SONY NSP-1, BZNP-D1 User Manual

Sony NSP-1 / BZNP-D1 Tutorials
Revision 1.10 2/11/2005
Sony Electronics Inc.
Sony NSP-1 / BZNP-D1 Tutorials
1. Scope
2. NSP-1 related products
3. Update NSP-1 and BZNP-D1 when necessary
4. Equipment and Configuration
5. Setup of NSP-1
6. Setup of BZNP-D1
7. Ingest content
8. Create a playlist
9. Scheduling
10. Content Production guidelines
11. FAQ
12. Appendix (A) Video file conversion with Canopus ProCoder Express (B) Video file conversion with Discreet Cleaner XL
Sony NSP-1 / BZNP-D1 Tutorials
1. Scope
This document describes basic usage of Sony NSP-1 "Digital Signage Player" and BZNP-D1 software. Please contact "The Product Operations
Support Center (POSC)" at (800) 883-6817 about product related
questions. Please download sample content “” from
2. NSP-1 related products
Product Name SRP1 Description
NSP-1 $1,995 NSP-1 and BZNP-D1 software with 1 player license BZNP-D1EXD $995 BZNP-DP10 $500 Additional 10 player license
BZNP-DP50 $1,000 Additional 50 player license
Sony NSP-1 is a network appliance (hardware) to play back video, graphic and text content. Sony BZNP-D1 is system software to ingest content, create a playlist, schedule play out, distribute content and
monitor status. BZNP-D1 can manage up to 210 units of NSP-1. BZNP-D1 software can be purchased as BZNP-D1EXD, a package product that consists of BZNP-D1 software, 10 player license and Canopus ProCoder Express software.
Canopus ProCoder Express software can encode almost all types of video file to MPEG2 file that is compatib le with NSP-1.
When you purchase BZNP-D1EXD, you will receive a key code for 10 player license. If you need to manage more than 10 NSP1s, you can add licenses by purchasing BZNP-DP10 (additional 10 player license) and/or BZNP-DP50 (additional 50 player license).
BZNP-D1 software with 10 player license and Canopus ProCoder Express software
3. Update NSP-1 and BZNP-D1 when necessary
This document is described based on NSP-1 (version 2.01) and BZNP-D1 (version 2.01). Latest firmware of NSP1 and BZNP-D1 software can be downloaded from the following web site.
Please refer to a release note for details.
as of 12/23/2004
Sony NSP-1 / BZNP-D1 Tutorials
4. Equipment and Configuration
4.1 Number of NSP-1 and software license Here is a sample of required software license and number of NSP1
1 0 *2 00
2-10 1 0 0 11-20 1 1 0 21-60 1 0 1
61-110 1 0 2 111-160 1 0 3 161-210 1 0 4
4.2 Sample of system configuration and req uired equipment Here is a sample of configuration for a small system.
PC (Hardware)
General spec Nothing special Graphics/Sound card Microsoft DirectX compatible card is recommended
OS Microsoft Windows XP professional *3 Direct X Microsoft DirectX 9.1 or later is required *4.
PC (Software)
BZNP-D1 software w/ 1 player license comes with NSP1, though Canopus ProCoder Express software is not included.
Sony does not guarantee, but BZNPD1 may run on Windows 2000 when gdiplus.dll is installed.
How to check the version of DirectX
1. Click START button on Windows
2. Select RUN...
3. Type dxdiag, and click OK
4. Version number will be displayed at the System tab
Sony NSP-1 / BZNP-D1 Tutorials
Web browser Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or later is recommended. Windows Media Player Microsoft Windows Media Player version 9 or later is recommended
MPEG2 encoding software is required to utilize video file. Sony
MPEG2 encoding software
certified followings.
- Canopus ProCoder Express
- Canopus ProCoder V2.0
- Discreet Cleaner XL
100BT router/switch/hub Nothing special Ethernet cable
Regular straight cable to connect PC and NSP1 via router/switch/hub Cross over cable to connect PC and NSP1 directly
Display for NSP1
Any kind of display with VGA (HD15) interface such as Plasma
display, LCD, or CRT monitor. NSP1 supports following resolutions.
VGA, WVGA (848x480), SVGA and XGA Display cable VGA cable (HD15) RS232C cable This is optional. RS232C cable is utilized to control a display.
Canopus ProCoder Express is included in BZNPD1EXD
Sony NSP-1 / BZNP-D1 Tutorials
5. Set up NSP-1
You need to do followings using web browser.
Confirm firmware version
Set IP address of NSP1 if necessary
Set Date and Time
Set Screen resolution
Change Network settings of PC
- Start / Settings / Network Connections
- Right click “Local Area Connection” and Select properties
- Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), Click Properties
- Select “Use the following IP address”
- Enter “” at IP address
- Enter “” at Subnet mask
- Click OK, Click OK
- Start / Run…
- Type “cmd” and click OK then “cmd.exe” window opens
- Type “ipconfig” and Confirm IP address and Subnet mask
Confirm network connection
- In the cmd.exe window,
- Type ping
- Confirm “Reply from”
- When ping fails, please refer to this foot note
Launch Web browser and connect to NSP1
- Launch Web browser such as Internet Explore
- Enter
at the address
- Then a login window is popped up
- Type “NSP1admin” at User name (case sensitive)
- Type “NSP1admin” at Password (case sensitive)
- Click OK
“” is factory default. If you are not sure the IP address of NSP1, here is a tip.
A) Change Dip SW-1 at the rear panel “ON”, and then turn on NSP1. IP address will be displayed after “Loading3…..”.
Then you can change Dip SW-1 “OFF”, and NSP1 resumes booting process.
B) Change Dip SW-3 at the rear panel “ON”, and then turn on NSP1. NSP1 will boot with an address of “”.
Sony NSP-1 / BZNP-D1 Tutorials
Confirm firmware version of NSP1
- Click “System Settings”
- Check the Software Version
- If the Software Version is lower than 2.01, please update NSP1 referring to a release note at
Set Date and Time
1. Set Date and Time 7
2. Click Send
Set Display resolution and orientation
1. Set Display settings
Select resolution from VGA, WVGA, SVGA, XGA and composite
. WVGA (848x480) is recommended to drive a plasma display because square pixel ratio makes it easy to produce content. Select Orientation from Landscape or Portrait (WVGA / Landscape is assumed in the following trainings. )
2. Click Send
Reboot NSP1
1. Click Reboot
2. Click Reboot
Time Zone does matter only when NTP is utilized to adjust date and time automatically over network. Currently NSP1
doesn’t support “Daylight Saving Time”. Followings are for normal time. -5 (EST). -6 (CST), -8 (PST).
There is no simultaneous video output on “Composite video signal” and “Analog RGB - VGA (HD15) signal”
Sony NSP-1 / BZNP-D1 Tutorials
6. Set up BZNP-D1
6.1 Install BZNP-D1 software
BZNP-D1 can be downloaded from code is installed. A 10 players’ key code comes with BZNPD1EXD. Install it as followings.
1. Launch BZNP-D1 software
2. Select Help / License settings from the menu
3. Click Add license
4. Type the key code and click OK
5. Click OK
Install Canopus ProCoder Express, if you purchased BZNPD1EXD. This software installs DirectShow compatible MPEG2 codec software that is important to ingest MPEG2 video content.
. BZNPD1 can control only one NSP1 unless a key
6.3 Set up BZNP-D1
Following setups are required on BZNPD1 software before you do a regular operation.
Register NSP1
Create a group
Setup a group
Create a template
Assign NSP1 to a group
6.3.1 Register NSP1
1. Select Setup / Group Setup
2. Click “New NSP1”
3. Enter “NSP-A” at NSP1 name
4. Enter “192 .168.0.1” at IP address
5. Enter “NSP1 user” at Password and Retype
Password if those are blank
6. Click Check Connection if the NSP1 is online
7. Click OK
Sony NSP-1 / BZNP-D1 Tutorials
6.3.2 Create and set up a group
1. Click “New Group” in Group Setup window
2. Enter “Tu torials” at “Gro up name”
3. Selec t “10:00 :00” and “18:00:00” at Playout Time
4. Leave “00”00” at Sleep Time
5. Select “WVGA” at Screen Resolution and “Landscape”
at Screen Orientation (These must match to settings on NSP1.)
6.3.3 Create a Template
1. Click “Template Settings” in Edit Group window
2. Type “Tutorials” at Template
3. Enter following nu mbers at X, Y, W and H
4. Click OK in “Template Settings” window
5. Click OK in “Edit Group” window
6.3.4 Assign NSP1 to a group
1. Click “Tutorials” on the right side in
the “Group Setup” window
2. Click “NSP-A” on the left side
3. Click Add
4. Clo se this window
6.4 Group
In order to simplify operations, creating playlists, scheduling playout and distributing content are based on groups. If you do NOT purchase BZNPD1EXD and install a license, you can create only one group.
6.5 Template
NSP1 can play back several types of content with layered. In order to make authoring easy, you can create a template of content arrangement in advance, and you can apply it to each group of NSP1 as a default. It is not mandatory to create a template and assign it to a group, because you can change display arrangement while you create a playlist, but you will realize that a template can save your time to create a playlist.
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