.
Defined values
0 Indicates that no wireless stack is active i.e +CFUN=4. Only possible in
a response.
12 GSM digital cellular i.e. +CFUN=1. Default.
240 Indicates that no wireless stack is active and the phone is connected to
a power source (charge only mode) i.e. +CFUN=0.
Only possible in a response.
*MCNFG - Module Configuration Change
DescriptionSyntaxPossible Responses
Activate command*MCNFG=<configTy
pe>, <mode>
Check command
Test if the command
is supported
*MCNFG =? *MCNFG: (list of supported < configType
This command changes the default configuration of the module.
+CME ERROR: <err>
+CME ERROR: <err>
+CME ERROR: <err>
Control and Identification Commands29
0Disable functionality.
0Enable functionality.
1Disable/Enable following unsolicited events using <mode> = 0 or
1.Incoming SMS event.SMS memory full eventPhonebook ready event
(at power-up)
2Disable/Enable SMS read status change from REC_UNREAD to
REC_READ (at SMS read/list command +CMGR\+CMGL) using
<mode> = 0 or 1.
3<mode> = 1 Set module into GSM only mode, after power up. No
GPRS attach will be performed.<mode> = 0 Set module into
GSM\GPRS mode as default.
4<mode> = 1 PDA to inform the firmware that the SMS storage on the
PDA side is full.<mode> = 0 PDA to inform the firmware that the SMS
storage on the PDA side is available again. Default Setting
Note!Because the PDA set the SMS display mode to display only (AT+CNMI=2.2_ for SMS to be
sent to PDA directly without storing to SIM, PDA will need to reset the mode to default
value of AT+CNMI=2, 1 when PDA storage is full, so that the firmware can start to manage
the storage of incoming SMS in SIM.
*MCNFG=1, 1/0 and *MMGSR are a pair. When *MCNFG=2, 0 is issued, SMS status will
not be changed by +CMGR\+CMGL. The status must be changed by *MMGSR after the
user reads it. If *MCNFG=2, 1 is issued (this is also the default value), there is no need to
use *MMGSR.
0-255For values refer to +CME ERROR tables.
30Control and Identification Commands
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