Sony GDM-C520 User Manual [en, es, fr]

Artisan™ Color Reference System
Operating Instructions Mode d’emploi Manual de instrucciones
© 2002 Sony Corporation
Regulatory Information
To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not expose the unit to rain or moisture.
FCC Notice
This e quipmen t ha s been teste d and found t o com ply wi th t he limi ts for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limi t s are d esi gn ed to p rovi d e reas on ab le p rot ec ti on a ga i nst harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generat es, uses, a nd can radia te ra dio f reque ncy en erg y and, i f no t installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interf erence to radio com municat ions. However, t here is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or telev ision reception, which can be deter mined by turning the equipm ent off and on, the us er is encou raged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the f ollowing measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.Connect the equi pment int o an outlet on a circui t diffe rent from
that to which the receiver is connecte d. – Consult the dealer or an ex perienced r adio/TV technician for help. You ar e c auti o ned th at a ny ch an ges o r mo di fica t io ns no t ex pre ssl y approved in this manual could void your authority to operate this equipment.
Para prevenir cualquier mal funcionamiento y evitar daños, por favor, lea detalladamente este manual de instrucciones antes de conectar y operar este equipo.
The number below is for FCC related matters only.
Declaration of Conformity
Trade N ame: SONY Model No. : GDM-C5 20 K Responsible Party: Sony Electroni cs Inc. Address: 680 Kinderkamack Road, Oradell,
Tele phone No.: 201-930-697 2 This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rule s. Opera tion
is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not caus e h armf ul in ter fer e nce, an d (2) thi s d evi ce mu st acc ep t any interference received, including interference that may cause un de si r ed ope r at io n.
Artisan Color Reference System, Artisan Color Reference Sensor, Trinitron, Active Signal Correction, and Smart Cable are trademarks of Sony Corporation.
Macint os h and Col o rSyn c ar e reg ist e red tra dema r ks of Appl e Computers, Inc.
NJ 07649 US A
When connecting the Artis an™ Colo r Reference Sys tem, be su re that the Artis an™ Signa l Cable (which con nects the GDM­C520 display to your computer) is properly co nnec ted, according to page 12 of this manual.
The Artisan™ Sensor can be connected to a USB hub (such as the Macintosh key board) inste ad of directly into the computer .
The suction cups used in the Artisa n™ Sensor, if presse d forceful ly again st the di spla y screen, may scratch the screen gla ss. When beginning calibration, press the sensor against the screen firmly, exerting even pressure in order to attach all suct ion cups.
Remove the sensor by peeling one edge of the sensor off first, and then continuing the peeling motion until all suction cups have been dislodged.
Cleaning the Artisan™ Sensor
The Artisan Sensor may not adhere to the scre en well if the suction cups have dirt or oil on them. Clean the sensors suction cups with a lint- free cloth slightly moist ene d with water.
Cleanliness of the sens or window (loca ted in the center of the undersid e of the se nsor) is cruc ial to proper cal ibrati on resul ts. If it becomes necessary to clean this window, do so with a lint-free cloth slightly moistened with water.
When the sensor is not in use, keep it stored in its carrying case.
When transporting, use the original carton and packing materials.

Table of Contents

Introducing the Artisan Color Reference System
Presenting the Artisan Color Reference System................ .......... ................ .......... ................ .......... .......... 7
Installing the Artisan™ Color Reference System
Package Contents . ....................................................................................................................................... 10
Minimum System Requirements.................................................................................................................. 11
Connecting the Artisan Color Reference System.....................................................................................12
Calibrating the System................................................................................................................................. 18
Expert Mode--Creating a Custom Target Colorspace.................................................................................. 23
Tips for Calibration and Use of this System........... ................ ................. ......... ................. ........................... 25
Other Information
Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................................................... 27
Contacting Sony........................................................................................................................................... 29
Specifications ............................................................................................................................................... 31

Introducing the Artisan Color Reference System

This chapter provides an overview of the features of your Artisan™ Color Reference System.
Presenting the Artisan™ Color Reference System
Sonys Artisan™ Color Reference System is the premiere display solution for prepress, digital photography, and computer graphics imaging. Three componentsthe GDM-C520 displ ay, the Artisan Sensor, and the Artisan Software—allow your system to produce accurate color for all processes, from image capture and editing through soft proof and final output.
Technically Superior Display
The GDM-C520 display is built around an FD Trinitron virtually flat CRT, supporting resolutions of up to 2048 x 1536 at 80Hz and boasting a narrow aperture grill pitch of 0.24 mm. Advanced Active Signal Correction (ASC) circuitry automatical ly sizes and centers the screen image, while Display Mouse image control provides precise digital con trol over display settings and image adjustments.
Details that Make a Difference
The GDM-C520 has been desi gned to provide a consistent viewing environm ent; the achromatic gr ay display bezel ensure s that the colors your eyes perceiv e are not affect ed by the frame in which the y are viewed. The disp lay hood cont rols ambie nt light and color, reducing the impact of environmental variables on the display image. The displays Smart Cable des ign maximizes desktop space, and dual inputs support multiple PC usage.
Industry Standard Calibration Software
The Artisan Software is compatible with all major color management systems, including Apple ColorSync, and Color Matching Metho ds (CMMs) from Adobe, Agfa, Apple, Heid elberg, and Kodak . Instal lation of the Arti san Color Re ference System also includes industry-standard proofing profiles from Sony and Fuji for standardization of colors throughout the printing process.
Some of the features of your Artisan Color Reference System include:
A one-button approach to color calibration that focuses on ease and simplicity. Ability to adjust RGB gains and biases, contras t, and brightnes s to calibrate the GDM-C520 display and your computer
to a fixed color space.
Automatic adjustment of gamma through the video board Digital to Analog Converter (DAC). A sensor designed t o elim inate finger print s on th e disp lay su rface and t o provi de orde rly cabl e manage ment for th e USB
Ability to add and save multiple target colors paces based on color temperature, luminance, gamma values, and screen
Inclusion of outpu t profiles available in ColorSync for use in programs such as Adobe Photos hop.

Installing the Artisan Color Reference System

This chapter shows th e different parts of your Artisa n Color Reference System, how to conne ct it to your display and comp ut er, and how to in s t al l th e softw ar e nec es sary to c al ib r at e y ou r s y stem.
Package Contents
Carefully unpa ck the v arious compon ents of the Arti san Color R efe ren ce Syst em. Us e the lis t and t he ill ustra ti ons to m ake sure that you have received all of the contents. If something is missing, contact your authorized Sony deale r.
GDM-C520 Display:
Power cord:
Artisan Signal Cable:
Artisan Sen s or:
Artisan System CD:
Quick Setup Guide:
Display Hood:
You will connect thi s displa y to your comp uter usi ng the Arti san Sign al Cable .
You will use this power cord to connect your display to a power source.
You will use this c able t o connec t th e GDM-C520 displ ay t o your com puter. This cable must be connected before your Artisan Color Reference System will work correctly.
This sensor will meas ure the output of your display scr een and transmit information to the Art is an Software.
You will install the s oftware on this CD onto your computer in order to begin using the Artisan Color Reference System.
You can use this guide to set up the Artisan Color Reference System. You will mount the displ ay hood on your display in order to re duce ambient light
around the display screen.
Minimum System Requirements
Macintosh G316-bit color800 x 600 resolutionSystem 9.2.2, OS X 10.1.3, OS 10.296 MB of RAM2 open USB ports
Connecting the Artisan™ Color Reference System
I. Display and C o m put er
Before Connecting
To complete the connection between the display and your computer, make sure you have a free USB port at the back of
your computer, or on a USB hub placed near the back of your computer.
The HD15 connector that is closer to the USB connector on the Artisan™ Signal Cable must be connected to the VGA port
on the back of your computer.
Rear of Computer
Rear of Display
1 5
to USB port
to HD15 port
to HD15
Signal Cable
Before connecting your GDM-C520 display, turn off your computer and unplug its power cable.
1 Connect the GDM-C520 display's power cord with the display, and plug the cord into a nearby outlet.
Press the power button on the front of the display to verify that the display powers up; then , press the power button again to power down the display before moving to Step 2.
2 Connect the HD15 connector located on the Artisan Signal Ca ble to an HD15 port on the rear of the display. 3 Connect and secure the USB connector on the other end of the signal cable to a USB port on the back of your computer. 4 Connect the other HD15 connector to the HD15 port on the back of your computer. 5 Plug your computer's power cable back into an electrical outlet.
Turn on your display and computer. If the display does not show an image, refer to the troubleshooting section of this guide.
Connecting the Artisan Color Reference System----cont.
II. Artisan Sensor
This device measures the chromaticity and luminance of your display. It should be connected to any free USB port on or connected to your computer through a peripheral device.
Artisan Sensor
USB jack
USB port
1 Connect the USB end of the Artis an S ensor to an open USB port on your compute r , or connect it through a peripheral
device such as a keyboard or USB hub.
Make sure that the sensor can be placed easily over the center of your display screen, without stretching the sensor's cord.
Connecting the Artisan Color Reference System----cont.
III. Mounting the Display Hood
This hood will help to red uce unwanted ambient light refl ec tions on your display's scr een.
1 Unfold the hood.
hook and loop tabs
2 Attach the hook and loop tabs to the underside of the display hood, as shown above. 3 Remove the liners protect ing the adhesive on each hook and loop tab. 4 Wrap the display hood around the display as shown below. Align the hood carefully with your display, matching the
raised portion in the middle of the hood to the front edge of the top of the display.
Be careful not to let the adhesive tabs touch the display or your fingers, as this may lessen the tabs adhesive properties.
Connecting the Artisan Color Reference System----cont.
Mounting the Display Hood—cont.
5 Fold the adhesive tabs inward toward the display as shown above, pressing firmly to ensu re proper adhesion of the t abs
to the undersid e of the display chassis.
T 1
6 Check again to make sure that the hood fits snugly against the display, and the hook and loop fasteners are securely
fastened to the display.
Notes on Mounting the Display Hood
Once the adhesive tabs have been attached to the display, do not remove them, as they will not adhere properly to the
display if detached and then reapplied.
To readjust the display hood, detach the hook and loop fasteners on the hood from the adhesive tabs attached to your
Connecting the Artisan Color Reference System----cont.
IV. Installing the Software
1 Locate and inser t the Artisan System CD into your computer's CD-ROM drive. 2 Double-click on the Artisan Syste m ic on that appears on your computers desktop. 3 Double-click on the Artisan System installer icon. 4 Follow the screen prom pts for software installation. 5 Restart your computer.


This chapter covers the operations of your Artisan Color Reference System: how to calibrate your system, how to creat e custom ta r ge t co l o rs paces, and ho w to use the systems advanced features.
Calibrating the System
The first time you launch the Artisan Color Reference S oftware, it will identify your syst ems capabilities a nd ensure that the display is correctly connected to your computer. It will identify the display as Not Calibr at ed .
To calibrate your display to one of the standard target colorspaces, continue to the next page. To cre ate custom target colorsp a ces, turn to Expert Mode - Creating a Custom Target Colorspace on page 24.
Calibrating the System----cont.
Before Calibrating
❑ Make sure that your display is set to “millions” or at least 16-bit color.
❑ Make sure your display is set to "Professional" mode. To do this, press the "Picture Effect" button on the front of your GDM-
C520 display until the on-screen display shows "Professional".
❑ Warm the display up by leaving the display turned on and displaying a relatively bright screen (over 50% white) for at least
an hour before calibration.
❑ Make sure that the Artisan™ Sensor is connected to one of your computer’s USB ports.
❑ Make sure that the display and sensor are clean before beginning calibration. If necessary, the suction cups can be cleaned
with a damp, lint-free cloth. The display screen should be cleaned according to the instructions titled “Notes On Cleaning the Screen’s Surface” on page 3 of the display manual.
❑ Turn the light in the room down to approximately 16 lux. The calibration process works best when there is little light in the
When you first start the Artisan™ Software, you will see the following screen:
1 Select the preset colorspace to which you want your display to be calibrated by clicking on the “Target Colorspace”
drop-down menu. You can calibrate your display to any one of the following standard target colorspaces:
Name x
CRS Print RGB-D50 .3457 .3587 85.0 cd/m^2 0.28 cd/m^2 Gamma 1.80
CRS Print RGB-D65 .3128 .3292 85.0 cd/m^2 0.28 cd/m^2 Gamma 1.80
CRS Web RGB (sRGB) .3128 .3292 85.0 cd/m^2 0.28 cd/m^2 Gamma 2.20
Y value
Y value
modified per ITU
initial slope
2 Click on the desired target colorspace.
3 Click on the “Calibrate” button to continue.
Calibrating the System----cont.
After you click on the “Calibrate” button, you will see this screen:
1 Center the Artisan™ Sensor over the large circle shown in the display screen. Press firmly on the sensor until the
suction cups have been secured to the glass of the display's screen.
2 Click on the “Start” button to begin calibration.
✍Once started, the calibration process will take approximately ten minutes to complete. If you are simply updating your
display's calibration data, this process will take approximately 3 minutes.
Make sure that both the display and sensor are dry before calibration. Dampness on the sensor or on the display screen may lead to inaccurate calibration.
Calibrating the System----cont.
After you click on the “Start” button, you will see this screen:
The Artisan™ Sensor should remain firmly attached to the circle in the center of the screen throughout the calibration process.
✍If the sensor should fall from the screen during the calibration process, a dialog box will appear. Follow the prompts given
by the dialog box, reattach the sensor to the screen, and restart calibration.
Calibrating the System----cont.
After the Artisan™ Color Reference System is finished calibrating your display, you will see this screen:
1 Please carefully remove the Artisan™ Sensor from the screen’s surface by tilting it slightly to one side to dislodge the
suction cups, and then pulling it away from the display screen.
2 Place the sensor into its protective case.
✍You may want to roll the sensor’s cable up and place it in its holder for safe storage. However, the sensor should remain
connected in order to maintain calibration.
3 After removing the sensor from the screen, the screen will display the welcome screen of the Artisan™ Color Reference
System program. The welcome screen will display the word “Calibrated” in the place of “Not Calibrated.”
✍Once your system is calibrated to a specific colorspace, an ICC profile is automatically created for that calibration data
and is placed in a folder created by your operating system for ICC profiles. You can use ICC profiles within programs such as Adobe Photoshop to standardize the colors of specific images.
Notes on Maintaining a Calibrated System
Any adjustments to the GDM-C520 display that are made manually (i.e. through the GDM-C520’s on-screen display) will
invalidate calibration. Therefore, once you have calibrated the display, do not make any manual adjustments to the screen.
❑ Each Calibration Data File lasts for 30 days before the system will require a full calibration. If your calibration data is still
valid (i.e. if you have calibrated your system within the past 30 days), you can update your system's calibration instead of performing a full recalibration on your system. This process will ensure that your system is within tolerance and will reset the 30 day timer on your calibration data. To update your system’s calibration, click on the “File” option in the command bar at the top of your display’s screen, click on “Update Calibration Data,” and then continue with the calibration process.
❑ You can easily switch between different Calibration Data Files, provided that the calibration data is still valid. Click on the
“Load Calibration Data” dropdown menu and click on the Calibration Data File to which you wish to switch. Your display screen will change color and luminosity as the Artisan™ Color Reference System updates to the new calibration data.
If you have already calibrated your system and your display is not set to "Professional" mode, you will need to unlock the OSD, set it to "Professional" mode, and recalibrate your system. To unlock the OSD, press the display’s Menu button. Then, press the Control button twice and select “Off”. To set the display to "Professional" mode, press the display’s Picture Effect button until the OSD shows "Professional". Then, recalibrate your system to all necessary calibrations.
Expert Mode--Creating a Custom Target Colorspace
In addition to the standard target colorspaces available as part of the system, you can create your own custom target colorspaces.
Expert Mode is designed for those users who require a specific, unique colorspace for their color-intensive applications. The colorspaces included in the software should be sufficient for most projects.
To enable Expert Mode, take the following steps:
1 Select "Edit" from the menu bar at the top of the screen.
2 Click the “Preferences” option. A dialog box will appear.
3 Check the box next to “Expert Mode”.
4 The “Custom” option will now be available in the “Target Colorspace” dropdown menu to the left of the “Calibrate”
button. Highlight this option, activating the following screen:
Using the expert mode, you can modify the color temperature or custom x and y values, luminance values for both white and black, and gamma.
Expert Mode--Creating a Custom Target Colorspace----cont.
1 Use the dialog boxes labeled “White Chromaticity” to set the x and y values of your new colorspace.
✍Values for x and y must range between .2700 and .3600. If a number outside of this range is inputted, the value will snap
to the lowest or highest possible value.
2 To set white luminance values, use the dialog box labeled “White”.
✍The white luminance value will be constrained by the x and y values entered for white chromaticity. The range for white
luminance varies between 85 and 110 cd/m2.
3 Use the dialog box labeled “Absolute Contrast Ratio” to set the ratio of white luminance to black luminance.
✍This will automatically enter the value of black luminance into the dialog box labeled “Black”.
4 Set the luminance response curve by entering a value between 1 and 2.6 gamma into the dialog box labeled “Gamma”.
5 Your new colorspace is now complete. To save the new colorspace, enter a name in the dialog box at the top of the
Expert Mode interface, next to “Custom Colorspace Name”; then click “Save”.
You can store up to 17 separate Custom Target Colorspaces. To delete Custom Target Colorspaces, exit the Artisan™ Software, click on the Artisan™ Color Reference folder, and open the folder named “Colorspaces”. Then, delete any unwanted colorspace files.
An Alternative Method for Creating a Custom Target Colorspace
Instead of entering exact values into the dialog boxes, as described above, you can drag the in the graphical representation of the Chromaticity Diagram to specify the values that you want. As you drag the around the Chromaticity Diagram, the numbers in the dialog boxes will change to match the location of the . The will “snap to” standard colorspaces indicated on the Chromaticity Diagram by a . If you would like to create a custom colorspace that is very close to one of the standard colorspaces indicated on the diagram, use the dialog boxes to precisely indicate the desired x and y values.
Tips for Calibration and Use of this System
Lighting is th e most critical factor when calibrating your display. Lighting should be low, preferably around 16 lux.
Lighting should not be higher than 64 lux.
Avoid backlighting, such as windows or lights behind the display.Halogen lamps emit large amounts of infrared radiation that, even if the la mp is very dim, will adversely affect the
calibration process. Keep halogen lamps turned off when calibrating the display. If possible, do not use halogen lamps in the same area with your display.
Strong textures or background color in the environment surrounding the display may adversely affect viewing of the
The environment should be as neutral in color and text ure as possible. Remove all br ightly-colored or distracting
elements from the environment.
Your displays bezel is a neutral gray that provi des a model color and texture for the environment surroundi ng the display;
for the most accurate viewing of color on-screen, the environment should match that gray as much as possible.
When using a calibrat ed display, it is important that the visual field remain as constant as possible over time. Colored
objects within your field of vision will caus e your perception of color to vary; your perception of the display s cre en should remain as clear as possible.
Before begi nning t he cali bration , make s ure t hat you r di spla y i s set to “Professional mode. To do this, press the Picture
Effect button located on the front of your GDM-C520K until the on-screen display shows “Professional”. For more details on this feature, see the troubleshooting secti on of this manual.
Any adjustments to the GDM-C520 display that are made man ually (i.e. through the dis play OSD) will invalidate
After calibration of your system, the displays OSD will be locked.Before calibra ting y our displ ay, set y our comput ers powersaving and screens aving processes to an interv al of 20 minutes
or more. If these functions activate during calibration, they will affect calibrat ion results.
The display should be on for at least an hour prior to calibra tion, showing a bright (at lea s t 50% white) screen.If your computer does not have two fre e USB por ts for us e with th e Artisan Color Referen ce Syst em, you can connect
the Artisan Sensor to a USB hub (not included) which is, itself, connected to one o f the USB ports on the computer.
In order for the Art is an™ Color Reference Software to run, the Artisan Signal Cable a nd Artisan Sensor should be
properly connec ted. Make sure that the signal cable is correctly connec ted at all times. If you disconnect the sensor between calibrations, make sure that it is properly connected before you begin the software.
An ICC display profile is created during the calibration process. This profile can be used in ap plications such as
Photoshop to ensure that images are accurately displayed on-scree n.
Installation of the Artisan Color Reference System includes industry-standard proofing profiles from Sony and
Fuji. Use these proofing profiles with applications such as Photoshop to standardize colors within the printing process.

Other Information

This chapter provi des troubleshooting tips, a glossary, and technical specifications for your Artisan Color Reference System.
Problem Possible Remedies
Before Calibration
The application will exit upon launch if one of the components of the Artisan Color Reference
Application exits upon launch.
The Artisan Software instructs me to disable screen/energy savers.
The Artisan Softwa re crash ed i mmedi ately af ter launch.
The following message appears: Ther e is not enough memor y to comp le te this tas k…”
The following message appears: The file ‘Color Reference Display Settings could not be written. Please quit the application, move this file from the System Prefe rences folder to the Trash, and relaunch the application.
The following m essag e appea rs: A fatal error has occurred . P lease relaunc h the application.
The following message appears: Error: file not found
During Calibration
The following message appears: The room is too bright to accurately calibrate the display.
The following message appears: The Artisan Sensor may not be properly at tached to the Artisan Color Reference Display. Please reattach the Artisan Sensor and restart calibration.
Calibration keeps gett ing interrupt ed by my screensaver or power-saving program.
I tried to interrupt calib ra tio n by pre ss in g “Apple- Option-Esc, but I was not able to quit the application.
After I chang ed resolution and cancelled that change while th e Artisa n Software was active, the dis play scr e en did no t r es ize pro p erly.
The following message appears: Domain error: argument not in valid range.
After Calibration
I cannot acce s s the on-screen display menus for my GDM-C520 display.
The following message appears: An error has been detected during calibration. Pleas e allow the display to warm up co mpletely. The room lig ht should be dim and constant thr oughout the calibration process. The Arti s an™ Color Reference Display will be restored to its previous condition.
I used Expert Mode to enter a custo m c olorspace, and the system did not calibrat e to that colorsp ace.
The Artisan Software application says Calibrated but my displays color does not match the co lorspace to which I h ave calibrated the system.
I calibrate d my display a whi le ago, and now the applicat ion is showing Not Calibrated.
System is not connected properly, or if your computer is not configured properly for calibration. Follow the pr ompts provided on- s creen to connect the mis s ing component or configure your computer.
If you are running OS 9.2, ignore t his message; the Artisan Software wil l deactivate screen /
energy savers during the calibration process, and reactivate them after the calibration is completed.
Rebooting your computer will solve this problem.Quit the application and relaunch. If you were trying to change your displays screen resolution,
do so before running the application. Do not change the displ ay’s screen resolution while the Artisan Software is running. For better performance, increase the amount of memory allotted to the Artisan Software.
Make sure that the files are not in use and that the application is not already being run. Also
check to make sure th at the files have Read and Write permissions. If you have checked thes e conditions and are still receiving this message, delete the current Artisan Color Reference Display Settings file, relaunch the application and run a calibration.
Quit the applica ti on, reboot the computer system, and relaunch the Artisan Software.One or more of the files required by the Artisan Software is missing or corrupt. Reinstall the
Calibration will not complete if the ambient light in the room is too bright to accurately calibrate
the display. Reduce the ambient light in the room to under 65 lux, and try the calibration again.
The Artisan Sensors suction cups and/or the display screen may have oil or dirt that is
impeding the adhesion of the sensor. Clean the sensor and screen with a damp, lint-free cloth, slightly moistened (if necessary) with a mild detergent.
If you are running OS 10, screensavers and power-saving programs will interrupt calibration. Set
your screensaving and powersaving programs to run after at least 20 minutes of inactivity.
Interrupting the calibration by attempting to “force-quit is not possible. Do not attempt to
interrupt cal ib rat ion.
Avoid changing resolution while the Artisan Software is active. If you change resolution while
the Artisan Software is act ive, do not cancel t hat change.
T his err or messag e may app ear when t he Art isan Sens or di sco nnec ts dur ing a cal ibr atio n. Quit
the application, and make sure that the sensor is plugged into a USB port and is properly attached to the display screen.
The Artisan Software locks out the ability to make manual adjustments to the GDM-C520
display. Do not make manual adjustments to your display after your system is calibrated, as this will invalidate calibration.
T he calibr a tion wa s successf u l, but on e or more of the val ues tar geted by the Arti san So ftw are
was not within tolerance. Acknowledge and rerun application. If, after repeated tries, the application continues to display this message, reboot and try again. If values are still not within tolerance, choose a less ext reme colorspace, and try again.
If your display is over two years old, then it may not be able to match the luminosity required by
the calibration sy s t e m .
A small number of values for custom colorspaces are not possible, depending on the xy
coordin a tes and the range for wh ite luminance. Please choose less ex treme values for your custom colorspace.
Check to make sure that your display is set to Professional mode.Check to make sure that the Artisan Sensor is clean. If dust is obscuri ng the sensor port (in the
middle of the under si de of th e senso r) , wip e with a damp, lint- fr ee clot h.
If you have made changes to the display using the manual controls on the display itself, the
display will no longer be calibrated. Rerun the calibration, and do not change the display's image using the di s play's manual con tr ols.
Colorspaces expi re after 30 day s . Simply select a ta rget colorspace and recalibrate your display.
The expiration timer will be reset.
To avoid this problem, use the "Update Calibration Data" option located on the initial screen of
the Artisan Software. For more details, see page 22.
T r oubleshooting
My system has been calibrated, but my display is not set to "Professional" mode.
I interrupted the calibration process, and now the display sc reen is completely b lack.
I reinstalled th e Artis an Color Reference System , and now my display does not seem to calibrate correctly.
You will need to unlock the OSD, set it to "Professional" mode, and recalibrate your system. To
unlock the OSD, press the displays Menu button. Then, press the Control button twice and select Off”. To set the display to "Professional" mode, press the display’s Pict ur e Effect button until
the OSD shows "Professional". Then, recalibrate your system to all necessary calibrations.
If you interrupt the calibration pr ocess while the screen is completely black, the RGB gains and
biases will be set to zero, and t he s c r een will displ ay black. Use the displays OSD to reset RGB gains an d biases to non - zero values (typically 50). It may also b e necessary to reset Contrast and Brightn es s to non-zero values ( recommended Contr a s t = 100, recommended Brightness = 50).
Your system may have multiple calibration folders installed. Always install the software into the
same folder. Also, do not move the Artisan Colo r Reference System folders after you ha ve installed the program.
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