Sony PM-0340 User Guide

C6502-C6503-C6506__Booklet_EN_1269-7729.1.pdf 1 of 2
Startup guide
Xperia™ ZL
Important Information
Before you use your device, please read the Important Information provided in your device or in the box.
To remove the SIM and memory card cover
To insert the memory card and the SIM card
The memory card may not be included at purchase in all markets.
To attach the SIM and memory card cover
Device overview
12 14
Set up your device
1. Proximity sensor
2. Ear speaker
3. Light sensor
4. Volume/Zoom key
5. Power key
6. IR lens
7. Camera key
8. Front/chat camera lens
9. Main microphone
10. Notification light
Use the accessories provided with your device, or other compatible accessories, for optimal performance.
Turning on the device
15 16 17
To turn on the device
Make sure that the battery is charged for at least 30 minutes before you turn on the device for the first time.
Press and hold down the power key until the device vibrates.
Wait a while for the device to start.
Waking up the screen
To activate the screen
Briefly press the power key .
To unlock the screen
Drag up or drag down.
11. Touchscreen
12. Headset connector
13. Second microphone
14. Speaker
15. Port for charger/USB cable
16. Camera lens
17. Camera light
18. Strap hole
19. SIM and memory card cover
Using the keys
Go back to the previous screen
Close the on-screen keypad, a dialog box, an options menu, or the Notification panel
Go to the Home screen
Tap to open a window showing your most recently used applications and a small apps bar
What is Android™?
Android is your device's operating system. Since Android is developed by Google™, your device is preloaded with several Google™ services, such as Google Maps™ and Google™ web search. To use some of the services provided by Google™, you need a Google account.
What is different about Android?
Android™ is an open system, which means that you're not limited to using applications and services from only one provider.
Google™ account
With a Google™ account, you can use Gmail™ to send emails, Google Talk™ to chat with friends, and Google Play™ to download applications and games, music, movies and books.
To set up a Google™ account on your device
From your Home screen, tap
Find and tap Settings > Add account > Google.
Follow the registration wizard to create a Google™ account, or sign in if you already have an account.
You can also sign in to or create a Google™ account from the setup guide the first time you start your device. Or you can go online and create an account at
Basic settings
The first time you start your device, a setup guide explains basic device functions and helps you enter essential settings. You can also access the setup guide later.
To access the setup guide manually
From the Home screen, tap .
Tap Settings > Setup guide.
Sony Mobile Communications AB SE-221 88 Lund, Sweden
December 17, 2012 10:30:54
C6502-C6503-C6506__Booklet_EN_1269-7729.1.pdf 2 of 2
Transferring contacts to your new device
Transferring contacts to your new device can sometimes be complicated, but help is available. You can transfer contacts from several device brands, including iPhone, Samsung, HTC and Nokia. You need:
An Internet-connected PC running Windows®
A USB cable for your old device
A USB cable for your new Android™ device
Your old device
Your new Android™ device
Get started transferring your contacts
Use the PC Companion program to transfer your contacts. It's free, and the installation files are already saved on your new device. PC Companion also offers a range of other features, including help to update your device software.
To install PC Companion
New device: Turn on your new Android™ device and
connect it to a PC using a USB cable.
New device: Tap Install to install PC Companion on the
Computer: If a popup window appears to notify you
about available PC software, select Run Startme.exe.
Computer: Click Install to start the installation and then
follow the instructions to complete the installation.
To transfer contacts to your new device using PC Companion
Make sure that PC Companion is installed on your PC.
Open the PC Companion program on the PC, then click Contacts Setup and follow the instructions to transfer your contacts.
Finding your way
Home screen
The Home screen of your device is the equivalent of the desktop on a computer. You can customise your Home screen with widgets, shortcuts, folders, themes, wallpaper and other items. The Home screen extends beyond the regular screen display width, so you need to flick left or right to view content in one of the screen's four extensions.
The items in the bar at the bottom of the screen are always available for quick access.
To go to the Home screen
Press .
To browse the Home screen
Flick right or left.
To change your Home screen wallpaper
Tap an empty area on your Home screen.
Tap Wallpaper and select an option.
Widgets are small applications that you can use directly on your Home screen. For example, the Music player widget allows you to start playing music directly. Some widgets are resizable, so you can expand them to view more content or shrink them to save space on your Home screen.
Application screen
The Application screen, which you open from your Home screen, contains the applications that come pre-installed on your device as well as the applications you download. The Application screen extends beyond the regular screen width, so you need to flick left and right to view all content.
To open the Application screen
From your Home screen, tap .
To open an application
From your Home screen or the Application screen, tap the application.
An application is a program on your device that helps you perform a task. For example, there are applications to make calls, take photos and download more applications.
Status and notifications
The status bar at the top of your screen shows what's going on in your device. For example, new message and calendar notifications appear here.
Checking notifications and ongoing activities
You can drag down the status bar to open the Notification panel and get more information. For example, you can use the panel to open a new message or view a calendar event. You can also open some applications that run in the background, such as the music player.
To open the Notification panel
Drag the status bar downwards.
Settings menu
View and change settings for your device from the Settings menu.
To access your device settings
From your Home screen, tap .
Tap Settings.
You can also drag the status bar downwards on the Home screen and tap to access your device settings.
More basics
To make a call by dialling
From your Home screen, tap .
Find and tap Phone.
Enter the number of the recipient and tap Call. To delete a number, tap .
To end a call
Tap .
To answer a call
Drag to the right across the screen.
Multimedia and text messaging
To create and send a message
From your Home screen, tap , then find and tap .
Tap .
Tap , then select the desired recipients from the Contacts list. If the recipient is not listed as a contact, enter the contact's number manually and tap
When you are finished adding recipients, tap Done.
Tap Write message and enter your message text.
If you want to add a media file, tap option.
To send the message, tap Send.
and select an
My device is not responding
If your device hangs, or if you cannot restart it normally, you can force the device to restart.
To force the device to restart
Remove the SIM and memory card cover.
Press and hold down the OFF button using the tip of a pen or a similar object.
After your device vibrates once, release the button. The device restarts automatically.
The device does not recognise my wired headset
Make sure the wired headset that you are using complies to the CTIA standard. Your device supports the CTIA standard, and may not be fully compatible with other standards such as OMTP.
If you have a wireless headset that is compatible with your device, try using that instead.
Legal information
To view the CE mark
Place a finger nail over the top edge of the label and peel it back so that the label folds outwards.
Sony C6502/C6503/C6506
Google Play™ is not available in all countries. Some of the services and features described in this Startup guide are not supported in all countries/regions or by all networks and/or service providers in all areas. Without limitation, this applies to the GSM International Emergency Number 112. Please contact your network operator or service provider to determine availability of any specific service or feature and whether additional access or usage fees apply.
This Startup guide is published by Sony Mobile Communications AB or its local affiliated company, without any warranty. Improvements and changes to this Startup guide necessitated by typographical errors, inaccuracies of current information, or improvements to programs and/or equipment, may be made by Sony Mobile Communications AB at any time and without notice. Such changes will, however, be incorporated into new editions of this Startup guide.
© 2012 Sony Mobile Communications AB. All rights reserved. Publication number: 1269-7729.1 Your device has the capability to download, store and forward additional content,
e.g. ringtones. The use of such content may be restricted or prohibited by rights of third parties, including but not limited to restriction under applicable copyright laws. You, and not Sony, are entirely responsible for additional content that you download to or forward from your device. Prior to your use of any additional content, please verify that your intended use is properly licensed or is otherwise authorized. Sony does not guarantee the accuracy, integrity or quality of any additional content or any other third party content. Under no circumstances will Sony be liable in any way for your improper use of additional content or other third party content.
This Startup guide may reference services or applications provided by third parties. Use of such programming or services may require separate registration with the third party provider and may be subject to additional terms of use. For applications accessed on or through a third-party website, please review such websites’ terms of use and applicable privacy policy in advance. Sony does not warrant or guarantee the availability or performance of any third-party websites or offered services.
Remove the bottom cover to see regulatory information such as the CE mark. All product and company names mentioned herein are the trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective owners. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.
Visit for more information. All illustrations are for illustration only and may not accurately depict the actual
device. This product is protected by certain intellectual property rights of Microsoft. Use
or distribution of such technology outside of this product is prohibited without a license from Microsoft.
Product compliance: This product has been manufactured by or on behalf of Sony Mobile Communications, Mobilvägen, SE-221 88 Lund, Sweden. Inquiries related to product compliance based on national legislation shall be addressed to Sony Mobile Quality Officer, Sony Mobile Communications AB, Mobilvägen, SE-221 88 Lund, Sweden. For any service or guarantee matters, please refer to the contact details provided in the separate service or guarantee documents.
Our support to you – Xperia™ Care
User guide
A User guide is available at
Support in your device
Get user support directly in your device using the Help application.
To access the Help application
From your Application screen, find and tap .
Find and tap the required support item.
Support on the web
Visit to access a range of support and get the most from your device.
Customer support
Customer support – if all else fails. Access the relevant support number at by clicking the Contact us link at the bottom of the page.
Learn more
Learn more about how we can support you with Xperia™ Care at
December 17, 2012 10:30:55
FCC Statement
Declaration of Conformity
Sony C6502
UMTS HSPA Band 1 2 4 5 8 GSM GPRS/EDGE 850/900/1800/1900
Important Information Un
ited States & Canada
The C650 2 Ser ies mobi le ph ones hav e bee n des igned to com ply w ith a ppl icabl e saf ety r equ ireme nts f or ex posur e t o rad io wa ves. You r wir eless phon e i s a r adio trans mitte r a nd rec eiver . It is desig ned t o not ex ceed the l imits * of exp osure to rad io fr equen cy (RF) energ y set by gove rnmen tal a uthor iti es. The se li mits est ablis h per mitte d l evels of R F ene rgy f or the gen eral popul ati on. T he gu ideli nes are based on s tanda rds tha t wer e dev elo ped b y int ernat ion al sc ienti fic o rgani zat ions thr ough perio dic and thoro ugh e val uatio n of scien tific st udies . The stan dards in clude a sa fety mar gin d esign ed to assu re the saf ety o f all in divid uals, rega rdl ess o f age and healt h.
The radi o wav e e xposu re gu ideli nes empl oy a unit of mea surem ent k now n as the S pecif ic Absor ption Rate (SAR ). Tes ts fo r SAR ar e con ducte d usi ng stand ardiz ed me thods wi th the phon e tra nsm ittin g at its h igh est c ertif ied p ower lev el in all use d fre quenc y b ands. Whil e the re may b e dif feren ces bet ween the S AR level s of vario us phone mode ls, t hey a re all des igned to m eet the relev ant g uid eline s for expo sure to radio wav es. F or mo re infor matio n on SAR , ple ase r efer to th e s afe and effi cient us e cha pter in th e U ser G uide.
The high est S AR value as r eport ed to th e aut horit ies for this pho ne mo del w hen test ed fo r use by the ear i s 0.7 2 W/k g*, and when worn on the body is 1. 00 W/kg* for speec h and
1.2 1 W/k g* fo r d ata c alls. For bod y-wor n ope ratio n, th e p hone has been test ed when posit ioned a minim um of 15 m m fro m the body with out any metal part s i n the vici nity of th e p hone or whe n pro perly us ed wi th an appr opr iate Sony acces sory and wor n on the b ody . For devi ces w hic h inc lude “WiFi hots pot ” fun ction ality , S AR me asure ments fo r the devi ce op erati ng in WiF i hot spot mod e wer e tak en us ing a se parat ion d istan ce of
10m m. Us e of thi rd-pa rty a ccess ori es ma y res ult i n dif fer ent SAR leve ls th an those repo rted.
**B efore a ph one mode l is avail abl e for sale to t he pu bli c in the US, it mu st be te sted and c ert ified by t he Fe deral Com munic ation s C ommis sion (FCC) th at it does not excee d the limi t est abl ished by t he go ver nment -adop ted r equir eme nt for safe expo sur e*. T he te sts a re perfo rmed in po sitio ns and loc ation s (i. e., by t he ea r and wo rn on the body) as r equ ired by the FCC for e ach mode l. Th e FCC ha s gra nted an Eq uipme nt Aut horiz ation fo r thi s pho ne mo del with all repor ted S AR level s eva luate d as in compl iance with th e FCC RF e xposu re gui delin es. W hil e the re ma y be dif feren ces b etwee n the SA R lev els o f var iou s pho nes, all m obi le ph ones grant ed an FC C equ ipmen t aut hor izati on me et th e g overn ment requi remen t f or saf e exp osure . S AR in forma tion on this phone mode l is on file at the F CC an d c an be foun d und er the D ispla y Gra nt se cti on of http: //www .fc /oet/ fccid af ter s earch ing o n FCC ID PY7PM -0340 . A dditi onal infor mat ion o n SAR can be fo und on the C ellul ar Telec ommun icati ons & In terne t Ass ociat ion (CT IA) w ebsit e a t htt p://w one facts .net.
* I n the Unit ed State s and Cana da, the SAR l imit for m obi le pho nes u sed b y t he pu blic is 1. 6 w atts/ kilog ram ( W/kg) ave raged over on e gra m of tissu e. The s tanda rd in corpo rat es a mar gin o f saf ety to g ive a dditi ona l pro tecti on fo r the pu blic and to accou nt fo r a ny va riati ons i n m easur ement s.
**T his p aragr aph is o nly a pplic abl e to autho ritie s and cus tomer s in the Unit ed St ates.
Renseignements importants Ét
ats-Unis et Canada
Les télé phone s m obile s de la C6 502 ont été c onçus po ur rép ondre aux nor mes d e séc urité en vigu eur e n mat ière d'e xposi tion aux onde s rad ioéle ctr iques . Vot re té lépho ne sans fil est un é mette ur et un réce pteur ra dio. Il es t con çu de ma nière à ne pas d épass er les l imite s* d' exp ositi on à l'éne rgie des fré quenc es ra dio (RF) étab lies par les autor ités gou verne menta les . Ces limi tes f ixe nt le s niv eaux maxim aux d'é nergi e RF aux quels peut être so umis le gr and p ublic . C es lig nes d irect ric es so nt ba sées sur des norme s qui ont été éla borée s par de s org anisa tions sc ienti fique s int ernat ion ales par le biais d'év alu ation s pér iodiq ues et a pprof ondie s des ét udes sci entif iques . C es no rmes prévo ien t une marg e de sécur ité visa nt à a ssure r la pro tecti on de tous le s ind ividu s, pe u imp ort e leu r âge et l eur é tat de s anté.
Les lign es di rec trice s rel ative s à l'ex posit ion a ux ondes rad ioéle ctriq ues util isent une uni té de mesu re ap pelée « Taux d'a bsorp tion spé cifiq ue » (TAS) . L es te sts d e TAS sont ef fectu és sel on de s mét hod es st andar disée s d ans l esque lles le té lép hone éme t dan s tou tes les bande s de fré quenc es ut ilisé es, à la plus for te pu issan ce pour laque lle i l a été homol ogué. Bien qu e le TAS puis se êt re diffé rent d'un mod èle d e tél éphon e à u n a utre, tou s les appa rei ls so nt co nçus pou r res pecte r les lign es dir ectri ces r ela tives aux ondes ra dioél ectri ques. Pour en savo ir plu s sur le T AS, repo rtez- vous au chapi tre s ur l' utili sat ion eff icace et s ans dang er du guid e d e l'u tilis ateur .
Le TAS l e plu s é levé relev é par le s aut orité s pou r ce mod èle d e tél éphon e est de 0.72 W/kg * lor squ 'il e st te sté e n uti lis ation près de l'ore ille, et de 1 .00 W /kg* pou r les appe ls vo caux et de
1.2 1 W/k g* po ur les t ransm issio ns de do nnées lors qu'il es t por té sur le c orps. En mode d’ut ilisa tio n por té su r le corps , l e tél éphon e a é té testé lors qu’il es t à a u moi ns 15 mm d u c orps et
à l ’écar t de tou te pi èce e n mét al, ou l orsqu ’il e st ut ili sé de faço n adé quate avec un acce ssoir e Son y e t por té su r le corps . P our les appa reils mu nis d e la fonct ion nalit é « p oint d'acc ès WiFi », les mesu res d u T AS de l'ap parei l e n mod e WiF i ont été pri ses à une dist ance de sécur ité d e 10 mm. L'ut ilisa tion d'acc ess oires tie rs pe ut pr odu ire d es ni veaux de TAS diffé rents de c eux rel evés.
**A vant qu'un mo dèle de té lépho ne ne so it mi s en vente aup rès d u pub lic aux États -Unis , l a Com missi on fé déral e d es com munic ation s ( CFC) doit le te ste r et certi fier qu'il re spect e les lim ites fixée s d ans l es ex igenc es gouve rneme ntale s d'e xpo sitio n san s dan ger*. Po ur ch aque modèl e, les t ests sont effec tué s en pos ition et a ux endro its d 'usag e ( c.-à- d. pr ès de l'or eil le et port é sur le c orps) , t el qu e req uis p ar la CF C. La CFC a acc ord é une aut orisa tion d'é quipe ment pour ce modèl e de télép hone, ap rès que tous les niv eaux de TA S ind iqu és ai ent é té év alués et con sidér és co nfo rmes aux l ignes di rectr ices de la CFC en mat ière d'exp osi tion aux r adiof réq uence s. Mê me s' il pe ut y avo ir des diff érenc es entre les nivea ux de TA S des diff érent s tél éphon es, t ous les télép hones mo biles auxq uels la CF C a acc ordé une a uto risat ion d 'équi pem ent r épond ent a ux no rme s gou verne menta les en m atièr e d'e xpo sitio n san s dan ger. La CFC con serve dans se s dos siers l'in for matio n rel ative aux TAS rele vés pou r ce modèl e d e tél éphon e. Vo us pouve z la consu lter au htt p://w ww.fc c.g ov/oe t/fcc id so us la ru briqu e « D ispla y G rant », apr ès av oir e ffe ctué une r echer che sur CFC I D PY7 PM-03 40. Vou s tro uvere z d es re nseig nemen ts suppl ément aires conc ern ant le TAS s ur le si te We b de la Ce llu lar T eleco mmuni catio ns & Int ernet Asso cia tion (CTIA ) au htt p://w onefa cts.n et.
* A ux Ét ats-U nis et a u Can ada, la limit e de TAS d es tél éphon es mo bil es ut ilisé s par le publ ic es t de 1,6 w att /kg (W/ kg) e n moy enn e sur un g ramme de tiss us. C ette norme com porte une mar ge im porta nte d e s écuri té af in d' assur er une pro tecti on su ppl ément aire et de te nir c ompte de t oute var iatio n dan s les mesu res .
**C e par agrap he ne co ncern e que le s aut orité s et les c lie nts des État s-Uni s.
Información importante Es
tados Unidos y Canadá
Los telé fonos mó viles de l a Ser ie C6502 han sido diseñ ado s seg ún lo s req uis itos de se gurid ad aplic ables para la expo sició n a ond as de radi o. Su te léfon o ina lám brico es u n tra nsm isor y rec eptor de r adi o. Es tá di señad o p ara n o sup erar los lími tes* de exp osici ón a ene rgía de ra diofr ecu encia (RF) fija dos por las aut orida des g ube rname ntale s. Es tos lími tes e stabl ece n los niv eles permi tid os de ener gía d e R F par a la pobla ció n gen eral. Las espe cific aci ones se ba san e n l os es tánda res d esa rroll ados por orga nizac ion es ci entíf icas int ernac ional es me dia nte eva luaci ones per iódic as y minuc ios as de estu dios cie ntífi cos. Los está ndare s i ncluy en un marg en de se gurid ad de sti nado a gar antiz ar la se gurid ad de toda s l as pe rsona s, ind epend iente men te de la e dad y de la s alud.
Las espe cific aci ones de la expo sic ión a onda s de radio emp lean una u nid ad de medi da co noc ida c omo l a Tas a esp ecífi ca de ab sorci ón (S AR, p or su si gla e n ing lés ). La s pru ebas de SA R s e lle van a cabo me diant e el uso d e m étodo s est andar izado s c on la tran smisi ón telef ónica al m ás alto nivel de ene rgía regis tra do en toda s las ba ndas de fr ecuen cia util izada s. Aun que e s pos ibl e que haya dife ren cias entre los niv eles de SA R de los d ifere nte s mod elos de te léf onos, todo s est án diseñ ados par a cum plir con las espec ifica cio nes c orres pondi ent es de la exp osici ón a ond as de radi o. Pa ra obten er má s inf orm ación sob re SA R, co nsu lte e l cap ítulo so bre u so se guro y e ficaz que se enc uentr a en la Guía del u suari o.
Seg ún se repo rtó a la s aut orida des , el valor más alt o de SAR de este model o d e tel éfono cuan do se pr obó u sándo lo cerca del oíd o es de 0. 72 W/kg* y al usar lo en el cuer po es de 1.00 W/kg * par a hab lar y 1. 21 W/ kg* p ara l lam adas de da tos. Par a su uso cer ca de l cue rpo , el teléf ono h a s ido p robad o par a s u fun ciona mient o a una dista ncia mín ima d e 15 mm (0 ,59 pulg .)
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