Sony J-H3 User Manual

J-H1 J-H3
OPERATION MANUAL 1st Edition (Revised 1)
To avoid electrical shock, do not open the cabinet. Refer servicing to qualified personnel only.
This symbol is intended to alert the user to the presence of uninsulated “dangerous voltage” within the product’s enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to persons.
This symbol is intended to alert the user to the presence of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the appliance.
Important Safety Instructions
• Read these instructions.
• Keep these instructions.
• Heed all warnings.
• Follow all instructions.
• Do not use this apparatus near water.
• Clean only with dry cloth.
• Do not block any ventilation openings. Install in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
• Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other apparatus (including amplifiers) that produce heat.
• Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized or grounding-type plug. A polarized plug has two blades with one wider than the other. A grounding type plug has two blades and a third grounding prong. The wide blade or the third prong are provided for your safety . If the provided plug does not fit into your outlet, consult an electrician for replacement of the obsolete outlet.
• Protect the power cord from being walked on or pinched particularly at plugs, convenience receptacles, and the point where they exit from the apparatus.
• Only use attachments/accessories specified by the manufacturer.
• Use only with the cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table specified by the manufacturer, or sold with the apparatus. When a cart is used, use caution when moving the cart/ apparatus combination to avoid injury from tip-over.
• Unplug this apparatus during lightning storms or when unused for long periods of time.
• Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel. Servicing is required when the apparatus has been damaged in any way, such as power-supply cord or plug is damaged, liquid has been spilled or objects have fallen into the apparatus, the apparatus has been exposed to rain or moisture, does not operate normally, or has been dropped.
ONLY. If used in USA, use the UL LISTED power cord specified below. DO NOT USE ANY OTHER POWER CORD.
Plug Cap Parallel blade with ground pin (NEMA 5-15P
Configuration) Cord Type SJT, three 16 or 18 AWG wires Length Minimum 1.5m, Less than 2.5 m (8 ft. 3 in.) Rating Minimum 10A, 125V
Using this unit at a voltage other than 120V may require the use of a different line cord or attachment plug, or both. To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, refer servicing to qualified service personnel.
1. Use the approved Power Cord (3-core mains lead) /
Appliance Connector / Plug with earthing-contacts that conforms to the safety regulations of each country if applicable.
2. Use the Power Cord (3-core mains lead) / Appliance
Connector / Plug conforming to the proper ratings (Voltage, Ampere).
If you have questions on the use of the above Power Cord / Appliance Connector / Plug, please consult a qualified service personnel.
Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer. Dispose of used batteries according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
The apparatus shall not be exposed to dripping or splashing and no objects filled with liquid, such as vases, shall be placed on the apparatus.
Do not install the appliance in a confined space, such as book case or built-in cabinet.
The unit is not disconnected from the AC power source (mains) as long as it is connected to the wall outlet, even if the unit itself has been turned off.
For the customers in the USA
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
You are cautioned that any changes or modifications not expressly approved in this manual could void your authority to operate this equipment.
For the customers in Europe (for the J-H1 and J-H3)
This product with the CE marking complies with both the EMC Directive (89/336/EEC) and the Low Voltage Directive (73/23/EEC) issued by the Commission of the European Community. Compliance with these directives implies conformity to the following European standards:
• EN60065: Product Safety
• EN55103-1: Electromagnetic Interference (Emission)
• EN55103-2: Electromagnetic Susceptibility (Immunity) This product is intended for use in the following Electromagnetic Environment(s): E1 (residential), E2 (commercial and light industrial), E3 (urban outdoors) and E4 (controlled EMC environment, ex. TV studio).
For the customers in Europe (for the HKJ-101)
This product with the CE marking complies with the EMC Directive (89/336/EEC) issued by the Commission of the European Community. Compliance with this directive implies conformity to the following European standards:
• EN55103-1: Electromagnetic Interference (Emission)
• EN55103-2: Electromagnetic Susceptibility (Immunity) This product is intended for use in the following Electromagnetic Environment: E1 (residential), E2 (commercial and light industrial), E3 (urban outdoors) and E4 (controlled EMC environment, ex. TV studio).
Afin d’éviter tout risque d’incendie ou d’électrocution, ne pas exposer cet appareil à la pluie ou à l’humidité.
Afin d’écarter tout risque d’électrocution, garder le coffret fermé. Ne confier l’entretien de l’appareil qu’à un personnel qualifié.
The shielded interface cable recommended in this manual must be used with this equipment in order to comply with the limits for a digital device pursuant to Subpart B of Part 15 of FCC Rules.
For customers in Canada (for the HKJ-101) This Class A digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-
1. Utiliser le cordon d’alimentation approuvé (conducteur à
trois noyaux)/connecteur pour appareils approuvé / fiche avec contacts de mise à la terre approuvée, qui est conforme aux règles de sécurité de chaque pays, si applicable.
2. Utiliser un cordon d’alimentation (conducteur à trois
noyaux)/connecteur pour appareils/fiche avec contacts de mise à la terre conforme aux valeurs nominales correctes (tension, ampérage).
Pour toute question concernant l’emploi du cordon d’alimentation/connecteur pour appareils/fiche ci-dessus, consulter un agent de service compétent.
Il y a un risque d’explosion si la pile est mal insérée. Remplacer la pile uniquement par une pile de même type ou de type équivalent recommandé par le fabricant. Jeter les piles usées conformément aux instructions du fabricant.
Eviter d’exposer l’appareil à un égouttement ou à des éclaboussures et ne placer aucun objet rempli de liquide, comme un vase, sur l’appareil.
Ne pas installer l’appareil dans un endroit confiné, par exemple une bibliothèque ou un placard encastré.
Um Feuergefahr und die Gefahr eines elektrischen Schlages zu vermeiden, darf das Gerät weder Regen noch Feuchtigkeit ausgesetzt werden.
Um einen elektrischen Schlag zu vermeiden, darf das Gehäuse nicht geöffnet werden. Überlassen Sie Wartungsarbeiten stets nur einem Fachmann.
Cet appareil n’est pas déconnecté de la source d’alimentation secteur tant qu’il est raccordé à la prise murale, même si l’appareil lui-même a été mis hors tension.
Pour les utilisateurs au Canada (pour la carte HKJ-101)
Cet appareil numérique de la classe A est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
Pour les clients européens (pour les modèles J-H1 et J-H3)
Ce produit portant la marque CE est conforme à la fois à la Directive sur la compatibilité électromagnétique (EMC) (89/ 336/CEE) et à la Directive sur les basses tensions (73/23/ CEE) émises par la Commission de la Communauté européenne. La conformité à ces directives implique la conformité aux normes européennes suivantes:
• EN60065: Sécurité des produits
• EN55103-1: Interférences électromagnétiques (émission)
• EN55103-2: Sensibilité électromagnétique (immunité) Ce produit est prévu pour être utilisé dans les environnements électromagnétiques suivants: E1 (résidentiel), E2 (commercial et industrie légère), E3 (urbain extérieur) et E4 (environnement EMC contrôlé ex. studio de télévision).
Pour les clients européens (pour la carte HKJ-101)
Ce produit portant la marque CE est conforme à la Directive sur la compatibilité électromagnétique (EMC) (89/336/CEE) émise par la Commission de la Communauté Européenne. La conformité à cette directive implique la conformité aux normes européennes suivantes:
• EN55103-1: Interférences électromagnétiques (émission)
• EN55103-2: Sensibilité électromagnétique (immunité) Ce produit est prévu pour être utilisé dans l’environnement électromagnétique suivant: E1 (résidentiel), E2 (commercial et industrie légère), E3 (urbain extérieur) et E4 (environnement EMC contrôlé ex. studio de télévision).
1. Es ist ein (dreiadriges) Netzkabel/Netzstecker mit
Erdungskontakt zu verwenden, der den Sicherheitsbestimmungen vor Ort entspricht.
2. Es ist ein (dreiadriges) Netzkabel/Netzstecker mit
ausreichenden Anschlußwerten (Spannung/Strom) zu verwenden.
Bei Fragen zum Gebrauch des obigen Netzkabels/ Netzsteckers wenden Sie sich bitte an den technischen Kundendienst.
Es besteht Explosionsgefahr, wenn die Batterie inkorrekt eingelegt wird. Es darf nur eine identische oder eine vom Hersteller empfohlene Batterie des gleichen Typs eingesetzt werden. Entladene Batterien sind nach den Anweisungen des Herstellers zu entsorgen.
Das Gerät ist nicht tropf- und spritzwassersicher, daher dürfen keine mit Flüssigkeiten gefüllten Gegenstände, z. B. Vasen, darauf abgestellt werden.
Das Gerät nicht an Orten aufstellen, z. B. in Bücherregalen oder Einbauschränken, wo keine ausreichende Belüftung gewährleistet ist.
Solange das Netzkabel an eine Netzsteckdose angeschlossen ist, bleibt das Gerät auch im ausgeshalteten Zustand mit dem Stromnetz verbunden.
Für Kunden in Europa (für den J-H1 und J-H3)
Dieses Produkt besitzt die CE-Kennzeichnung und erfüllt die EMV-Direktive (89/336/EMG) der EG-Kommission als auch die Direktive Niederspannung (73/23/EMG). Angewandte Normen:
• EN60065: Produktsicherheit
• EN55103-1: Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit (Störaussendung)
• EN55103-2: Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit (Störfestigkeit)
für die folgenden elektromagnetischen Umgebungen: E1 (Wohnbereich), E2 (kommerzieller und in beschränktem maße industrieller Bereich), E3 (Stadtbereich im Freien) und E4 (kontrollierter EMV-Bereich, z.B. Fernsehstudio).
Für Kunden in Europa (für das HKJ-101)
Dieses Produkt besitzt die CE-Kennzeichnung Und erfüllt die EMV-Richtlinie (89/336/EWG) EG-Kommission. Angewandte Normen:
• EN55103-1: Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit (Störaussendung)
• EN55103-2: Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit (Störfestigkeit),
für die folgenden elektromagnetischen Umgebungen: E1 (Wohnbereich), E2 (kommerzieller und in beschränktem Maße industrieller Bereich), E3 (Stadtbereich im Freien) und E4 (kontrollierter EMV-Bereich, z.B. Fernsehstudio)
Für Kunden in Deutschland
Entsorgungshinweis: Bitte werfen Sie nur entladene Batterien in die Sammelboxen beim Handel oder den Kommunen. Entladen sind Batterien in der Regel dann, wenn das Gerät abschaltet und signalisiert “Batterie leer” oder nach längerer Gebrauchsdauer der Batterien “nicht mehr einwandfrei funktioniert”. Um sicherzugehen, kleben Sie die Batteriepole z.B. mit einem Klebestreifen ab oder geben Sie die Batterien einzeln in einen Plastikbeutel.
Voor de klanten in Nederland
Gooi de batterij niet weg, maar lever hem in als KCA
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Overview
Chapter 2 Location and Function of Parts
Chapter 3 Preparations
Chapter 4 Playback
1-1 Features ........................................................................................... 1-1
1-2 Sample System Configuration.......................................................1-3
1-3 Using the CD-ROM Manual..........................................................1-5
2-1 Control Panel .................................................................................. 2-1
2-1-1 Display Section ......................................................................2-2
2-1-2 Search Control Section...........................................................2-5
2-1-3 Tape Transport Control Section .............................................2-6
2-2 Connector Panel .............................................................................2-7
3-1 Installation ...................................................................................... 3-1
3-2 Cassettes ..........................................................................................3-2
4-1 Preparations for Playback ............................................................. 4-1
4-1-1 Switching System Frequency ................................................. 4-1
4-1-2 Setting the Audio Monitor Output ......................................... 4-1
4-1-3 Selecting a Conversion Mode
for the Down-Converter .........................................................4-1
4-1-4 Time Data Setting
(Conversion from 24 to 25-Frame Mode).............................. 4-2
4-1-5 Time Data Setting
(Conversion from 23.98 to 29.97-Frame Mode)
(J-H3 only) ............................................................................. 4-2
4-2 Playback Procedures ...................................................................... 4-3
4-2-1 Normal Playback ................................................................... 4-3
4-2-2 Playback in Jog Mode ........................................................... 4-3
4-2-3 Playback in Shuttle Mode ..................................................... 4-4
4-3 Superimposed Character Information .........................................4-5
4-4 Using the Remote Commander .....................................................4-7
•Before using the Remote Commander .......................................... 4-7
•How to change the lithium battery................................................ 4-7
• Setting menu .................................................................................4-7
•Operating the Remote Commander .............................................. 4-8
4-5 Tele-File and Shot Mark Functions .............................................. 4-9
Chapter 5 Setup Menu
Chapter 6 Maintenance and Inspection
5-1 Menu System Configuration ......................................................... 5-1
5-2 Menu Operations............................................................................5-2
5-3 Basic Menu......................................................................................5-7
5-4 Extended Menu.............................................................................5-10
6-1 Removing a Cassette When Tape Slack Occurs .......................... 6-1
6-2 Head Cleaning ................................................................................ 6-1
6-3 Moisture Condensation..................................................................6-2
6-4 Error Messages ............................................................................... 6-3
6-5 Digital Hours Meter ....................................................................... 6-4

1-1 Features

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Overview

The J-H1 (also referred to as the unit in this manual) is a Digital Videocassette Compact Player based on the
format. For monitoring, this unit uses a down-converter so that you can check the recorded images even in the SD environment. This feature allows you to monitor images easily using a commercial TV (HD/SD) or PC
•Since the unit does not have a dynamic tracking function, the tape may not replay correctly if the recording patterns on the tape are disturbed.
•If you use mobile radio equipment within 50 cm (19 3/4 inches) of this unit, the playback image may be disturbed.
Main features
•Compatible with 50i/25PsF, 59.94i/29.97PsF,
HDCAM format
In the HDCAM format, as in the Betacam series, a recorder can record up to two hours of HD high­quality images using a 12.65 mm-width tape. For compressing video signals, this format employs a pre-filter and coefficient recording technology.
Tape-transport direction
Control (CTL) track
a)Supplemental AT (Supplemental Automatic
Tracking) signal
Time code track
CUE track
Direction of head movement
23.98PsF (J-H3 only), 24PsF (J-H3 only) frequencies
•Compatible with playback of the 24PsF tape at 25­system (4% fast-forward)
•Equipped with not only Y/Pb/Pr connectors, but also D3 output connectors, the standard for HD Video output for commercial HDTV receivers in Japan
•Equipped with a computer display interface connector as a standard feature (XGA output)
•Equipped with a down-converter as a standard feature and compatible with composite (BNC & Pin) signals
•Equipped with an RS-232C connector
•Equipped with reference video signal input connectors as a standard feature (J-H3 only)
•Equipped with 2-3 pulldown as a standard feature (Can be used through the system frequency setting) (J-H3 only)
•Compatible with HDSDI SMPTE 292M output (HD digital video/audio 4ch) (J-H3 only)
•Compatible with SDI SMPTE 259M output (component digital video/audio 4ch) (J-H3 only)
•Equipped with a time code output connector as a standard feature (J-H3 only)
•Equipped with an RS-422A connector (J-H3 only)
•Compatible with UMID output (SMPTE 330M, RP223) (HDSDI output of the J-H3 only)
1) HDCAM is a trademark of Sony Corporation.
Chapter 1 Overview 1-1
1-1 Features
Chapter 1 Overview
Compact design
Since the unit is as compact as a standard desktop personal computer in size, it is ideal for personal use on your desktop. In addition, front loading of both S and L cassettes is standard.
Menu-based setup
Initial settings for the unit’s operation, interfaces with connected equipment, and so on, can be made by means of menu operations on the front panel of the unit.
A wide range of status indicators
A large-sized fluorescent display is provided to show numerical values including audio level, time code, user bits, error messages, and setup menu information in addition to the current settings and operating status of this unit.
Minimal maintenance
The unit is designed to need minimal maintenance, and requires no daily maintenance or checks. A drum and other components have reduced maintenance costs.
Vertical installation
This unit can be installed vertically using the supplied vertical installation stands. The unit can be installed either vertically or horizontally, saving space on your desktop.
(DV) output (available only when an
HKJ-101 i.LINK1) Interface Board is installed)
When an optional HKJ-101 i.LINK Interface Board is installed, this unit can output digital video/audio signals in DV format compatible with i.LINK from the DV output connector.
The 2-3 pulldown sequence process is guaranteed only during playback in PLAY mode.
Time code multiplexed to pull down signal output
• The value of the time code multiplexed to pull down HD SDI output signal is determined by the time code preset using 24F TC A-FRAME SELECT, extended menu item 623 and 30F TC A-FRAME SELECT, extended menu item 624, and then converted from
23.98-frame into 29.97-frame time code.
• Time code data of the user’s bits area is not output when the 23.98PD system functions. The time code value before conversion (23.98-frame mode) and sequence information of conversion contained in user’s bits data are multiplexed to the HD SDI output signal. The following four bits are used for the sequence information to display 0 to 9 repeatedly. MSB: The first bit of the tens digit of the hour
The second bit of the tens digit of the hour The first bit of the tens digit of the minute
LSB: The first bit of the tens digit of the second When the sequence information is masked, the remaining contents of user’s bits data are the same as the time code value before conversion (23.98-frame mode).
Since user’s bits data multiplexed to the down­converted output signal are updated frame by frame,
23.98-frame time code and sequence information of
the down-converted output signal differs from those multiplexed to the HD output signal.
Time code area User’s bits area (HD)
29.97F TC 23.98F TC + sequence information A frame
2-3 pulldown sequence (J-H3 only)
If you set the system frequency to 23.98PD, you can output 59.94i video signals while a tape recorded in
23.98PsF is being played back. The following is the 2-3 pulldown sequence.
A frame
1) is a trademark of Sony Corporation and indicates that this product is in agreement with IEEE 1394-1995
specifications and their revisions.
Cycle of conversion
1-2 Chapter 1 Overview

1-2 Sample System Configuration

Example for the J-H1
HDCAM camcorder
Digital cassette
Chapter 1 Overview
Monitor with HD D3 input connector
Monitor for computer
Analog component
Analog composite
SD video monitor
Analog audio
Monitor with Y/Pb/Pr input connectors
Audio monitor
1) When an HKJ-101 i.LINK Interface Board is installed.
Chapter 1 Overview 1-3
1-2 Sample System Configuration
Example for the J-H3
Chapter 1 Overview
Reference video signal generator
HDCAM camcorder
Digital cassette
HD VTR or A/V server systemSD VTR
Monitor with HD D3 input connector
Monitor for computer
Analog component
Monitor with Y/Pb/Pr input connectors
Analog composite
SD video monitor
Analog audio
Audio monitor
Time code reader
1) When an HKJ-101 i.LINK Interface Board is installed.
1-4 Chapter 1 Overview

1-3 Using the CD-ROM Manual

The supplied CD-ROM includes Operation Manuals for the J-H series of videocassette players (English, Japanese, French, and German versions).
CD-ROM System Requirements
The following are required to access the supplied CD­ROM disc.
•Computer: PC with MMX Pentium 166 MHz or faster CPU, or Macintosh computer with PowerPC CPU – Installed memory: 32 MB or more – CD-ROM drive: × 8 or faster
•Monitor: Monitor supporting resolution of 800 × 600 or higher
When these requirements are not met, access to the CD-ROM disc may be slow, or not possible at all.
The following software must be installed on your computer in order to use the operation manuals included on the CD-ROM disc.
•Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 4.0 or higher, or Netscape Navigator Version 4.0 or higher
•Adobe Acrobat Reader Version 4.0 or higher
To Read the CD-ROM Manual
To read the operation manual included on the CD­ROM disc, do the following.
1 Insert the CD-ROM disc in your CD-ROM drive.
A cover page appears automatically in your browser window. If it does not appear automatically in the browser window, double click the index.htm file on the CD-ROM disc.
2 Select and click the operation manual that you
want to read.
A PDF file containing the operation manual opens.
You can purchase a new CD-ROM disc if you lose or become unable to read the contents of the CD-ROM disc because of a hardware failure or misuse of the CD-ROM disc, or the CD-ROM disc has been lost or damaged. Contact a Sony service representative.
Chapter 1 Overview
•If Microsoft Internet Explorer is not installed, it may be downloaded from the following URL:
•If Netscape Navigator is not installed, it may be downloaded from the following URL:
•If Adobe Acrobat Reader is not installed, it may be downloaded from the following URL: readstep.html
• MMX and Pentium are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries.
• PowerPC is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.
•Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.
•Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
• Netscape Navigator is a registered trademark of Netscape Communications Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.
• Adobe and Acrobat are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.
Chapter 1 Overview 1-5
Chapter 2
Location and Function of Parts

2-1 Control Panel

1 Carrying handle
2 POWER switch
Display section (See page 2-2)

Chapter 2 Location and Function of Parts

Search control section (See page 2-5)
3 Cassette compartment
6 PHONES (headphones)
jack and control knob
This illustration shows the J-H3.
1 Carrying handle
Use this handle to carry the unit or to stand the unit vertically.
2 POWER switch
Press the side of the POWER switch marked “ON” to turn the unit on. The fluorescent display on the control panel lights.
Tape transport control section (See page 2-6)
4 Remote control detector
FUNCTION-1/2) button
Press the side of the POWER switch marked “OFF” to turn the unit off.
3 Cassette compartment
Insert an S or L cassette into this compartment.
Chapter 2 Location and Function of Parts 2-1
2-1 Control Panel
4 Remote control detector
Receives the infrared signal from the supplied Remote Commander. For details, see “4-4 Using the Remote Commander” on page 4-7.
Chapter 2 Location and Function of Parts
You can assign the function that is set in PF2 KEY SELECT, basic menu item 022 of the setup menu, to the PF-2 button. “Tape Remain Time” is assigned to the PF-2 button as the factory default setting. While you are pressing the PF-1 or PF-2 button, the system frequency in playback or the remaining tape time is displayed in the FL display according to the button that is being pressed.

2-1-1 Display Section

1 LTC/VITC button
2 SET/MENU button
3 AU MON SEL button
For details of the assignment, see “Menu bank operations (menu items B01 to B12)” on page 5-5.
6 PHONES (headphones) jack and control knob
Connect stereo headphones with an impedance of 8 ohms to monitor the sound during playback. The control knob adjusts the volume. It is possible to make a setting so that the output volume from the AUDIO MONITOR connectors is controlled simultaneously. Set AUDIO MONITOR OUTPUT LEVEL, extended menu item 114, on “VAR” to enable the above feature.
5 CTL/TC/UB button
4 SHIFT button
This illustration shows the J-H3.
1 LTC/VITC button
This selects the time code displayed in the FL display
in the following sequence: LTC
, VITC2). The underline for the LTC or VITC time code setting indicators lights corresponding to the selection.
In this unit, VITC may not be displayed correctly except during normal playback.
6 CTL RESET button
7 FL (Fluorescent) display and indicators
2 SET/MENU button
Use this button for setup menu operations and settings. Press the SET/MENU button while holding down the SHIFT button to display the contents of the setup menu items on the FL display. When the setting is finished, press only the SET/MENU button to fix the settings and return to the normal display.
For details of setup menu settings and operations, see Chapter 5, “Setup Menu.”
1) LTC: abbreviation of Longitudinal Time code. This time code is recorded on a longitudinal track on the tape. Reading is unreliable at low speeds, and not possible at all during still playback.
2) VITC: abbreviation of Vertical Interval Time code. This time code is inserted in the vertical blanking interval and recorded on the video tracks.
2-2 Chapter 2 Location and Function of Parts
3 AU MON SEL button
Each press of this button switches the audio channel as listed below. The selected channels are displayed in the FL display.
When basic menu item 026 is set to STEREO
AUDIO CHANNEL LR One press CH-1 CH-2 Two presses CH-3 CH-4 Three presses CH-1,2 CH-1,2 Four presses CH-3,4 CH-3,4 Five presses CUE Six presses After this, each press of this
button switches the channel as in the sequence above.
The latest setting of each channel is saved in the memory regardless of whether the power has been turned on/off. Therefore, regardless of the system frequency set on the unit, the last channel setting saved will be loaded automatically. Using AUDIO MONITOR MODE, basic menu item 026 of the setup menu, you can change the assignment of the audio output. You can choose setting from among ALL, MONO, and STEREO. For details, see “5-3 Basic Menu” on page 5-7. Press the AU MON SEL button while holding down the SHIFT button to invert the order of the options.
5 CTL/TC/UB (display switching) button
This selects the time data displayed in the fluorescent display in the following sequence: CTL, TC, UB. As the display changes, the corresponding indicators over the fluorescent display also light/go off.
Time data display selection and display contents
Display selection
CTL Tape running time (hours,
TC Playback time code read by
UB User bit value inserted in the
Value displayed Indicator status
minutes, seconds, frames) computed from the CTL (control) signal recorded on the tape during playback.
the internal time code
playback time code.
CTL indicator lights.
The TC indicator lights.
The UB indicator lights.
a) The LTC/VITC button switches between LTC and VITC.
6 CTL RESET button
Press this button to reset a CTL value displayed in the FL display area.
Chapter 2 Location and Function of Parts
4 SHIFT button
Hold down this button and press the SET/MENU button to enable the menu function. Press the F FWD or REW button while holding down the SHIFT button to do the forward or reverse cue-up
of the Shot marks
or STOP CODE points. These marks are located before and after the current tape position.
1) Shot marks If you use a camcorder which allows you to use Shot marks, you can insert REC START markers or Shot markers in the user bits area in advance for easy editing. This is called inserting Shot marks.
Chapter 2 Location and Function of Parts 2-3
2-1 Control Panel
7 FL (Fluorescent) display and indicators
These comprise a time data display area, an audio monitor display area and a number of indicators.
Audio monitor display area
Chapter 2 Location and Function of Parts
This illustration shows the J-H3.
Audio monitor display area
•L/R audio level meter Indicates the audio levels of the 2 optionally selected channels making up L/R (Left/Right).
•L/R audio channel display Indicates the optionally selected channel numbers.
Time data display area
Normally this displays a CTL count, time code value, or user bit value according to the selection of the CTL/ TC/UB button or LTC/VITC button. When a cassette recorded in the DF mode is played back, the dot by the mark in the illustration above lights. At this time, the two dots (:) located above the dot disappear. It is also used to display error messages and the setup menus.
For details of the display of the CTL count, time code value, or user bit value, see the explanation given in “CTL/TC/UB (display switching) button” on page 2-3.
Indicator area
This includes the following indicators.
CTL, TC, UB indicators: The time data selected
using the CTL/TC/UB (display switching) button lights. Selected time data will be displayed on the time data display area.
LTC, VITC indicators: Regardless of the display
in the time data display area, these indicators light when the corresponding time code values are being read.
Time data display area
Indicator area
Tape transport indicator area
When LTC has been selected using the LTC/VITC button, the LTC indicator is displayed and underlined. On the other hand, when VITC is selected, the VITC indicator is displayed and underlined.
SERVO indicator: This lights when the servo lock
is functioning.
ALARM indicator: This lights when a hardware
error is detected on the unit, and goes off when the error is resolved. When this indicator is lit, an error message appears in the time data display area.
Cassette-in indicator q: This lights when a
cassette is loaded in the unit.
DATA indicator: This lights when a tape,
containing audio data such as Dolby-E and AC-3 on its DIGITAL AUDIO track, is played back.
PsF indicator: This lights when a tape, which is
recorded in PsF, is played back.
System frequency indicator: The system
frequency selected in SYSTEM FREQUENCY SELECT, basic menu item 013 of the setup menu, lights. When the selected frequency and the frequency of the tape being played back are incompatible, this indicator flashes.
PD indicator (J-H3 only): This lights when the
system frequency is set to 23.98PD.
2-4 Chapter 2 Location and Function of Parts
Tape transport indicator area
• Tape transport indicator When you press each button in the tape transport control section, the corresponding indicators light.
m: REW (rewind) indicator B: PLAY indicator
When AUTO TRACKING (the automatic tape loading function) is in operation, this indicator flashes.
M: F FWD (fast forward) indicator x: STOP indicator
• JOG/SHTL (jog/shuttle) indicator The “JOG” indicator lights when playback is carried out in jog mode, and the “SHTL” indicator lights when playback is carried out in shuttle mode.
• JOG/SHTL (jog/shuttle) transport indicator
b: Jog/shuttle reverse indicator (green) B: Jog/shuttle forward indicator (green) x: Jog/shuttle still indicator (red)

2-1-2 Search Control Section

1 JOG/SHUTTLE button
3 SHUTTLE dial
Turn this to carry out playback in the modes shown in the following table. Turn the dial clockwise for forward playback and counterclockwise for reverse playback.
After pressing the JOG/SHUTTLE button, turn the JOG dial for playback in jog mode and the SHUTTLE dial for playback in shuttle mode.
Playback modes using the JOG/SHUTTLE dial
Playback mode Operations and functions
Press the JOG/SHUTTLE button once to light “JOG,” then turn the JOG dial, or simply turn the JOG dial without lighting “JOG.” Playback is carried out at a speed corresponding to the rotating speed of the JOG dial. The playback speed range is from –1 to +1 times normal speed. The JOG dial has no detents.
Press the JOG/SHUTTLE button twice to light “SHTL,” then turn the SHUTTLE dial, or simply turn the SHUTTLE dial without lighting “SHTL.” Playback is carried out at a speed corresponding to the angular position of the SHUTTLE dial. The playback speed range is from –21 to +21 times normal speed. The SHUTTLE dial has detents at the center position, and at that point a still picture is displayed.
Chapter 2 Location and Function of Parts
2 JOG dial
3 SHUTTLE dial
1 JOG/SHUTTLE button
Use this button to toggle between jog mode and shuttle mode when using the JOG dial or SHUTTLE dial. Press this button once for playback in jog mode, or press this button twice for playback in shuttle mode during playback or F FWD/REW. The corresponding “JOG” indicator or “SHTL” indicator lights in the FL display area.
2 JOG dial
Turn this to carry out playback in the modes shown in the following table. Turn the dial clockwise for forward playback and counterclockwise for reverse playback.
•Normally, you turn the SHUTTLE dial after setting the jog/shuttle mode by pressing the JOG/SHUTTLE button. However, you can also set the jog/shuttle mode simply by turning the dial. (This feature is available when SELECTION FOR JOG/SHUTTLE DIAL ENABLE, extended menu item 101 of the setup menu, is set to DIAL.) In this case, you must reset the SHUTTLE dial to the center position after turning it, otherwise the dial may be moved by vibration and the tape may start running in the shuttle mode during playback.
•If the unit carries out reverse playback in the shuttle mode at –0.5 times or less normal speed for 20 consecutive minutes, the reel motor heat protection circuit automatically functions and the unit enters still mode.
Chapter 2 Location and Function of Parts 2-5
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