Sony CCD-TR416 User Manual

Video Camera
Operating Instructions
Betöre opemtini^ the unit, plecise read this manual Ihoroughlv, and retain it for future reference.
©1998 by Sony Corporation
C ongr.Uul.itions on \ our purch.iso ol this Son\' Hand\' c.inicordor. With \ our Handr c.uii, you am c.ipture lifo's precious moments with superior picture and sound quality. Your Handycam is loaded with advanced features, but at the same time it is very easy to use. You will soon be prrxlucing home video that you can enjov for years to come.
To pre\ ent fire or shock hazard, do not expose the unit to rain or moisture.
To avoid electrical shock, do not open the cabinet. Refer servicing to qualified personnel only.
Certain countries may regulate disposal of the battery used to power this product.
Please consult with your local authority.
Before you begin
Using this manual Checking supplied accessories
Making your own titles...............................43
Recording with the date/time
4 5
Optimizing the recording condition .. 45 Using the built-in light (CCD-TR516
only) ........................................................46
Getting started
Installing and charging the battery
Inserting a cassette
Basic operations
Camera recording .........................................11
Using the zoom feature Selecting the START/STOP
Hints for better shooting Checking the recorded picture
Connections for playback...........................18
Playing back a tape......................................19
Advanced operations
Using alternative power sources
Using the house current
Changing the mode settings.......................23
- for camera recording -
Shooting with backlighting........................27
Using the FAT3ER function ...7. Shooting in the dark (NightShot) Using the wide mode function
Using the PROGRAM AE function .... 33
Focusing manually Enjoying picture effect Adjusting the exposure
Superimposing a title..................................41
- for playback/editing -
H-.diting onto another tape
Additional information
Changing the lithium battery in the
Resetting the date and time
15 16 17
37 39
Simple setting of clock by time
Usable cassettes and playback
Tips for using the battery pack Maintenance information and
Using your camcorder abroad Trouble check Self-diagnosis display Specifications
Identifying the parts Warning indicators
back cov'er
53 54
62 63 66 67 68 75
H Before you begin
Yhc instructions in this m.mual arc tor Iho lliii'o inoht-Is listed below . helore \'ou start
reading this manual and operating tiie unit, cheek \ our model number by looking at the bottom ot \ our camcorder, riie R.^lh is the nuxiel used tor illustration purposes, C'^therwise, the model name is indicated in [he illustrations. An\- difterences in operatimi are ciearK' indicated in the text, tor example, "CCD-’l RSln onh'," .As \ oil read through this manual, buttems aiul settings on the camcorder are shown in capital letters. e g. Set the rOWl.K sw itch toC AMId-iA. ^'ou can hear the beep sound to confirm \'our operation.

Types of differences

Digital zoom Kemofe sonsor — \ iew tinder Built-in light

Note on TV color systems

'1\' color sN stems dil'fer from countr\- to countn . To \ iew vour recordings on a TV, you need an N’I’SC svstem-based "IAS
Q Hi El
ISOx 220x 2x20x
B/W Color Color

Precaution on copyright

lelex'ision programs, films, video tapes, and other materials may be copyrighted.
Unauthorized recording of such materials mav be contrary to the provision of the copN’right law's.

Precautions on camcorder care

•- CCD-TR416/TR516 only
The color viewfinder is manufactured using high-precision technology. However, there may be some tiny black points and/or bright points (red, blue or green in color) that constantly appear in the viewfinder. These points are normal in the
manufacturing process and do not affect the recorded picture in any way. Over
99.99% are operational for effective use.
• [fo not lei the camcorder get wet. Keep the camcorder away from rain and sea water. Letting the camcorder get wet mav cause the unit to malfunction, and sometimes this malfunctkrn cannot be repaired [a].
• Never leav e the camcorder exposed to temperatures above 60“C, such as in a car parked in the sun or under direct sunlight [b].
iiiitiütigil I iftwitimii III
Check that the toikiwing accessories are supplied witli \amr camcorder.

Wireless Remote Commander ( 1 )

(p. 72) CCD-TR516 only
[2j AC-L10A/L10B/L10C AC power adaptor
( 1 ), Power cord ( 1) (p. 7, 21 ) [â| NP-F330 battery pack (1) (p. 6, 21) S] CR2025 lithium battery (1) (p. 50)
The lithium battery is already installed
in your camcorder.
Contents of the recording cannot be compensated if recording or playback is not made due to a malfunction of the camcorder, yideo tape, etc.
[5] R6 (Size AA) battery for Remote
Commander (2) (p. 72)
CCD-TR.516 only

[6| A/V connecting cable (1) (p. 18) It] Shoulder strap (1) (p. 73)

Getting started
HotiMv usiii'j; N'our i.'cima'trdtT, \ oii first luvd to install and chai\i;o the battiT\' pack.
This L'amcordtT operates onl\ witli the "Infol.n MlUM" batterv pack (1 series).
"IntoM 1 MIL M" is a trademark c>t Som corpc>ralion.

Installing the battery pack

Install the batter) pack in the directii'n of the T mark on the batterx pack. Slide the battery pack down until it catches on the batterv release lever and clicks. Attach the batterv pack tc^ the camcorder secureK’.

Note on the battery pack

Do not carry the camcorder by grasping the battery pack.

Charging the battery pack

Charge the batterx pack on a flat surface u ithout vibration. The battery pack is charged a little in the tactcu'w
(1) Open the DC IN jack cover and connect the supplied .ЛС power adaptor to the
DC IN jack with the plug's A mark up.
(2) Connect the power cord to the ЛС power adaptor.
(3) Connect the power cord to a wall outlet. (4) Slide the POWHR switch to OFF. Remaiii'ing batter\' time is indicated b\ the
minutes on the display window. Charging begins.
When the reniaining batter\’ indicator becomes normal charge is completed, l-or
full charge, which allows vou to use the battery longer than usual, lea\’e the batter\-
pack attached for about 1 hour after normal charge is completed until FULL appears in the display window. Beka'e using the camcorder with the battei^' pack, unplug the AC pcnver adaptor Irom the DC IN jack of the camccu'der. You can also use the batter\- pack before it is
completeh’ charged.
r ^
f nn
i и и min
/ Cumin
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min" appears on the display until the camcorder calculates remaining battery time.
• Remaining battery time indication in the display window roughly indicates the recording time. Use it as a guide. It may differ from the actual recording time.
• If there is a slight difference in shape between the plug of power cord and the terminal
of AC power adaptor, it is ignorable for their mutual connection and power supply.
•Be sure to plug the power cord deeply into the terminal of AC power adaptor so that it
is firmly locked. If there is a gap between the plug of power cord and the terminal of AC power adaptor, it docs not affect the efficiency of the AC power adaptor.


Charging time

Battery pack (NP-)
Charging 150 210 time* (min.) (OOl
The time roquirod for a tK’'ririal charge is indicated in parentheses.
Approximate minutes cliarge an empty battery pack using the suppiieti AC power adaptor, (bower temperatures require a longer charging time.)
F730 F750
F430 F050

Battery life

CCD-TR315 Battery
pack (NP-) Continuous
recording time*
Battery pack (NP-)
Continuous recording time*
IA30 (supplied)
1,30 (1 15) 225 (200) 260(230)
(i5 (00)
F330 (supplied)
1.35 (120)
70 (60)
115(105) 135 (120) 2.35 (210) 280 (2,50)
F530 F550
235(210) 270 (240)
120 (110) 140(125)
450 (405) 530(480) 710(640)
475 (425)
550 (500) 745 (670) 850 (760)
290 (265)
F430 F950
,375 (3,35)
,390 (355) 450(400)
430 (.385)
Numbers in parentheses indicate the time when you use a normally charged battery. Battery life will be shorter if you use the camcorder in a cold enyironmcnt.
Appriwimate continuous recording time at .Approximate minutes when recording while you repeat recording start/stop, zooming and turning the power on/off. The actual battery life may be shorter.

Note on remaining battery time indication during recording

Ri'niaininj; b.iUor\' time is dispUived in the viewtinder. \towe\ er, the indication ma\ not be displayed properly, depending on using conditions and circumstances.

■MÉrnrnÈimÈÈIIìm Itti

To remove the battery pack

VVhilo pivssiiii; BATl' RFI BASH, slide the batter\' pack in the directitni of tlie arro\s,
You can look at the demonstration of the functions available with this camcorder (p. 25).
Mak«.' suro tliat the pi>wor souroo is installed. When vc'u u ant to record in the 1 iiS system, use HiS \ ideo cassette HiH (CCD-I Knlo onh ). (1) While prossini; the small blue button on the hJECT switch, slide it in the
direction ot the arrow . The cassette compartment automaticalK lifts up and opens.
(2) Insert a cassette \\ ith the window facing out.
(3) Close the cassette compartment b\- pressing the "PUSH" mark on the cassette
compartment. The cassette compartment automaticalK' gt'es down.

To eject the cassette

While pressing the small blue button on the HJECT switch, slide it in the direction of the arrow.

To prevent accidental erasure

Slide the tab on the cassette to expose the red mark. If you insert the cassette with the
red mark exposed and close the cassette compartment, the beeps sound for a while. If
you try to record with the red mark exposed, the ;.iD and ii indicators flash, and you cannot record. To re-record on this tape, slide the tab back out covering the red mark.
H Basic operations
Make siiro that tlio powor source is installed and a cassette is inserted and that the START/STOP N40DH switch is set to A • Before vou record one-time events, you mav want to make a trial recording to make sure that the camcorder is working correctlv. When vou use the camcorder for the first time, power on it and reset the date and time to vtnir time before vou start recording (p. 32). The date is automatically recorded fcM‘
11) seconds after vou start recording (AUTO DATE feature). This feature works onh’ once
a day.
(1) While pressing the small green button on the IX')WTR switch, set it to CAMERA. (2) Turn STANDBY up to STANDBY. (3) Press START/STOP. The camcorder stains recording. The "REC" indicator
appears. The red lamp lights up in the viewfinder (CCD-TR315 only). The camera recording/battery lamp located on the front of the camcorder also lights up.


mm m

To stop recording momentarily [a]

Pross Sl'AKT /S rOP ag.iin, I'lio ''STBY" indicator .ippo.irs in the viewfinder (Standby mode).

To finish recording [b]

Press START/STOP again, l urn STANDB\ down to POCK and sot the POWFR switch to OFF. 1 hen, eject tlie cassette.

[a] [b]



Be sure to remove the battery pack from the camcorder after using.

To focus the viewfinder lens

It you cannot see the indicators in the viewfinder clearK’, focus the viewfinder lens.
Turn the viewfinder lens acijustment ring [a] {CCD-TR3P^) or move the viewfinder lens adjustment lever [b] (CCD-TR416/TR516) so that the indicators in the viewfinder come
into sharp focus.

Note on Standby mode

If you leave the camcorder in Standby mode for 5 minutes while the cassette is inserted the camcorder turns off automatically for sax ing battery power as well as for preventing the battery and tape from wearing down. To resume Standby mode, turn STANDBY down and up again. To start recording, press START/STOP.

Note on recording

When you record from the beginning of a tape, run the tape for about 15 seconds before starting the actual recording. Passing the tape lead will ensure that you will not miss any start-up scenes when you play back the tape.

Notes on the tape counter

• The tape counter indicates the recording or playback time. Use it as a guide. There will be a time lag ot several seconds from the actual time, lo set the counter to zero, press COUN'ITRRESFT,
• It the tape is recorded in SR and l.R modes mixed, the tape counter shows incorrect recording time. When vou intend to edit the tape using the tape counter as a guide, record in same (SR (ir LR) mode.

Note on the beep sound

The beep sounds when you operate the camcc'^der. Se\ eral beeps also sound as a
warning of any unusual condition of the camcorder.
Note that the beep sound is not recorded on the tape. If \ ou do not want to hear the
beep sound, select ''OFF" in the menu system.

Note on the AUTO DATE feature

The clock is set at the factory to Tokyo time for the models sold in japan, and to Hong
Kong, New 'I'ork (^r Ranama time for other models. You can reset the clock in the menu
system. You can change the AUTO DATF settings by selecting ON or OFF in the menu
s\’slem. The .YLTC') DATE feature shows the date automatically once a day. However, the date may automatically appear more than (Mice a day when;
- you reset the date and time.
-you eject and insert the tape again.
- you stop recording within 10 seconds.
- you set AUTO DATE to OFF once and set it to ON again in the menu system.
■¡Ми ■ifeii

Using the loom feature

Zooming is Л recording technique thtit lets von change tlie size of the subject in the scene.
For more protessional-looking rean'dings, use the zoom tuncti(M'i sparingh', "T" side: tor telephoto (subject appears clc>ser) "VV” side; lor \vide-angle (subject appears turther a\va\ )

Zooming speed (Variable speed zooming)

\4o\'C the power zoom le\’er a little for a slower zoom, move it further for a faster zoom.
When you shoot a subject using a telephoto zoom
If you cannot get a sharp foeus while in extreme telephoto zoom, mo\'e the power zoom lever to the “W" side until the foeus is sharp. You can shoot a subject that is at least about 80 cm away from the lens surface in the telephoto position, or about 1 cm away in the wide-angle position.
Notes on the digital zoom
• More than 18x zoom is performed digitally, but the picture equality detcrierrates as you move the lever toward the "T" side. If you do not want to use the digital zoom, set the D ZOOM function to OFF in the menu system.
• The right side [a] of the power zoom indicator shows the digital zooming zone, and the left side [b] shows the optical zooming zone. If you set the D ZOOM function to OFF, the [a] zone disappears.
m m

Selecting the START/STOP mode

Your Ciimcordcr has three modes. These modes enable you to take a series of quick shots resulting in a liveh \ ideo. (1) Set START/STOP MODE to the desired mode.
: Recorchng starts when you press START/STOP, and stops when you press it again (factory setting). ANTI CiROUND SHOOTING i : The camcorder records only while you press down START/STOP so that yot^.can a\ oid recording unnecessary scenes. 5SEC: When you press START/STOP, the camcorder records tor ,S seconcis and then stops automatically.
(2) Turn STANDBY up to STANDBY and press START/STOP.
Recording starts.
It you selected 5SHC, the tape counter disappears and tiye dots appear. The dots disappear at a rate of one per seconct as illustrated below.


To extend the recording time in 5SEC mode
Press START/STOP again before all the dots disappear. Recording continues for about 5 seconds from the moment you press START/STOP.
Note on START/STOP mode
You cannot use the fader function'in the 5SEC or ANTI tlROUND SHOOTING i mode.
l or hand-hold shots, \ im ll ^ot bottor rosiiits b\ holding the camcorder according to the toll cnving suggosticins:
• Hold the camcorder tirmh’ and secure it with the grip strap so that you can easih’ manipulate the controls with \ our thumb [a]
• Place ^■our right elbow against vour side.
• I’lace vour left hand under the camcorder support it. Be sure to not touch the built-in microphone.
• Place \’(Hir e\ e tirmh’ against the \ iewfinder e\ ecup.
• Use the viewfinder frame as a guide to determine the hori/cmtal plano.
• You can also record in a low position to get an interesting angle. Lift the \ iewfinder up for recc'rding fixMTi a low position [b].
Place the camcorder on a flat surface or use a tripod
Try placing the camcorder on a table top or any other flat surface of suitable height. If you have a tripod for a still camera, you can also use it with the camcorder. When attaching a non-Sony tripod, make sure that the length of the tripod screws is less than 6.5 mm. Otherwise, you cannot attach the tripod securely and the screw may damage the camcorder.
Cautions on the viewfinder
• Do not pick up the camcorder by the viewfinder [c].
• PJo not place the camcorder so as to point the viewfinder toward the sun. The insicie (T the viewfinder may be damaged. Be careful when placing the camcorder under sunlight or by a window [d].
Using UDI1SUAKCH, vou can review the last recorded scene or check the recorded
picture in the viewfinder.
(1) While pressing the small green button on the POWER switch, set it to
(2) Turn SГANDB^' up to STANDBY. (3) Press the - (©) side of EDITSEARCH momentarily; the last few seconds of the
recorcied portion play back (Rec Review).
Holcf dow'n the - side of EDITSEARCH until the camcorefer goes back to the
scene you want. The last recorded p^jrtion is played back. To go forward, hold down the + siede (Edit Search).
To stop playback
To begin re-recording
Press START/STOP. Re-recording begins from the point you released EDITSEARCH. Pro'vided you do not eject the cassette, the transition between the last scene you recorded and the next scene you record w'ill be smooth.
(_oniHVt the Ctimcorher to \ our l'\' or \’C1\ l<> wateh tiie playback picture on the W screen. \\ hen iru>nitonnp the pla\ back picture b\ connecting; the camcorder to \ our 1\’, we recommend you to use Irouse current tor the povyer source.

Connecting directly to a TVA/CR with Video/Audio input jacks

VVlien a>nnectini; the A/V connecting cable, make sure \ ou connect the plug to jacks ot the same color. C>pen the jack co\'er. With using the supplied A/V connecting cable, connect the camcorder to the I.INH IN inputs on the T\' or \X'R connected to the TV. Set the I A'/ \X'R selector on the T\’ to \'CR. When connecting to the \'’CR, set the input selector on
the VCR to blNl..
To connect to a TV or VCR without Video/Audio input jacks
Use an NTSC type RTU adaptor (not supplied).
You can monitor the playback picture in the \’ie\vtincler. You can also monitor the picture on a TV screen, after connecting the camcorder to a TV or VCR. (1) While pressing the small green button on the POWER switch, set it to
(2) Insert the recordecH tape with the window facing out.
(3) Press to re\\'ind the tape.
(4) Press ► to start playback.
To stop playback, press ■. To rewind the tape, press «. To fast-forward the tape rapidly, press
Using the remote commander
-CCD-TR516 only
You can control playback using the supplieci Remote Commander. Before using the
Remote Commander, insert the R6 (si/e AA) batteries.
To display the viewfinder screen indicators on the TV
-CCD-TR516 only
Press DISPLAY on the Remote Commander. To erase the indicators, press DISPLAY again.
Note on the lens cover
The lens cover does not open when the POWER switch is set to PLAYER. Do not open the lens cover manually. It may cause malfunction.
Mi M k

Various playback modes

To view a still picture (playback pause)
Pivss II during pla\'back. I'o rosunie pla\'bauk, press II or ►.
To locate a scene (picture search)
Keep pressing or ►► during playback. To resume normal plac’back, release the button.
To monitor the high-speed picture while advancing the tape or
rewinding (skip scan)
Keep pressing ■« while rewinding or ►► while advancing the tape. To resume normal playback, press ►.
To view the picture at 1/5 speed (slow playback)
Press I»- on the Remote Commander during playback. To resume normal playback, press ►. If slow playback lasts for about 1 minute, it shifts to normal speed automatically.
Notes on playback
• Noise may appear when you use the still/slow/picture search function to play back the tape recorded in LP mode.
•Streaks appear and the sound is muted in the various playback modes,
• When playback pause mode lasts for 3 minutes, the camcorder automatically enters stop mode.
• Horizontal noise appears at the center, or top and bottom of the screen when you pla\ back a tape in reverse. This is normal.
• You can play back the tapes recorded in the Hi8 video system on the standard 8 mm camcorder (CCD-TR315/TR416 only).
Advanced operations
You can choose anv of tlio following pl'iwcr stuircos tor your caiucordor: battery pack, house current and 12/24 V car batterv. Choose the appropriate power source depending on where vou want to use vour camcorder.
Incioors House current
Outdoors Batterv pack
In the car 12 V or 24 V car batterv
Notes on power sources
• Disconnecting the powa^r source or removing the battery pack during recording or playback may damage the inserted tape.
• The DC IN jack has power source priority. This means that the battery pack cannot supply anv power if the pow'er c ord is connected to the DC IN jack, even when the pow'cr cord is not plugged intt) the wall outlet.
Power source
Accessory to be used
Supplied AC power adaptor Batterv pack Nr-F330 (supplied), NP-FS30,
NP-HS50, NP-F730, NP-F730, NP-F930, NP-F950 Sony DC adapt<ir/charger DC-V700 (not

Using the house current

(1) Open the DC IN jack co\ er, and connect the AC power adaptor to the DC IN
jack on the camcorder.
(2) Connect the power cord to the AC pou er adaptor.
(3) Connect the power cord to a wall outlet.
The power cord must only be changed at a C|ualified service shop.
The set is not disconnected from the AC povr er source (house current) as long as it is
connected to the wall outlet, even if the set itself has been turned off.
Keep the AC power adaptor away from the camcorder if the picture is disturbed.
This mark indicates that this product is a genuine accessory for Sony video products. When purchasing Sony video products, Sony recommends that vou purchase accessories with this "C.ENUINF’ VIDEO ACCESSORIES" mark.
You Ccin change the mode settings in the menu system to turther enjov the teatures and functions of the camcorder. (1) Press MFNU to display the menu.
(2) Turn the control dial to select the desired icon in the left side of the menu, then
press the dial to set.
(3) Turn the control dial to select the desired item, then press the dial to set. (4) Turn the control dial to select the desired mode, and press the dial to set. If \ ou
want to change the other modes, repeat steps 3 and 4. If you want to change the other items, select *3 RPTURN^nd press the dial, then repeat steps from 2 to 4.
(5) Press MENU or select ^ icon to erase the menu display.
Note on the menu display
Depending on the model of your camcorder, the menu display may be different from that in this illustration.
Note on changing the mode setting
Menu items differ depending, on the sottine, of the I’t'lWhR switch to I’l iWF.R or CAMliRA.

Selecting the mode setting of each item

Items for both CAMERA and PLAYER modes
ig log REMAIN* <AUTO/ON>
• Select ALT(') when \ iHi wdnt to dispLu’ the remaining tape bar;
- for about 8 seconds after the camctM-der turns on and calculates the remainder ot the tape.
- for about 8 seconds after a cassette is inserted and the camcorder calculates the
remainder of the tape.
- for the period of tape rewinding, forwarding or picture search in Pl.AYHR mode.
- for about 8 seconds after ► is pressed in PI,AYhd< inode.
- for about 8 seconds after DISPLAY on the Remote C(immander is pressed to display the screen indicator. (CCl^-TRalh onlv)
• Select ON to always displa\' the remaining tape indicator.
• NormalK- select NORMAL.
•Select 2\ io di.spKw selected menu item by twice si/e of normal.
• Select ON so that beeps sound when vou start/stop recording, etc.
• Select OLP when vou do not want to hear the beep sound.
•Select ON when using the supplied Remote Commander for the camcorder.
• Select OFF w^hen not using the Remote Commander.
Items for CAMERA mode only
• Select ON to .ictivate digital zooming.
• Select OFF to prevent the deterioration of the picture quality. The camcorder goes back to optical zoom.
• Normally select OFF.
•Select CINEMA to record in CINEMA mode.
•Select 16:9FULL to record in 16:9FL'I,1, mode.
• Normally select ON.
• Select OFF to not use the NightShot I àght function.
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