Sony KDE-50XS955, KDE-42XS955, KDE-37XS955 Owner’s Manual

2-148-836-13 (1)
-- © 2004 Sony Corporation
Flat Panel Color TV Operating Instructions
KDE-37XS955 KDE-42XS955
Digital Amplifier
The model and serial mnnbers are located at the rear of the TV Record these nmnbers in the spaces provided below Refer to them whenever
you call upon your Sony dealer regarding this product
Modet No.
Serial No.
It', affel reading these operating instructions you have additional questions related to the use of your Sony television, please call our Customer Information Self-ices Center at 1-800-222-SONY (7669) (US residems only) or 1-877-899-SONY (7669) (Canadian residems only)
ii i iii¸
Toreducetheriskoffireorshockhazard,donot exposetheTV to rain or moisture
alert file user to file presence of uninsulated "dangerous voltage" witilin file
This symbol is intended to product's enclosure tilat
ilia?' be of sufficient lnagnitude to constitute a
risk of electric shock to persons
alel_ file user to the presence of ilnpox_ant operating and
maintenance (selwicing) This symbol is intended to
instmctions in the literatme accolnpanying flie appliance
ill i i
To prevent electric shock, do not use this
polarized AC phtg with an extension cord. receptacle or other outlet unless the blades can be fitily inselled to prevent blade exposure
This television receiver provides display of
television closed captioning in accordance with
g15.119 of tlIe FCC roles.
i i ) _ iiii This reminder is provided to call the (ATV
system installer's attention to Al_icle 820-40 of
the National Elecnical (ode (NEC) that provides guidelines for proper grounding and. in
particular, specifies that the cable ground shall be connected to the grounding system of the building, as close to flie point of cable enn T as practical
Use of this television receiver for other than private viewing of programs broadcast on UHF
or VHF or t_anslnitted by cable COlnpanies for
the use of flIe general public may require
authorization from the broadcaster/cable
conlpany and, or program owner
This equipment has been tested and %mid to
comply with the limits for a Class B digital
device pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmfld interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and. if not installed and used in accordance wifll tt_einstructions, may cause
harmfifl interference wiflI radio conlnl/lnlcations However. tllere is no
guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation If this equipment does
cause harmfid interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning
the equipment offand on, the user is encouraged to tiT to correct the interference by one or more of tlIe following lneasures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving
antennas Increase the separation between the
equiplnent and receiver Connect tt_eequipment into an outlet on a
circuit different fionl that to which the
receiver is connected
Consult the dealer or an experienced
radioiTV technician for help
You are cautioned flint any changes or lnodifications not expressly approved in this manual could void your authoriD, to operate this equipment
Operate the TV only on 120 V A(
The plug is designed, for safety pml_oses, to fi_into the wall outlet only one way. If you are unable to insert the plug fidly into the outlet, contact your dealer
If any liquid or solid object should fidl
inside the cabinet, unplug the TV
immediately and have it checked by
qualified service personnel before
operating it fiirther
Ifyou will not be using the TV for several
days, discomiect the power by pulling the plug itself Never pull on the cord
For details concerning safety precautions,
see "Impoltant Safeguards" on page 2
\_&en used at an altitude of greater than
1,900m or 6,248feet (air pressure less _an
800hPa), this Plasnla Display Panel may
generate a low buzzing sound as a re_llt
of the difference between _e interior and
exterior air pressure of the panels¸ This is not considered a defect and is not covered
under by tile Limited WarranW
To prevem internal heat buildup, do not block the ventilation opemngs Do not install the TV in a hot or lmlnid
place, or in a place subject to excessive dust or lnechanical vibration
Avoid operating the TV at telnperamres below 5°C (41°F).
If tiie TV is ttansported directly from a cold to a waim location, or if the room telnperature changes suddenly, the picture may be blurred or show poor color due to moisture condensation In this case, please wait a few hours to let the lnoisrure evaporate before turning on the TV
To obtain the best picture, do not expose the screen to direct illumination or direct
sm_light It is recommended to use spot lighfing directed down fmln the ceiling or
to cover the windows tiiat face the screen with opaque drapery It is desirable to
install the TV in a room where tiie floor and walls are not of a reflective material
B_iglIt, stationary images such as TV station logos, displayed on your TV can become permanently imprinted onto the screen. Theses types of imprints are tamwn as "hnage Retenfion." Please take flIe following steps to reduce tile risk of causing image
retention: View a varie_, ofprograln somces or
prograimning material Changing the program lnaterial viewed reduces tile possibility that a single ilnage will becolne imprinted on the TV screen
\_q_en using video games, computers, and similar products with your TV, or viewing a TV station whose logo always stays on the screen, keep the "Brighmess" and "Picture" fimctions at low settings. (See page 92 for instructions on adjusting picture qualiD<)
This TV was designed primarily for viewing TV broadcasts in wide screen mode (16:9 aspect ratio). Therefore. when viewing conventional (4:3) aspect ratio TV progralns,
select %Vide Zoom" or "Full" in the Wide Screen Mode, or "4:3 Default" in the Screen
nlenu (see pages 97-98) IMAGE RETENTION IS NOT COVERED
Use the following SONY appliance(s) only with the following
WALL-MOLLNT BRACKET. Use with other WALL-MOL'NT BILa_C KET may cause instabiliB, and result in possible ilkiury
SU-PF3M (for KDE-37i42XS955)
Before using your TV, please read these instructions completely, and keep tllis manual for fitrure reference
Carefiflly observe and comply with all warnings, cautions and instructions placed on the unit or described in the operating instructions or selwice
To guard against mjm-y, the %llowing basic safety precautions should be obser_'ed in the installation, use and se_'icing of the unit
Sufficient expeltise is required for installing the specified product Be sure
to subcontract tl_e installation to Sony dealers or contractors and pay
adequate attention to safety, during the installation
i i
For installation of SONY WALL-MOL'NT BRACKET. or SONY FLOATING STAND, be sure to read and follow the instructions supplied
with those optional products.
TruSurround, SRS and tl_e (_)* symbol ale trademarks of SRS Labs. Inc TruSurround technology is incorporated under license from SRS Labs. Inc
Licensed by BBE Sound, Inc. under USP4638258, 4482866¸ '_BBE" and BBE symbol are trademarks of BBE Sound. Inc
Steady Sound, Digital Reality Creation, CineMotion. Memory Stick, and Twin View ale registered uademarks of Sony C oiporation BN Smoother is trademark of Sony Corporation
Manuf'actm'ed under license from Dolby Laboratories. Dolby and the double-D symbol
] _ | 1" A L aretradelnarksofDolbyLaboratories
H.-aml This TV mcolporates High-DefinifionTM
Multnnedia Interface (HDMI ' ) technology
HDMI, the HDMI logo and High-Definition Multimedia Interf'ace are
trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC
CableCARD "_ is a trademark of Cable Television Laboratories, Inc
This digital television is capable of receiving analog basic, digital basic and digl*al prelnium cable television programming by direct colmection to a cable system providing such progralmning.
A security card provided by your cable operator is required to view
encrypted digital progralmning Certain advanced and interactive digital cable services such as
video-on-delnand, a cable operator's enhanced prograln guide and
data-elflmnced television services lnay require the use of a set-top box For
more information call your local cable operator
This refit should be operated only fiOlll the type of power source indicated on the serial/model plate If you are not sure of the type of electrical power supplied to yore home, consult your dealer or local power company. For those sets designed to operate from battery power, refer to the operating
This unit is equipped with apolarized AC power cord plug (a plug having one blade wider than the other), or with a three-wire grounding type plug (a phtg having a third pin for grmmding). Follow the instructions below:
ii !i
This plug will fit into the power outlet only one way This is a safety feature. If you are unable to insert the plug fidly into tlle outlet, t_y reversing the plug
If the plug still fails to fit, contact your electrician to have a suitable outlet installed. Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized plug by forcing it in
Do not use a poor fitting outlet Insel_ the phtg fully into the outlet If it is loose, it
may cause arcing and result in fire Contact your electrician to have the outlet changed
For },our safety, unplug tim AC power cord when wiring cables
Do not touch the AC power cord or the unit with a wet hand
If you phtghmplug the AC power cord from the unit with a wet hand, it may cause electric shock
Clean the A( power plug regularly If the plug is covered with &1stand it picks up
moisture, its insulation may deteriorate and result in
fire Unplug the AC power plug and clean it
/ il iii-[il i [i ¸ iii ii[i . ?
..... ' ,!i
This phlg will only fit into a grounding-type power outlet This is a safety feature If you are unable to
insert file plug into the outlet, contact your electrician
to have a suitable outlet installed Do not defeat the
safety, propose of the grounding plug.
Do not overload wall outlets, extension cords or convemence receptacles beyond their capacity, since
this can result in fire or electlic shock
Ahvays turn the unit off when it is not being used
When the unit is left unattended and mmsed for long periods of time, lmphtg it from the wall outlet
as a precaution against the possibility of an internal
lnalfunction that could create a fire hazard
If a snapping or popping sound floln a TV unit is continuous or fiequent while the TV is operating,
unphtg the TV and consult your dealer or service technician. It is nomlal for some TV sets to nlake
occasional snapping or popping sounds, particularly
when being turned on or off
Do not insmx anything in the ventilation holes If metal or something flalmnable enters, it may result in fire or
electric shock.
Unplug the A( power cord when cleaning this unit If not, it may result in electric shock. Clean the cabinet of the TV with a dr,,, sot} cloth To
remove dust fiOln the screen, wipe it gently with a soft cloth Stubborn stains may he relnoved with a cloth slightly dampened with a solution of mild soap and warm water
Never use strong solvents such as thinner or benzine for cleaning.
If the picture becomes dark after using the TV for a long period of time, it mav_be necessal¢,, to clean the inside of the TV Consult qualified service personnel.
Do not use attachments not recommended by the manufacturer, as they may cause hazards
Do not place this mlit in a place where medical equipment is in use
It may cause 1hal function of medical instruments.
If you damage the AC power cord. it may result in fire or electric shock
Do not pinch, bend, or twist the cord excessively The core lines may be bared and cut. and cause short-circuit, resulting in fire or electric
shock Do not convert or damage the AC power cord or display interface
cable Do not put anything heavy on the A( power cord Do not pull the
AC power cord Keep the AC power cord away from heat smlrces Be sure to grasp the phtg when disconnecting the AC power cord
If the A( power cord is damaged, stop using it and ask your dealer or Sony service center to exchange it
Do not dispose of batteries in fire Do not short circuit, disassemble or overheat the batteries
i i )
Never push objects of any kind into the refit tluough _ # the cabinet slots as they may touch dangerous voltage _h'_l:2_l_
points or short out parts that could result in a fire or
electric shock Never spill liquid of any kind on the
Do not place any objects on the unit The apparatus shall not be exposed to dripping or
splashing and that no objects filled wifll liquids, such as vases, shall be placed on the apparatus
Do not use power-line operated sets near water for example, near a baflmtb. washbowh kitchen sink, or laundry tllb, in a wet baselnent, or heal a swilnlning pool, ere It may lesult in file or electric shock
Do not let this unit get wet Never spill liquid of any kind on the unit If any liquid or solid
object does fall through, do not operate the P¢_'_
unit. It ma? ....... it in electric shock o1 damage _gQ .-_
to the unit. Have it checked i...... diatelv bv %_'_
qualified personnel To prevent fire. keep inflalmnable objects o2 naked lights (eg.
candles) away from the unit
Do not place the unit on an unstable cart, stand, table or shelf. The unit may fall. causing serious injmT to a child or an adult and serious damage to the unit Use only a cal_ or stand recommended by Sony for the specific model of TV No part of the TV unit should overhang any edge of the TV cart or stand: any overhanging edge is a safety, hazard. An appliance and cart combination should be moved with care Quick stops, excessive force, and uneven sm'faces may cause the appliance and
cart combination to ovemlrn
fo preserve o/lr envlrolllllent, d1512 se tile used batteries according to yo/lr local laws or regulatlon_
If the surtace of the TV cracks do not touch it until you unphtg the AC p wer cord¸
Othel_vlse electric shock inav resull
Obselwe the following when installing tile TV using a stand ol wall-mount bracket If the TV is not secmed
properly, it may fall and cause injury
Be sine to follow the operating nlstntctions supplied with your stand or wall-mount bracket when installing the unit
Be sure to attach the brackets supplied with yore stand or wall-mount bracket.
Do not throw anvthln_ at the unll rile screen glass may break by file mlpact and cause serious mjul T
rake care not to catch yore feet on tile cables It may damage the unit
Do not touch the surface of the TV It remains hot. even for some tmle after the TV is turned off
AdJust the volmne so as not to trouble your nmghbors. Sound carries vel T easily at mght tmle Therefore closing the windows or using headphones is suggested
When using headphones, adjust the volmne so as to avmd excessive levels. as heanng damage may result
Carry the TV in the specified manner
(anwing the TV requires at least two people If you carl%_the TV m a rammer oilier than that specified and without
the specified nmnber of persons, it may drop and a serious iIlimT may result Be sme to follow the instructions given below
Can T tile TV with tile specified nmnber of €'_ _ persons.
Can T tile TV holding the upper and botloln fiames of the TV as illustrated. Do not cmry by, file clear plastic front panel
Hold the TV securely when carlTing it. As file glass surface of the TV has a special coating, be cmefid to
avoid touching tile glass surface as far as possible. When transpol_ing, do not subject tile unit to shocks or vibration, or
excessive force
wall, be sure to use qualified contractors
When installing oi ........ 'rag the TV on the _1
Wall mount installation requires the use of a
removed from tile wall by aperson oilier than ..........
wall ......... tbracket If the TV is installed or _ _',_ _/_,_)_r _,_
a qualified contractor, file unit may tall and cause serious iNury if the refit is not installed secmely.
Do not install the TV m protruding locations If you install the unit in the following locations, injulT may result.
Do not install the unit m a location where tlle unit protludes, such as pillars
Do not install the unit in a location that may cause facial iNury
Do not install this unit in restaurants where oil?' vapors occur Dust absorbing oil may enter into the unit and damage the unit
Use of this set near the seashore may subject the set to excessive salt. corrosion and internal damage and result in deterioration of the set's
performance If the set will be subjected to these conditions, steps should
be taken to reduce the humidity and telnperamre of the area where the set is located.
The slots and openings in the TV are provided for necessary retaliation. To ensure reliable operation of the unit and to protect it fiom overheafing, these slots and openings must never be blocked or covered
Unless proper ventilation is provided, the unit may gather dust and get dir W For proper vemilation. Obsm_e the following:
Do not install the unit turned backward or sideways. Do not install the unit turned over or upside
Never cover the slots and openings with a cloth or other materials
Never block the slots and openings by placing the unit on a bed. sofa. rug or oilier
similar surface
Never place tile unit m a confined space, such as a bookcase or built-in cabinet, unless proper ventilation is provided
It is reconnnended to watch the TV at a distance of 3-7 times that of the screen, and in moderate brightness Watching tile TV for too long or in a
dark room will cause eye tatigue
Do not place the unit nero or over a radiator or heat register, or where it is exposed to direct sunlight
_.,_\ll] //2
LeavesomespacearoundtilerefitOtherwise,adequate air-cilculationmaybeblockedcausingoverheatingandcausefireor damagetheunit
When installing the unit on the wail
......30 cm (11 7Is inches)
i i
cm , 10 cm
(4 inches) (4 inches)
I ,_ I much
I................ .... ! space.
When installing the unit using a stand
10 cm (4 inches)
Never install the unit as follows:
Air circulation is blocked
Air circulation is blocked.
(4 inches)
30 cm (11 7/8inches)
I ', much
10 cm
(4 inches)
Allow this
Unplug the AC power cord when moving the unit Do not move the unit with the A( power cord plugged in It may damage
tile AC power cord and result in tire or electric shock
iii i ii i i Take measures to prevent the unit tiOln toppling over and causing injury. To prevent the mlit from toppling over, secure tile unit to the wall or pillar
Ifyou install tile unit on an inclined smf:ace, the unit may fall or drop and cause injury or damage.
If you place the unit on an unstable surface, the unit may fall and cause i*!imy or damage
Do not hang anything on the unit Tile unit may fall from tile stand or wall-molmt uni_
causing damage or serious injury.
Do not allow anything to rest on or roll over the power cord, and do not place the/mit where ll_e power cord is subject to wear or abuse.
Do not install this unit outdoors If the unit is exposed to
ram, it may result in tire or electric shock. If the unit is
exposed to direct sunlight, the lmit may heat lip and it
nlay damage tbe mlit.
Do not install this unit in a vehicle or hung fronl tile ceiling.
Bunlping of the vehicle may cause the unit to fall down and cause inj/u)_.
Do not install this unit in a ship or vessel If the unit is exposed to seawater, it may cause tire or damage the
i ¸ i
A ¸ ih _ iJii iii-
If an outdoor amenna is installed, follow tbe precautions below. An outdoor antenna system should not be located in tbe vicinity of overhead power lines or other eleetlic light or power clrcmts, or where it can come in contact witb such power lines or circuits
Be sme tbe antenna systenl is grmmded so as to provide sonle protection against voltage surges and built-up static charges
Section 810 of the National Electrical (:ode (NEC) in USA and Section 54 of the Canadian Electrical (:ode in Canada provides reformation with respect to proper grounding of the nlast and suppmling snucmre. grounding of the lead-in wire to an antenna discharge refit, size of grounding conductors, location of antenna discharge unit, connectmn to grounding electrodes, and requiremems for the grounding electrode
i ii ¸¸¸" i L d i , i
_tqlen replacemem parts are required, be sure the service technician certifies in writing that he/she has used replacelnent parts specified by the lnanufacturer that have the same characteristics as the original parts
Unauthorized substitutions nlay result in fire. electric shock or other hazards.
Antenea lead-in wire
ntenna discharge unit
(NEC Section 810-20)
Grounding conductors (NEC Section 810-21)
. Ground clamps
Power service grounding
electrode system
NEC: NationaI Electrical Code
(NEC Art 250 Part H)
For added protection for this TV receiver dumlg alighming storm, or when
it is left unattended and unused tbr long periods of fime, unplug it fionl the wall outlet and disconnect the antenna. This will prevent damage to the receiver due to lightning and power-line surges
Unplug the mitt from the wall outlet and refer servicing to qualified service personnel under file following conditions:
When the power cord or plug is damaged or flayed
If liquid has been spilled into the unit
If the unit has been exposed to rain or water
by being dropped, or the cabinet has been _ _ _[ _l damaged
Ifthe unit has been subject to excessive shock _j
If the refit does not operate normally when following file operating instructions. Adjust only
dlose controls flint are specified in the operating instructions Improper adjusmlent of other
controls may result in damage and will often require extensive work by a qualified technician to restore the unit to normal operation
When the refit exhibits a distinct change in
performance, it indicates a need for service
Upon completion of any sel_'ice or repairs to the unit, ask the service technician to perforln routine sate b, checks (as specified by the manufacturer) to determine that the unit is in safe operating condition, and to so certi_. When the unit reaches the end of its usefid life. improper disposal could result in apicture tube ilnplosion. Ask aqualified sel_'ice teclmician to dispose
of the unit.
1) Read these instructions.
2) Keep these instructions
3) Heed all warnings
4) Follow all instructions
5) Do *lot use this apparatus near water
6) Clean only with dry cloth
7) Do *lot block any ventilation openings Install inaccordance with the manufacturer's instructions
8) Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other apparatus (including amplifiers) that produce heat
9) Do not defeat the safe b, pro'pose of the polarized or grounding-type plug A polarized plug has two blades with one wider than the other A grounding type plug has two blades and a third grounding prong. The wide blade or the third prong are provided for your safety If the provided plug does *lot fit into your outlet, consult an elecnician for replacement of the obsolete outlet
10) Protect the power cord fiom being walked on or pinched particularly at phtgs, convenience receptacles, and the point where they exit froln the apparatus.
tt) Only use attachments/accessories specified by file manufacturer
12) Use only with the call, stand, tripod, bracket, or table specified by the manufacturer, or sold with the apparatus. When a cart is used, use caution when moving the cal_ apparatus combination to avoid injuly" fiom tip-over
13) lTn!flugthis apparatus during lightning stomls or when unused for long periods of tilne
t4) Re fer all sel_-lcing to qualified service personnel Servicing is
required when the apparaiats has been damaged in any way, such as power-supply cord or phtg is damaged, liquid has been spilled or objects have fallen into the apparatus, tile apparatus has been exposed to rain or moisture, does not operate normally, or has been dropped
Do not attempt to service the unit yourself since opening
the cabinet may expose you to dangerous voltage or other hazalds. Refer all servicing to qualified sel_'ice
Welcome ............................................................................................... 11
Package Contents .......................................................................... 11
Features ......................................................................................... 12
Overview .............................................................................................. 15
TV Controls and Connectors .............................................................. 16
Front panel ..................................................................................... 16
Side panel ...................................................................................... 17
Rear panel ...................................................................................... 18
Connecting the Power Cord ............................................................... 20
Preventing the TV from Toppling Over ........................................... 21
Bundling the Connecting Cables .................................................... 22
Basic Connections: Connecting a Cable or Antenna ...................... 23
Cable or Antenna ........................................................................... 24
Cable Box and Cable ..................................................................... 25
Cable Box ....................................................................................... 26
Connecting Optional Equipment ....................................................... 28
Making Video Connections ............................................................ 28
About Using S VIDEO .................................................................... 29
VCR and Cable .............................................................................. 30
VCR and Cable Box ....................................................................... 32
Two VCRs for Tape Editing ............................................................ 34
Satellite Receiver ........................................................................... 36
Satellite Receiver and VCR ............................................................ 38
DVD Player with Component Video Connectors ............................ 41
DVD Player with S VIDEO and Audio Connectors ......................... 43
Digital Satellite Receiver with HDMI Connector ............................. 44
DVD Player or Digital Satellite Receiver via AV Receiver with
CENTER SPEAKER IN Terminals .......................................... 46
Camcorder ..................................................................................... 48
Audio Receiver ............................................................................... 49
Sub Woofer .................................................................................... 49
Device with an Optical (Digital Audio) Connector .......................... 50
Using the CONTROL S Feature ..................................................... 50
Using CableCARD TM . ........................................................................... 51
Activating CableCARD TM Service ................................................... 51
Removing the CableCARD TM .......................................................... 52
Setting Up the Channel List ............................................................... 53
Using Auto Setup ........................................................................... 53
vi (/ J i i U ¸
Overview .............................................................................................. 55
Inserting Batteries ............................................................................... 55
Button Descriptions ............................................................................ 56
Programming the Remote Control ..................................................... 58
Using Other Equipment with Your Remote Control ......................... 60
Operating a Cable Box ................................................................... 60
Operating a Satellite Receiver ....................................................... 60
Operating a VCR ............................................................................ 61
Operating a DVD Player or DVD Changer ..................................... 61
Operating a 5.1ch DVD AV System (Sony DAV) ........................... 62
Operating a DVD/VCR Combo Unit ............................................... 62
Operating an AV Receiver ............................................................. 62
Overview .............................................................................................. 63
Watching TV. ........................................................................................ 64
Using the Program Guide ................................................................... 65
Displaying the Program Guide ....................................................... 65
Using Additional Program Guide Options ...................................... 66
Using Wide Screen Mode ................................................................... 67
Using Twin View .................................................................................. 69
Displaying Twin Pictures ................................................................ 69
Activating the Picture ..................................................................... 70
Changing the Picture Size .............................................................. 71
Using Favorite Channels .................................................................... 72
Using the Channel Menu ................................................................ 72
Using the Favorite Channels Guide ............................................... 73
About Memory Stick ............................................................................ 75
Features ......................................................................................... 75
Memory Stick Compatibility ............................................................ 76
Memory Stick Functionality ............................................................ 76
File Compatibility ............................................................................ 77
Trademark Information ................................................................... 77
Inserting and Removing a Memory Stick .......................................... 78
inserting a Memory Stick ................................................................ 78
inserting the Memory Stick DUO .................................................... 79
Removing a Memory Stick ............................................................. 80
Using the Memory Stick Index ........................................................... 81
Using the Memory Stick index ....................................................... 82
Viewing Photos .................................................................................... 83
Photo Controls ............................................................................... 83
Photo Menu Bar Options ................................................................ 84
Using Zoom and Pan ..................................................................... 85
Using Rotate .................................................................................. 85
Playing Movies .................................................................................... 86
Movie Controls ............................................................................... 86
Movie Menu Bar Options ................................................................ 87
Memory Stick Index Menu Bar Options ............................................. 88
Slide Show Menu Options .............................................................. 88
Contents Menu Options ................................................................. 89
Memory Stick Menu ....................................................................... 89
Notes on Using Memory Stick Media ................................................ 90
About DCF File Names .................................................................. 90
Memory Stick Precautions ............................................................. 90
Overview .............................................................................................. 91
Navigating Through Menus ................................................................ 91
Using the Video Menu ......................................................................... 92
Selecting Video Options ................................................................. 92
Using the Audio Menu ........................................................................ 95
Selecting Audio Options ................................................................. 95
Using the Screen Menu ....................................................................... 97
Selecting Screen Options ............................................................... 97
Using the Channel Menu .................................................................... 99
Selecting Channel Options ............................................................. 99
Using the Parental Lock Menu ......................................................... 101
Selecting Parental Lock Options .................................................. 101
US Models: Selecting Custom Rating Options ............................. 102
Viewing Blocked Programs .......................................................... 102
Canadian Models: Selecting Custom Rating Options .................. 103
Viewing Blocked Programs .......................................................... 103
Using the Setup Menu ....................................................................... 104
Selecting Setup Options ............................................................... 104
Programming Caption Vision ....................................................... 106
Using the Applications Menu ........................................................... 107
Selecting Applications Options ..................................................... 107
Overview ............................................................................................ 109
Glossary ............................................................................................. 110
Contacting Sony ................................................................................ 111
Troubleshooting ................................................................................ 111
Twin View ..................................................................................... 111
Remote Control ............................................................................ 112
CableCARD TM ............................................................................... 112
Channels ...................................................................................... 113
Memory Stick ............................................................................... 114
Audio ............................................................................................ 115
Video ............................................................................................ 116
General ........................................................................................ 117
Specifications .................................................................................... 118
Optional Accessories ........................................................................ 120
Index ................................................................................................... 121
Thank you for purchasing the Sony Flat Panel Color TV. This manual is to be used with the following models:
KDE-37XS955 KDE-42XS955 KDE-50XS955
Package Contents
The package contains the t\_llowing:
Flat panel color TV
Remote control (RM-Y1004) and two size AA batteries AC power cord AC plug holder
Cable band (1)
Cable band screw (1) AC cord clamp
Cleaning cloth
Operating Instructions
Quick Setup Guide
Warranty Card
These items are all you need to set up and operate the TV in its basic configuration.
Most components (VCRs, DVD players, etc.) come with the necessary cables to connect them. If you want to set up a complex system, you may need to buy extra cables, connectors, etc. Be sure to have these on hand be*\_reyou start to connect your system.
Some of the features that you wilt enjoy with your new TV include:
Integrated HDTV: You can watch digital television pr%malns and
enjoy the improved audio/video quality offered by these pro_ams.
CableCARD TM slot: Provides cable subscribers with access to digitally
encrypted cable channels without the need for a set-top box that wilt enable you to receive not only standard definition but also high
definition television. The CableCARD TM, which is provided by your
cable TV company, is inserted into the TV's rear panel CableCARD TM
slot. After the service is activated with your cable TV company, the card replaces the need for a separate set-top box. (Check with your cable TV
company about CabteCARD TM service details, limitations, pricing, and
availability. For more in*\mnation about CableCARD TM in this manual,
see pages 18 and 51.) WEGA EngineTM: Delivers superb picture quality from aW video
source by minimizing the signal deterioration caused by digital-to-
analog conversion and stabilizing the signal processing. The WEGA
engine features unique Sony technology, including:
The first step in the digital processing system, Composite Component Processor2 (CCP2), which enhances input signal to noise ratio by chroma decoder digital processing;
DRC (Digital Reali_" Creation _) MultiFunction 2 circuitlT: Enables the digital mapping of any NTSC source (DVD, VHS, DBS, Cable, etc.), to create a picture that is precise and finer in detail, rivaling high definition resolution. Incoming HD signals (1080i) are also bitmapped, utilizing Sow's proprietary algorithm to provide a crisp and clear picture;
IFP (Image Format Processor): The Digital Texture Enhancer
function of this chip provides the optimal contrast by utilizing a wide dynamic range. This chip also reduces signal noise, by using an ilnproved motion vector algorithm, while maintaining image
New Panel Driver LSI: This drive provides a more realistic color expression by improving the color space of the original signal and color gradation.
S-master Full Digital Amplifier: Delivers superb clear dialog and
reproduces the original sound quality while minimizing any sound
fragmentation or jitter noise. BN Smoother'=: Reduces the block noise caused by digital video
encoding and decoding process. CineMotion®: Provides an optimized display by automatically
detecting film content and applying a reverse 3/2 pultdown process. Moving pictures will appear clearer and more natural-looking.
WideScreenMode:Watchconventional4:3aspectratiobroadcastsin widescreen(16:9)mode.
FavoriteChannels:Allowsyoutopreviewandselectfrom16ofyour favoritechannels.
MemoryStick®Viewer:AllowsyoutoviewonyourTVscreendigital images(JPEG)andmovies(MPEG1)withbackgroundmusic(MP3)
thatarestoredonMemoryStickmedia. ComponentVideoInputs:OffersthebestvideoqualityforDVD(480p
and480i),anddigitalset-topbox(1080i,720p,480pand480i) connections.
anyHDMI-equippedaudio/videocomponent,suchasaset-topbox, DVDplayer,andA/Vreceiver.HDMIsupportsenhanced,orhigh- definitionvideo,plustwo-channeldigitalaudio.
i d L i ¸
This chapter includes illustrated instructions for setting up your TM
TV Controls and Connectors 16-19 Connecting the Power Cord 20-22
Basic Connections: Connecting a Cable or Antenna 23-27 Connecting Optional Equipment
Making Video Connections 28 About Using S VIDEO 29
VCR and Cable 30 VCR and Cable Box 32
Two VCRs for Tape Editing 34 Satellite Receiver 36
Satellite Receiver and VCR 38 DVD Player with Component Video Connectors 41
DVD Player with S VIDEO and Audio Connectors 43 Digital Satellite Receiver with HDMI Connector 44 DVD Player or Digital Satellite Receiver via AV Receiver with
CENTER SPEAKER IN Terminals 46 Cameorder 48 Audio Receiver 49 Sub Woofer 49
Device with an Optical (Digital Audio) Connector 50 Using the CONTROL S Feature 50
Using CableCARD TM 51 Setting Up the Channel List 53
Front panel
Outputs audio signal.
When lit, indicates that the Picture Off feature is activated. For details, see page 56.
When lit, indicates one of the timers is set. When the timer is set, this LED will remain lit even if the TV set is turned
off. For details, see page 107. When in standby mode, the LED lights up in red.
Eights up in green when the TV set is turned on. The LED does not light up when the main power is turned off. If the LED blinks in red continuously, this may indicate the display unit needs selwicing (see "Contacting Sony" on page 111).
Receives IR signals from the remote control.
Side panel
Left side
Right side
[] IvoL M l
[] ............................
When lit, indicates that the Memory Stick is being read. (Do not remove the Memory Stick when the indicator is lit.)
Memory Stick insertion slot. For details, see "Inserting and Removing a Memory Stick" on page 78.
Connects to the S VIDEO OUT jack on your camcorder or other video equipment that has S VIDEO. Provides better picture quality than composite video ().
Connects to the composite A'V output jacks on your camcorder or other video equipment.
Press to mm on and offthe main power of the TV. Press to scan through channels. To scan quickly through
channels, press and hold down either Press to adjust the volume.
Press repeatedly to cycle through the video equipment connected to the TV's video inputs.
Rear panel
For KDE-50XS955
Connects the supplied AC power cord. Connect to the optical audio input of a digital audio component that is PCM/Dolby Digital
: compatible.
i ii i
.... CableCARD provides cable subscribers with access to secure, digitally encrypted cable
channels without the need for a set-top-box that will enable you to receive not only standard definition but also high definition television. For more information, see page 5 i.
HDMI(High-DefinitionMultimediaInterface)providesanuncompressed,all-digital audiovideointerfacebetweenthisTVandanyHDMI-equippedaudio_videocomponent, suchasaset-topbox,DVDplayer,andAiVreceiver.HDMIsupportsenhanced,orhigh- definitionvideo,plustwo-channeldigitalaudio.
ConnecttothecompositeA'VoutputjacksonyourVCRorothervideocomponent.Athird compositeAiVinputjack(VIDEO2) is located on the left side panel of the TV. These
video connections provide better picture qnality than the VHFiUHF () connections. Connect to your DVD player's or digital set-top box's component video (Y, PB, PR) and
audio (E.R) jacks. Component video provides better picture quality than the S VIDEO (), the VHFiUHF () or the composite video () connections.
RF input that connects to your cable signal. RF input that connects to your VHFiUHF antenna or cable box. Connects to the S VIDEO OUT jack of your VCR or other video equipment that has
S VIDEO. S VIDEO provides better picture quality than either composite video () or VHFiUHF ( ) connections.
Connect the center output temlinals of Dolby Pro Logic* system decoder amplifier. You can use the TV speakers as a center speaker.
Allows the TV to receive (IN) and send (OUT) remote control signals to other Sony infrared-contro!led audio or video equipment that has the CONTROL S flmction.
Connects to the input jack of your woofer.
Connects to the left and right audio input jacks of your audio or video equipment. You can use these outputs to listen to your TV's audio through your stereo system.
* "Dolby", "Pro Logic", and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.
J_3 Complete other connections prior to connecting the power
Connect the power cord to the AC IN connector of the TV. Secure the AC power plug to the display's AC IN jack.
AC IN (Power
supply input)
jack of the \ AC plug holder display _ (supplied)
AC power cord
Attach the AC plug holder
(supplied) to the AC power cord (supplied).
Clip on to the AC IN jack until you hear clicking.
S3 When you unplug the AC power cord, drag the holder down by
pushing both sides of the holder, then pull out the plug.
Connect the other end of the AC power cord (supplied) to a wall outlet.
Tighten the screw slowly until the screw is stabilized.
AC power cord (supplied)
Be sure to use the supplied AC power cords.
j_j When connecting optional components, do not connect the AC
power cords to wall outlets until you have completed making all connections.
j/_ Do not use damaged cables, such as cables whose connectors
are deformed.
Preventing the TV from Toppling Over
Be sure to take measures to prevent stand from toppling over. If you tail to do so, the TV may topple over and cause injury. Anchor the TV to a wall, pillar, etc., to prevent it tiom toppling over.
Prepare a commercially available strong rope or chain and wall anchor bracket beforehand.
After connections with antennas and other equipment are completed, be sure to attach a sturdy strong rope or chain securely to each clamp screw, and attach it to a wall or pillar.
Bundfing the
Connecting Cables
You can bundle the connecting cables using the supplied cord clamp with a cable band at the rear of the TM
Bundle the connecting cables.
Cable band
Attach the supplied cord clamp for the AC power cord. Remove the cable cover.
One side of the cable cover is secured by screws. Store the connecting cables. Secure the cord clamp and replace the cable cover.
ThewayinwhichyouwillconnectyourTVvaries,dependingonhowyour homereceivesasignal(cable,cablebox,antenna)andwhetherornotyou plantoconnectaVCR.
Cable or Antenna 24
No cable box or VCR
Cable Box and Cable 25
(;able box unscrambles only some channels
(usually premium channels)
Cable Box 26
(;able box unscrambles all channels
See the connections described on pages 30 and 32.
Cable or Antenna
i ¸ i _i
Do not need a cable box to unscramble channels. (If you have a cable
box, see page 26.)
Do not intend to connect a VCR. (If you have a VCR, see pages 30 and
For antenna connection, use the 75-ohm coaxial cable (not supplied).
VHF Only or combined 75-ohm
/Z_j When using an indoor antenna, such as rabbit-ear or dipole-
antenna, keep the antenna away from the display unit. If not,
noise may appear on the screen.
Switch the TV's input between Press to switch back and forth between the TV's VHF UHF and CABLE the cable and antenna inputs,
75-ohm coaxial
cable CABLE
Cable Box and Cable
"_" Before connecting a
cable box, See "Using CableCARD TM''on
page 51.
.....................iiii ii ii
Your cable company scrambles some channels, such as premium channels (,a_ich requires you to use a cable box), but does not scramble
all channels.
You do not have a VCR. (If you have a VCR, see pages 30 and 32.)
ii i i
Use the remote control to change channels coming through the cable box to the TV's VHF/UHF input jack. (You must first pro_am the remote control for your specific cable box; see "Pro_amming the
Remote Control" on page 58.)
Use the remote control to change channels coming directly into the TV's
CABLE input. (The TV's tuner provides a better signal than the cable
Coaxial cable
cabl3 ]l
7 ohmcoaxiot
cable II
With this connection, you can use all the dual picture features for unscrambled channels coming directly into the TV's CABLE input jack.
il ¸ il iii i i-i ii i
Use the cable box Tune the TV to the channel the cable box is set to (usually channel 3 or 4) and then
use the cable box to switch channels.
Set up the remote control to Program the remote control. See "Programming the Remote Control" on page 58. operate the cable box
Activate the remote control to Press operate the cable box
Prevent the accidental switching When using the cable box, you need the TV to stay on the channel the cable box is of TV channels set to (usually channel 3 or 4). You can use the TV's Channel Fix feature to lock in a
specific channel. For details, see "Using the Channel Menu" on page 99.
Switch the TV's input between Press to switch back and forth between the TV's VHFAJHF (scrambled the cable box and cable channels) and CABLE (unscrambled) inputs.
,_D Do not leave the display indication of the cable box turned on.
Cable Box
"_" Before connecting a
cable box, See "Using CableCARD TM''on
page 51.
i i iii ii ii. ii ¸ i. i
Your cable company scrambles all channels, which requires you to use a cable box.
You do not have a VCR. (If you have a VCR, see pages 30 and 32.)
Use the remote control to change channels coming through the cable box to the TV's VHF/UHF jack. (You must first program the remote
control for your specific cable box, see page 58.)
With this connection, all channels come into the TV through your cable box and only one unscrambled signal is sent to the TV, so you cannot use the dual picture features. If some of your channels are scrambled, but others are not, consider using the "(;able Box and (;able" connection on page 25 instead.
i ! ii !
Connect the CATV cable to the cable box's input jack.
Use the 75-ohm coaxial cable (not supplied) to connect the cable box's
output jack to the TV's VHF/UHF jack. Run the Auto Setup program, as described in "Setting Up the Channel
List" on page 53.
CATV cable 75-ohm coaxial cable
--1 i VHF/UHF
Use the cable box Tune the TV to the channel the cable box is set to (usually channel 3 or 4) and then
Set up the remote control to Program the remote control. See "Programming the Remote Control" on page 58. operate the cable box
Activate the remote control to Press : operate the cable box
Prevent the accidental switching When using the cable box, you need the TV to stay on the channel the cable box is of TV channels set to (usually channel 3 or 4). You can use the TV's Channel Fix feature to lock in a
use the cable box to switch channels.
specific channel. For details, see "Using the Channel Menu" on page 99.
_) Do not leave the display indication of the cable box turned on.
: !¸ ; L ¸" ....
Use the directions in this section to connect the following optional equipment:
About Using S VIDEO 29 VCR and Cable 30
VCR and Cable Box 32 Two VCas lbr Tape Editing 34
Satellite Receiver 36 Satellite Receiver and VCR 38
DVD Player with Component Video Connectors 41 DVD Player with S VIDEO and Audio Connectors 43
Digital Satellite Receiver with HDMI Connector 44 DVD Player or Digital Satellite Receiver via AV
Receiver with CENTER SPEAKER IN Terminals 46 Camcorder 48
Audio Receiver 49 Sub Woofer 49
Device with an Optica! (Digital Audio) Connector 50 Using the CONTROL S Feature 50
Making Video
Your TV includes several types of video inputs. When connecting your TV, use the inputs that are available on your components that provide the best video pert\_rmance, as described below.
Best Video Performance
Connector type
(High-Definition Multimedia Interface)
@ @ @ Component video
Y P_ P
sv,oEo@ S VIDEO
v,oEo4_) Composite video
About Using
If the optional equipment you are connecting has an S VIDEO jack
(shown at left), you can use an SVIDEO cable for improved picture quality (compared to an A/V cable). Because S VIDEO carries only the video siNlal, you also need to connect audio cables for sound, as
shown below.
Audio cable
SVIDEO cable
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