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Mr. B / DNA Design for GameCity /
Playstation 2 Laseradjustment / rep lacement
Disassembling the console
There are many FAQs reg a r d ing the adjustment of PS2 Laserunits (LU), as Sony seems to adjust ´em
too careful, so the LU has a greater life expectance, but the PS has difficulties r eading some DVDs or
Most of the answers give advice to screw a little bit on the laserpots, but that´s a real ner v e w r ecking
way of getting your PS to work.
This reworked and rewritten tut orial gives explanation to properly adjus tin g the LU.
There also seems to be a problem with some batches of PS2 - the LU dies and the PS2 can´t read DVDs
and/or CDs anymore. Fortunately th ere ar e some vendors selling r efurbished or new laserunits - the
problem is that in most cases you have to replace the unit yourself. The explanations and aproaches
given in this tutorial are meant as a help performing t his task.
Oscilloscope (at least 20 Mhz bandwidth!)
10:1 Scope testprobe with clamp
a set of presic ion screwdrivers (like the ones for repairing clocks)
Philips screwd river (for removing the PS2 cover)
your PS2 utility dis c ( Jap model) / demo disc (Eur model) or any other PS1 gamedisc and a
knowledge on how to use that stuff ... (esp. the oscilloscope !)
small piece of thin, isolated wire, solder wick and a solder iron
: probe with ground-clamp
: tools for laserunit replacement
For replacing the laserunit:
precision height gauge (German: „Schieblehre“ or „Mikrometerschraube“)
precision screwdriver size 1
screw securing lacquer (Loctide screwfastener)
solder iron and desolder wick or desolder pump
If you don´t have one of the tools above (esp. the scope and probes ) ask somebody who can lend it
to you (TV repair shops ..), if you lack of [6 knowledge] then ask somebody who´s familiar with this
(again TV repair shops...) ;)!
Disassembling the console
(Bringing the console into service position)
If you disassemble and modify your PS2 you will lo s e warranty.
The following procedures should only be done by skilled persons with the console
the mains. If you aren´t sure if you can do this ask somebo dy who´s familiar with this kind of
Furthermore be extremely careful while doing th e ad j u stment s a s there are
Remove the bottom and to p cover by removing the screws under the small pla st ic/rubbe r pads.
Remove the metal r f i-sh ieldin g at the bottom ( pcb ) side.
Unplug the flat wire band from t he drive connector by lift ing off the clamping bridge (carefully!!!)
Turn t he machine around and dismount the drive by removing the two screws holding it.
Turn t he machine back to the bottom side and plug the wire band back to the connector .
Place the drive that you can access the drawer, without bending the flat wire band (I put it on the
pcb, isolated with a sheet of paper and „up-side-down“ to get access to the adjustable resistors) .