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FM Stereo/AM PUL Synthesized Headphone fladto
Operating Instructions
Before operating the unit, pleaee read this manual thoroughly t
retam it tor future reference.
Sony Corporation C199B PrMod in Japan
Owner’s Record
Tbs modsi and sartal numbsra ars locstsd at ths toft rsar.
Record the serial number in the apace provided below.
Rotor to them whenever you cal upon your Sony deStot rsgardinQ this product.
Modal Na 8RPJ4MSS Sartal No
•FM StaraolAM Р1Д. (Pbaaa Locad Loop) aymhaiiaad baadphona radio
• AdMtobto doubts headbands designad to fit your head
•Tbs AVtS (Automatte VMuma UtiMar Syatam) to alow you to emit the maximum voluma
vMioui dagradtog the sound dually
• Watar^aatoiant tor al>waaihar opanMion
•Capabtoty to praaat up to $ atttiona in aa^ band praaat in toa daairad order
• Light raftoclor to roflact ear Nghta at night tor your aato^
You aro cautionad that any cbangas or modffieationa not axproaaly approved in itoa
manual could void your authority to operate to» aquipmant
Tbit aquipmant baa bean tasted and tound to comply with the Omits tor a Class В rigiiai
dsviea. pursuant to Fart 1$ of RX Rutoa. Tbaaa Imita are deaignad to provida
геааопаЫа protoction against harmful intertorence in e residential instaltotton. TMe
equifxnertt generates, uses, and can radtota radto Iraquaney energy and. if not inatatfad
and used in accordance with the instructione. may causa harmful intartoranoa to radio
eommunicationa. However, there to no guarantee that mtarfaranc* wW not occur in a
particular instalation. If toto aquipmant does causa harmful intartoranca to radto or
tatovision recaption, wbtob can be dataoninad by turning tba aquipmant off and on. toe
user to encouraged to iiy to corroci the intariaranco by one or more of me toiowing
— RaortoM or ratocato toe raoaMng antenna.
— tnoraaaa the aaparaiion between the aquipmant and racaivar.
—Contract the aquipmant into an outlet on e circuit dittorent from that to which the
raoeivar to oonneetod.
—Consult toe daator or an axpartoncad radtonv tacbnictort for help.
Fiequaney range (Cbsnnal Step)
FM47.S-10e MHz (ai MHD
AM:530-1710 KHz (ЮIHD
РМЛ73-108 MHz (006 MHz)*
Headphone brpa
piQiiiar ftritixit
i8mW -t- iemW(al 10%
harmonic dtotorHon)
•Tba fraquaney dtoptoy to ralaad or toworod by etapa of 01 MHl (Exempts: Fraouancy
8006 MHz la dtoplayad ea “883 MHTJ
OaNgn and spaeiflcatlona sublet to change without nottca.
Power requirement
two alza AA (R8) oattanaa
Bettary ito
Approx. 33 hours, with Sony
8UM«3 (NS) battanaa
Mesa Approx. 227 g (8 oq
inehidino battartoa

Do not open the unit Refer servicing to quaiifled penonnei only.
Operate the unit on 3 V DC with two size AA (RQ tMtteries.
When the unit is not to be used tor a long period of time, remove the
batteries to avoid unit damage from battery leakage.
Avoid exposure to temperature extremes, direct sunlight moisture, sand, dust
or mechanical shock. Never leave in a car parked In the sua
Should any liquid or solid object fail into the unit remove the batteries, and
have the unit checked by qualified personnel before operating it any further.
Clean №e unit with a soft cloth dampened with a mild detergent solutloa
Never use abrasive cleansers or chemical solvents, as they may mar the unit
In vehicles or buildings, radio reception may be difficult or noisier. Tty
listening near a window.
If there is lightning when you are using the unit, take off the headphone
receiver immediately.
Do jnpf^ (fmiMpst |n|wfa|tor orH
This product is designed to be water-resistant but should not be immersed in
water or come in continuous contact with water.
Before installing the batteries, be sure to wipe off drops of water on the unit
Never use an electric hair dryer while wearing the headphones.
N<^oiT AH^dhaiuw^ gtep
The AM channel step differs depending on areas. The channel step of this unit
is factory-set to 10 kHz. You can change the channel step (See "Changing AM
channel slep”4
Arse ChannsISlip
North American countries
Other countries
Road Sefely
Oo not use headphones while driving, cycling, or operating any motorized
vehicle. It may create a traffic hazard and is ilfegal In many areas. It can also
be potentially dangerous to play your headsets at high volume while walking,
especially at pedestrian crossings. You should exercise extreme caution or
discontinue use in potentially hazardous situations
Pievsniing hearing damage
Avoid using headphones at high voiume. Hearing experts advise against
continuous loud and extended play. If you experience a ringing In your ears,
reduce volume or discontinue uss
Caring tor ottieis
Keep the volume at a moderate level. This will allow you to hear outside
sounds and to be considerate to the people around you
If you have any questions or problems concerning your unit that are not
covered in this manual, please consult the nearest Sony dealer.
10 kHz
9 kHz
[W*.)4 sre ^
a',mn MA ertr t
Troubleshooting Guide
Trouble Cauaaa
Sound Is not hoard at all.
very weak or kitenupfed
sound, dfetotted sound
when volume is turned up,
or unsatfefedory rscepiloa
PieseHing cannot be made.
TiM piM«t station cannot
ba laoalvad»
No dtoplay avan whan
POWER la oa
• Incorrect polarity of batteries.
• Weak batteries.
• VOL is turned down completely.
• weak batteries.
• Incorrect tuning.
• Weak signal. When in a vehicle or in a
building, listen near a window.
• SENS is set to LOCAL ^ Set it to DX.
• Incorrect presetting. When storing the
station, press ENTER before pressing the
desired preset button.
• Incorrect preset button has been pressed.
• The preset station has been cleared when
replacing batteries.
(Batteries should be replaced within three
• Weak batteries.