High Defi nition Handycam® Camcorder
Take stunning 1920x1080 Full HD video with the ultra-compact
HDR- CX160 Handycam camcorder. It features an “Exmor R”
CMOS sensor for superb low-light performance, 16 GB
embedded fl ash memory, wide angle Sony
G lens, plus a 42X
extended zoom feature for getting you closer to the action.
1920x1080 Full HD 60p
High De fi ni tion
Recording w/3MP still image
1920x1080 high defi nition resolution lets
you record your memories in exceptional
Sony Full High Defi nition quality. Capable
of 60p recording with playback via HDMI
(cable sold separately) to an HDTV providing
stunning clarity and incredibly detailed and
smoother playback of your memories.
16 GB1 embedded Flash Memory
for up to 6 hours of recording
The built-in 16 GB1 embedded Flash memory
can record and store up to 6 hours of high
defi nition video footage (HD LP mode).*
Wide Angle G lens to capture
everything you want
Experience the pinnacle of Sony® lens
technology with the professional-quality
G Lens. Engineered for superior optical
performance, Sony G lenses deliver brilliant,
accurate color reproduction and sharp,
amazingly detailed images. In addition, the
29.8mm focal offers a broader perspective
for enhanced wide angle shooting.
42x Extended Zoom to get even
closer to the action
Extended Zoom works in conjunction with 30x
optical zoom to get even closer to the action
while maintaining HD image quality.
Back-illuminated “Exmor R” CMOS
sensor for superb low-light video
Experience stunning low-light sensitivity
with improved image clarity and drastically
reduced grain with Sony’s back-illuminated
“Exmor R” CMOS sensor. Designed for
compact cameras and camcorders, the
“Exmor R” sensor relocates the photo diodes
above the support circuitry, maximizing the
light gathering area per pixel so you can shoot
with better results in lower lighting conditions.
Optical SteadyShot™ image
stabilization w/Active Mode
Optical SteadyShot image stabilization with
Active Mode compensates for greater degrees
of camera shake to deliver stunningly smooth
video from wide angle to full telephoto
shooting. In addition, innovative 3-Way
Shake-Canceling adds electronic roll stability
for even smoother video capture.
Additional Features:
• Tracking Focus follows selected subjects
• Wind noise reduction for clear
voice recording
• Event Browse groups video/stills by
events automatically
• Highlight Playback creates movies
with transitions for you
• Wind noise reduction for clear
voice recording
• Intelligent Auto (90 different scene
combinations possible
• Direct Copy to external HDD without PC
• Golf Shot
• Built-in USB Cable & pre-installed PMB portable
3.0” touch-screen Clear Photo
LCD Plus
The 3.0” Clear Photo LCD Plus display
provides exceptional viewing clarity with
230K pixels resolution. The display rotates up
to 270 degrees for multiple viewing angles,
as well as provides sharp, detailed images
for monitoring or playback. The convenient
touch panel allows easy access to menus
and additional functionality such as spot
focus and spot metering.
display (230K
*35mm equi valent.
Sony Electronics Inc. | 16530 Via Esprillo | San Diego, CA 92127 | 1.800.222.7669 | www.sony.com
Specifi cations
Imagi ng Devic e 1/4” back-il lumin ated “Ex mor R” CM OS Senso r
Proces sor BIONZ® image pro cessor
Image r Pixel Gro ss Siz e 4200 K
Video Act ual 16:9 Appr ox. 4200 K pixels
Video Act ual 4:3 Approx . 1670K pixels
Video Resolution (Movie Quality
Video S ignal S ystem HD: HDTV 108 0/60p, 60i; ST D: NTSC col or, EIA stand ards
Video Fo rmat(s) Suppo rted
Still Ac tual 16:9 3.0 megap ixels (230 4x1296) (Photo Mode)
Still Ac tual 4:3 3.3 m egapixels (2112x1584) (Photo Mod e)
Still P icture M ax Reso lutio n 3.3MP
Dual Re cord Res oluti on 3.0 megapixels 16:9 (230 4x1296)
Audio Re cordin g Forma t Dolby
Microp hone Built -in Zoom Microp hone
Record ing Med ia
Intern al Memo ry Flas h Memor y 16 GB
Record T ime wit h
Intern al Memo ry*
Lens Type G Le ns
35mm Eq uivalen t 16:9 29.8mm - 894mm
35mm Eq uivalen t 4:3 36.5mm - 1095 mm
Apert ure F1.8 - F3.4
Expos ure Cont rol Yes (Touch Pane l
Filter D iamete r (mm
Focal D istanc e (mm
Focus S ystem Contras t AF
Shutt er Spee d Auto: 1/8 - 1/10000 ; STD: 1/60 - 1/10000
Minim um Illu minati on 11 lux (1/60 Shut ter Speed
Optica l Zoom 30 x
Digita l Zoom 350x
Exten ded Zoo m 42x
Displ ay 3.0” Cl ear Photo LCD P lus
View Find er -
Flash Memory Card Slot Yes (Memor y Stick PRO Duo me dia, SD/SDH C media
Manua l / Auto Lens C over Auto
S/S & Zoom But ton on LCD Yes (Touch Pane l
Audio/Vid eo Remot e Termina l Video/S Vide o/Audio/Component Ou t/Remote
Digita l Audio/Vi deo Out put(s)HDMI™
USB Por t(s
Compon ent Vid eo (Y/Pb/Pr)
Conne ction Ou tput(s)Yes (mini
Headp hone Ja ck Microp hone In put Stereo Minij ack
Active Int erfac e Shoe -
HD: 1920x1080/60p, 60i ( FX,FH), 1440 x1080/60i (HQ,LP),
STD: 720x48 0/60i
HD: MPEG 4-AVC/H.264 AVCHD™ format co mpati ble
(1080/60p: origi nal form at); STD: MPEG2 -PS
Digita l 2ch Stereo, D olby® Digita l Stereo Cre ator
Memor y Stick PRO Duo™ media (sold sep arately);
SD/SDHC med ia (sold sep arately
HD PS: App rox. 1h 15m
HD FX: App rox. 1h 30m
HD FH: Appro x. 2h 5m
HD HQ: App rox. 3h 40 m
HD LP: App rox. 6h 25m
STD HQ: App rox. 3h 50m
2.1mm - 63mm
displa y (230K) Wide (16:9
Yes (mini B/Hi- Speed
A/V termi nal
High Defi nition Handycam® Camcorder
Face Det ection Yes
Smile S hutte r
Quick O n Yes, Power On wi th LCD
Dynam ic Range O ptimi zer Yes
Image S tabil izatio n
White Ba lance
Fader E ffect s White/Blac k
Scene S elect ion Mode(s
Event Brow se Yes
Photo Cap ture fr om Movie Yes
Still I mage Fo rmat(s
Slide S how Mod e Yes
One Touch D isc Bur n Yes (Menu
PhotoTV H D Yes
Multi ple Lan guage D ispla y Yes
Smooth S low Rec ord Yes
Direct C opy Yes
Power Con sumpt ion 2 .5W (HD), 2.3W (STD
Suppl ied Bat tery Typ e InfoLIT HIUM
Power Req uirem ents 7.2V (batte ry pack); 8.4V (AC Adaptor
Dimen sions (Approx.
Weight (Approx.
AC Adaptor Yes
Rechar geabl e Batt ery Pac k InfoLIT HIUM
Power Cor d Yes
Compon ent Vid eo Cabl e Yes
Compos ite Vid eo Cabl e Yes
USB Cab le Yes
Applic ation S oft ware (CD- ROM)PMB Ver.5.5
Rechar geabl e InfoL ITHIU M
Batte ries
Start er Kit ACC-FV70, ACC -FV50A, ACC- HDV7
AC Adaptor/Charg er for
V series b atter ies
Water Hou sing SPK-CXB
Tripod VCT-80AV, VCT-60AV, VCT-50 AV, VCT-R640, VCT- R100
Video Li ght HVL-10NH
DVDirec t
*Capacity will vary based on type and complexity of image recorded.
1. 16 GB equals 16 billion bytes. A portion of the total storage is used for system management and/or
application fi les.
5. Requires HDMI connection to BRAVIA Sync or Theatre Sync enabled HDTV.
8. Requires compatible BRAVIA
9. Requires Microsoft
13. Requires VMC-UAM1 cable (sold separately), AC power for camcorder, and hard drive formatted in FAT-32.
USB-hub not supported. External HHD/USB media should be less than 2TB (Terabytes).
Mode Dual Cap ture/Always On/Off
Sync Control for HDMI (CEC)Yes
) 2 1/8” x 2 1/4” x 4 1/2” (52.5mm x 57mm x 113.5mm)
Optica l Steady Shot
w/Active mode (Wide to Tele
Auto/Onepush/Outd oor/Indoor
Auto/Twilight/Sunrise & Sunset/Fireworks/Landscape/
image sta bilization
(NP-F V50
8.8oz (250g
(NP-F V50
NP-F V50/FV70/FV100
AC-VQV10, AC-L 200, B C-TRV, AC- UP100
Record er VRD -MA1, VRD- MC6, VRD- P1
HDTV and cable (sold separately).
Windows® XP SP3/ Windows Vista® SP2/Windows 7. Not supported by Mac® OS.
High De fi ni tion
© 2011 Sony Electroni cs Inc. Al l rights re serve d. Reprod uction i n whole or i n part w ithout w ritte n permis sion is p rohibit ed. Sony is n ot respons ible for t ypographic an d photogra phic er rors. Fea tures and
specifi cations are subje ct to chang e without notice. A ll TV rec eption, m onitor p ictures a nd print p ictures a re simula ted. Sony,
and Xtra Fin e LCD are trade marks of Sony. Microsof t, Windows, and Wind ows Vista are tradem arks of Mic rosof t Corpora tion. HD MI is a trademark of H DMI Licensing L LC. Dolby is a re gistere d tradem ark of
Dolby Lab oratori es. All oth er trade marks are t radema rks of the ir respec tive owne rs.
, Bloggi e, Handycam, Clea r Photo, Opti cal Steady Shot, S -Mas ter, TruBlac k,