Sony PCWA-C800S - Wireless Lan Router, PCWA-C700, PCWA-C500, PCWA-C300S Software Manual

This Help system requires Internet Explorer 5 or later. It may not be displayed properly by earlier versions of Internet Explorer.
The appearance of the Wireless Panel software screenshots used in this Help system may differ slightly depending on your operating system.
Refer to the sections below to find out about the Wireless Panel software and the connection modes.
About the connection modes
Page 1
What is the Wireless Panel software?
The Wireless Panel softw are displays the communication status of the Wireless LAN PC Cards PCWA-C800S, PCWA-C700, PCWA-C500, and PCWA-C300S
(hereafter "Wireless LAN PC Card"). Normally, it runs in the background. Here are some of its features.
Display of the signal status of the wireless connection as an icon on the Windows taskbar
The Wireless Panel softw are displays the signal status of your w ireless connection as an icon on the Window s taskbar. See section Checking the communication
status to find out w hat the icon looks like.
Confirm the status of the network to which you are connected
Detailed information about the netw ork to w hich you are currently connected, as w ell as available the access points appear in a list in the Wireless Panel w indow . When using the Window s 2000 operating system, you can also use the Wireless Panel softw are to register netw ork settings on your computer or sw itch betw een netw ork connections.
Wireless network connectivity
You can register several netw orks to the Wireless Panel softw are, making it simple to use a w ireless connection to access, for example, your office or personal netw ork w ith the Access Point Netw ork or Peer to Peer Netw ork connection mode.
Use the connection modes above in the follow ing situations. For details, see About the connection modes.
Use the Access Point Netw ork connection mode to build a netw ork around a w ireless LAN access point (sold separately).
Use the Peer to Peer Netw ork connection mode to allow computers equipped w ith Wireless LAN PC Cards to communicate directly, w ithout using an access point.
(*) Some functions outlined here are not available to the PCWA-C300S and PCWA-C500.
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About the connection modes
There are tw o connection modes. The Access Point Netw ork connection mode and Peer to Peer Netw ork connection mode.
Access Point Network connection mode (Accessing the Internet from various points within your home)
The Access Point Netw ork connection mode allow s you to build a w ireless netw ork based on an optional access point. When you connect the access point to an ADSL modem, cable modem, or ISDN router, using this connection mode allow s you to access the Internet through a w ireless netw ork from a computer connected to the access point. Also, by using a computer w ith a Wireless LAN PC Card, you can communicate w ith the access point and share files w ith other computers through the access point.
Internet access requires the separate purchase of an Internet connection from an Internet service provider (ISP).
Peer to Peer Network connection mode
The Peer to Peer Netw ork connection mode allow s computers equipped w ith Wireless LAN PC Cards to communicate directly, w ithout using an access point. With this connection mode, mobile users can share files directly from one computer to another.
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Precautions and limitations
The follow ing are precautions and limitations regarding the use of the Wireless LAN PC Card and the Wireless Panel softw are.
Window s 2000 and Window s XP operating system user limitations
Can I use my Wireless LAN PC Card and an Ethernet connection at the same time?
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Windows 2000 and Windows XP operating system user limitations
When using the Window s 2000 or Window s XP operating system, the operations that can be executed differ depending on the user access privileges.
To install or configure the Wireless LAN PC Card softw are on computers running the Window s 2000 or Window s XP operating system, log on to Window s 2000 as one of the Administrators or to Window s XP as a user w ith computer administrator privileges. You cannot install the softw are or modify its settings w hen logged on as any other user.
Us e rs Lim itations
Window s 2000:
Window s XP:
Computer administrators All functions are enabled. (How ever, available functions differ betw een operating systems.)
Other users Window s 2000: You cannot install the Wireless Panel softw are or Wireless LAN PC Card driver, or sw itch w ireless ON/OFF. You can only check the connection status and configure the access point settings.
Window s XP:
You cannot install the Wireless Panel softw are or Wireless LAN PC Card driver, use the Streaming mode, sw itch w ireless ON/OFF, or specify a channel to build a peer-to-peer netw ork.
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Basic use
This sections describes the Wireless Panel w indow , and explains how to check the communication status and register netw orks.
To configure w ireless networking on computers running the Window s 2000 operating system, log on as one of the Administrators. You cannot make settings w hen logged on as any other user.
Displaying the Wireless Panel w indow
Checking the communication status
Registering a netw ork
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Displaying the Wireless Panel window
Display the Wireless Panel w indow as follow s.
Display the Wireless Panel window
Double-click the Wire les s Panel icon ( , , , or ) on the tas kbar.
The Wireless Panel w indow appears.
(The screenshot above show s an example w hen using a Wireless LAN PC Card PCWA-C800S w ith a computer running the Window s XP operating system.)
Quit the Wireless Panel software
Right-click the Wirele ss Panel icon ( , , , or ) on the Window s taskbar and click "Exit".
The Wireless Panel softw are stops.
For details on the Wireless Panel icon, see Checking the communication status.
Depending on your operating system and Wireless LAN PC Card, the buttons appearing in the main w indow of the Wireless Panel w indow may be different from those show n above. For details about each Wireless Panel w indow , see Wireless Panel w indow and functions.
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Checking the communication status
You can check the w ireless netw ork communication status w ith the Wireless Panel icon on the Window s taskbar or on the "Status" tab of the Wireless Panel w indow . A variety of other details are also available on the "Status" tab.
Check the communication status in the Wireless Panel icon on the taskbar
Check detailed information on the "Status" tab
Check the communication status in the Wireless Panel icon on the taskbar
You can check the strength of the received signal w ith the Wireless Panel icon on the taskbar. The Wireless Panel icon has tw o display modes, "Signal Level" and "Transmission Level", w hich can be changed on the "Setting" tab of the Wireless Panel w indow .
View ing the s ignal le ve l
The Wireless Panel icon indicates the strength of the received signal. The meaning of each indication is as follow s.
Out of range or not connected
Card not inserted
(The Wireless LAN PC Card is not correctly inserted, w as not properly detected, or is disabled.)
Peer to Peer
(Communicating in Peer to Peer Netw ork connection mode.)
View ing the trans m is s ion le ve l
The Wireless Panel icon indicates the data transmission level as a bar graph. The red line on the left indicates the reception rate and the green line on the right indicates the data transmission rate. When there is no card or w hen communicating in Peer to Peer Netw ork connection mode, the indication is the same as w hen view ing the signal level.
Check detailed information on the "Status" tab
Double-click the Wire le s s Pane l icon ( , , , or ) on the tas k bar.
The Wireless Panel w indow appears.
Click the "Status " tab if it is not s ele cted. Page 8
Detailed netw ork informations are displayed.
(The screenshot above show s an example w hen using a Wireless LAN PC Card PCWA-C800S w ith a computer running the Window s XP operating system.)
For details on each item on the tab, refer to Wireless Panel w indow and functions.
When ne ce s s ary, click "Show Graph" to display a graph indicating the com m unication status.
A graph indicating the communication status appears.
(The screenshot above show s an example w hen using a Wireless LAN PC Card PCWA-C800S w ith a computer running the Window s XP operating system.)
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Registering a network
Before connection, you must register the connected netw ork. You can register several netw orks to the Wireless Panel softw are, such as your office or personal netw ork, or other public w ireless netw ork, making it easy to connect anyw here, anytime.
The registration procedure differs according to your operating system. Follow the link corresponding to your operating system.
Window s 2000 operating system
Window s XP operating system
Window s XP operating system w hen connecting to an IEEE 802.1X/WPA/WPA-PSK-compliant access point
You can register a combination of up to 32 access point netw orks and peer-to-peer networks.
Available security methods depend on your Wireless LAN PC Card.
If you are using a PCWA-C700, you can only use the IEEE 802.1X security method.
If you are using a PCWA-C800S and/or PCWA-C300S, you can use the IEEE 802.1X, WPA, and WPA-PSK security methods.
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Registering a network (Windows 2000 operating system)
When using the Window s 2000 operating system, you must register your netw ork to the Wireless Panel softw are. Once your netw ork is registered, you can connect to it.
The registration procedure depends on the connection mode you are using.
Access Point Netw ork connection mode
Peer to Peer Netw ork connection mode
Access Point Network connection mode
Select the desired access point and register your netw ork.
Log on as one of the Administrators. You cannot register a netw ork w hen logged on as any other user.
You can register a combination of 32 access point and peer-to-peer netw orks.
Double-click the Wire le s s Pane l icon ( , , , or ) on the tas k bar.
The Wireless Panel w indow appears.
For details about the Wireless Panel icon, refer to Checking the communication status.
Click the "Ne twork List" tab.
The "Netw ork List" tab displays a list of w ireless netw orks operating w ithin communication range of your computer. This is w here you register w ireless netw orks.
If you are using a PCWA-C800S or PCWA-C700, both 802.11b or 802.11b/g (2.4 GHz), and 802.11a (5 GHz) w ireless netw orks are displayed on the "Netw ork List" tab.
Double-click the acce s s point you w ant to regis te r in the netw ork lis t.
If data encryption (WEP) for the access point that you double-click is disabled, it is registered to the Wireless Panel softw are and connected to the computer. This completes the registration. If data encryption (WEP) for the access point that you double-click is enabled, a dialog box allow ing you to enter the encryption key appears. Proceed to step 4.
Ente r the access point encryption ke y in the "Ke y" te xt box. Re -e nter the k e y in the "Confirm ke y" te xt box, and the n click "OK".
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The access point is registered to the Wireless Panel softw are and connected to the computer.
An encryption key is a passw ord used for netw orks using data encryption. The encryption key is also called WEP key or netw ork key. The number of characters entered for the encryption key differs according to the access point encryption key length and ASCII/Hexadecimal settings (see table below ).
Ke y format Ke y length Num ber of characters
ASCII (alphanumeric characters and symbols) 40 bits 5 characters
104 bits 13 characters
Hexadecimal (0 to 9, A to F, a to f) 40 bits 10 characters
104 bits 26 characters
The Wireless Panel softw are automatically detects ASCII and hexadecimal formats.
The encryption key (WEP key) is displayed as asterisks.
When connecting to an access point set to its factory default settings, confirm the settings in the documentation provided w ith your access point. When connecting to an existing access point, confirm the settings from the access point administrator.
Data encryption (WEP) prevents unauthorized access to data from outside. When data encryption is disabled for the access point, w e strongly recommend that you enable it once you have established a connection to the access point (access point settings cannot be changed if you are not connected). For details on how to set up the access point, refer to the documentation provided w ith your access point.
When using an access point that supports the use of the "AP Setting" button on the "Status" tab, clicking it displays a w indow used to customize access point settings.
If you change the access point settings, you w ill no longer be able to connect to the access point because the access point and computer settings do not match. You w ill be able to connect to the access point again if you change the Wireless Panel softw are settings to match those of the access point.
Peer to Peer Network connection mode
Register a peer-to-peer netw ork w hen you w ant to communicate w ith computers w ithout using an access point.
To register netw orks on computers running the Window s 2000 operating system, log on as one of the Administrators. You cannot register netw orks w hen logged on as any other user.
You can register a combination of 32 access point and peer-to-peer netw orks.
Double-click the Wire le s s Pane l icon ( , , , or ) on the tas k bar.
The Wireless Panel w indow appears.
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For details about the Wireless Panel icon, refer to Checking the communication status.
Click the "Ne twork List" tab.
The netw ork list appears.
Click "Ne w ".
The "Registering Netw ork" dialog box appears.
You can also display the "Registering Netw ork" dialog box by right-clicking the Wireless Panel icon on the taskbar, pointing to "Netw ork List", and then clicking "New Registration".
Click "Advanced".
Advanced settings that can be configured are displayed.
Configure the s e ttings in the dialog box.
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"Ne tw ork Nam e (SSID)"
This is an ID used to identify a w ireless netw ork. You can set a netw ork name for each access point or peer-to-peer netw ork, so w hen connecting to an existing netw ork, contact your netw ork administrator for information about settings. When creating a new netw ork, you can enter up to 32 ASCII characters (alphanumeric characters or symbols).
If you click the "Netw ork Name (SSID)" list, the netw ork names of w ireless netw orks operating w ithin communication range of your computer are displayed. From the menu, you can also select the netw ork that you w ant to register.
If you click "Save" or "Connect" w hen a registered netw ork name is selected, the netw ork name setting is overw ritten.
"Connection M ode"
Select "Peer to Peer (Ad-Hoc)". For details on the connection modes, refer to About the connection modes.
Select the frequency band (channel) to use for w ireless communication. The default setting is "Auto". Set the same setting for all devices to be used on the same w ireless netw ork. Only the channels that you can use w ith your Wireless LAN PC Card appear on the list.
Data encryption (WEP) prevents unauthorized access to data from outside. You can set data encryption for each access point or peer-to-peer netw ork, so w hen connecting to an existing netw ork, contact your netw ork administrator for information about settings.
We strongly recommend that you enable data encryption (WEP) for w ireless netw orks.
"Ke y"
If the "WEP" check box is selected, enter a passw ord to use a netw ork w ith data encryption enabled. This passw ord is also called a WEP key, netw ork key, and encryption key. You can set data encryption for each access point or peer-to-peer netw ork, so w hen connecting to an existing netw ork, contact your netw ork administrator for information about settings.
"Confirm ke y"
Re-enter the encryption key.
The number of characters entered for the encryption key differs according to the encryption key length and ASCII/Hexadecimal settings (see the table below ).
Ke y format Ke y length Num ber of characters
ASCII (alphanumeric characters and symbols) 40 bits 5 characters
104 bits 13 characters
Hexadecimal (0 to 9, A to F, a to f) 40 bits 10 characters
104 bits 26 characters
The Wireless Panel softw are automatically detects ASCII and hexadecimal formats. Page 14
The encryption key (WEP key) is displayed as asterisks.
Click "Connect".
The configured netw ork is registered in the netw ork list. If settings w ere configured to connect to an existing network, the netw ork is connected to w hen it is w ithin the communication range of your computer.
If you create a new peer-to-peer netw ork, configure the same settings on other computers that will connect to the same peer-to-peer netw ork, and then click "Connect" on each computer. It may take several minutes to establish a connection to the peer-to-peer netw ork after you have clicked "Connect".
If you click "Save" or "Connect" w hen a registered netw ork name is selected, the netw ork name setting is overw ritten.
For details about how to share folders, refer to Window s Help or documentation.
For details about how to change registered settings, refer to Changing the netw ork settings.
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Registering a network (Windows XP operating system)
Use the Window s XP Wireless Netw ork function to establish a connection to a w ireless netw ork.
The registration procedure, screen names, etc., depend on the connection mode and w hether Window s XP Service Pack 1 is installed on your computer or not.
Window s XP Service Pack 1 is a Window s XP upgrade distributed by Microsoft Corporation. If Window s XP Service Pack 1 is not already installed on your computer, Sony recommends dow nloading and installing it. To verify w hether the service pack is installed, click "Start", and then click "My Computer". In the "My Computer" w indow , click "View system information", on the left. The "System Properties" dialog box appears. If the service pack is installed, "Service Pack 1" appears under "System" on the "General" tab of the dialog box.
Access Point Netw ork connection mode
When Window s XP Service Pack 1 is installed.
When Window s XP Service Pack 1 is not installed.
Peer to Peer Netw ork connection mode
When Window s XP Service Pack 1 is installed.
When Window s XP Service Pack 1 is not installed.
When connecting to an IEEE 802.1X/WPA/WPA-PSK-compliant access point
Access Point Network connection mode (When Windows XP Service Pack 1 is installed)
Right-click the "Wire le s s Ne twork Connection" icon on the tas k bar, and the n click "Vie w Available Wire le s s Netw orks" on the shortcut menu.
The "Wireless Netw ork Connection" dialog box appears.
The appearance of the screen of the selected access point differs depending on w hether data encryption (WEP) is enabled. For details on how to set up the access point, refer to the documentation provided w ith your access point.
Access point w ith data encryption (WEP) disabled:
Access point w ith data encryption (WEP) enabled:
Page 16
Sele ct the Access Point to w hich you w ant to connect from the "Available w ireles s ne tw orks" lis t.
If data encryption (WEP) is e nable d for the access point, enter an e ncryption key (WEP ke y) in the "Ne twork key" and "Confirm ne tw ork key" fie lds . If it is dis able d, s e le ct the "Allow m e to connect the s e lecte d w irele s s ne tw ork, e ve n though it is not secure " che ck box.
You can input an alphanumeric or hexadecimal passw ord in the "Netw ork key" text box. They are recognized automatically.
The encryption key (WEP key) is displayed as asterisks.
When connecting to an access point set to its factory default settings, confirm the settings in the documentation provided w ith your access point. When connecting to an existing access point, confirm the settings from the access point administrator.
A netw ork key is a passw ord that prevents unauthorized access to data from outside and is used w hen connecting to a w ireless netw ork w ith the data encryption (WEP) function enabled. When data encryption is disabled for the access point, w e strongly recommend that you enable it once you have established a connection to the access point (access point settings cannot be changed if you are not connected). For details on how to set up the access point, refer to the documentation provided w ith your access point.
When using an access point that supports the use of the "AP Setting" button on the "Status" tab, clicking it displays a w indow used to customize access point settings.
If you change the access point settings, you w ill no longer be able to connect to the access point because the access point and computer settings do not match. You w ill be able to connect to the access point again if you change the Wireless Panel settings in the "Wireless Netw ork Connection" dialog box to match those of the access point.
Click "Connect".
The access point is connected to from the computer and registered in the Window s XP operating system.
For details on making settings, refer to Window s Help.
Access Point Network connection mode (When Windows XP Service Pack 1 is not installed)
Right-click the "Wire le s s Ne twork Connection" icon on the tas k bar, and the n click "Vie w Available Wire le s s Netw orks" on the shortcut menu.
The "Connect to Wireless Netw ork" dialog box appears.
Page 17
Sele ct the netw ork to w hich you w ant to connect from the "Available ne tw orks" lis t.
If data encryption (WEP) is e nable d for the access point, enter an e ncryption key (WEP ke y) in the "Ne twork key" text box.
The encryption key (WEP key) is a passw ord used for netw orks w ith data encryption enabled.
The encryption key (WEP key) is displayed as asterisks.
When connecting to an access point set to its factory default settings, confirm the settings in the documentation provided w ith your access point. When connecting to an existing access point, confirm the settings from the access point administrator.
A netw ork key is a passw ord that prevents unauthorized access to data from outside and is used w hen connecting to a w ireless netw ork w ith the data encryption (WEP) function enabled. When data encryption is disabled for the access point, w e strongly recommend that you enable it once you have established a connection to the access point (access point settings cannot be changed if you are not connected). For details on how to set up the access point, refer to the documentation provided w ith your access point.
When using an access point that supports the use of the "AP Setting" button on the "Status" tab, clicking it displays a w indow used to customize access point settings.
If you change the access point settings, you w ill no longer be able to connect to the access point because the access point and computer settings do not match. You w ill be able to connect to the access point again if you change the Wireless Panel settings in the "Wireless Netw ork Connection" dialog box to match those of the access point.
Click "Connect".
The access point is connected to from the computer and registered in the Window s XP operating system.
For details on making settings, refer to Window s Help.
Peer to Peer Network connection mode (When Windows XP Service Pack 1 is installed)
Right-click the "Wire le s s Ne twork Connection" icon on the tas k bar, and the n click "Vie w Available Wire le s s Netw orks" on the shortcut menu.
The "Wireless Netw ork Connection" dialog box appears.
The appearance of the screen of the selected netw ork differs depending on w hether data encryption (WEP) is enabled. Verify the settings of the target computer.
Netw ork w ith data encryption (WEP) disabled:
Page 18
Netw ork w ith data encryption (WEP) enabled:
Click "Advanced".
The "Wireless Netw ork Connection Properties" dialog box appears.
Page 19
Click "Advanced".
The "Advanced" dialog box appears.
Sele ct "Com puter-to-com puter (ad-hoc) netw orks only", and the n click "Clos e ".
The "Advanced" dialog box closes.
Click "Add".
The "Wireless Netw ork Properties" dialog box appears.
Page 20
Ente r a ne tw ork nam e (SSID) of up to 32 ASCII characters (alphanum e ric characte rs or s ym bols ) for this netw ork.
A netw ork name is an ID used to identify a w ireless netw ork. When connecting to a peer-to-peer netw ork, enter the same settings for all computers connected to that netw ork.
You can enter up to 32 ASCII characters (alphanumeric characters and symbols) for the netw ork name (for example, you can set the netw ork name as "netw ork01"). When connecting to an existing netw ork, verify the netw ork name of the target computer.
Sele ct the "Data encryption (WEP enabled)" che ck box, and the n cle ar the "The ke y is provided for m e autom atically" check box.
Data encryption (WEP) prevents unauthorized access to data from outside. From a security point of view , w e strongly recommend that you select the "Data encryption (WEP enabled)" check box to enable data encryption (WEP).
Ente r an e ncryption key (WEP ke y) in the "Ne twork k ey" and "Confirm netw ork k e y" te xt boxe s.
An encryption key is a passw ord used for netw orks w ith data encryption enabled.
The encryption key (WEP key) is displayed as asterisks.
When connecting to a peer-to-peer netw ork, enter the same settings for all computers connected to that netw ork. You can set an encryption key for each access point or peer-to-peer netw ork, so w hen connecting to an existing netw ork, verify the settings of the target computer. The number of characters entered in this text box differs according to the key length and ASCII/Hexadecimal settings (see table below ).
Ke y format Ke y length Num ber of characters
ASCII (alphanumeric characters and symbols) 40 bits 5 characters
104 bits 13 characters
Hexadecimal (0 to 9, A to F, a to f) 40 bits 10 characters
104 bits 26 characters
Mak e s ure that the "This is a com puter-to-compute r (ad hoc) netw ork; w ireles s acce s s points are not used" che ck box is s e le cted. If
Page 21
it is not, s e le ct it.
Click "OK".
The "Wireless Netw ork Connection Properties" dialog box reappears.
Click "OK".
The settings are saved, and your computer automatically connects to the new ly registered netw ork.
For details about how to share a folder, refer to Window s Help or documentation.
For details about how to change registered settings, refer to Changing the netw ork settings.
Peer to Peer Network connection mode (When Windows XP Service Pack 1 is not installed)
Right-click the "Wire le s s Ne twork Connection" icon on the tas k bar, and the n click "Vie w Available Wire le s s Netw orks" on the shortcut menu.
The "Connect to Wireless Netw ork" dialog box appears.
Click "Advanced".
The "Wireless Netw ork Connection Properties" dialog box appears.
Page 22
Click "Advanced".
The "Advanced" dialog box appears.
Sele ct "Com puter-to-com puter (ad-hoc) netw orks only", and the n click "Clos e ".
The "Advanced" dialog box closes.
Click "Add".
The "Wireless Netw ork Properties" dialog box appears.
Page 23
Ente r a ne tw ork nam e (SSID) of up to 32 ASCII characters (alphanum e ric characte rs or s ym bols ) for this netw ork.
A netw ork name is an ID used to identify a w ireless netw ork. When connecting to a peer-to-peer netw ork, enter the same settings for all computers connected to that netw ork.
You can enter up to 32 ASCII characters (alphanumeric characters and symbols) for the netw ork name (for example, you can set the netw ork name as "netw ork01"). When connecting to an existing netw ork, consult your netw ork administrator for information about the netw ork name.
Sele ct the "Data encryption (WEP enabled)" che ck box, and the n cle ar the "The ke y is provided for m e autom atically" check box.
Data encryption (WEP) prevents unauthorized access to data from outside. From a security point of view , w e strongly recommend that you select the "Data encryption (WEP enabled)" check box to enable data encryption (WEP).
Ente r an e ncryption key (WEP ke y) in the "Ne twork k ey" te xt box.
An encryption key is a passw ord used for netw orks w ith data encryption enabled.
The encryption key (WEP key) is displayed as asterisks.
When connecting to a peer-to-peer netw ork, enter the same settings for all computers connected to that netw ork. You can set an encryption key for each access point or peer-to-peer netw ork, so w hen connecting to an existing netw ork, verify the settings of the target computer. The number of characters entered in this text box differs according to the key length and ASCII/Hexadecimal settings (see table below ).
Ke y format Ke y length Num ber of characters
ASCII (alphanumeric characters and symbols) 40 bits 5 characters
104 bits 13 characters
Hexadecimal (0 to 9, A to F, a to f) 40 bits 10 characters
104 bits 26 characters
Sele ct the "This is a com puter-to-computer (ad hoc) ne tw ork ; w ireles s acce s s points are not use d" che ck box.
Page 24
Click "OK".
The screen returns to the "Wireless Netw ork Connection Properties" dialog box.
Click "OK".
The settings are saved, and your computer automatically connects to the new ly registered netw ork.
For details about how to share a folder, refer to Window s Help or documentation.
For details about how to change registered settings, refer to Changing the netw ork settings.
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