Get up to £50 cashback
on selected Handycam models
Ready when you are.
Capture life.
Terms and Condit ions
1. Custome rs purcha sing a se lected So ny HDD Hand ycam mode l at part icipati ng stores b etween
the 22 Novembe r 2007 and 24 Dec ember 2007 in clusive may c laim a £30 cas hback, add itional
£10 cashba ck or £50 c ashbac k (in the fo rm of a cheq ue). Custom ers purch asing a se lected So ny
High Definition HDD H andycam model at partici pating stores between the 22 Novemb er 2007 and
24 December 2 007 inclus ive may also cl aim a free copy of AVC HD Sony Veg as 7 editing so ftware.
All purcha ses and maili ng addresse s must be withi n the UK.
2. Models include d in this p romotion a re: Handyca m: DCR-S R32E, DCR- SR33E, D CR-SR52 E, DCR-SR7 2E,
DCR-SR190E, D CR-SR290 E, HDR-SR5 E, HDR-SR7E and H DR-SR8E. B attery mode l includes: N PFH70.
3. To claim your £3 0 cashback , additiona l £10 cashback or £ 50 cashbac k (in the form of a che que)
please se nd your complete d claim form, cl early statin g who the chequ e should be mad e payable to,
togethe r with your o rigina l sales rec eipt(s) and Eu ropean Gu arantee In formati on Docume nt to:
Sony Handyca m promotion, PO B ox 100, Diss , Norfolk IP9 8 1SY.
4. To receive your free c opy of AVC HD Sony Vegas 7 edi ting softwa re please sen d your completed c laim
form, togeth er with your orig inal sales re ceipt(s) and Europea n Guarantee Info rmation Docu ment to:
Sony Handyca m promotion, PO B ox 100, Diss , Norfolk IP9 8 1SY.
ACCEPTED AFTER T HIS DATE. (If the pu rchase was via a cre dit agreemen t, please supp ly a copy of the
agreement a s well as the sal es receipt.)
6. The cas hback is n ot availa ble on prod uct whic h has not be en suppl ied and di stribu ted by
Sony Uni ted Kingd om Limite d within t he UK and R epublic of Irelan d. Please c heck wit h your
dealer to en sure your Handyca m is eligibl e before purchas ing to avoid dis appointment.
7. Your orig inal sal es receipt a nd Europe an Guaran tee Inform ation Doc ument wil l be return ed to you
with your che que.
8. Should you ha ve any queries o n your applica tion, pleas e phone the Son y Hotline on: 01379 649499.
9. Only o rigina l clai m forms will be accepte d. We su ggest yo u make c opies o f all do cument s before
posting th em and send cla ims via sign ed for post.
10. Proof of posti ng will not be a ccepted a s proof of recei pt. No res ponsi bilit y can b e accept ed for
claim form s lost, damage d or delayed in tra nsit.
11. Illegible o r altered claim f orms will be de emed void, as wi ll claim form s not completed i n accordance
with these Ter ms and Condit ions.
12. Please a llow 28 da ys for recei pt of your ch eque. Sho uld your c heque not a rrive, or s hould th ere be
a problem wit h your cheque on re ceipt pleas e call the hotli ne on: 01379 649499.
13. There is no cred it alternati ve to this offer.
14. Employees of Sony U nited Kingdo m Limited, th eir agents, t heir family an d anyone connec ted are not
eligibl e to participa te in this promot ion.
15. All instr uctions given w ithin this l eaflet and clai m form are part of t hese Terms and Co nditions.
16. By claimin g the £30 cas hback, addi tional £10 cashb ack, £50 cas hback or free AVC HD So ny Vegas 7
editing sof tware, appl icants will b e deemed to have rea d and accepted th ese terms and co nditions.
Sony United Ki ngdom Limited , The Heights, B rooklands, Weyb ridge, Surrey KT13 0XW.
Please do not s end claim for ms to this addre ss)
Claim form
Please sen d your completed fo rm, receipt and gu arantee to:
Sony Handyca m promotion, PO Box 10 0, Diss, Nor folk IP98 1SY by 25 Februa ry 2008.
For any quest ions please ca ll our hotline: 01379 649 499
Phone/Mobi le number
Date of purcha se (DD/MM/YY )
Store name and l ocation
Please tic k the model cod es for all Sony pro ducts purcha sed:
Standard De finition:
Battery :
High Defini tion:
Please tic k the offer(s) you are cl aiming on:
£30 cash back as I’ve purcha sed a selected S tandard Defini tion HDD Hand ycam
Additiona l £10 cashback as I’ve pu rchased a sel ected Standard H DD Handycam al ong with a NPFH70.CE b attery
£50 cash back as I’ve purcha sed a selected H igh Definiti on HDD Handyca m model
Free AVC HD Sony Vegas 7 ed iting soft ware as I’ve purchas ed a selected Hi gh Definition H DD Handycam
Tick to show you’ ve remembered to i nclude:
Origina l sales receipt European Gua rantee Informa tion Documen t
Name of who th e cheque shou ld be made payab le to
The rest of ou r questions a re optional. T hank you in advan ce if you have time to a nswer.
What was the O NE main reaso n for choosing t o buy a Sony Handyca m?
Ease of use Design Sony brand Cashba ck offer Ot her
Which age gro up are you in?
16-24 25-34 35-44 45+
How many child ren are there in yo ur househol d?
0 1 2 3+
Which of the fo llowing prod ucts do you inten d to purchase i n the future?
6mths 12mths 18mths+ Never
6mths 12mths 18mths+ Never
DVD Recorder:
6mths 12mths 18mths+ Never
Digital cam era:
6mths 12mths 18mths+ Never
Register he re for the My Sony new sletter and rec eive all the late st from the worl d of Sony Electron ics.
Please read t he following i nformation ca refully and ti ck the box if you agre e to the terms bel ow*
Email addre ss
*This Agre ement to u se person al data is between you and So ny e-Sol utions Euro pe B.V. in The Netherland s, who a dminister s persona l data
collected by Sony group co mpanies i n Europe. The personal d ata provided ( “Personal D ata”) may be u sed by Sony e-Soluti ons Europe B.V.
and othe r Sony group com panies wo rldwide (together, “ Sony”) to advise of, offer and s upply g oods and servic es for other mar keting
purposes, a nd for additi onal purpo ses describe d in the terms o f sale and/or us e relating to you r transactio n (if any). This Pe rsonal Data w ill
assist So ny in its effor ts to furthe r improve produc ts and servi ces. On your req uest to Sony e- Solutions Europe B.V. your Persona l Data stored
will be provided, corrected, amended or del eted (as re quired by law). For questio ns, e- mail us at: pri or call the So ny
ANY PERSONAL DATA.For more information on the privacy statement visit:
‘Sony’, ‘ ’, ‘Handycam’ and thei r logos are trad emarks or regi stered tradem arks of Sony Corp oration.
*Promotion ru ns from 22 November u ntil 24 December 20 07. Terms and Conditio ns apply.
Subject to availa bility. Selected H andycam models o nly, please check i n-store for detai ls.
Ca shback paid by ch eque via redempti on.