Sony DCR-SR72E, DCR-SR190E, DCR-SR32E, NPFH70.CE, HDR-SR5E Brochure

Get up to £50 cashback
on selected Handycam models
Ready when you are.
Capture life.
Terms and Condit ions
1. Custome rs purcha sing a se lected So ny HDD Hand ycam mode l at part icipati ng stores b etween the 22 Novembe r 2007 and 24 Dec ember 2007 in clusive may c laim a £30 cas hback, add itional £10 cashba ck or £50 c ashbac k (in the fo rm of a cheq ue). Custom ers purch asing a se lected So ny High Definition HDD H andycam model at partici pating stores between the 22 Novemb er 2007 and 24 December 2 007 inclus ive may also cl aim a free copy of AVC HD Sony Veg as 7 editing so ftware. All purcha ses and maili ng addresse s must be withi n the UK.
2. Models include d in this p romotion a re: Handyca m: DCR-S R32E, DCR- SR33E, D CR-SR52 E, DCR-SR7 2E, DCR-SR190E, D CR-SR290 E, HDR-SR5 E, HDR-SR7E and H DR-SR8E. B attery mode l includes: N PFH70.
3. To claim your £3 0 cashback , additiona l £10 cashback or £ 50 cashbac k (in the form of a che que) please se nd your complete d claim form, cl early statin g who the chequ e should be mad e payable to, togethe r with your o rigina l sales rec eipt(s) and Eu ropean Gu arantee In formati on Docume nt to: Sony Handyca m promotion, PO B ox 100, Diss , Norfolk IP9 8 1SY.
4. To receive your free c opy of AVC HD Sony Vegas 7 edi ting softwa re please sen d your completed c laim form, togeth er with your orig inal sales re ceipt(s) and Europea n Guarantee Info rmation Docu ment to: Sony Handyca m promotion, PO B ox 100, Diss , Norfolk IP9 8 1SY.
5. ALL CLAIM FORMS SHOU LD BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN 25 Februar y 2008. NO CLAIM FORMS WI LL BE ACCEPTED AFTER T HIS DATE. (If the pu rchase was via a cre dit agreemen t, please supp ly a copy of the agreement a s well as the sal es receipt.)
6. The cas hback is n ot availa ble on prod uct whic h has not be en suppl ied and di stribu ted by Sony Uni ted Kingd om Limite d within t he UK and R epublic of Irelan d. Please c heck wit h your dealer to en sure your Handyca m is eligibl e before purchas ing to avoid dis appointment.
7. Your orig inal sal es receipt a nd Europe an Guaran tee Inform ation Doc ument wil l be return ed to you with your che que.
8. Should you ha ve any queries o n your applica tion, pleas e phone the Son y Hotline on: 01379 649499.
9. Only o rigina l clai m forms will be accepte d. We su ggest yo u make c opies o f all do cument s before posting th em and send cla ims via sign ed for post.
10. Proof of posti ng will not be a ccepted a s proof of recei pt. No res ponsi bilit y can b e accept ed for claim form s lost, damage d or delayed in tra nsit.
11. Illegible o r altered claim f orms will be de emed void, as wi ll claim form s not completed i n accordance with these Ter ms and Condit ions.
12. Please a llow 28 da ys for recei pt of your ch eque. Sho uld your c heque not a rrive, or s hould th ere be a problem wit h your cheque on re ceipt pleas e call the hotli ne on: 01379 649499.
13. There is no cred it alternati ve to this offer.
14. Employees of Sony U nited Kingdo m Limited, th eir agents, t heir family an d anyone connec ted are not eligibl e to participa te in this promot ion.
15. All instr uctions given w ithin this l eaflet and clai m form are part of t hese Terms and Co nditions.
16. By claimin g the £30 cas hback, addi tional £10 cashb ack, £50 cas hback or free AVC HD So ny Vegas 7 editing sof tware, appl icants will b e deemed to have rea d and accepted th ese terms and co nditions.
Sony United Ki ngdom Limited , The Heights, B rooklands, Weyb ridge, Surrey KT13 0XW.
Please do not s end claim for ms to this addre ss)
Claim form
Please sen d your completed fo rm, receipt and gu arantee to: Sony Handyca m promotion, PO Box 10 0, Diss, Nor folk IP98 1SY by 25 Februa ry 2008. For any quest ions please ca ll our hotline: 01379 649 499
Phone/Mobi le number
Date of purcha se (DD/MM/YY )
Store name and l ocation
Please tic k the model cod es for all Sony pro ducts purcha sed:
Standard De finition:
Battery :
High Defini tion:
Please tic k the offer(s) you are cl aiming on:
£30 cash back as I’ve purcha sed a selected S tandard Defini tion HDD Hand ycam Additiona l £10 cashback as I’ve pu rchased a sel ected Standard H DD Handycam al ong with a NPFH70.CE b attery £50 cash back as I’ve purcha sed a selected H igh Definiti on HDD Handyca m model Free AVC HD Sony Vegas 7 ed iting soft ware as I’ve purchas ed a selected Hi gh Definition H DD Handycam
Tick to show you’ ve remembered to i nclude:
Origina l sales receipt European Gua rantee Informa tion Documen t Name of who th e cheque shou ld be made payab le to
The rest of ou r questions a re optional. T hank you in advan ce if you have time to a nswer.
What was the O NE main reaso n for choosing t o buy a Sony Handyca m?
Ease of use Design Sony brand Cashba ck offer Ot her
Which age gro up are you in?
16-24 25-34 35-44 45+
How many child ren are there in yo ur househol d?
0 1 2 3+
Which of the fo llowing prod ucts do you inten d to purchase i n the future?
6mths 12mths 18mths+ Never
6mths 12mths 18mths+ Never
DVD Recorder:
6mths 12mths 18mths+ Never
Digital cam era:
6mths 12mths 18mths+ Never
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Email addre ss
*This Agre ement to u se person al data is between you and So ny e-Sol utions Euro pe B.V. in The Netherland s, who a dminister s persona l data collected by Sony group co mpanies i n Europe. The personal d ata provided ( “Personal D ata”) may be u sed by Sony e-Soluti ons Europe B.V. and othe r Sony group com panies wo rldwide (together, “ Sony”) to advise of, offer and s upply g oods and servic es for other mar keting purposes, a nd for additi onal purpo ses describe d in the terms o f sale and/or us e relating to you r transactio n (if any). This Pe rsonal Data w ill assist So ny in its effor ts to furthe r improve produc ts and servi ces. On your req uest to Sony e- Solutions Europe B.V. your Persona l Data stored will be provided, corrected, amended or del eted (as re quired by law). For questio ns, e- mail us at: pri or call the So ny Customer Helpline on 08705 111 999. CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF 14 MUST OBTAIN PARENTAL OR GUARDIAN CONSENT BEFORE PROVIDING ANY PERSONAL DATA.For more information on the privacy statement visit:
‘Sony’, ‘ ’, ‘Handycam’ and thei r logos are trad emarks or regi stered tradem arks of Sony Corp oration.
*Promotion ru ns from 22 November u ntil 24 December 20 07. Terms and Conditio ns apply. Subject to availa bility. Selected H andycam models o nly, please check i n-store for detai ls. Ca shback paid by ch eque via redempti on.
Pick up a Sony HDD Handycam and claim up to £50 Cashback
Holding on to your m emories is easy with a Sony HDD H andycam. Pick one up today, capture ever y moment and claim up to £50 ca shback. Choose a simp le to use, high quality S ony HDD Handycam to shoot and watch your autumn ad ventures. All our models del iver the kind of quality and ease of use t hat you’d expect from a Sony Han dycam.
You also have the oppor tunity to receive a FREE AVC HD editing sof tware when you p urchase sele cted High Defin ition Handyca m models. Wh ether you’re a beginner or an advan ced user; Sony Vegas editing sof tware 7 offers you an easy learn ing curve while maintai ning the integrity an d power of a profes sional e diting s uite.
Standard Definition or High Definition, we’ve the right Handycam for you
Sony HDD Handyca m models are available in bot h Standard Definition and High Defi nition models. So however you wis h to relive your memories, there’s a Sony Handycam to suit you.
Standard Definition
With a Standard Def inition (SD) Sony HDD Handycam, you r memories will be captured wi th the same quality tha t you’ve been watching on TV for years. De livering great results whe n played back on your SD TV.
High Definition
Pick a High Defin ition (HD) Sony HDD Handycam, record an d replay your favourite moment s with up to four times more detail and cl arity. HD standard techn ology uses 720 lines to improve pictu re quality. However, market leaders Sony u se HD1080 (1080 line s) AVC HD recording. The future of home e ntertainment.
Capture everything. Keep the best bits
You’ll get the versatilit y of recording onto a built-in hard dri ve and editing movies in camera a s well as on your PC. It’s up to you. At the heart of all of our HDD Handyca m models is a massive bu ilt-in hard drive, so you can just keep shooti ng, capturing everyth ing directly on to the Hard Disk D rive. And because i t’s HDD, connecting to your PC is simpl e – you can back up mov ies, bur n DVDs with one touch and edit your own mov ies eith er on t he came ra or on your PC. It can even syn chroni se with your PC automatical ly, detecting any new file s and backing them up*. Easy. We’ve also created Visual In dex and Easy Search to make sure you can fi nd the sh ots you want easily, a nd withou t having to trawl th rough hours of footage.
*Please refe r to instructi on manual for fu ll compatib ility inst ructions
How to claim your cashback
To claim up to £50 ca shback, simply fi ll in your details overleaf then pos t it to us by 25 Februar y 2008. We’ll also need you to includ e your original sales rece ipt and Eu ropean Gu arantee Inf ormation Document, which we’ll return whe n we send you your cheque.
£30 cash back* When you purchase s elected Standa rd
Definitio n HDD Handycam ca mcorders
DCR-SR32E, DCR-SR33E, DCR-SR52E, DCR-SR72E, DC R-SR190E and the D CR-290E
Additiona l £10 cashback*
When you purch ase selected Sta ndard Definitio n HDD Handycam ca mcorders and a selecte d battery toget her in a single tra nsaction
DCR-SR32E, DCR-SR33E, DCR-SR52E, DCR-SR72E, DC R-SR190E and the D CR-290E Battery m odel: NPFH70.CE
£50 cash back and FREE AVC HD Sony Vegas 7 editing sof tware*
When you purch ase selected Hi gh Definitio n HDD Handycam ca mcorders
HDR-SR5 E, HDR-SR7E and t he HDR-SR8E
*Via redemption