Sony Screen Management System User Manual

Screen Management System Projectionist Terminal
4-291-777-14 (1)
User’s Guide
Software Version 2.50
© 2011 Sony Corporation
Program © 2009, 2011, 2012 / Documentation © 2009, 2011, 2012 Sony Corporation All rights reserved. This manual or the software described herein, in whole or in part, may not be reproduced, translated or reduced to any machine readable form without prior written approval from Sony Corporation.
SRX Controller
The SRX Controller application exercises direct control over the projector via the projector’s serial control port. Operations using the SRX Controller can be in conflict with operations using the Projectionist Terminal or the SMS Controller. The SRX Controller application should not be used at the same time the Projectionist Terminal or SMS Controller is in operation. Once changes using the SRX Controller are completed, refresh the SMS Server stored Projector data.
Sony Corporation reserves the right to make any modification to this manual or the information contained herein at any time without notice.
The software described herein may also be governed by the terms of a separate user license agreement.
Network Data Storage
When the Network Data Storage system for the facility uses Microsoft Windows as the operating system it is recommended that you use Network Files System (NFS) for optimum performance in accessing files across the network. Alternatively, SAMBA may be used for connectivity between the SMS Server and the network storage computer. SAMBA is a suite of applications that provides seamless file sharing services to SMB/CIFS clients, i.e., to Microsoft Windows.
If connectivity to the Network Data Storage is lost the following steps should be taken.
• Verify the Network Data Storage system is working.
If connectivity issues still cannot be resolved it may be necessary to remove and re-create the Network Storage locations using the SMS Controller application. See Settings/Folders on the SMS Controller for more information.
If you are still unable to establish connectivity with the Network Data Storage system, execute a system Power OFF/ON. This will require Initializing Security.
Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Adobe, Acrobat and Acrobat Reader are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. All other company and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective companies or their respective makers.
For projector specific information, refer to projector manuals.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 User Guide
Login ...............................................................................................10
Basic Screen View.........................................................................11
Shows .............................................................................................13
Content ...........................................................................................30
Status Indicator Lamp ........................................................................... 7
Emergency Alert.................................................................................... 8
Playlist Elements ................................................................................... 8
Composition Playlist (CPL) .............................................................. 8
Show Playlist (SPL) .......................................................................... 8
Commands ........................................................................................ 8
Play While Ingest (PWI) ....................................................................... 9
Sony Trusted Circle............................................................................... 9
Logout ................................................................................................. 10
Base Screen ......................................................................................... 11
Menus .................................................................................................. 12
Now Showing ...................................................................................... 13
Show Controls ................................................................................ 15
Show Listing........................................................................................ 16
Play Show ....................................................................................... 17
View Show Details ......................................................................... 17
Manage Shows .................................................................................... 18
View Playlist Details ...................................................................... 19
Create Show Playlist (SPL) ............................................................ 20
Edit Show Playlist (SPL) ................................................................ 24
Delete Show Playlist (SPL) ............................................................ 27
Schedule .............................................................................................. 27
View Previous Day/Next Day ........................................................ 28
View Today .................................................................................... 28
Automation.......................................................................................... 28
GPI Trigger.......................................................................................... 29
Adding an SPL to the GPI-SPL List ............................................... 29
Deleting an SPL from the GPI-SPL list .......................................... 29
Content Listing .................................................................................... 30
Play Content ................................................................................... 31
Playing Back Play While Ingest Content ....................................... 31
View Content Details ...................................................................... 31
Transfer Status..................................................................................... 31
Table of Contents
Manage DCPs...................................................................................... 33
Local Ingest ......................................................................................... 34
Network Ingest .................................................................................... 35
PWI (Play While Ingest) ..................................................................... 35
Cancel Play While Ingest ............................................................... 36
Ingest KDMs ....................................................................................... 36
View KDM Details ......................................................................... 37
Cleanup (KDMs) ............................................................................ 37
S2S Source .......................................................................................... 38
S2S Network Setup ............................................................................. 38
PWI (Play While Ingest) Source ......................................................... 39
Projector .........................................................................................40
Projector Control ................................................................................. 40
Set Projector LAMP OFF/ON ........................................................ 41
Douse the Projector ........................................................................ 41
Audio Muting ................................................................................. 41
Change Projector Function ............................................................. 42
Set Luminance Offset ..................................................................... 43
Function Setup..................................................................................... 43
Configure Function ......................................................................... 43
Projection Type ................................................................................... 46
Projector FUNCTION .................................................................... 47
Adjustment .......................................................................................... 47
Projection Type 2D ......................................................................... 47
Projection Type 3D ......................................................................... 49
Ghostbuster.......................................................................................... 51
Projector Remote Update .................................................................... 51
Projector Status.................................................................................... 53
Power .............................................................................................. 53
Peltier - Thermal Devices ............................................................... 53
DVI signal, Ballast, RT Clock Battery ........................................... 53
Board, Lens, Electrical, AIr FIlter, Filter Duct .............................. 53
Connection and Battery .................................................................. 53
Lamp Status......................................................................................... 54
Lamp Information ........................................................................... 54
Lamp Indicators .............................................................................. 54
Fan Status ............................................................................................ 55
Subsystem Fans .............................................................................. 55
Projector Component Fans ............................................................. 55
Temperature Status.............................................................................. 56
Subsystem Temperature ................................................................. 56
Projector Component Temperatures ............................................... 56
Media Block Status ............................................................................. 56
Media Block State .......................................................................... 57
Table of Contents
Process/Component ........................................................................ 57
Memory .......................................................................................... 57
Power Supplies ............................................................................... 57
Security ........................................................................................... 58
RAID Status ........................................................................................ 58
RAID Status .................................................................................... 58
HDD Status ..................................................................................... 58
DCP Space Used ............................................................................. 58
Logs ................................................................................................59
Maintenance ...................................................................................60
Projector .............................................................................................. 60
Refresh SMS Server ....................................................................... 61
Lamp Information ........................................................................... 62
Luminance Adjustment ................................................................... 62
Security (Role Restricted) ................................................................... 63
Marriage .............................................................................................. 64
Network Setup (Theater) ..................................................................... 64
Network Address Assignment ........................................................ 64
DNS Address Assignment .............................................................. 65
Time Zone ........................................................................................... 66
Clock Settings (Role Restricted) ......................................................... 67
Closed Caption Setup .......................................................................... 68
Owner Information (Role Restricted).................................................. 68
eCNA Settings (Role Restricted) ........................................................ 69
Restart SMS Server .......................................................................69
Restart SMS Server Application ......................................................... 69
System Startup..................................................................................... 70
System Shutdown ................................................................................ 70
Initiate System Shutdown ............................................................... 70
Chapter 2 Theater Setup and System Security
Theater Setup....................................................................................... 72
System Security................................................................................... 72
Theater Setup.................................................................................73
Login ................................................................................................... 73
Lamp Installation................................................................................. 74
Enter Lamp Serial Code ................................................................. 74
Lamp Axis Adjust ............................................................................... 75
Adjust X, Y, & Z Lamp Axis ......................................................... 75
Registration Adjust.............................................................................. 77
Filter Timer Reset................................................................................ 78
Table of Contents
System Security.............................................................................79
Security Initialize ................................................................................ 79
Set Time Source for SMS Server ........................................................ 79
Table of Contents
User Guide


This document is a convenient “How To” guide to SRX-R320 projector based Auditorium Unit operation including Status Indicator information, and executing specific functions via the Projectionist Terminal. The location of the Projectionist Terminal, the Status Indicator Lamps, Projector Status Message Display and Projector Circuit Breaker panel on the Digital Cinema Auditorium Unit are shown below.
Sony Digital Cinema SRX-R320 System
Status Indicator Lamps
Projector Circuit Breakers
System Start
Status Message Display,
Projector Power, Lamp Status
The SMS (Screen Management System) is available as a component of the SRX-R320 system and the SRX-R220 system. (It cannot be purchased separately.)

Status Indicator Lamp

The Status Indicator Lamp is an easily seen indication of the status of the Auditorium Unit. A brief description of the meanings of the Lamp Color and Lamp State (solid, flashing) are found in the following table.
Status Indicator Lamp
Lamp Color
GREEN ON Operation Normal, System Stable,
GREEN FLASHING Ingesting/Validating Digital
a.Power OFF - Power is removed from the system, subsystems b.Major Error - Media Block offline. Enclosure temper­ature error. Playback stops during Play While Ingest due to insufficient buffering. c.Minor Error - Fan off (Enclosure, Media Block), Temper­ature warning, UPS abnormal condition, UPS battery replace­ment necessary. Low buffering during Play While Ingest. d.Projector Transition - Projector changing from STANDBY mode to ON mode.
1.The Digital Cinema System consists of several subsystems such as the Projector , Media Block, SMS, Enclosure, UPS etc.
Lamp State Meaning
Power OFF/System Shutdown
Major Error
Minor Error
Projector ON, Projector STANDBY, Projector Lamp OFF
Cinema Package (DCP), Show Playing, Power ON/OFF
Sequence, or Projector Transition
are shutdown, UPS power is unavailable.

Chapter 1 User Guide


Emergency Alert

Playlist Elements

The SMS features the ability to recognize an external Emergency Alert signal and take one or more of the actions enabled on the EMERGENCY OPERATIONS screen in
Chapter 1 User Guide
the SMS Controller application. Actions available in response to an Emergency Alert signal are:
• Stop Current Show
• Disable Playback
• Lamp Douse
•Lamp OFF
• Audio Muting
• System Shutdown
Refer to the SMS Controller User’s Guide for additional information relating to the Emergency Alert handling capabilities of the system.
The availability of the Emergency Alert feature is set during system installation and configuration.
When the System Shutdown option has not been enabled, the receipt of an Emergency Alert causes the alert message illustrated to the right to appear. Once the Emergency Alert has been cleared, tap OK and the message closes. If the Emergency Alert has not been cleared the message will close but will reappear some seconds later.
The hierarchy of a Show Playlist is intended to allow inclusion of either Content (CPL), other Sub-Playlist(s) or Commands. The structure of a typical Show Playlist is shown in the illustration below.
Composition Playlist (CPL)
Composition Playlists (CPL) are shown on the right in the above illustration and are the reference files required to play the content. CPLs exist on the lowest level of the Show Playlist (SPL) hierarchy, and consist of the component files (e.g., video, audio, subtitles) required for content playback.
Show Playlist (SPL)
As shown above, Show Playlists (SPL) are show lists that consist of one or more CPLs with specified commands. Multiple SPLs (containing CPLs and commands) can be added as Sub-Playlists to a single additional layer of the hierarchy.
Commands are Playlist Elements which are either Automation Controls, i.e. external device triggers, (dim house lights, open curtain, etc.) or Auditorium Unit control events such as, Media Block Audio Control functions (Muting) or Projector Control functions (Douser). Commands or Functions may be designated as 3D type and when these are included in a Playlist the SPL is identified as a 3D Playlist even though no 3D Content is included.

Play While Ingest (PWI)

Sony Trusted Circle

Play While Ingest (PWI) is an ingest method that allows playback of a single CPL while it is ingesting. Unlike Local Ingest and Network Ingest, PWI allows you to start a presentation before the CPL ingest completes. The following are precautions for Play While Ingest.
Available for CPLs only
Play While Ingest can only be performed on CPLs. If a DCP contains multiple CPLs, the DCP will not be recognized as a complete DCP until all the CPLs are ingested. If a DCP is not recognized as complete, it cannot be ingested to other LMT using S2S. (Playback is possible even if a DCP is not recognized as a complete DCP.) If a DCP contains subtitles or other overlays, or if a CPL requires validation, Play While Ingest cannot be performed. You can also set intermissions for a CPL for which PWI is performed or include the CPL in an SPL.
CPLs that are 30 minutes or longer in duration are recommended
If you perform Play While Ingest on a CPL with a short duration, playback may not start before ingesting is complete due to an insufficient amount of buffering.
Sufficient network bandwidth (approx. 50 Mbps) required
If sufficient ingest speeds cannot be obtained due to the status of the library server or network and the buffer length (playable duration) drops to below 7 minutes, an alert will appear in the log. If the buffer length drops below 30 seconds, playback will stop. If playback stops, it cannot be started again until the buffer length reaches 10 minutes (under default settings) or more. The buffer length is an approximate guide, and the actual playable duration may differ slightly.
Sony Trusted Circle is a system that allows a DCP that has been validated in one SMS to retain its validated status after it is ingested to an SMS of any screen within the cinema complex. This eliminates the additional time required for validation in cinema complexes with multiple screens.
Previous system
S2S Ingest
(not validated)
When S2S ingestion of a DCP was performed from LMT A to LMT B in previous systems, validation was required to present on LMT B.
Sony Trusted Circle
S2S Ingest
When S2S ingestion of a DCP is performed from LMT A to LMT B with Sony Trusted Circle, validation information is ingested at the same time, allowing immediate presentation on LMT B.
S2S Ingest S2S Ingest
The system also applies to S2S ingestion from LMT B to LMT C, allowing immediate presentation.
Chapter 1 User Guide


Access to control functions for the Screen Management
Chapter 1 User Guide
System requires the projectionist to login to the system. Your Login ID and Password must be previously assigned using the SMS Controller application.
Tap Login
Trusted User Names
do not appear in the User Name
list. Tap the Scroll Down until “Other” can be seen, tap Other and then tap Accept. An on-screen keyboard will appear. Using the keyboard, enter your User Name, tap Accept, enter your Password, and then tap Accept.
Using the on-screen keyboard, tap your Password and then tap Accept.
If you make an error in entering your Password, tap Backspace to remove the last character. As you enter your Password it is masked and appears above the keyboard. To abort the Login process, tap Cancel. The Login process is cancelled and the display returns to the Login screen.
The Now Showing screen appears when the Login process is successful.


Tap Login on the Projectionist
Selected User
Tap User Name
The LOG IN screen appears containing the SELECT USER NAME list.
If your User Name is not visible in the SELECT USER
Tap Accept
NAME list, tap
Scroll Down until it can be seen. Tap your User Name.
The selected User Name appears adjacent to LOG-IN, then tap Accept. The Enter Password screen appears.
User Name
Masked P/W
Tap Password
Once you have Logged In to
Tap M e nu
the Projectionist Terminal, it remains active and available to user input. To close terminal access, tap Menu and then tap Logout.
The illustration to the right shows only the Level 1 menu. However, instead of a single level menu, you will see a two level cascaded menu appropriate to the screen currently displayed on the Projectionist Terminal.
After you tap Logout, the Menu is closed and a popup
Tap Logout
confirmation message appears (shown below and to the right). Tap Yes to complete the Logout process.
The Login screen appears.
1.A “Trusted User” is a user that has access to functions dealing with Projector Maintenance operations, with
Network Setup, and Auditorium Unit Security.

Basic Screen View

The Projectionist Terminal Screen is comprised of two areas, a “Base Screen” or View and the “information” pane where all menu selected functions and information appears.
Tap f or Menus
Lamp indicator
3D indicator
Ghostbuster Indicator
DOUSER Control
Current Presentation

Base Screen

The Base Screen or “View” or Frame (illustrated above) appears on all operational Projectionist Terminal screens
The Base Screen area includes a Menu button, the Douser Control button, the Current User information, and a Date & Time area along the top of the screen.
Current User
Prepare Auditorium
Date & Time
Media Block Status
• Ghostbuster Indicator
The Ghostbuster Indicator indicates whether the user license has been obtained for the Ghostbuster function, and whether the function is enabled. When the production type is 3D and a Ghostbuster license has been obtained, GB appears. Depending on whether the Ghostbuster function is enabled or disabled (deactivated), GB is displayed in pink or gray respectively.
• Lamp ON/OFF indicator
The Lamp ON/OFF indicator provides an easily viewed indication of the state of the Projector Lamp.
• Prepare Auditorium (Button)
The Prepare Auditorium button is a control which sets the Projector to ON (from STANDBY or Lamp OFF), opens the douser, and enables audio output from the Media Block.
• STATUS Alert (Button)
The STATUS Alert button at the bottom of the screen toggles the Status Warning/Selector buttons. These are dual purpose Warning indicators and Selector buttons which, when illuminated, display a warning related to the status of the specific hardware sub system.
The Status Alert button appears RED whenever any of the Status Selector buttons are RED.
Tap the STATUS Alert button to view the Status Warning/Selectors as shown below. Tap any of the Status Selector buttons to view the specific Status
pane. Tap X to close the Status Selector buttons.
Chapter 1 User Guide
At the bottom of the Base screen is the Status alert/button, the Douser Control button, the Lamp ON/OFF indicator, and the Prepare Auditorium button.
DOUSER Control
Ghostbuster Indicator
Status of Currently Playing Title
Lamp ON/OFF Indicator
3D Indicator
Prepare Auditorium
• 3D Indicator (Projection Type)
The 3D Indicator provides an easily viewed indication when the Auditorium Unit has been set for stereoscopic presentation.
1.Installer screens and selected Maintenance screens have functions specific to the task and do not allow for accessing general operations.
Information Messages
• DOUSER Control (Button)
Controls Douser open/close.
Exit Status
Basic Screen View
Douse the projector light (DOUSER)
The DOUSER Control function on the PROJECTOR CONTROL screen operates like a douser on a film projector that blocks the light path. When DOUSER is set to CLOSE, the screen in the auditorium will be dark. However, the DOUSER function
Chapter 1 User Guide
affects only the image. The sound will not be blocked. To turn off the sound as well, you must use the AUDIO MUTING button.
Set DOUSER to CLOSE (closed)
The DOUSER control is a toggle button with status indication. The current status is shown by the status label (OPEN/CLOSE) and the status indicator. When the status indicator of the control is out (the label is OPEN), the DOUSER is open and the image is shown on the screen in the auditorium. To darken the projector output (turn the DOUSER to close), tap the DOUSER OPEN/CLOSE button in the DOUSER block. A confirmation dialog appears. When you tap Yes, the projector output is blocked and the screen in the auditorium goes dark. The label of the control button changes to CLOSE, and the status indicator of the button lights up. The lamp of the projector remains on.
Set DOUSER to OPEN (open)
The projector DOUSER control is a toggle button (OPEN/CLOSE) with status indication. The current status of the function control button is shown by the status label (OPEN/CLOSE) and the status indicator. When the indicator is lit (label is CLOSE), the projector DOUSER is closed and the screen in the auditorium is dark. To re-enable the projector output (turn the DOUSER to open), tap the DOUSER OPEN/CLOSE button in the DOUSER block. A confirmation dialog appears. When you tap Yes, the projector output returns to normal, and the screen in the auditorium shows the image. The label of the control button changes to OPEN, and the status indicator of the button goes out.


The Menu structure on Projectionist Terminal is two levels deep and is illustrated to the right. Some selections may not appear as they are Role dependant.
Tap Menu and the Level 1 menu appears providing access to major operational areas;
• Shows
• Projector
• Status
• Maintenance
• Information
Note that when selecting the Menu both Level 1 and Level 2 menus open showing the history of the most recent selection. (The Level 2 menu will not appear on the initial selection of Menu by the user.)
Tap the Level 1 selection and the level 2 menu changes to provide access to those screens related to the level 1 selection and included functions, e.g., Now Showing, Show Listing Manage Shows, etc.
In addition, from the Level 1 menu you have access to the Logout and Restart SMS Server
Tap Men u
Level 2 Menu
Tap Level 1 Selection
1.A menu based System Shutdown is optionally available based on system configuration.
Basic Screen View


The Shows menu selection allows you to access the information and control functions for the following areas.
• Now Showing
•Show Listing
• Manage Shows
• Schedule
• Automation
• GPI Trigger
To access Shows menus, tap Menu and then tap Shows. The level 2 Shows Menu appears.
The Schedule selection opens the SCHEDULE pane which allows you to view a list of the “shows” scheduled for presentation during the displayed day. Each Show is a distinct item with a specific Start Time and End Time. The creation of Daily Schedules is realized using the SMS Controller application.
Selecting Automation opens the AUTOMATION pane which contains control buttons for each Automation control configured in the connected Auditorium Unit.
When you select GPI Trigger, the GPI TRIGGERS pane appears. The GPI TRIGGERS pane lets you register various SPLs to be played when a particular GPI signal is received.
Chapter 1 User Guide
The Now Showing selection opens an information screen (Now Showing) for the current presentation. The primary control available on Now Showing is the PLAY/STOP control. An information area providing details of the current presentation is present. Controls available on the Now Showing screen are described in the following table.
Icon State Description
Initiates presentation of the Show (Now Showing) from the Current Position. Available only when STOPPED.
Halts presentation of the current Show and the screen goes dark. Available when PLAYING or PAUSED.
Halts presentation of the current Show with the last frame of the content remaining on screen. Available when PLAYING.
RESUME Causes the current presentation to
RESTART Causes the current presentation to
Advances the current position of the Presentation a single Frame. Available only when PAUSED.
resume from the current frame. Available only when PAUSED.
restart at the beginning. Available only when the current presentation has been STOPPED.
The Show Listing selection opens the SHOW LISTING pane which displays information and controls relating to Show Playlists (SPL) resident in the SMS.
Selecting Manage Shows opens the MANAGE SHOWS pane where you can view brief details of any of the listed SPL, create a New Playlist, and Edit or Delete a selected SPL.

Now Showing

Now Showing is the initial screen which appears following a successful Login. Now Showing displays the status of the Current Presentation (Show).
To view the status of the current presentation, tap Menu, tap Shows and then tap Now Showing. The NOW SHOWING pane appears.
The primary Presentation Control available on Now Showing is the PLAY/STOP control. Secondary controls may be available based on the current mode of the presentation.
The central portion of the Now Showing pane provides a quick summary of the status of the current Show and the content being presented. Show related information are; the Show Title, the Show Current Position, and the Running Time/Remaining Time (tap to switch view). Additionally, information about the content (Content Title) is displayed when appropriate.
Subtitles may not appear for a few seconds immediately after a presentation starts. Similarly, subtitles may not appear for a few seconds at the start of offset playback or immediately after a transition between a show and an intermission.
Tap Now Showing
Shows Menu
Progress Bar
Play Indicator
3D Indicator
Chapter 1 User Guide
Play While Ingest Status
Current Position
Content Title
Content Type
• Progress Bar
The Progress Bar provides a graphic representation of the progress of the presentation.
• 3D Indicator (Stereoscopic Glasses)
The 3D Indicator is present whenever the current presentation contains 3D content. In this case, content may be either actual 3D presentation Content or Show Functions or Controls that are defined as 3D related.
Icon Description
Shown when the SPL contains 3D (stereoscopic) content or includes a 3D Function. This is also present when the Title is a 3D CPL (Content) or linked to a 3D Function.
• Content Title
The Name or Title of the currently playing Content when the Show Title is a Show Playlist. When a Sub­Playlist is present its Title will appear here instead of the Content.
Content Titles may be lengthy and exceed the space allocated. To view the complete Content Title, tap the Title name. A popup message appears containing the complete Content Title. Tap OK to remove the message box.
• Content Type
Indicates the type of the currently playing Content, e.g., Feature, Trailer, etc.
Warning Message
Running/ Remaining Time
Show Title
Schedule/ Manual Mode
Play While Ingest Title
•Show Title
Displays the Title of the top level, i.e., the “show”, currently playing and a status icon.
Icon Description
Normal - Shown when the SPL is ready or during the time when presentation is normal.
Error - Shown when an error is experienced during presentation, e.g., MB reports the CPL video/audio track to have a “FATAL” error, i.e., one example is if the video is badly encoded. Note: The Media Block must play the content before the error is detected.
The Show Title is assigned using the SMS Controller during the process of building the Show Playlist. The Show Title is the “reference” for the consolidation of the various Content, Sub-Playlists, and Commands included in the named Show.
Show Titles may be lengthy and exceed the allocated space. Tap the Scroll Left or Scroll Right arrow (when available) to view the complete Title.
• Warning Message
An alert message appears in this area if the Content awaiting presentation is not playable.
• Running/Remaining Time An alternate display indicating either the Remaining Time or the Total Running Time for the current
presentation. (Tap to change.)
• Play Indicator
This indicates whether the current presentation has been started manually (MANUAL), as a scheduled SMS event (SCHEDULE), or by an external trigger input (AUTOMATION).
Regardless of how the current presentation has been started, once the presentation is stopped and restarted using the PLAY/STOP control the Play Indicator displays MANUAL.
• Current Position
Indicates the current position of the presentation. When the Show is running this displays the elapsed running time. When the Show is stopped the Current Position indicates the point in the presentation where presentation will resume when you tap PLAY.
• PLAY/STOP button
An alternate action (PLAY/STOP) screen “button” which indicates what action (STOP is shown) will occurs when it is tapped.
• RESUME button
The RESUME button (shown on the inset) is only available when the presentation is in PAUSE. The RESUME button causes the current presentation to begin playing from the current frame.
• RESTART button
The RESTART button is available when the current presentation has been STOPPED. Normal action when a presentation is stopped is to RESUME on PLAY from the presentation’s current position.The RESTART button allows you to begin presentation from the beginning of the Show. A confirmation message appears.
• Play While Ingest Title
Displays the title of the CPL for which Play While Ingest is being performed. If the complete title of the content is not displayed, tap the Scroll Left or Scroll Right arrow (when available) to view the complete title.
You cannot play a CPL for which Play While Ingest is in progress from the Now Showing pane. To start playback, go to the Content Listing pane. For details, see “Content Listing” on page 30.
Chapter 1 User Guide
• PAUSE button
The PAUSE button (shown) halts presentation of the current Show with the last frame of the content remaining on screen. Available when PLAYING.
When PAUSE is tapped the FRAME ADVANCE and RESUME buttons become available.
The FRAME ADVANCE button (shown on the inset) allows you
Presentation by a single Frame. Available only when PAUSED.
to adjust (step) the current position of the
• Schedule / Manual mode button
In Schedule mode, the scheduled SPL is played automatically. In Manual mode, the SPL will also be played automatically when the end of the Wait time (as set in the ini file) is reached.
• Play While Ingest Status
Displays the status of the Play While Ingest operation currently in progress, and indicates the current playability status of the CPL.
Display Description
Preparing Preparing to perform Play While Ingest.
Available to Start
Buffer length
Playback is not possible.
The approximate wait time before playback can be started is displayed. Playback is not possible.
Buffering is in progress and the approximate playable duration is displayed. Playback can be started. If the remaining time for the buffer length drops to 30 seconds or below after playback is started and the amount of buffering reaches critically low levels, the display will turn red and playback will stop. If playback stops, buffering resumes and the PLAY button will be disabled until playback is possible.
When Play While Ingest is fully complete, the Play While Ingest status display will disappear from the Now Showing screen.
When Play While Ingest is fully complete, the Play While Ingest title display will disappear from the Now Showing screen.
Show Controls
The basic PLAY/STOP Show Controls appear on the Now Showing pane. With the exception of the Show Title and Content Title scroll buttons, all controls on the Now Showing pane are current mode dependant. For example, when the Show is in the Play mode the only control available to the projectionist is STOP.
STOP Presentation
To terminate presentation of the Current Show, tap the STOP button (shown to the right) on the Now Showing pane. Show presentation halts and the screen goes dark of the presentation is retained and a subsequent execution of PLAY will resume the presentation from the current position in the Show timeline.
STOP processing requires nominally about 3 seconds before the presentation on the screen ends.
If a presentation is stopped during the showing of the SPL for the intermission, the presentation cannot be resumed by specifying an offset timecode.
START Presentation
When the Show is in the Stop mode, the PLAY control is available to the projectionist. In addition, the RESTART control will be available if a presentation is stopped while in progress.
To initiate presentation of the indicated Show (Now Showing) from the Current Position, tap the PLAY button.
PLAY processing requires about 6 seconds (nominally) before the presentation appears on the screen.
1.While the Douser does NOT close the output of the Media Block is muted.
. The current position
Executing PLAY begins presentation of the Show from the current position indicted in the Now Showing pane. To begin presentation of the Show from its beginning, tap RESTART. A confirmation message appears and then tap
Chapter 1 User Guide
RESTART Presentation
When STOP has been executed while a presentation is in progress the RESTART button appears. RESTART is used to begin the presentation from the Start of the Show. RESTART only appears when a presentation is stopped while in progress. To begin the presentation from the Start of Show, tap RESTART. A confirmation message appears. Tap YES and presentation of the Show begins.
Resume presentation from a specified position
When you stop a presentation that is in progress, the Offset button appears. If you tap the Offset button, the ENTER REWIND TIME dialog box for specifying the resume position appears. The position at which the presentation was stopped after the start of the content playback is indicated by Base Offset timecode. To specify the offset timecode at which to resume presentation, tap the hh (hour), mm (minute), and ss (second) boxes, and use the Plus and Minus buttons to enter a value for each box separately. You can also use the Rewind Time drop-down menu to select a specific amount of time to rewind from the Base Offset. When you tap the Accept button, the presentation will resume from the specified position.
PAUSE Presentation
When the current show is in progress the PAUSE control is available. The PAUSE function halts the current presentation but leaves the most recent frame image presented on the screen. To pause presentation of the current Show, tap PAUSE.
After pausing a presentation in a system for which AV DELAY is set, wait at least 1 second before resuming playback.
When the current show has been PAUSED the FRAME ADVANCE control is available. FRAME ADVANCE allows you to “adjust” which frame of the current presentation appears on the auditorium screen.
RESUME Presentation
When the presentation has been PAUSED the RESUME button appears. RESUME allows you to start the presentation from the current position.

Show Listing

The SHOW LISTING pane displays information and controls relating to Show Playlists (SPL) resident in the SMS. Brief details of any of the listed SPL are available.
To view the available Show Playlists, tap Menu, tap Shows and then tap Show Listing. The SHOW LISTING pane (illustrated below) appears.
Tap Show Listing
Offset playback is only possible in the minus direction during PWI presentations.
The primary control available on Show Listing is the PLAY/STOP control. In addition, a Details button is available that opens a popup containing detailed information about the selected Playlist.
Shows Menu
The central portion of the Show Listing pane can scroll through the list of all Show Playlists (SPL) available for presentation. A SPL that includes content that is not playable because a KDM is not available is indicated with a padlock as illustrated. Any SPL that is missing content is shown in red.
Content Missing
Intermission SPL
Not Playable - KDM
Play Show
A Show Playlist which is available for presentation (not “Locked”) may be played from the SHOW LISTING pane. To play a specific Show, locate the Title in the list. If the Title of interest is not visible, tap either or to scroll the list until the specific Title is found. Once the Title has been located, tap to select the Show Title and then tap PLAY. The Show presentation begins.
View Show Details
A Show Playlist (SPL) can be comprised of one or more CPL, other Sub-Playlist, command actions of Automation Controls that are internal to the Auditorium Unit. To view the content detail information the Title in the SHOW LISTING list. If the Title of interest is not visible, tap either or to scroll the schedule list until the specific Title is found. Once the Title has been located, tap to select the Show Title and then tap Details. The SHOW DETAILS pane appears.
for a specific Show, locate
Show Information
3D Content
Valid Use Dates
Playlist Elements
Sub-Playlist, tap for Details
The SHOW DETAILS pane contains three major areas. They are: the Show Information, its Valid Use Dates and, a sequence of Playlist Elements which can be scrolled. Each “Show” or “Title” in the SHOW LISTING pane is comprised of one or more individual Playlist Elements. These elements may be Composition Playlists (Content) or Sub-Playlists
. The sequence of presentation of the
Playlist Elements is displayed in a SHOW DETAILS pane.
•Show Information
The Show Information group contains basic information regarding the Show. This includes the Title, Duration, and MPAA Rating.
Show Titles may be lengthy and exceed the allocated space. Tap (when available) the Scroll Left or
Scroll Right arrow to view the complete Title.
• Valid Use Dates
A KDM is required to play a CPL comprising encrypted content elements. The date range during which the KDM is valid is shown here. These dates are validated on a periodic basis and are subject to change even after the Content Elements have been loaded into the SMS.
Valid Use Dates apply only to the auditorium associated with the current Auditorium Unit. Other systems in the same facility may have different Valid Use Dates for the same Content Element(s).
Chapter 1 User Guide
1.Automation Controls, Auditorium Unit Commands and presentation “Gaps” included in the Show Playlist do not appear in Show Details. To view Automation Controls or Auditorium Unit Commands contained in a Show Playlist you must edit the Show Playlist (see “Edit Show Playlist (SPL)” on page 24).
• Close Details
To close the Details screen for the Content Element, tap (Close). This will return you to the previous level of Show Details.
2.Automation Controls and Auditorium Unit Commands do not appear in the Show Details popup. Scheduled “Gapes” in the presentation also are not shown in Show Details.
• Playlist Elements
The Playlist Elements group provides a sequenced, graphic representation of the individual Content and Sub-Playlists that comprise the Show. Tap the Scroll Left arrow see elements earlier in the Show or
Chapter 1 User Guide
Scroll Right arrow to see elements later in the Show.
While Playlist Elements may be either Content (CPL), Automation Controls, Auditorium Unit Commands, a Sub­Playlist, or presentation “Gaps” (black-leader) only Content or Sub-Playlists are visible in the Show Details view. To view the details of an included Sub-Playlist, tap the target Sub-Playlist and a new Show Details popup appears.
View Playlist Element Details
Each Show is comprised of one or more Playlist Elements which may be either Content (CPL) or a Sub-Playlist. Each Content element has its own characteristics, e.g., Audio Format, Aspect Ratio, etc. A Sub-Playlist is simply a Show Playlist containing its own Playlist Elements.
To view detail information for an included CPL, tap the Content of interest on Show Details. The CONTENT DETAILS popup appears containing additional information, e.g., Running time, Image format, Aspect ratio, etc. about the selected Content. When the Playlist Element of interest is a Sub-Playlist then a new SHOW DETAILS popup appears.

Manage Shows

The MANAGE SHOWS pane displays information and controls relating to Show Playlists (SPL) resident in the SMS. From the MANAGE SHOWS pane you can create a New SPL, Edit an existing SPL, view Details of an existing SPL and Delete an existing SPL.
Access to the Manage Show features is Role restricted.
To Manage Shows, tap Menu, tap Shows and then tap Manage Shows. The MANAGE SHOWS pane (illustrated below) appears.
The ability to Manage Shows is a feature available from the Projectionist Terminal. While the majority of SPL creation, editing and management will normally take place using the SMS Controller, similar features have been added to the Projectionist Terminal thus allowing operators to makes changes when the need arises. The functions available on the MANAGE SHOWS pane are shown in the illustration (below). A brief description follows.
Tap Manage Shows
Shows Menu
The Frame Rate and HFR Content have been added as the last line.
Details - Allows you to view the Playlist Elements
included in the SPL in their sequence of execution.
New - Allows you to create a new SPL using
available Content and a Sub-Playlist(s). In addition, you can add Commands to the SPL.
Edit - Allows you to make changes to an existing
Delete - Allo ws you to remove an existing SPL from
the system. This does not remove the included Content from the system.
View Playlist Details
Each “Show” or “Title” appearing in the MANAGE SHOWS list is comprised of one or more individual Playlist Elements. These elements may be Content (CPL) or Sub-Playlists.
To view detail information for a specific Show, locate the Title in the MANAGE SHOWS list, tap to select the Show Title and then tap Details. The SHOW DETAILS pane appears. The Playlist Elements comprising the Show are displayed in the order of presentation in SHOW DETAILS.
The SHOW DETAILS popup contains three major areas. They are: the Show Information, its Valid Use Dates and, a sequence of Playlist Elements
Show Information
Valid Use Dates
• Valid Use Dates
A KDM is required to play a CPL comprising encrypted content elements. The date range during which the KDM is valid is shown here. The Valid Use Dates group indicates the date range during which the selected Show can be presented. These dates are validated on a periodic basis and are subject to change even after the Content has been loaded into the SMS.
Valid Use Dates apply only to the auditorium associated with the current Auditorium Unit. Other systems in the same facility may have different Valid Use Dates for the same Content (CPL).
• Close Details
To close the Show Details screen for the Playlist Content, tap (Close). This will return you to the previous level of Show Details.
• Playlist Elements
The Playlist Elements group provides a sequenced, graphic representation of the individual Content and Sub-Playlists that comprise the Show. Tap the Scroll Left arrow to see Playlist Elements earlier in the Show or Scroll Right arrow to view Playlist Elements later in the Show.
Chapter 1 User Guide
3D Content
Playlist Elements
Sub-Playlist, tap for Details
•Show Information
The Show Information group contains basic information regarding the Show. This includes the Title, Duration, and MPAA Rating.
Show Titles may be lengthy and exceed the space available in the display. To view the complete Show Title, tap the Title name. A popup message appears containing the complete Show Title. Tap OK to remove the message box.
1.Playlist Elements which are “Gaps” in presentation (interstitial black-leader), Automation Controls or Auditorium Unit Commands do not appear in the Playlist Details view.
While Playlist Elements may be either Content (CPL), Commands, or a Sub-Playlist, only Content or Sub­Playlists are visible in the Show Details view. To view the details of an included Sub-Playlist, tap the target Sub- Playlist and a new Show Details popup appears.
View Playlist Element Details
Each Show is comprised of one or more Playlist Elements which may be “Content” (CPL) or Sub-Playlists. Content included in the SPL has its own characteristics, e.g., Audio Format, Aspect Ratio, etc. Sub-Playlists include Content with its own characteristics.
To view detail information for Content, tap the Content of interest on Show Details.
If the target Playlist Element is Content, CPL DETAILS appears containing additional information, e.g., Image Format, Aspect ratio, etc. about the selected element. If the target Playlist Element is a Sub-Playlist, then a new SHOW DETAILS pane appears.
The Frame Rate and HFR Content have been added as the last line.
Create Show Playlist (SPL)
The ability to create New Show Playlists has been included in MANAGE SHOWS
Chapter 1 User Guide
Inclusion of 3D Content an SPL (as a sub-playlist) that includes 3D Content, or a 3D associated Projector FUNCTION sets the created Show Playlist to a 3D type and requires that the Projection Type be set to Single 3D for presentation
3D Show Playlist you cannot include a Projector FUNCTION that is other than a 3D FUNCTION.
To create a New Playlist, tap Menu, tap Shows and then tap Manage Shows. The MANAGE SHOWS pane appears.
from the Projectionist Terminal.
. While 2D Content may be included in a
The default Title for a new SPL is the current Date/Time (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss). The SPL Title can be changed in Properties.
Set Playlist Properties
To set the Playlist
Properties, tap Properties. The PLAYLIST PROPERTIES popup appears.
PLAYLIST PROPERTIES contains descriptive information about the SPL. When you tap either Title (limited to 64 characters) or Description (limited to
512 characters), an on­screen keyboard appears. Tap to set the information and then tap Enter to close the keyboard. To set the Playlist Type, tap Type and then tap to make your selection from the list.
Once information has been set in PLAYLIST PROPERTIES, tap Apply and the popup will close.
To add a new Show Playlist, tap New. The CREATE PLAYLIST popup appears.
1.Access to features under MANAGE SHOWS is Role restricted.
2.See “Projection Type” on page 46.
Properties Close
Intermission Setup
Setting of the Projection Type, a manual operation, is separate from setting the correct projector FUNCTION, i.e., a FUNCTION that is identified as a 3D FUNCTION. To insure that 3D content presentation is successful the first Playlist Element in a 3D SPL should be a FUNCTION appropriate to the 3D Projection Type.
Add Start Offset (Virtual Black Leader)
In film, black leader is used to provide a brief interval between different content. This often is used simply to provide pacing to the sequence of content being presented, e.g., between trailers or between the last trailer and the feature start.
In Digital Cinema, “black” can be either the absence of the playback of any Content (virtual black
) during presentation or it can be actual black content supplied as a CPL included in the DCP. Virtual Black is realized by creating a Start Offset for the following Content Element. When creating a Start Offset, provision is made for establishing a duration of the of the offset. When Black is actual content, its duration is of a predetermined length and the Content Type should be “transitional
3.The virtual Black Leader is created by electronically muting the image output from the Content playback subsystem (Media Block). The Start Offset (virtual Black Playlist Element) appears green in the Content list and in the subsequent Playlist.
4.Transitional Content is usually described as “extremely short content (1 to 15 seconds) separating unrelated compositions”.
To add a Start Offset to the Playlist, tap Content, tap either the Scroll Up or Scroll Down arrow until you locate Black, tap Black to select, and then tap Add. The ENTER GAP DURATION popup appears.
3D Content is identified in purple. When 3D Content is added to an SPL the PLaylist Title is shown as purple in the list of Playlists.
When Playlist Elements already exist you may need to reposition the newly added Content to a different location in the Playlist timeline.
To move the newly added Playlist Element, in the Playlist tap the Title (select) and then tap Down or Up (illustrated to the right) to move the selected Playlist Element one event position in the desired direction. Continue to tap Down or Up until the selected Playlist Element is in the desired position in the Playlist.
Chapter 1 User Guide
The duration of the Start Offset (virtual Black Leader) is set using the ENTER GAP DURATION popup. This duration is an absolute value and adjusts the start time of the following Playlist Element in relation to the end time of the preceding Playlist Element. To enter a value, tap the target, i.e., Hours, Minutes, or Seconds, and then tap (or touch-and-hold) either the Plus or Minus to increment/decrement the value of the selected target. When the desired value is reached, tap Accept. The ENTER GAP DURATION popup closes and the added Black appears in the right-hand list at the end of existing Playlist Elements.
Position the Start Offset to the correct position within the existing Playlist Elements. To move the Start Offset (Black Playlist Element), in the right side list tap the Black to select and then tap Down or Up (control illustrated to the right) to move the Start Offset one event position in the desired direction. Continue to tap Down or Up until the Start Offset is in the desired position in the Playlist. The start time of following Playlist Elements are delayed to accommodate the duration of the Start Offset.
To add Black which is actual Content, locate the Content and add it to the Playlist in the same manner as you would add other Content. (See “Add Content” on page 21.)
When all changes are complete, tap Save. CREATE PLAYLIST closes and you are returned to the MANAGE SHOWS pane.
Add Content
To add Content to the New Playlist, tap Content (left-side list) to display available Composition Playlists. Tap either the Scroll Up or Scroll Down arrow until you locate the Content of interest, tap the Content Title to select, and then tap Add. The added Content appears as a Playlist Element at the end of the Playlist.
When all changes are complete, tap Save. CREATE PLAYLIST closes and you are returned to the MANAGE SHOWS pane.
Be sure to tap Save before leaving this screen. If you close the screen without tapping Save, all changes will be lost.
Add Command
Playlist Command Elements can be identified as a 3D related Command at the time they are created and are indicated by a “[3D]” designation shown in purple. This “3D” designation is retained when the Command Element appears in the Playlist.
If a 3D Command Element is added to a Playlist the Playlist is identified as a 3D playlist and appears in purple.
Command timing is related to the absolute time of execution from the beginning of the Show Playlist. During the process of adding a Command, an Offset popup will open where you can set the appropriate value. To add Command(s) to the current Playlist, tap Command to display the available Automation Controls, e.g., curtain, lights, etc., and Auditorium Unit Commands, e.g., Douser. Tap either the Scroll Up or Scroll Down arrow until you locate the Command of interest, tap the Command to select, and then tap Add. The ENTER OFFSET popup appears.
The offset of the added Command is the absolute offset from the beginning of the Playlist and is set using the ENTER OFFSET popup. To enter a value, tap the target, i.e., Hours, Minutes, or Seconds, and then tap (or touch-and-hold) either the Plus or Minus to increment the value of the selected target. When the desired value is
Chapter 1 User Guide
reached, tap Accept. The ENTER OFFSET popup closes and the added Command appear as a Playlist Element identified by its yellow color. The Offset value is displayed in the first column.
When all changes are complete, tap Save. CREATE PLAYLIST closes and you are returned to the MANAGE SHOWS pane.
When executing a projector control command from an SPL, wait at least 50 seconds after the projector lamp turns on before executing the command. The command may be ignored if you execute the command before 50 seconds.
Add Sub-Playlist
Delete Playlist Element
To delete a Playlist Element from the new Playlist, tap either the Scroll Up or Scroll Down arrow (right side list) until you locate the Playlist Element of interest, tap the Playlist Element to select, and then tap Delete. The Playlist is removed from the displayed list.
Previously created Show Playlists are available as a Sub­Playlist only if they do not contain a Sub-Playlist. If they contain 3D (Stereoscopic) Content they appear in purple. When an included Sub-Playlist is identified as a 3D Playlist
then the including Playlist will also be identified
as a 3D Playlist.
To add a Sub-Playlist, tap Sub-Playlist. Tap either the Scroll Up or Scroll Down arrow until you locate the Playlist of interest, tap the target Sub-Playlist to select, and then tap Add. The Sub-Playlist appears as the Playlist Element at the end of the Playlist.
When Playlist Elements are existing you may need to reposition the newly added Sub­Playlist to a different position within the existing events. To move the Sub-Playlist, in the right side list tap the Title to select and then tap Down or Up (control illustrated to the right) to move the selected Playlist Element one event position in the desired direction. Continue to tap Down or Up until the selected Playlist Element is in the desired position in the Playlist.
When all changes are complete, tap Save. CREATE PLAYLIST closes and you are returned to the MANAGE SHOWS pane.
Playlist Elements
Intermission Setup
Save Cancel
When all changes are complete, tap Save. CREATE PLAYLIST closes and you are returned to the MANAGE SHOWS pane.
Intermission Setup
An intermission can be scheduled for a Composition Playlist registered in a Show Playlist. Select the content (CPL) in the Playlist, and tap the Intermission Setup button. The Setup Intermission pane appears.
1.An existing Playlist will only appear as a Sub-Playlist if it does not include a Playlist. The SPL may contain only one nested Sub-Playlist level.
2.A playlist may be identified as a 3D Playlist even if it does not actually contain 3D Content. This occurs if the included Playlist includes a 3D Function or Command.
To specify the Intermission location, set the target CPL to the Play condition and tap the Stop point button at the point where the Intermission should start. The indication at the side shows the timecode. You can also tap besides the Stop point button to bring up the Enter Intermission Position popup window.
You can specify a Playlist (SPL) to be played during the interval period. This is the Interval SPL. When you tap the Interval SPL button, the Select Show pane appears. Tap the desired SPL and then tap Return to Setup.
Chapter 1 User Guide
Stop point
Interval SPL
To enter a value, tap the target, i.e., Hours, Minutes, or Seconds, and then tap
Offset Play
Restart point
Interval time
(or touch-and-hold) either Plus or Minus button to increment the value of the selected target. When the desired value is reached, tap Accept. The Enter Intermission Position popup window closes. The Intermission
Accept Cancel
Position value is shown in the Stop point field.
To specify the Restart point, set the target CPL to the Play condition and tap the Restart point button at the point where the Intermission should end. The indication at the side shows the timecode. You can also tap besides the Restart point button to bring up the Enter Intermission Position popup window. Specify the restart setting using the same method as described for the Stop point.
Return to Setup
To specify an offset, tap the Offset button. The ENTER
Rewind Time
REWIND TIME pane appears.
The additional command lets you specify an absolute offset time from the start of the Playlist. This is done using the ENTER OFFSET popup window. To enter a value, tap the target, i.e., Hours, Minutes, or Seconds, and then tap (or touch-and-hold)
Accept Cancel
either Plus or Minus button to increment the value of the selected
target. When the desired value is reached, tap Accept. The ENTER OFFSET popup window closes.
To check the operation of Contents (CPL) with Intermission, tap the Preview button. The Preview playback starts a few seconds before the start of the Intermission (Stop point) and continues for a few seconds past the end of the Intermission (Restart point). The Interval CPL is played during the Intermission period. When the setting is complete, tap the EDIT PLAYLIST Menu button to return to the CREATE PLAYLIST pane.
To specify an interval duration, tap to the right of Interval Time. The Enter Interval Duration popup window appears. Specify the interval setting using the same method as described for the Stop point.
Edit Show Playlist (SPL)
Playlist editing operations are usually carried out from the SMS Controller application. However, editing existing Show Playlists can also be realized from the Projectionist Terminal.
Chapter 1 User Guide
Access to features under MANAGE SHOWS is Role restricted.
To Edit an existing Playlist, tap Menu, tap Shows, tap Manage Shows. The MANAGE SHOWS pane appears.
Tap either Scroll Up or Scroll Down until you locate the Title of interest. Tap the Title to select and then tap Edit. The EDIT PLAYLIST popup appears.
Properties Close
View/Edit Playlist Properties
To view or edit the Playlist Properties, tap Properties. The
Playlist Properties popup appears.
Typ e
Playlist Properties contains descriptive information about the SPL. When you tap either Title (limited to
64 characters) or Description (limited to 512 characters), an on-screen keyboard appears. Tap keys to set the information and then tap Enter to close the keyboard. To set the Playlist Type, tap Type and then tap to make your selection from the list.
Once information has been set in the Playlist Properties, tap Apply and Playlist Properties will close. You must tap Save on the EDIT PLAYLIST pane to apply changes.
Add Black (Leader)
Black (Leader) is used to provide a brief interval between different content. This often is used simply to provide pacing to the sequence of content being presented, e.g., between trailers or between the last trailer and the feature start.
In Digital Cinema, “black” can be either the absence of the playback of any Content (virtual black
) during presentation or it can be actual black content supplied as a CPL included in the DCP. In the former case where a virtual black interval is manufactured during the presentation process, provision is made for establishing a duration of the Black interval. When Black is actual content, its duration is of a predetermined length and the Content Type is “transitional
To add Virtual Black to the Playlist, tap Content, tap either the Scroll Up or Scroll Down arrow until you locate Black (appears as green in the list), tap Black to select, and then tap Add. The ENTER GAP DURATION popup appears.
Save Cancel Intermission Setup
1.Virtual Black is created by electronically muting the image output from the Content playback subsystem (Media Block). A Virtual Black Playlist Element appears green in the Content list and in the subsequent Playlist.
2.Transitional Content is usually described as “extremely short content (1 to 15 seconds) separating unrelated compositions”.
Adjust Black (Leader) Duration
The duration of Virtual Black
can be adjusted to meet
timing needs. To adjust the duration of Black/Leader in the SPL, tap either the Scroll Up or Scroll Down arrow until you locate the target Black (appears as green in the Playlist), tap the Black element to select (the Edit button appears) and then tap Edit.
Chapter 1 User Guide
The duration of the added Black (Leader) is set using the ENTER GAP DURATION popup. This duration is an absolute value and adjusts the start time of the following Playlist Element in relation to the end time of the proceeding Playlist Element. To enter a value, tap the target, i.e., Hours, Minutes, or Seconds, and then tap (or touch-and-hold) either the Plus or Minus to increment the value of the selected target. When the desired value is reached, tap Accept. The ENTER GAP DURATION popup closes and the added Black appears in the right­hand list at the end of existing Playlist Elements.
Position the added Black to the correct position within the existing Playlist Elements. To move the Black Playlist Element, in the right side list tap the Black to select and then tap Down or Up (control illustrated to the right) to move the Black Playlist Element one event position in the desired direction. Continue to tap Down or Up until the Black Playlist Element is in the desired position in the Playlist. The start time of existing Playlist Elements are adjusted to accommodate the duration of the Black Playlist Element.
To add Black which is actual Content then locate the Content and add it to the Playlist in the same manner as you would add other Content. (See “Add Content” on page
When all changes are complete, tap Save. CREATE PLAYLIST closes and you are returned to the MANAGE SHOWS pane.
Edit Playlist
Tap Black Element
The Enter Gap Duration popup appears, adjust the Duration value, tap Accept and then tap Save.
Be sure to tap Save before leaving this screen. If you close the screen without tapping Save, all changes will be lost.
Be sure to tap Save before leaving this screen. If you close the screen without tapping Save, all changes will be lost.
1.Only the duration of Manufactured Black can be adjusted.
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