Sony Ericsson Wireless Manager:
How to make GPRS connections using
Windows Dial Up Networking
PA1 2003-10-07

Sony Ericsson Wireless Manager:
How to make GPRS connections using Windows Dial Up Networking
The Sony Ericsson Wireless Manager application normally makes GPRS connections via the
Wireless Wan (NDIS) Adaptor. Windows treats this as a LAN connection and therefore can
use the logic to select the fastest available connection. The connection is made via the
’Connect’ button in the Wireless Manager or automatically when Manager preferences are set
to start the application when Windows starts and to make the nominated GPRS connection.
In some applications, it may be necessary to connect to GPRS using Windows Dial-Up
Networking instead. Possible cases are:
• Use of a one-time password generator – the user needs to be prompted for password
at each login, rather than entering a single static password in the Connection Wizard
• Where a LAN proxy is in use for a corporate network connection and a separate
proxy is required for a GPRS connection. Windows can only manage one web proxy
across all LAN connections, however individual proxies can be set up per DUN
• Where it is useful to initiate the connection from a Windows application rather than
manually in the Manager or fully automatic using Manager preferences.
Define the APN and PDP Context details
Instead of dialling a conventional telephone number, GPRS connections are made by dialling
the code *99***1# to *99***10# as the telephone number. When the PC card sees this
number, it initiates a GPRS connection using the PDP context details stored in CID 1 to 10.
These details are stored in flash memory in the PC Card, hence they can be set up once by
the IT department before the card is handed to the user.
There are several ways to set up these details.
1. Connection Wizard
Use the Connection Wizard in the Wireless Manager. Enter the information and click Finish.
Now select the connection in the drop-down list and click Connect. It does not matter if the
connection is made or not – the connection information will have been stored on the PC card
in CID2 and can be dialled using *99***2#
The drawback of this method is that if the user selects a different connection in the Wireless
Manager, CID2 will be overwritten and dialling *99***2# will connect to the new connection the
user selected. CID2 will always be set to the last GPRS connection the user made via the
Wireless Manager.
2. Use Hyperterminal
Check in Control Panel | Phone and Modem options to find out the port on which your GCxx
Wireless Modem is installed.
Open Hyperterminal and type
For example,
Using CID 3 means that it will not be overwritten by anything in the Wireless Manager