Sony DSC-T70W, DSC-T70B Owner’s Manual

C ot
Digital Still Camera
Cyber-shot Handbook DSC- T70/T75/'I'200
Before operating the unit, please read this Handbook thoroughly together with the
"'Instruction Manual" and the "'Cyber-shot Step-up Guide", and retain them for future
© 2007 Sony Corporation 3-219-480-11 (1) ©
Notesonthetypesof "Memory Stick" thatcanheused(notsupplied)
_o_ "Memory Stick Duo":
you can use a "Meulery
Stick Duo" wilh your
"Memory Stick":
you cannot use a "Memory Stick"
with your camera.
For details on "Memory Stick Duo"_ see
page ]2 l,
Whenusinga "Memory Stick Duo"with "Memory Stick" compatible equipment
You c:m use the "Memory Stick Duo" by inserting it into the Memory Stick Duo Adaptor (not supplied).
Memory Stick Duo Adaptor
Notes on the battery pack
Charge tile battery pack (supplied) belore using
tile cinllera lot lbe lirsl lime,
The bauery pack can be charged even if it is not
complelely discharged. Also, even if the bauel T pack is nol flllly charged, you can use lhe paldally charged capacily of the baltery pack as
If you do nol intend to use the balte W pack lot a
long lime, use up tile existing charge and relnove it hom your camera, then store it in a cool, dry place. This is to maintain the battery pack hmctions.
For details on the usable bauery pack, see page 123.
This camera is equipped with a C:uq Zeiss lens which is capable of reproducing sharp images with excellent contrast. The lens for this camera has been produced under a quality assurance system certified by Carl Zeiss in accordance with the quality standards of Carl Zeiss in Germany.
Notesonthe LCDscreenandlens
Tile LCD screen is manul,tctured using extremely high-precision teclmology so o_er
99.99% of the pixels am operational 1or ellcclive use. However, there may be some tiny
black points and/or brigbl points (white, rod, blue or green in color) that constantly appear on lhe LCD semen. Tbese poinls am normal in the manulacturing process and do not allect tbe recording in any way.
: !ii
IIi _ Black, white, red,
_._.><.i_" or green points
If waler droplets or other liquids splash on lhe LCD screen and make it wet, inunediatcly wipe
oil the screen with a soft cloth. Leaving lkluids on the LCD semen surlace can harm the quality
and cause a nlalhlnction.
Exposing lhe LCD screen or the lens to direcl sunlight for long periods may cause nlallhnctions. Be carehll when placing lhe
camera near a window or oludoors.
Do not prcss against the LCD screen. The screen may be discolored and tbal may cause a
Images may trail across on the LCD screen in a cold location. This is nol a malfunction.
Be careful nol to bump the lens. and be carchll not tOapply Iorce to il.
Thepictures usedinthis Handbook
Tile photographs used _lsexmnples oi pictures in this Handbook am reproduced images, and are nol actual images shot using this camera.
On illustrations
lllustralions used in lifts H_uldbook arc oi DSC-T200 unless holed otherwise.
Table of contents
Notes on using your camera ..................................................................... 2
Basic techniques for better images ........................................................... 8
Focus Focusing on a subject successfully ..................................................... 8
Exposure Adjusting the light intensity ........................................................... 10
Color On the effects of lighting ..................................................................... 11
Quality On "image quality" and "image size". .............................................. 12
Flash On using the flash ............................................................................... 14
Identifying parts ....................................................................................... 15
Indicators on the screen .......................................................................... 17
Operate the touch panel ......................................................................... 22
Changing the screen display ................................................................... 23
Using the internal memory ...................................................................... 25
Shooting images easily (Auto Adjustment mode) ................................... 26
Setting Image size/Self-timer/Flash mode/Macro recording ........................... 28
Setting Focus/Metering Mode/ISO/EV ............................................................. 30
Viewing images ....................................................................................... 35
Deleting images ...................................................................................... 37
Learning the various functions - HOME/Menu ....................................... 39
Menu items ............................................................................................. 42
Switching the shooting mode .................................................................. 43
Shooting images using Scene Selection ................................................. 44
Shooting menu ........................................................................................ 47
REC Mode: Selecting the continuous shooting method EV: Adjusting the light intensity
Focus: Changing the focus method Metering Mode: Selecting the metering mode
White Balance: Adjusting the color tones Color Mode: Ch raging the vividness of the image or adding special effects Flash Level: Adjusting the amount of flash light Red Eye Reduction: Reducing the red-eye phenomenon Face [)election: Detecting the li_ce of subject SteadyShot: Selecting the anti-blur mode Setup: Selecting the shooting settings
Playing back images from the HOME screen .............................54
[] (Single Image): Playing back a single image mmmm(Ira ige Index): Playing back a list of images
Slideshow : Playing back a series of ilnages
Viewing menu ......................................................................................57
(Retouch): Retouching slill im iges
¢e_' (Paint): Painling on still images
(Mul 1 Reslzmg : (hanging the image size according to usage
(Wide Zoom Display): Displa} ing still images in 16:9
(Slideshow): Playing back a series of images
(Delete): Deleling images
d e (Protect): Preventing iccidental erasure
0POF: Adding a Prinl order mark
,h, (Print): Printing ilnages using a printer
(Rotate): Relating a still image
(Select Folder : Selecling Ihe folder for viewing images
(Vohlme Settings): Acljusting the vohlme
Painting or puttingstamps on still images (Paint) ...................... 65
Customizing the Manage Memory feature and the Settings ........67
Manage Memory ..........................................................................68
_,m Memory Tool -- Memory Stick Tool .................................................. 68
Formal Change REC.Folder Create REC.Folder Copy
@,m Memory Tool -- Internal Memory Tool ............................................. 70
"_ Settings 71
_,1" Main Settings -- Main Settings 1 ...................................................... 71
Beep Calibralion Function Guide Housing
_1' MainSettings -- Main Settings 2 ...................................................... 78
6 Shooting Settings -- Shooting Settings 1......................................... 75
AF Illuminator AF Mode Grid Line DiLzital Zoom
6 Shooting Settings -- Shooting Settings 2 ......................................... 78
Auto Orientation Smile Level Auto Review
(_) Clock Settings ................................................................................... 79
[m Language Setting ............................................................................. 80
Viewing images on a TV ......................................................................... 81
Viewing images by connecting your camera to a TV with the supplied cable for
multi-use terminal ............................................................................................ 81
Viewing an image by connecting your camera to a HD TV............................. 83
Enjoying your Windows computer ........................................................... 85
Installing the software (supplied) ............................................................ 87
On the "Picture Motion Browser" (supplied) ............................................ 89
Copying images to your computer using the "Picture Motion Browser" .... 90
Copying images to a computer without "Picture Motion Browser". ......... 94
Viewing image files stored on a computer with the camera copying to the
"Memory Stick Duo". ............................................................................... 96
Using the "Music Transfer" (supplied) ..................................................... 97
Using your Macintosh computer ............................................................. 98
Viewing "Cyber-shot Step-up Guide". ................................................... 100
How to print still images ........................................................................ 101
Printing images directly using a PictBridge compliant printer ............... 102
Printing at a shop .................................................................................. 105
Using your camera abroad -- Power sources ....................................... 120
On the "Memory Stick Duo". .................................................................. 121
On the battery pack ............................................................................... 123
On the battery charger .......................................................................... 124
On Cyber-shot Station ........................................................................... 125
Index ...................................................................................................... 127
Basictechniquesfor betterimages
This section describes the hasics so you can enjoy your camera. It tells you how to use
various camera functions such as the HOME screen {page 39), the menus (page 41 ), and so
Focusingona subjectsuccessful/y
the shutter butlon halfway down, the camera atljusts the focus automatically
Remember to press the shutter butlou ouly halfway down.
Press tile shuuer Press tile slluuer Then press tile button tully down bllUOll Ilalfway AE/AF lock indicator shuuer blulon
suddenly, dowll. I]asllillg _ lit/beeps lully dowll.
To shoot a slill image difficult Io focus on _ [Focus] (page 31) If the image looks blurred even after focusing, it may be because of camera shake. _ See
"Hints for preventing blur" (as follows;).
Hintsfor preventingblur
The camera moved accidentally when _ou took the picture. This is called "C:nnera shake." On the other hand. if the subject moved when you took the picture, it is called "subject
Your hands or body shake while you hold tile
Catllelu and press tile sbuuer button, alld tile enlh'c
screen is blurred.
What you can do to reduce the blurring
Use a tripod or place tile camera on a flat, stable surlace to hoM tile cmnel"a steady.
Shoot with a 2-second delay sell-tinier and stabilize your cmllera by holding your shooting
ann firmly at your side after ,mvssing tile shuuer
E_en though tile CUlnera is steady, the subjecl
lno_/es durillg tile exposure so tile subject looks
blulred when tile shutter button is pressed.
The anti-blur hmction is enabled in tile hactory delault seUings so that tile camera shake is reduced automatically. However, this is not ellcctive lor su_!iect blur.
Besides, camera shake and subject blur occur hequently under low-light or slow slmtter speed condl ions, such as hose encoun ered m ._ (Twdlgh) or m (Twfllgh Pot rm ) mode. In lla ca_,
sllool wilh lhe above tips in mind.
What you can do to reduce the blurring
Select N_O (High Sensilivity) mode in Scene
Select a higher ISO sensilivity to nlake tile shuuer speed luster, and press file shuuer buuon
belbre file subjecl moves.
. e.ib .
Basi_} te_H_iqll_eS f_[ b_tle_ i_/_s¢}s$
Adjustingthelight intensity
_i.m ricre tte various images bv adiustiug tile exposure :rod tile ISO sensitivity. Exposure is the _iffii tint ( f light that the camera will receive when you release the shutter.
= too much light Whitish image
Correct exposure
= too little light Darker image
Shutter speed = Length of time the camera receives
Aperture = Size of the opening allowing light to pass
tim) ugh
ISO sensitivity (Recommended Exposure Index)
= Recurding seusitivit_
The expusure is automatically set tu the pruper value in the auto adjustment mode.
However, you can adjust it manually using
the l)mctions below.
Adjusting EV:
Alluws you tu adjust the exposure determined by the camera (pages 24, 34).
Metering Mode:
Allows you to change the part of the subject to be measured tu determine the exposure (page 33).
Adjusting ISO Sensitivity (Recommended Exposure Index)
IS() sensitivity is a speed rating for recording media that incorporates an image sensor that receives light. Even when the exposure is the same, images differ depending on the ISO sensitivity. To adjust the ISO sensitivity, see page 34.
High ISO sensitivity
Records a bright image even when shooting in a dark location, reducing blur with a high shutter speed. However. the image tends to become noisy.
Low ISO sensitivity
Records a smoother image. However. when the exposure is insufficient, the image may become darker.
Example: The color ol an image alfected by light sources
Daylight Cloudy Fluorescent Incandescent
White (standard) Bluish Green-tinged Reddish
The color tones are acUusted automatically in the auto adjustment mode. However, you can ac[iust color tones manually with [White Balance] (page 49).
On"imagequality"and "imagesize"
A di_ilal re]age ts made up ul a celleclten el small dots called ptxels. It ii l.'bh_ {ins a large number of pixels, tile picture becomes large, it lakes up mere memory.
and the image is displayed in fine detail. "hnage size" is shown by the number of pi×els. Although you cannot see the differences on the screen of the can]era, the fine detail and data
processing time differ when the image is printed or displayed on a computer screen.
Description of the pixels and the image size
j_" ..........................3264 ................._ (_ hnagc size: 8M
L Pixels _l NI 64(1pixels x 480 pixels = 307,200 pixels
Selectingthe imagesizefor use(page13)
Many pixels (Fine image quality and
large file size)
Few pixels (Rough inlage quality but small file size)
Example: Printing in up t_ A3 size
Example: An attached in]age to be _nl by
The default settings are marked with _.
_8M (3264×2448)
_1.,2 3:2 1 13264×2176)
(2592× 1944)
_'_ 3M (2048x 1536)
{-_t, VGA
_...9 16:9'2 (I 920x 1080)
*1 hnages are recorded in 3:2 aspect ratio, same as photograph printing paper or postcards, etc. *2 Bolh edges ol tile image may be cul oll when prinling (page 114).
v[_ 640(Fine) (640x480)
_'_D 640(Standard) Shoot standard quality movie for display on (640x480) TV
a_0 320 (320x240) Shoot at small image size for e-mail
The larger lhe image size. the higher file image quality.
Tile more lrames per _cond you i?layed back. tile smoolher playback can be,
For prints up to A3( I I x 17")
Shoot in 3:2 aspect ratio
For prints up to A4(8.5x I 1")
For prints up to 10x 15 cm (4x6") or 13x 18 cm(5xT')
Shoot at small image size for e-mail attachments
Shoot in HDTV aspect ratio
Shoot high qualily movie |X)l display on TVApprox. 3(1
Approx. 17
Approx. 8
Less Fine
BaSilSteS_lr_i¢lSeSf_ b_tl@_ i_/_s¢}s$
The"Red-eye phenomenon"
This is caused by the reflection of flash |ight off the Nood vesse|s of the retina of the subject's eyes because the pupils of the subject's eyes are _ide open in a dark place.
Camera Eye
How can the "Red-eye phenomenon" be reduced?
Set [Red Eye Reductkml lo [Onl (page 52)
Select I_'O (High Sensitivity)* mode in Scene Selection (page 44) (The flash is turned oil automatically.)
When file eyes of the subject turn oul red. correct the image with [Retouch] on lhe viewing menu
(page 57) or with the supplied sol}ware "Piclurc Motion Browser"
The"White circularspots"
This is caused by partMes (dust, pollen, etc.) in the air. which when they are close to the lens. can be accentuated by the camera's flash.
poUen, etc.) in
the air
How can the "White circular spots" be reduced?
Light tile room mid shoot the subject without a flash
Select I_'O (High Sensitivity)* mode in Scene Selection (The flash is turned oil aulonlulically )
* Even though you selected I_o (High Sensitivily) mode in Scene Selection. the shulter speed might be
slower under low-light condilions, or in a dark place In lhal ca_, use a lripod or hold your shooting arm firnlly at your side alter pressing lhe shulter butlon
See the pages in parentheses lor details of operation.
[] Zoom (W/T) lever (28) [] Shutter button (27)
[] Microphone [] D_ (Playback) button (35)
[] POWER button/POWER lamp [] Flash 129)
[] Lens [] AF illuminator (75)/Self-timer lamp
(28)/Smile shutter lamp 1461
[_1 Lens cover
[] LCD screen/Touch panel (22, 23) [] Hook fllr wrist strap/Grip
[] Speaker [] Battery insertion slot
[] Multi connector
Used in the following situations:
Making a USB conneclion between lhe camera and the colnputer.
Making a connection 1o audio/video inpul
jacks on a TV.
Making a connection 1o a PictBridge complianl prinler.
[] Access lamp
[] "Memory Stick Duo" slot [] Battery q}ect lever
[] Battery/"Memory Stick Duo" cover [] Tripod receptacle
U_ a tripod with a screw length of less than
5.5 mm (7132 inch). You will be unable to firmly _cum the camera to tripods having screws longer than 5.5 mm 17132 inch), and may damage the camera.
See the pages in pm'entheses for details of operation.
[] POWER button/POWER lamp [] Zoom (W/T) lever 128)
[] Shutter button (27) [] [_ (Playbackl button (35)
[] Flash 129) [] Microphone
[] Lens [] AF illuminator (751/SellLtimer lamp
/28)/Smile shutter lamp (46)
[_ Lens cover
[] Speaker [] LCD screen/Touch panel (22, 23)
[] Hook for wrist strap/Grip [] Battery insertion slot
[] Multi connector
Used in the following situalions:
Making a USB connection betweenthe
camera and tile COlnputer.
Making a connection to audio/video input
jacks on a TV.
Making a connection to a PictBridge
complianl prinler.
[] Access lamp [] "Memory Stick Duo" slot
[] Battery eject lever [] Battery/"Memory Stick Duo" cover
[] Tripod receptacle
Use a tripod with a screw lenglh of less than
5.5 mm (7/32 inch). Youwill be unable to firnflysecure the camen_to tripods having screws longer than5.5 mm (7132inch), and
may damage file canlera,
Indicators onthe screen
Touch [DISP] on the screen to change to the display selection screen (page 23). See the pages in parentheses for details of operation.
Whenshootingstill images
_[*_ 12_Fa._Iso4oo+_.0Ev,_a_]Q
When shooting movies
Screen operation
You c:m change tile settings by touching the following: [_, [_, [_.
Touching an icon displays the guide about the touched item. To hide this guide, touch [?1(page 22).
.f_ _o _o
_OFF'_o _2
I_'o0 _J
Displays Ihe HOME screen. hnage size sellings (13)
Self-timer settings (28) Shooting mode settings
(43) Shooting mode (Scene
Selection) settings (44)
Touch [] in the shooting mode settings to select lhe
Scene Selection mode.
Displays the MENU screen.
._Auro_ f_sL('_
Backs to the previous screen.
This cancels the focusing on the subject selected by
the touch operation. Flash mode settings (29) Macro/Close focus settings
Changes the scrc*-'ndisplay.
ndication ..................................................................
0.5m 1.Ore
3.0m 7.0m oo
AF mode/focus preset
settings (31,32)
[0,5m] is available in file DSC-TT0/T75 only,
Metering mode settings (33)
ISO number settings (34) Exposure Value settings
Screen indicators [] to [] sho_x the current setting status.
_ndicati n
Battery remaining
Smile shutter/number of still images)
Zoom scaling (28, 76)
sO, pO,
Flash charging
C:32:00 Self-diagnosis display
;f+ {'--
[_ ±0.3 _0.7 BRK
[_] Face Deleclion/52)
_1 Touch AF indicalor 126) =_ Housing 172
,_,_. .....,,_,,1,,,r-2 White bahmce (49)
Vibration _ arning
Indicates vibration may prevent you fiom shooting clear images due to insufficient lighting. Even if tile vibration warning appears, you can slill shoot
illlages. However, we
rccolnnlend lhal you [urll Oll
the anti-blur hlnction, using the flash lor better lighting or using a tripod or other
nleans to stabili/c tile camera (page 9).
Self-timer (28) Number of recordable
Recordable time/h:m:s) Red-c) e reduction (52)
Flash level (51 ) Recording mode (47)
Coh, 50)
SteadyShot (53)
Displayed when the shuttcr
button is pressed hall\ray
down ill tile delault _ttings,
Recording Media ('Memory Stick Duo,"
internal memory) Recording [okler (68)
This does not appear when using internal nlemory.
AF ilhmdnator 175)
I_isste_s e_ the ser88_
AF rangefinderframe (31)
Low battery warning (117)
Histogram (24)
AE/AF lock (27)
125 F3.5
{gSL @
NR slow shutter
When the shutter speed drops below a certain speed in low light conditions, the NR (Noise Reduction) slow
shutlcr fllnction is activated automatically to reduce the
picturc noise.
Shutter speed Apmlure value
ISO number (34)
Exposure Vahle 134) Macro/Close l_)cus (30)
When [Display Setupl is set 1o[Image Only], lhe currcnl settings arc displayed,
Flash mode (29)
When [Display Setupl is set 1o[Image Onlyl, lhe currcnl setlings am displayed.
Standby a movie/Recording a movie
Recording time (re:s)
When playing back movies
101-8012 2G07 1 1 9:3OAM
Screen operation
You can change tile settings by touching the following: [_, [_3.
ii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_
Displays the HOME screen. Changes to index mode. Plays back the slide show. Deletes the image. Displays the MENU screen. Selects the playback folder. Returns to the single image
screen from the index screen.
Screen indicators
Screen indicators [] to [] sho_x the current setting status.
Backs to the previous screen.
Adjusts the volume (35). Stop
Playback Playback zoom (36) Turns A/T/_I/I,- (711/o11.
Displays the prcxious/next image.
Fast forward/Rewind Changes the screen disphLv.
O._ Protect (61)
Q.X2,O Playback zoom(36)
C:32:00 Self-diagnosis display
Battery remaining hnage size (13)
Check mark Print order (DPOF) mark
I_isste_s e_ the ser88_
8/8 12/12
PictBridge connecting
Playback Media ("Memory Stick Duo," internal
memory) Playback folder (64)
This does not appear when using internal memory,
hnage number/Number of images recorded in selected
lblder PictBridge connecting
Do not disconnect the cable R)rmulti-use terminal while
file icon is displayed.
Change lkdder (64)
This does not appear when using internal memory,
Recording folder (68)
This does not appear when using internal memory,
Lm_ batte U warning (117)
125 F3.5
IS0400 +2.0EV
,_ , Playback bar
0:00:00 Counter 101-0012 Folder-file number (64)
2007 1 1 Recorded date/time of the 9:30 _,N playback image
Shutter speed Aperture value
ISO number (34) Exposure Vahle (34)
Metering mode (33) Flash
White balance (49)
Playback (35)
Histogram (24)
[] appears when histogram display is disabled.
Operatethe touchpanel
This LCD screen also displays Ihe butlons for operating the camera/louch panel).
1Press the POWER button or slide the lens cover downward.
2 Touch the buttons on the screen lightly with your finger.
0n the touch panel buttons
When the item you vxant to set is oot oo the screen, touch A/V to change the page.
You can return to the previous screen by touching [BACK].
Touching [?] displays the guide about the touched item. To hide this guide, touch [?] again.
To operate the touch panel, press it lightly with your finger or the supplied paint pen.
Do not press the touch panel with any pointed object other than the supplied paint pen.
Do not press against the LCD screen more than necessary.
When the top right of the screen is touched, the icons will momentarily disappear. Taking your finger off the screen will make the icons reappear.
Changingthe screendisplay
Touch [DISP] on the screen to change to tile display selection screen.
Settings <)tiler tllan [LCD Briglaness] call be made separately klr shooling and playback.
Ill index mode, yo/i call set tile n/inlber of
images displayed.
[Display Setup]
This sets whether or not 1odisplay tile icons on the screen.
Image Only
[Image Only] is suitable tor sllooting or playback in the 16:9 aspecl ralio.
During playback, touch the right or left side of the screen to display the next/prevk)us inlage, and touch llle cenler to display the guide,
This sets the backlight brightness.
When viewing images in bright outside light if
[LCD Brighmess] is set to [Normal], rcsel 1o [Brightl. However. the baltery power may decrease lhster
under such conddion,
[Display Histogram]
This sets v_hether or not to display the histogram on the screen.
[)ark Bright
A histogram is a graph showing the brightness of an image. The graph display indicates a bright image when skewed to the right side, and a dark image when
skewed to the left side. I_ N umber of pixels
The histogram also appears when playing back a single inlage, bill you cannot adjusl lhe
The histogram does nol appeal: in the lbllowing situalkms:
While shooting
When lhe menu is displayed. When recording movies
During playback
When the menu is displayed. In index mode
When you am using playback zoom. When you arc rolating still ilnages, During playbilck of movies
A large diRcmnce in lhe histogram displayed when shooting and during playback may occur
The flash strobes. The shutter speed is slow or lZlSl.
The histogram may not appeal lot inmges
recorded using other canleras.
Usingthe internalmemory
The camera has approximately 31 MB ef internal memory. This memery is not removable. Even when there is no "Memory Stick Duo" inserted intile camera, you can record images using this internal memory.
Movies wilh the image size _etto [640(Fine)] cannolbe recorded using file inlernal memoU.
Whena "Memory StickDuo"isinserted
[Recording]: hnages are recorded on lhe ffVlemoJT Slick
[Playback]: Images on the "Memory Slick Duo" are played back.
[Menu, Settings, etc,]: Various hlnctions call be perlormed on inlages on the "Memory Stick Duo".
Whenthereis no "Memory Stick Duo"inserted
[Recording]: hnages are recorded using the internal
[Playback]: Images stored in the internal memoly are played back.
[Menu, Settings, etc.]: Various ILinctions can be perJornled Oll images ill the inlelnaJ illelilory.
We recommend that yott copy (back up) data without error using one of the following
Tocopy(backup)data ona "Memory StickDuo"
Prepare a "Memory Stick Duo" 'aith sufficient capacity, then perform tile procedure explained in [Copy](page 69).
To copy (hackup)data on a hard disk of your computer
Perform tile procedure on pages 90 to 95 without a "Memory Stick Duo" inserted in tile camera.
You cannot copy image data on a "Memoly Slick Duo" lo the inlernal menlory.
By connecting the Calllera and a COli/puler with a cable for illulli-tlse lelli/illab you can copy dala stored in the inlel_nal l/leli/Oly to a COli/ptuer. However you cannot copy dala on _t COl/lptuer to lh¢ inlernal ii/¢1i/ory.
Shootingimageseasily(AutoAdjustment mode)
The procedure for shooting images using the basic funcliolls is given below.
Touch panel
1Open the lens cover.
2 Hold the camera steady, keeping your arm at your side.
Position the subject in
the center of the focus frame or touch the point for focusing.
"_"You can touch the screen to select the point to bring into focus.
Touching the subject on the touch panel displays a hame, and
then pressing tile shutter button halfway down brings tile flame into focus. II there is a lace ill tile h'allle, ill addition to tile l_>cus.
the brightness and hue are also automatically optimized.
o or
[_1 is displayed ifa lace is detected ill the touched position E_1is displayed il all object olher than a person's lace is
You cannot use this ftlllclion when using the digilal zoom and
(_'lose locus lnode.
You can al_o tl_ his lunc Ion m m'k (Soil Snap) mode.
I1 you touch outside the selectable locus range, tile selectable range is displayed.
s " @o
3 Shoot with the shutter button.
(_)Press and hekl Ibe sb/ltler bullen balfway down to focus.
The (AE/AF lock) indicator (green) flashes, abeep sounds, the indicator stops flashing and
rell'4tins lit.
(&)Press the sbuller button folly down.
AE/AF lock indicator
Shooting movies
Touch [HOME], then teucb I_ (Shoeting) --+ [_ZH Movie Model (page 39). Or. toucb tbe shooting mode setting icon. then touch _ (Movie Mode).
Shooting mode setting icon
It yon shoot a still image of a subject that is difficult to focus on
The shortest shooting distance is approx. 50 cm (19 3/4 inches) (W side). 80 cm (31 1/2 inches) (T side) (DSC-T200)/approx. 50 cm ( 19 3/4 inches) (DSC-T70/T75). Shoot in the dose-up (Macro) mode or Close locus mode when you shool a subject closer than the sholtesl shooting distance (page 30).
When the camera cannot locus on the subject automalically, the AE/AF lock indicalor changes to flash slowly and the beep does not sound. In addition, the AF range finder lrame disappears. Recompose lhe
shot and focus again.
Subjects difficult to focus on are:
Dislanl fi'om the camera and dark
The contrast belween the su_iect and its background is poor.
Seen lhrough glass Moving last
Refleclive light or with a hIstFous finish
Slide tile zoom (W/T) lever to tile T side to zoom and slide to tile W side to return.
When the zoom scale exceeds 5x (DSC-T200)/3x (DSC-T70/T75), the canlera uses lhe Digilal Zoom Ihnction.
For details on the [Digital Zoom] settings and the image qualily, see page 76,
The canleru zoon/s slowly while shooting a Inovie,
When the Face Detect lunction is activated, you cannot use the Digilal Zoonl fimction.
While using the Digital Zoom, you cannol R_cus by touching the screen,
(_) Changing the image size @ Using the self-timer
@ Selecting a flash mode lbr still images (_) Shooting close-up
Changingthe imagesize
Touch tile image size setting icon on tile screen. Totlch tile desired item, then [BACK].
For details on tile image size, see page 12.
Image size setting icon
To/lch tile self-tinier setting icon on tile screen. Touch the desired item, then [BACK].
Self-timer setting icon
Self-Timer Olf(_OFF):Not usingthe self-timer Self-Timer 10se¢(_o): Settingthe 1O-seconddelayself-timer
Self-Timer 2sec(_2): Setting the2-seconddelayself-timer
Press tile shutter button, tile selfqimer lamp flashes, and a beep sounds lmtil file shutter operates.
To cancel, touch _V)0FF"
U_ die 2-second delay self-tinier to prevent bhu" ol an image made by the shaking ol the camera when
pressing lhe shutler bulton.
Flash (Selecting a flash mode for still images)
Touch tile flash m( de ellin_, icon on tile screen. Touch tile desired item. then [BACK].
FlashAuto($Aum):Strobeswhenthereis insufficient light or backlight (defaultsetting) FlashOn($)
Slow Syuchro (Flashforced on) ($st): The shutterspeedis slow in adark placeto clearlyshootthe backgroundthat is out offlash light.
The flash strobes twice.Tile lirsl time is to adjust the lighl quantity.
While charging the flash, _ is displayed.
) s L, ,
Flash mode setting icon
Macro/Close focus (Shooting close-up)
Touch tile Macro/Close focus mode setting icon on the screen. Touch tile desired item then [BACK].
Macro/Close focus mode setting icon
Macro Off (_OFF) Macro On(_): W side
DSC-T200:Approx.8 cm or farther(3 1/4inchesor farther) DSC-T70fT75:Approx. 8cm or farther (3 1/4 inchesorfarther) Tside
DSO-T200:Approx.80 cm orfarther (31 1/2 inchesor farther) DSC-T70/T75:Approx. 25cm or farther (97/8 inchesor farther)
Closefocusenabled(_Q,): Lockedto the W side:Approx. 1 to 20 cm (13/32to 7 7/8 inches Macro
Setting tile zoomall tile way to tileW skle is rccomnlended.
Tile in-locus range becomes nanx)w,and the completesut_ieclmay notentirely be in h)cus.
The Auto Focus speed drops.
Close focus
Use this mode 1o shoot al even closer dislallces thall _ (Macro On) recording.
Tile oplical zo(nn is locked to tile W sMe and cannot be used.
You cannot shoot images ill tile Burst or Bruckel mode (page 47).
You cnnnot u_ file Face Delection lizature when you shoot images in tile Clo_ focus mode.
This mode is cancelled if you mrn oil lhe power or swilch die mode to another one.
The Focus. Metering Mode. ISO and EV icons appear only when the shooting mode is set to
(_) Changing the focus method @ Selecting the metering mode
@ Selecting a luminous sensitivity (_) Adjusting the light intensity
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