Notes on chip component replacement
• Never reuse a disconnected chip component.
• Notice that the minus side of a tantalum capacitor may be
damaged by heat.
Unleaded solder
Boards requiring use of unleaded solder are printed with the lead
free mark (LF) indicating the solder contains no lead.
(Caution: Some printed circuit boards may not come printed with
the lead free mark due to their particular size.)
Unleaded solder has the following characteristics.
• Unleaded solder melts at a temperature about 40°C higher
than ordinary solder.
Ordinary soldering irons can be used but the iron tip has to
be applied to the solder joint for a slightly longer time.
Soldering irons using a temperature regulator should be set
to about 350°C.
Caution: The printed pattern (copper foil) may peel away if
the heated tip is applied for too long, so be careful!
• Strong viscosity
Unleaded solder is more viscous (sticky, less prone to flow)
than ordinary solder so use caution not to let solder bridges
occur such as on IC pins, etc.
• Usable with ordinary solder
It is best to use only unleaded solder but unleaded solder
may also be added to ordinary solder.
1. SERVICING NOTES........................................................ 3
2. GENERAL ........................................................................... 3
3-1. Block Diagrams ···························································· 5
3-2. Printed Wiring Boards – Headset Board– ···················· 6
3-3. Schematic Diagram – Headset Board– ························ 7
3-4. Printed Wiring Boards
– Adaptor Board (BT1K only)– ·································· 8
3-5. Schematic Diagram – Adaptor Board (BT1K only)–··· 9
3-6. Printed Wiring Boards
– Charger Board (BT1 only)– ··································· 10
3-7. Schematic Diagram – Charger Board (BT1 only)–···· 11
4-1. Headset Section ·························································· 12
4-2. Adaptor Section (BT1K) ············································ 13
4-3. Charger Section (BT1) ··············································· 14
5. ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST........................................ 15
• MOD2 (bluetooth module), IC7 (+2.8V REG) on
HEADSET board cannot be replaced individually.
Replace it with “HEADSET BOARD, COMPLETE”.
• MOD1 (bluetooth module) on ADAPTOR board cannot be
replaced individually.
Replace it with “ADAPTOR BOARD, COMPLETE”.