SOMFY DCT2RTS, Z-Wave2RTS Product Manual

DCT2RTS interface and Z-Wave2RTS interface
Product manual
• This Somfy product must be installed by a professional installer, for whom these instructions are intended.
• Before installation, check that this product is compatible with the associated equipment and accessories.
• These instructions describe how to do installation, commission and use this product.
• Moreover, the installer must comply with current standards and legislation in the country in which the product is being installed, and inform his customers of the operating and maintenance conditions for the product.
• Any use outside the sphere of application specified by Somfy is not approved. Such use, or any failure to comply with the instructions given herein will invalidate the warranty, and Somfy refuses to accept liability.
• The equipment (interface) is for built-in use.
• DCT2RTS gateway: Provides communication between third party home automation systems and RTS motors through simple dry contact input interface.
• Z-Wave2RTS interface: Z-Wave enabled device (interoperable, two-way RF mesh networking technology) that is fully compatible with any Z-Wave enabled network. Receives Z-Wave signals and translates them into RTS commands to allow control of Somfy RTS enabled motors.
The Z-Wave2RTS interface supports mulit-channel Command Class for up to 8
devices corresponding to control of up to 8 individual or 8 groups of Somfy motorized products.
Z-Wave enabled device acts as a signal repeater and multiple devices result in more
possible transmission routes which helps eliminate “RF dead-spots”.
Z-Wave enabled device displaying the Z-Wave logo can also be used with it
regardless of the manufacturer, and ours can also be used in other manufacturer’s Z-Wave enabled networks.
1.2 RTS commissioning
Before using the DCT2RTS interface, we recommend programming each motor in advance using an individual Somfy remote control (e.g. Telis) and set the limit positions of each motor.
1.2.1 Procedure
1. Select the channel of the motor on the existing remote control, hold the program button on the remote for 3 seconds, for the motor to jog
2. Select the desired channel (channel 1 – channel 5) via the RTS channel selector.
3. Press and hold the RTS PROG button for 1 second.
4. RTS motor jogs; the motor is now programmed to DCT2RTS gateway.
5. Repeat the same procedure to remove a motor from the DCT2RTS gateway.
1.2.2 RTS motors functional test
1. Select the channel via the RTS channel selector.
2. Press the UP/DOWN button on DCT2RTS interface to control RTS motors.
3. The motor jogs to indicate the connection is successfully established. If the motor does not respond to the command, it means the establishment failed. Repeat 1.2.1 Procedure, Steps 1-4 again. Alternately it may simply mean that the RTS motor has been removed.
1.3 Operation
1. To activate an UP command, a minimum of 0.5 second closure is required between the UP and COM terminals (5VDC). The status LED turns blue to indicate that RTS signal is sent.
2. To activate a DOWN command, a minimum of 0.5 second closure is required between the DOWN and COM terminals (5VDC). The status LED turns blue to indicate that RTS signal is sent.
3. To activate a STOP command, a closure is required between UP, DOWN and CMD terminals.
Attention: Press and hold the RTS_PROG button for 5 seconds, the concerned RTS motor will enter to RTS programming mode.
DCT2RTS and Z-WAVE2RTS interface functions description
A – RTS LED / Status LED Green : Power ON Blue : Transmitting RTS
command Red : Error B – RTS Program button
C – RTS test buttons for UP/DOWN/STOP D – Z-WAVE program button
E – Z-WAVE LED Flash : Open to add Z-WAVE network OFF : Z-WAVE network added
Please select either “Fixed position switch mode” or “Momentary switch mode” by the jumper (item K) before powering ON the device.
• Jumper close (short)=Momentary switch (default)
• Jumper open=Fixed position switch
1. DCT2RTS interface setting
1.1 Installation
1.1.1 Disconnect the power
1.1.2 Select which type of switch will be connected (fig.1)
1.1.3 Wire either switches (fig.2) or dry-contact relay outputs (fig.3) to the indicated
DCT terminals at the bottom of the DCT2RTS Interface.
1.1.4 Connect the power. The status LED will turn green to indicate the device is
3. Wiring diagram
Fig.2 Switches direct connect to DCT2RTS interface wiring
2. Z-Wave2RTS interface setting
2.1 Installation
2.1.1 Disconnect the power (fig.4)
2.1.2 Locate the Z-Wave2RTS interface within direct range of the Z-Wave HUB.
2.1.3 Select the “appropriate channel number” on the RTS channel selector.
2.1.4 Connect the power. The status LED will turn green to indicate the device is operating.
2.1.5 The Z-WAVE LED will blink to indicate Z-WAVE2RTS interface is opened to add to Z-WAVE network.
!! The channel number selected should reflect the number of RTS channels being applied on Z-Wave Hub, for example, if 3 channels will be used, then select number 3 on the RTS channel selector before powering on the Z-WAVE2RTS interface.
2.2 RTS commissioning
Z-Wave2RTS interface supports RTS channel 1 to channel 8. For details, please refer to section 1.2.
2.3 Z-Wave network commissioning
2.3.1 Inclusion (Add Z-Wave2RTS interface to Z-Wave Hub)
1. Enable the Z-Wave HUB into the Inclusion mode.
2. Short press the Z-Wave PROG button for 3 times. Z-Wave2RTS interface will
be added in the Z-Wave network automatically.
3. The Z-WAVE LED turns OFF indicating that the Z-Wave2RTS interface has
successfully added the Z-Wave network.
2.3.2 Exclusion (Remove Z-Wave2RTS interface from Z-Wave Hub)
1. Power ON the Z-Wave2RTS interface.
2. Enable the Z-Wave HUB into exclusion mode.
3. Short press the Z-Wave PROG button for 3 times.
4. The Z-WAVE LED blinks indicating that the Z-Wave2RTS interface has
successfully been removed from the Z-Wave network.
2.3.3 Reset the Z-Wave module to factory mode
Please use this procedure only in the event that your network primary
controller is missing or otherwise inoperable.
1. Power OFF the Z-Wave2RTS interface.
2. Press and hold the Z-Wave PROG button.
3. Power ON the Z-Wave2RTS interface and wait for 10 seconds.
4. The Z-Wave LED blinks indicating that the data is cleared and it is opened to
add to Z-Wave network.
Tips: How the endpoint is used by the Z-Wave2RTS interface? Z-Wave2RTS interface supports Z-Wave multi-channels command class. Each endpoint represents each RTS channel. For example, endpoint no.1 equal to RTS channel no.1, endpoint no.2 equal to RTS channel no.2 and etc. All End Points have the same Generic and Specific Device Class and Optional Command Classes.
F – Reset button G – RTS channel selector
H – 5VDC micro-USB port (*optional) I – 12-24V DC input port K – Switch type selection
4. Z-Wave manual
• The DCT2RTS interface requires 12-24VDC power. The power cable is connected
to the power terminal (item I) using the screw to fix it.
• To improve the RTS radio range, we recommend the DCT2RTS be placed in an
unconfined place in the middle of the house (avoid metallic surfaces and enclosures).
• In momentary switch mode, only press one button at a time.
• Tilting motion only apply on 1 channel at one time via DCT interface
• The DCT input must have at least 1.5 second suspension in between successive
RTS commands.
• All DCT input port cannot be connected (short circuit) together. (fig.5)
• Does not support fixed position switch mode and momentary switch mode
simultaneously. See below picture. (fig. 6)
• Before power ON the device, please set the maximum number of RTS channels on
RTS channel selector (item G)
• The Z-Wave2RTS interface requires 12-24VDC power. The power cable is
connected to the power terminal (item I) using the screw to fix it. As an alternative, power can be supplied through the 5VDC Micro-SUB if the proper adapter is used.
• Supply powers either 12-24VDC or 5VDC micro-USB input port. The device cannot
be operated by both power inputs together.
• Always remove the micro-USB cable horizontally and gently. Incorrect removal
could cause damage to the USB port.
• The output voltage of micro-USB power adaptor cannot exceed 5VDC @500mA
• The interface must be installed securely in a fixed position which allows a steady
and level USB input.
• Do not install the interface in metal cases as it may affect the radio signal
• Install the device on the fixed mounting, e.g wall.
• Avoid dust and water, which may damage the device.
• The DCT2RTS interface and Z-WAVE2RTS interface are for internal use only.
• Do not disassemble the unit.
Damaged electric products and batteries should not be disposed of with normal household waste. Make sure to drop them in specially provided containers or at an authorized organization that will ensure they are recycled.
4.1 Z-Wave command Class
6. Technical specification
5. Switch compatibility table
Momentary switch (Default mode): It is only on when the button is pressed. As soon as you release the button, the circuit is opened.
Fixed position switch: An on/off switch that rocks when pressed, which means one side of the switch is raised while the other side is depressed much like a rocking horse rocking back and forth.
# If button pressed over 5 minutes, STOP command will not send. ^ Other option: Press then release UP and DOWN together (~1 sec) * Each tilting increment is by 0.5 sec/step.
Fig.3 Home automation system directs connect to DCT2RTS interface wiring
Fig.4 Z-Wave2RTS interface requires power supply only
3rd parties home automation system
fig.5 fig.6
1. Include/Exclude ZWAVE network
Press the ZWAVE_PROG button for 3 times.
ZWave2RTS interface send signals to Zwave Hub for Include/Exclude action. Z-WAVE LED blinks indicating that the Z-Wave2RTS interface has been removed from (not joined) the Z-WAVE network. Z-WAVE LED turns OFF indicating that the Z-Wave2RTS interface is added the Z-WAVE network.
2. RTS Output Control (Control RTS motors via Zwave Hub)
Binary Switch Set (0xFF) The blind goes UP.
Binary Switch Set (0x00) The blind goes Down.
Note: Multi Channel CMD ENCAP V4 Command.
3. MultiChannel Association / Association (Control RTS motors via DCT switch)
Group 1 supports 1 node / EndPoint
Report ZWave2RTS interface address to ZWAVE Hub (node) after reset.
Group 2 supports 5 nodes / EndPoints
Report DCT status to Hub (node) when DCT port is triggered. The DCT status feedback send to Hub automatically. If EndPoint is defined, it will be use MultiChannel Command to report the DCT status
4. RESET Zwave module to factory mode
Press and hold the ZWAVE_PROG button for 3 seconds after power ON to the ZWave2RTS interface. All Z-Wave data will be cleared and return to the Inclusion mode
5. Repeater function
ZWave2RTS inter
face supports standard repeater function for routing (include FLiRS devices).
6. OTA function
ZWave2RTS gateway supports Over The Air (OTA) to upgrade firmware.
Fixed position switch Momentary switch
UP Press UP Press then release UP
DOWN Press DOWN Press then release UP
STOP Press either UP or Down over
2 sec than release#
Toggle either UP or Down button^
Tilt UP* NA Press UP
Tilt DOWN* NA Press DOWN
Item Value Remark
Input voltage (DC input port)
12VDC – 24VDC Main power to
DCT2RTS interface or Z-WAVE2RTS interface
Input voltage (Micro-USB port)
5VDC *Optional
Operating current 200mA(max)
Dry contact input (DCT) voltage
5VDC – 24VDC Logic HIGH (VDC)
triggers action. Logic LOW (0V) clears action.
RTS radio frequency Range distance No of channel No of channel
433.42MHz 20m with 2 concrete walls 5 8
For DCT2RTS interface (ch1-5) For Z-Wave2RTS interface (ch1-8)
Z-Wave radio frequency Range of distance
868.4 MHz 20m in indoor
Operating Temperature 0°c to 50°c
Dimension (without cover) Dimension (with cover)
125mm(L) x 88mm(W) x 30mm(H) 125mm(L) x 105mm(W) x 32mm (H)
Weight Z-Wave2RTS 138g
DCT2RTS 134g
DC power 12-24VDC DC power transformer