Sony VGX-XL1A User Manual

VGX-XL1A Computer
The section of the sheet titleid "VGX-XL1A - Rear Inputs & Outputs" incorrectly states that 1080i component outpu is supported. This format is not supported through the component output. Certain applications provided with your VGX-XL1 Digital Living System™ (for example, DVgate Plus™) only work with 1080i resolution so they may not function properly when your system is connected with the component output.
The section of the sheet titled "VGX-XL1A Digital Living System Computer" incorrectly states that a coaxial cable IS supplied. The coaxial cable is not supplied with your VGX-XL1A Digital Living System Computer.
If you have questions about this information, please call 1-888-476-6972, visit Sony Customer Service on the Sony enline support V\/eb site at, or write to the Sony Customer Information Service Center at 12451 Gateway Blvd., Ft. Myers, FL 33913, USA
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