In 2003, Sony introduced a series of products for video recording using nonlinear media. Along with the
advantages of a tapeless workfl ow, this heralded a number of other tremendous benefi ts including
fi le based recording, split second random access capability, thumbnail search capability,
no overwriting on existing footage and an IT/network capability. Sony named this epoch-making
product line the XDCAM® Professional Disc™ System.
Since then, the XDCAM series has continued to demonstrate the many advantages of nonlinear
recording, including a superb system for high defi nition (HD) production. In response to ever-increasing
demands of video production, Sony has expanded the XDCAM series by introducing four lines of
products* – the XDCAM HD422, XDCAM HD, XDCAM SD and XDCAM EX™ – each of which is well suited to
meet the wide range of applications and budget constraints. For user fl exibility, there is also a choice of
recording format, such as HD or SD, recording bit rate, interlace or progressive mode, and optical disc or
memory card recording media.
With the XDCAM family, users can now select the product best suited to the particular production being
created, and enjoy all the great benefi ts and effi ciencies of a nonlinear workfl ow.
*Plea se refer to the broc hures of each XDCAM product li ne for details o n each m odel .
Profes sional DiscSxS PRO
XDCAM Workfl ow
XDCAM HD422 Camcorder
XDCAM HD Camcorder
XDCAM SD Camcorder
XDCAM EX Camcorder
XDCAM EX Camcorder
Professional Disc Media
SxS PRO Memory Card
PC with Clip Browser installed
Memory Card
PDW-U1 Drive Unit
MP4 -> MXF conversion
Nonlinear Editing System
ExpressCard Slot
Professional Disc Media
PDW-U1 Drive Unit
Data File Recording by User Data Folder
Still Pictures
*This Capability for PDW-U1 requires a VFAM driver software upgrade planned to be available in summer 2009.
NLE Workfiles
Other PC Files
Still Pictures
NLE Workfiles
Other PC Files
Two Types of Nonlinear Recording Medium –
The Professional Disc and SxS PRO Media
Through detailed analysis of an optimum workfl ow for various types of production applications,
Sony has selected two types of nonlinear recording media for the XDCAM family –
optical disc and memory card. The XDCAM HD422, XDCAM HD and XDCAM SD lineup use
an optical disc medium, called Professional Disc media, which offers large storage capacity of up to
50 GB at an affordable price. The XDCAM EX lineup uses a memory card, the SxS PRO™ card,
having a highly compact design because the card itself is so slim, as well as offering data
transfer rates of up to 800 Mb/s.*
Both product lines – disc-based products and memory card-based products – deliver the same
tremendous benefi ts of a nonlinear workfl ow, including fi le based recording, an instant
random access capability, a thumbnail search capability, no overwriting on existing footage,
and IT/network capability.
*Thi s data rea d speed is measured with b ench mark s oft ware. Actual data t rans fer speeds va ry acc ordin g to mea surem ent con diti ons.
Please refer to for information on measuring methods.
The Professional Disc Media
The Professional Disc medium adopted in the XDCAM HD422,
XDCAM HD and XDCAM SD lineup uses state-of-the -art
blue -violet laser technology to enable extremely largecapacity recordings. The diameter of the Professional Disc
media employed is a mere 12 cm, equal to that of other
optical media such as CDs and DVDs. Yet, despite its small
size, this disc provides an amazing storage capacity of 50
GB (PFD50DLA dual layer disc)/23.3 GB (PFD23A single layer
disc) , yet it is offered at a very affordable price.
Extraordinary storage capacity in a 5-inch (12-cm)
diameter disc
- PFD50DLA dual layer disc: 50 GB
- PFD23A single layer disc: 23 GB
Long recording time*
Recording formatRecording bit ratePFD50DLA (50 GB)PFD23A (23 GB)
MPEG HD42250 Mb/s95 min.43 min.
DVCAM25 Mb/s185 min.85 min.
35 Mb/s145 min.65 min.
25 Mb/s190 min.85 min.
18 Mb/s248 min.112 min.
50 Mb/s100 min.45 min.
40 Mb/s120 min.55 min.
30 Mb/s150 min.68 min.
High data read speed : approx. 220 Mb/s**
Highly reliable: no mechanical contact during recording
and playback
Durable mechanism: disc is packaged in an extremely
durable and dust resistant disc cartridge
Affordable cost-per-to-storage capacity media
*With fo ur-channe l audio. Actual re cording time m ay vary depen ding on factors s uch as bit
rate mode, n umber of aud io channels , and number of v ideo clips.
**Actual data re ad speeds may va ry.
The SxS PRO Memory Card
The SxS PRO memory card adopted by the XDCAM EX series for
recording is an ultra -compact nonlinear medium that uses fl ash
memory, and is based on the SxS™ memory card specifi cation.
The SxS PRO memory card achieves an extremely high data
transfer speed of 800 Mb/s*, allowing users to quickly transfer
recorded footage to a compatible PC or nonlinear editing
The SxS PRO memory card also achieves long record times.
Combining the moderate bit rates produced by the effi cient
MPEG-2 Long GOP compression to large-capacity SxS PRO
memory card, the XDCAM EX products record high-quality HD
images for a long recording time of 70 minutes on a single 16-GB
SxS PRO memory card. Equipped with two SxS PRO memory
card slots, the XDCAM EX products achieve up to 140 minutes of
recording using two 16-GB memory cards in the SP mode and a
minimum of up to 100 minutes in the HQ mode.
When a clip spans across two cards, the transition is seamless
without any artifacts or frame loss. The SxS PRO memory cards
can be hot- swapped while shooting without interrupting the
recording. This feature makes the XDCAM EX products ideal for
a wide variety of long form content-production applications.
Recording format Recording bit rate SBP-32 (32 GB)SBP-16 (16 GB)SBP-8 (8 GB)
35 Mb/s100 min.50 min.25 min.
25 Mb/s140 min.70 min.35 min.
Compatible with the ExpressCard™/34 standard
Uses PCI Express interface, and achieves an extremely high
data transfer speed of 800 Mb/s*
Storage capacity: 16 GB (SBP-16) and 8 GB (SBP-8)
Long recording time
Most new Macintosh
systems and PCs are equipped with
ExpressCard slots
Compact size: approx. 3 x 1 3/8 x 7/32 inches (75 x 34 x 5 mm)
(excluding the projecting parts) – about half the size of a
conventional PC card
Low power consumption
Highly reliable: can resist shocks (1500 G) and vibrations (15 G)
SxS Memory Card is also available from SanDisk Corporation
*This data read speed is measured with benchmark software. Actual data transfer speeds vary
accordi ng to measurem ent conditio ns. Please refe r to http://www.s ony.n et/SxS-S upport/ for
information on measuring methods.
XDCAM HD422 System
The brand new XDCAM HD422 lineup sits at the top of the range in the XDCAM family –
ideal for applications such as news gathering, where speed is a key concern, and
for the production of TV dramas, documentaries and mainstream entertainment
programs, where a high-quality impression is crucial.
The XDCAM HD422 line of products offers amazing quality HD video at a data rate of up to
50 Mb/s using MPEG-2 4:2:2P@HL compression technology referred to as MPEG HD422.
This lineup also offers multi-format recording fl exibility including 1080P, 1080i, 720P and SD,
which comes with HD/SD conversion and cross conversion between 1080P, 1080i and 720P.
XDCAM HD422 Products Common Features
HD recording at up to 50 Mb/s using MPEG HD422 codec
(an MPEG-2 4:2:2P@HL compression technology)
1080P, 1080i and 720P recording with a choice of
frame rates
Native 1080/23.98P mode*
Support for MPEG IMX ® and DVCAM™ formats**
Dual layer (50 GB, PFD50DL A) and single layer (23.3 GB,
PFD23A) Professional Disc support
Long recording time (at 50 Mb/s with four-channel audio)
- Approximately 95 minutes on dual layer disc and 43
minutes on single layer disc
Proxy data (1.5 Mb/s for video and 0.5 Mb/s for audio) and
metadata recording
Built-in up-conversion to HD from SDI input when recording
HD/SD conversion and cross conversion between 1080 and
720 at output during playback
Data File Recording by User Data Folder
*PDW-700 re quires the o ption al CBK Z-FC02 soft ware planne d to be avai lab le in
summ er 20 09. PDW-H D1500 requ ires the optional PD BK-F150 0 hard ware key
plan ned to be avail abl e in summer 2 009.
**PDW-700 requi re the opt iona l CBK Z-MD01 software. PDW- HD1500 req uires t he
optiona l PDBK- S1500 ha rdware key.
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