Sony NSR-1200, NSR-1000, NSR-1050H, NSR-1100 User Manual

NSR-1000 Series
Version 1.1.1 Release Note 1st Edition
Last Modified Date: Dec. 18th, 2009
2009 Sony Corporation
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Additional features by v1.1.1 ......................................................................................1
1-1-2 Simple Motion Detection support.......................................................................1
1-1-4 1-2 1-3 1-4
Important notes ...................................................................................................................7
3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 Device
3-5 Main Window - Search and Play back ........................................................................9
3-6 3-7 3-8 3-9 Search 3-10 D
3-11 Action Configuration..............................................................................................15
3-12 Schedule 3-13 User 3-14 Lay 3-15 Lo 3-16 Expo 3-17 3
3-18 Other.......................................................................................................................18
4-1 Know
4-1-2 Device
Multiple Codecs support .....................................................................................1
H.264 Codec support ...........................................................................................1
Expansion of supported languages.....................................................................2
Built-in client software and software tools with NSR-1000 Series ...........................2
Information for support client software and software tools ......................................2
Support Camera Information......................................................................................4
Installation / System Configuration ...........................................................................8
Download from the NSR-1000 Series .........................................................................8
Analog camera registration.........................................................................................8
registration ......................................................................................................9
Main Window – Monitoring ........................................................................................9
Main Window - Play back control .............................................................................10
Alarm Notification / Alarm History ..........................................................................10
Window ..........................................................................................................10
evice Configuration .............................................................................................11
Configuration .........................................................................................15
Configuration ................................................................................................16
out Configuration.............................................................................................16
g Window............................................................................................................16
Vend or Ca mera .................................................................................................16
n Limitations....................................................................................................19
Installation / System Configuration.................................................................19
Registration ...........................................................................................19
4-1-3 Main Window - Search and Play back..............................................................19
4-1-4 4-1-5 4-1-6
4-1-7 Search Window..................................................................................................22
4-1-8 Device 4-1-9 Server 4-1-10 Actio 4-1-11 S 4-1-12 User
4-1-13 Layout Configuration ....................................................................................27
4-1-14 Expo
4-1-15 Other ..............................................................................................................28
5-1-1 Additional features by V1.1.0...........................................................................32
5-1-2 5-1-3
5-2-1 5-2-2
5-2-3 Resolved limitations in V1.0.1..........................................................................42
Main Window – Monitoring..............................................................................20
Analog Camera Control ....................................................................................21
Alarm Notification / Alarm History..................................................................22
n Configuration .....................................................................................25
chedule Configuration .................................................................................25
Resolved limitations in V1.1.1 ..................................................................................29
ndix ............................................................................................................................32
Histories of additional features ................................................................................32
Additional features by V1.0.4 ...........................................................................34
Additional features by V1.0.1 ...........................................................................34
Histories of resolved limitations ...............................................................................36
Resolved limitations in V1.1.0..........................................................................36
Resolved limitations in V1.0.4..........................................................................38
NSR-1000 Series v1.1.1 Release Note


This release note provides the information for the software of the NSR-1200 / NSR-1100
/ NSR-1050H. For the built-in NSR Client (IMZ-NS Series) software, please refer to the
release note of the RealShot Manager Advanced included in the client software.

1-1 Additional features by v1.1.1

1-1-1 Multiple Codecs support

Newly supports
servers shown below.
IP network camera (max. 3 codecs):
IP network camera (max. 2 codecs):
SNC-RH124, SNC-RH164
Camera server (max. 2 codecs):
SNT-EP104, SNT-EP154, SNT-EX101, SNT-EX101E, SNT-EX104,

1-1-2 Simple Motion Detection support

Newly supports
Sony camera servers as VMD (Camera).
Camera server:
SNT-EP104, SNT-EP154
multiple codecs for Sony IP network cameras and camera
receiving a simple motion detection alarm of the following

1-1-3 H.264 Codec support

Newly supports H.264 Codec for the Sony cameras. Please use the following
firmware v
Supported model name and firmware version are as follows:
Camera Model Name Camera Firmware Version
SNC-RX530 v3.10/2.40 or higher
SNC-RX550 v3.10/2.40 or higher
ersions when you use H.264 Codec.
- 1 -
NSR-1000 Series v1.1.1 Release Note
70 v3.10/2.40 or higher
SNC-CS50 v2.30 or higher
SNC-RZ50 v2.40 or higher
SNC-DF50 v1.20 or higher
SNC-DF80 v1.20 or higher
SNC-DF85 v1.20 or higher

1-1-4 Expansion of supported languages

Newly supports Polish a
nd Korean.

1-2 Built-in client software and software tools with NSR-1000 Series

Series Version
NSR Server Software
Vers ion
NSR Client* [RealShot
Manager Advanced (Client)]
Vers ion
Media File Player Version
*Please refer to the installation manual to download the NSR Client Software from
NSR-1000 Series via FTP.

1-3 Information for support client software and software tools

Only Server/Client combinations written in same line of the following list are
Series Version
NSR Server Software
Vers ion
Support NSR Client
[RealShot Manager
Advanced(Client)] Version
Media File Player Version
- 2 -
NSR-1000 Series v1.1.1 Release Note
*New RealShot Manager Advanced is planned to be released.
Please refer to the release note for the RealShot Manager Advanced and Media File Player
which are included with RealShot Manager Advanced. The software version of the
NSR-1000 Series which is supported by RealShot Manager Advanced is written in the
release note. After Read the release note, if you need to upgrade to new one, you can get the
software from web site.
- 3 -

1-4 Support Camera Information

Camera Model Name Camera Firmware Version
SNC-CM120 v1.02 or higher
SNC-CS3 v1.08 or higher
SNC-CS10 v1.06 or higher
SNC-CS11 v1.06 or higher
SNC-CS20 v1.02 or higher
SNC-CS50 v2.24 or higher
SNC-DF40 v1.18 or higher
SNC-DF50 v1.15 or higher
SNC-DF70 v1.18 or higher
SNC-DF80 v1.15 or higher
NSR-1000 Series v1.1.1 Release Note
SNC-DF85 v1.15 or higher
SNC-DM110 v1.02 or higher
SNC-DM160 v1.02 or higher
SNC-DS10 v1.02 or higher
SNC-DS60 v1.02 or higher
SNC-P1 v1.29 or higher
SNC-P5 v1.29 or higher
SNC-RH124 v1.04 or higher
SNC-RH164 v1.04 or higher
SNC-RS44 v1.04 or higher
SNC-RS46 v1.04 or higher
SNC-RS84 v1.04 or higher
SNC-RS86 v1.04 or higher
SNC-RX530 v3.03/2.33 or higher
SNC-RX550 v3.03/2.33 or higher
SNC-RX570 v3.03/2.33 or higher
SNC-RZ25 V1.30 or higher
SNC-RZ30 v3.14/2.24 or higher
SNC-RZ50 v2.23 or higher
- 4 -
NSR-1000 Series v1.1.1 Release Note
SNT-EP104 v1.04 or higher
SNT-EP154 v1.04 or higher
SNT-EX101 v1.04 or higher
SNT-EX101E v1.04 or higher
SNT-EX104 v1.04 or higher
SNT-EX154 v1.04 or higher
SNT-V704 v2.16 or higher
v1.06 or higher
Camera Model Name Camera Firmware Version
Axis 206 v4.40
Axis 207 v4.40
Axis 207W v4.40.1
Axis 210 v4.40
Axis 210A v4.40.1
Axis 211 v4.40
Axis 211A v4.30
Axis 221 v4.45
Axis 209FD v4.47
Axis 209FD-R v4.47
Axis 209MFD v4.47
Axis 209MFD-R v4.47
Axis 216FD v4.40.1
Axis 216FD-V v4.40.1
Axis 216MFD v4.47
Axis 216MFD-V v4.47
Axis 225FD v4.45
Axis P3301 v5.01
Axis P3301-V v5.01
Axis 212PTZ v4.40
Axis 212PTZ with CM v4.35
- 5 -
NSR-1000 Series v1.1.1 Release Note
Axis 214PT
Axis 215PTZ v4.40
Axis 232D+ v4.41
Axis 233D v4.48.1
Axis 241Q v4.30
Axis 241QA v4.30
Axis 241S v4.40
Z v4.40
Camera Model Name Camera Firmware Version
IQeye510 v2.8/6(080313)
IQeye511 v2.8/6(080313)
IQeye702 v2.8/6(080313)
IQeye703 v3.0/2(090521)
IQeye705 v3.0/2(090521)
IQeye711 v3.0/2(090521)
IQeye752 v3.0/2(090521)
IQeye753 v3.0/2(090521)
IQeye755 v3.0/2(090521)
- 6 -

Important notes

The cameras and camera servers listed below have some restrictions at V1.04
SNC-RH series
SNC-RS series
SNT-EP series
SNT-EX series
The following are planned to be solved in a future release (V.1.06 or later).
Periodical sending of VMF metadata is not executed.(V11N:520,
After the execution of pan /tilt operation, notification of motion detection
alarm is no longer issued.(V11R:740)
NSR-1000 Series v1.1.1 Release Note
Pan/tilt movement does not stop in some cases. (V11R:748)
The simple motion detection alarm lasts only two seconds. (V11N:499)
- 7 -


3-1 Installation / System Configuration

The NSR-1000 Series cannot connect with the client if the setting for ‘Network
Interface for Remote Client’ on the ‘Server Configuration’ is configured as
‘Network3’. Please set ‘Network1’ or ‘Network2’. (VT1:2036)
If user changes the time zone setting on the ‘Setup Menu’ in the middle of
operation such as schedule recording, scheduled recording setting or scheduled
action setting change. In case of changing the time zone setting after
configuring schedules, please make sure them and correct them if necessary.
Only one USB mouse and/or one USB keyboard should be connected with the
NSR-1000 Series v1.1.1 Release Note
NSR-1000 Series. It is not recommended to connect more than one USB mouse
and. or USB keyboard or use of KVM switch. (VT1:1868)
・ Patch files consists of the two files. One is for the NSR software and
the other is for the User's Guide. Be sure to apply these two
patch files for upgrading the NSR to V1.1.0 (or later).
Applying order can be arbitrarily determined. (V11N:314)

- Download from the NSR-1000 Series

If user downloads software tools
Media File Player, and User’s Guide from the NSR-1000 Series, user may not
download with Internet Explorer as ftp client software. In this case, please
download with not Internet Explorer but Explorer or other ftp client software.

- Analog camera registration

Maximum frame rate which can be set in all combinations of analog cameras
such as the RealShot Manager Advanced,
using the NSBK-A16 has the following limitations. Please notice that the
NSR-1000 Series with NSBK-A16 doesn’t allow to set over this limitation.
- 8 -
NSR-1000 Series v1.1.1 Release Note
Resolution Maximum frame rate
CIF(352x240) 480
2CIF(704x240) 240
4CIF(704x480) 120
Resolution Maximum frame rate
CIF(352x288) 400
2CIF(704x288) 200
4CIF(704x576) 100
User cannot change parameters about recording settings of analog cameras
in the ‘Schedule Configuration’. Please change setting in ‘Video’ tab on
‘Device Configuration’. These parameters are used as recording settings for
‘Schedule Configuration’.

- Device registration


- Main Window - Search and Play back

camera servers SNT-EX104/EX154/EP104/EP154 can have different IP
addresses by the video channels in it. For this reason, when registering two or
more camera servers by specifying the IP address with the automatic camera
registration or multiple camera registration features, a group of continuous IP
addresses cannot be assigned to the one camera server.
To prevent this, register a camera server one by one, or after specifying the IP
addresses on the camera server in advance, register them with the multiple
camera registration feature without specifying another IP address. (V11R:435)

- Main Window – Monitoring

the ‘Configuration Window’ or ‘Search Window’ is opened, the second
display images are stopped. (VT1:1843)
- 9 -
NSR-1000 Series v1.1.1 Release Note
"Smooth Sc
currently selected. This function is not applied to second display. (VT1:2069)
The DIRECT PTZ function is not supported on camera servers SNT-EX/EP
series connected to analog cameras. To achieve this function, use the buttons in
the Camera Control pane or the remote controller. (V11N:401)

- Main Window - Play back control

The V
package which was used during recording does not exist in playing back the
recorded image. (V11R:712)
If a number of alarms occur continuously, multiple alarms look like combined
on the timeline. Although user may not know switching alarms even if user
clicks next/previous alarm button, user can make sure that switching by
displayed time on the monitor frame. (VT1:1865)
aling" function is available for only one monitor frame which is
MF detection frame is shifted from its expected position, if the VMF

- Alarm Notification / Alarm History

Alarm information duri
confirm such information, press Open Log Window on the Main screen and
select Event/Alarm from the Log Type.(VT1:1897)
When the SNT-V704 detects the sensor alarm, the number of channels
registered to the NSR-1000 Series are listed in the alarm history at the bottom
of the main GUI. (VT1:1707)

- Search Window

Up to 100 records which
selecting them at the same moment. Although user can select up to 1000
records, it is recommended to select less than 100 records for stability behavior
of the NSR-1000 Series. (VT1:1844)
ng log off is not listed in the “Alarm History Pane”. To
are searched in the search window can be deleted with
- 10 -
+ 32 hidden pages