SRG Series
Full-HD PTZ Remote Camera
SRG-300SE SRG-300H SRG-300H

Sony is expanding its renowned Pan/Tilt/Zoom camera family with the
introduction of its new SRG Series cameras. The SRG-360SHE and SRG-120DS
are new PTZ camera models in the SRG line-up. These cameras achieve superb
picture quality utilizing Sony’s latest imaging technology and 1080/60p
resolution, and deliver reliability with field-proven operability.
The SRG-360SHE is a desktop or ceiling-mountable remote camera with an
amazingly high 30x optical zoom capability. The SRG-120DS is a desktop remote
camera with 12x optical zoom and an exceptional 71-degree horizontal viewing
angle. These cameras are ideal for a range of applications including lecture
capture, telemedicine, remote shooting, and video conferencing applications.
Superb full-HD 1080/60p video with
high picture quality
SRG Series cameras provide superior picture quality by
incorporating a sophisticated 1/2.8-type Exmor CMOS
image sensor. They provide smooth, crisply detailed, fullHD (1920 x 1080/60p) images with extremely low noise.
High frame rate (60 fps) operation ensures smoother,
more fluid reproduction of moving subjects.
In addition, outstanding View-DR
the dynamic range for clear images under harsh
backlighting with extremes of light and dark in the same
scene. XDNR
crisp reproduction of still and moving objects in poorly
illuminated rooms.
Without View-DR function With View-DR function
technology reduces image noise for
technology expands
* Simulated images
Powerful optical zoom and wide
viewing angle
The SRG-360SHE, SRG-300SE, and SRG-300H provide
up to a 30x optical zoom capability and 12x digital zoom
for frame-filling close-ups with every detail seen clearly.
Responsive autofocus ensures that images stay clear
and sharp, even at high zooming settings. And the SRG120DS, SRG-120DH, and SRG-120DU provide up to a 12x
optical zoom capability and 12x digital zoom.
In addition, a wide horizontal viewing angle maximizes
effectiveness in the boardroom, particularly when there
are many participants. These cameras are ideal for large
meeting rooms and auditoriums.
The SRG-360SHE, SRG-300SE, and SRG-300H support a
horizontal viewing angle of 65 degrees, and the SRG120DS, SRG-120DH, and SRG-120DU support 71 degrees.
30x Optical
Wide-end Tele-end
* Simulated images
SRG Series cameras can be controlled via the VISCA™
protocol over IP connections.
They are also compatible with Sony’s RM-IP10 IP Remote
Controller to enable comfortable pan, tilt, and zoom
operation with an optical three-axis joystick.
In addition, you can control up to 112 cameras over IP
connections by using five remote controllers.
Enhanced audio quality with
equalizer and auto lip-sync function
Providing great intelligibility, the SRG-360SHE enhances
stereo audio from a connected stereo microphone
(optional) or line inputs by using the onboard equalizer
and auto level control. Unwanted signal delays between
audio and video are compensated for by the auto lipsync function. The SRG-300SE is equipped with two-way
monaural audio input interfaces: an external LINE input
and a MIC input.*
* The LINE and MIC are selectable.