Sony ICD-R100PC User Manual

3-866-581-13 (1)
Operating Instructions
1999 by Sony Corporation
Notice for users
Program ©1999 Sony Corporation Documentation ©1999 Sony Corporation
Sony Corporation reserves the right to make any modification to this manual or the information contained herein at any time without notice.
The software described herein may also be governed by the terms of a separate user license agreement.
User registration (For customers in the U.S.A.)
To receive the customer services, complete and return the registration card included in your package.
•This software is for Windows and cannot be used for Macintosh.
•The supplied connecting cable is for the IC recorder ICD-R100 only. You cannot connect other IC recorders.
•IBM and PC/AT are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.
•Microsoft and Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation, registered in the U.S.A. and other countries.
•Apple and Macintosh are trademarks of Apple Computer Inc., registered in the U.S.A. and other countries.
•Pentium is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation.
All other trademarks and registered trademarks are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
Table of Contents
This manual explains how to install and use the ICD-PCLINK Software. Please also refer to the instruction manual of the IC recorder.
Before You Begin
System Requirements ......................................................................................... 5
What You Can Do With the ICD-PCLINK Software...................................... 6
Operation Flow .................................................................................................... 8
Setting Up
Installing the ICD-PCLINK Software ............................................................... 9
Installing the software ................................................................................. 9
Uninstalling the software.......................................................................... 11
Connecting the Supplied Cable to Your Computer ..................................... 12
Basic Operation: Transferring Messages between IC Recorder and Computer
Starting Up the ICD-PCLINK Software ......................................................... 13
Names and Functions of the Main Window ................................................. 16
Saving the Messages to the Computer ........................................................... 19
Saving messages one by one .................................................................... 20
Saving all the messages in a Message File at one time ......................... 23
Saving all Message Files at one time ....................................................... 25
On file types ................................................................................................ 27
Destination, file and folder names .......................................................... 28
Transferring Sound Files from the Computer to the IC Recorder ............. 30
Transferring sound files one by one........................................................ 31
Transferring all sound files in a folder at one time ............................... 33
Editing the Messages in the IC Recorder on the Computer Screen ........... 36
Moving the messages ................................................................................ 36
Deleting the Messages ............................................................................... 38
Saving a Backup of the IC Recorder (“Back Up”)......................................... 42
Saving a backup (ICB) file to the computer ........................................... 42
Restoring the backup file to the IC recorder .......................................... 45
Table of Contents (continued)
Advanced Operation: Utilizing the Saved Messages
Playing Back the Saved Sound Files on the Computer ................................ 47
Playing back the WAV files ...................................................................... 47
Playing back the ICS files (ICS Player) ................................................... 48
Converting ICS files to WAV files (ICS Player) ..................................... 50
Tips on Utilizing the Saved Sound Files ........................................................ 51
Additional Information
Troubleshooting................................................................................................. 52
When problems occur ............................................................................... 52
Error messages ........................................................................................... 53
Changing the printer mode setting on the computer ........................... 55
Index .................................................................................................................... 57
• The illustrations in this manual may differ from the actual software.
• Explanations in this manual assume that you are familiar with basic operations of Windows 98 or Windows 95. For how to use your computer and operating system, please refer to the respective manuals.
For the latest information
For the latest information on this product, refer to the “readme.txt” file on the supplied floppy disk, using the Windows “Notepad” program. You can also open the file by clicking [Start], [Programs], [ICD-PCLINK], and then [ReadMe].
BBefore You Begin

System Requirements

Your computer and system software must meet the following minimum requirements.
•IBM PC/AT or compatible —CPU: 200MHz PentiumR processor or higher —RAM: 16MB or more —Hard disk space: 10MB or more depending on the size and number of
sound files you store. —Floppy disk drive —Parallel or printer port* —Sound board
•OS: Microsoft Windows 98 or Windows 95
* Depending on the computer, the communication speed may vary.
The ICD-PCLINK Software may not be used on some computers due to differences in hardware specifications.
Before You Begin

What You Can Do With the ICD-PCLINK Software

The ICD-PCLINK Software enables you to do the following.
• Transfer messages recorded on the ICD-R100 IC recorder to your computer.
You can save the transferred messages as sound files on your computer’s hard disk (page 20).
The messages saved to your computer can be played back on the computer (page 47), or attached to your e-mail (page 51). (E-mail software is not supplied.)
When saving the messages on your computer, you can select from three file types: “ICS file”, “8-bit WAV file”, or “16-bit WAV file” (page 27).
Your computer
Record messages on the IC recorder
Save the messages to the computer as sound files
Transfer messages
ICS file WAV file
• Transfer sound files from the computer to your IC recorder
The messages saved on your computer’s hard disk can be transferred back to the IC recorder (page 30).
The messages transferred from the computer can be played back on the IC recorder.
Your computer
• Messages transferred from the IC recorder
• Sound files you received via e-mail, etc.
Play back on the IC recorder
Transfer sound files
You can transfer back to the IC recorder messages recorded with your IC recorder and saved to your computer, or sound files (ICS or WAV files*) you have received via e-mail, etc.
*The sound files you can transfer back to the IC recorder are ICS files recorded
with Sony IC Recorder ICD-R100, and PCM 11kHz sampling, 8/16 bit monaural WAV files only.
• Utilize the saved sound files in various ways
– You can edit the messages in the IC recorder on your computer (page 36)
You can delete or change the order of the messages in the IC recorder on your computer screen.
– You can save a backup of the messages (“Saving a Backup of the IC
Recorder ” on page 42)
You can save a backup of all messages in the IC recorder to your computer (see “Saving a Backup of the IC Recorder” on page 42) and later restore the messages to the IC recorder.
Before You Begin

Operation Flow

Preparation: Install the ICD-PCLINK Software in your
computer (Page 9)
Transfer the messages in the IC recorder to your
You can view the list of the messages and play back the messages on the computer.
1“Connecting the Supplied Cable to Your Computer”(Page 12) 1“Starting up the ICD-PCLINK Software ”(Page 13)
Use the features of the ICD-PCLINK Software to
transfer or edit messages.
1“Saving the Messages to the Computer”(Page 19) 1“Transferring Sound Files from the Computer to the IC Recorder ”
(Page 30)
1“Editing the Messages in the IC recorder on the Computer Screen”
(Page 36)
1“Saving a Backup of the IC Recorder”(Page 42)
Utilize the saved sound files (ICS files and WAV files)
1“Playing Back the Saved Sound Files on the Computer”(Page 47) 1“Tips on Utilizing the Saved Sound Files ” (Page 51)
BSetting Up

Installing the ICD-PCLINK Software

Installing the software

Install the ICD-PCLINK Software in your computer’s hard disk, etc.
1 Turn on your computer and start up Windows.
Be sure to close all running programs before installing the ICD-PCLINK Software.
Setting Up
2 Insert the supplied floppy disk
1 into the floppy disk drive.
3 Open [My Computer] and choose [A:3.5inch FD]. 4 Double-click [Setup.exe].
The [ICD-PCLINK installation] dialog box appears.
5 1Click [Next].
Be sure to read the displayed information before proceeding to the next step.
2 Click [Next].
The [Select Destination Directory] dialog box appears.
3 Select the directory where the ICD-PCLINK Software is to be
installed and click [Next].
The [Select Components] dialog box appears.
4 When installing the ICD-PCLINK Software:
Select [ICD-PCLINK and ics-Player]. (Both the ICD­PCLINK Software and the ICS Player will be installed).
When installing only the ICS Player:
Select [ics-Player].
Installing the ICD-PCLINK Software (continued)
5 Click [Next].
The message “Ready to Install!” appears.
6 Click [Next].
The installation of the software starts.
6 When the message “Place installation disk #2 into the floppy
drive and press the OK button” appears, insert the supplied floppy disk
2 and click [OK].
7 Following the instructions on the screen, insert the supplied
floppy disk
When the installation is finished, the message “Installation Completed!” appears.
3 , and then click [OK].
8 Click [Finish].
Now the installation is completed.
If the message on the screen instructs you to restart the computer, eject the floppydisk, click [OK] and restart the computer.

Uninstalling the software

When you wish to uninstall the software, follow the steps below.
1 Click [Start] and select [Programs], [ICD-PCLINK] and then
The uninstaller starts up.
2 Follow the displayed instructions.
If you installed the ICD-PCLINK Software, both the ICD-PCLINK Software and the ICS Player will be uninstalled. If you installed the ICS Player only, the ICS Player will be uninstalled.
If you wish to move the software to another drive or directory after it is installed, you need to uninstall the software and then reinstall it. The software does not work properly if you just move the files.
You can also start up the uninstaller by clicking [Start] and then selecting [Settings], [Control Panel], and [Add/Remove Programs].
Setting Up

Connecting the Supplied Cable to Your Computer

Connect the supplied connecting cable to the parallel (printer) port of your computer.
To parallel (printer) port
Connecting cable (supplied)
Your computer
For some computers, you may have to change the parallel (printer) port setting to the ‘bidirectional’ mode. For details, see page 55.
To IC recorder (see page 14.)
Start up the ICD­PCLINK Software before connecting to the IC recorder.
BBasic Operation: Transferring Messages between IC Recorder and Computer

Starting Up the ICD-PCLINK Software

Before starting up the software, make sure that the supplied connecting cable is connected to your computer (page 12).
1 Start up Windows. 2 Click [Start], and select [Programs], [ICD-PCLINK] and then
The ICD-PCLINK Software starts up.
Then, the following dialog box appears.
Basic Operation
Starting Up the ICD-PCLINK Software (continued)
3 Connect the IC recorder to your computer.
Make sure that the IC recorder is in the stop mode and connect the cable to the DIGITAL I/O connector of the IC recorder.
Be sure not to connect the cable while operating the IC recorder (recording , playback, etc.). Doing so may damage the data in the IC recorder.
To DIGITAL I/O connector
Connecting cable (supplied)
• If you leave the IC recorder connected to the computer for an extended period of time, the batteries in the IC recorder may be exhausted. Be sure to disconnect the cable from the IC recorder after use.
• Do not remove the batteries from the IC recorder while it is connected to the computer.
• While the IC recorder is connected to the computer, you cannot operate the IC recorder. The alarm playback, if set, will not be activated either.
Your computer
(For connection with the computer, see page 12.)
4 Click [OK].
Data transmission between the IC recorder and the computer starts.
When the data transmission is completed, the ICD-PCLINK main window (Page 16) appears.
If the message “Could not communicate with IC Recorder. Make sure that the cable is connected properly.” appears
Communication between the IC recorder and the computer was not successful (Connection Error). Check the following items and start the procedure from the beginning.
•Is the cable connected properly? t Check the connection between the cable and the computer (page 12) ,
and between the IC recorder and the cable (page 14).
•Maybe you were using the printer port before starting up the ICD­PCLINK software, e.g. printing on a printer connected to the printer port. t Restart the computer. If the message still appears, see
“Troubleshooting” on page 52.
If the “Battery Low Error”message appears, the remaining battery power of the IC recorder is not sufficient. Disconnect the cable from the IC recorder, replace both batteries with new ones and connect the cable again. (Even if the remaining battery indicator on the IC recorder indicates that the batteries are not exhausted, battery power may not be sufficient for operation with the computer.)
To detach the cable from the IC recorder
Basic Operation

Names and Functions of the Main Window

[ICD –>PC] button for saving the message
to the computer (pages 22, 24, 26)
[ICD <–PC] button for transferring the
sound files to the IC recorder (pages 32, 35,
[Back Up] button for saving a backup (icb
“IC RECORDER” Area: Messages in the IC recorder (page 17).
Operation buttons for message playback (page 18)
[Delete] button (pages 38 - 41)
file) (page 43).
“PC” Area: Folders and files in the computer (page 17)
[Reconnect] button
Click to re-transfer the data from the IC recorder.
[Exit] button
Click to quit the ICD-PCLINK Software.
To quit the ICD-PCLINK Software
Click the [Exit] button. The message “Disconnect the connecting cable from the IC Recorder” appears. Be sure to disconnect the cable.
•“IC RECORDER” Area: Messages in the IC recorder
Messages in File A
Message File A
If you double-click
A or click , the
list of the messages in Message File A will be
Message File B
List of messages
01_1999/07/04 09:28
Date and time
of recording (not displayed when the clock has not been set on the IC recorder)
Remaining recording time on the IC recorder in SP and LP modes
If you click the right mouse button (‘right­click’), the date and time of recording, length, recording mode (SP or LP) and the alarm setting of that message are displayed.
•“PC” Area: Folders and sound files in the computer
Basic Operation
If you right-click an ICS file, the date and time of recording, length, recording mode (SP or LP) and the alarm setting (always “None”) are displayed.
Folders and sound files
ICS file (extension: .ics)
WAV file (extension: .wav)
ICB file (extension: .icb)
Names and Functions of the Main Window (continued)
•Operation buttons for message playback
N button: click to start playback x button: click to stop playback
M button: click to search forward
m button: click to search backward
Slide bar
Slides from left to right during playback. You can start playback at a desired point by moving the slide bar.
Counter display
Left: length of the message being played back Right: Elapsed playback time
You can play back the messages in the IC recorder and sound files saved to the computer. Playback sound will be heard from the computer’s speaker. To start playback, select a message in the “IC RECORDER”Area or an ICS file or a WAV file on the “PC”Area and click the N button. (You can also start playback by double-clicking the message or the ICS or WAV file.)
during playback
during playback
The WAV files you can play back on the ICD-PCLINK Software are 11kHz sampling 8/16 bit monaural or 8kHz sampling 8/16 bit monaural WAV files only. WAV files of other format cannot be played back on the main window.
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