Sokkia Axis 3 Operation Manual

GPS Receiver System
 Axis
Operations Manual
Part Number 750-1-0060 Rev 2
Copyright Notice
reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of POINT, Inc. Y our rights with regard to this publication and the equipment are subject to the restrictions and limitations imposed by the copyright laws of the United States of America (“U.S.A.”) and/or the jurisdiction in which you are located.
Trademark No tice Sokkia is a trademark of Sokkia Co. Ltd.
All other product and brand names ar e tradema rks or re gistered trademarks of their respective holders.
FCC Notice
The equipment described in this manual has been tested pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device for use in commercial business, and industrial environments. Operation is subject to the following two condit ions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interfe r en c e, and (2) th is devi ce must acc ept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. The equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio and television reception. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
If this equipment does cause interference to radio or television reception, which can be determin ed by tur ning the equipment of f a nd on, you ca n try t o correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient the receiving antenna.
Relocate the receiver relative to the equipment which it interferes.
Power the equipment from a different AC receptacle so that this equipment and the interfered equipment are on differ ent branch cir cuits. If necessary, contact our customer service department or an authorized representative for additional advice.
750-1-006 0 Rev 2 October 16, 2000
POINT, Inc.—Advanced Measurement Solutions from Sokkia and NovAtel
Chapter 1 Welcome................................................... 1
1.1 Ports and Icons............................................................... 1
1.2 Notes, Cautions, and Warnings................................... 1
1.3 Obtaining Technical Support ....................................... 2
Chapter 2 Introduction.............................................. 5
2.1 Understanding GPS....................................................... 5
2.1.1 How it Works ...................................................... 5
2.1.2 GPS Services ........................................... ............. 6
2.1.3 DGPS Format, GPS Standard............................ 6
2.2 Differential GPS.............................................................. 7
2.2.1 How it Works ...................................................... 7
2.2.2 Real-Time DGPS.................................................. 7
2.3 OmniSTAR Worldwide DGPS Service ....................... 7
2.3.1 OmniSTAR signal information......................... 8
2.3.2 OmniSTAR Reception and DGPS..................... 8 Activating the OmniSTAR Service.............9 Over-Air Subscription Activation.............10
2.4 Radio Beacon Service........................................ ...... ..... 11
2.4.1 Radiobeacon Range .......................................... 11
2.4.2 Radiobeacon Messages..................................... 12
2.4.3 Radiobeacon Coverage..................................... 13
2.5 Radio Beacon Position Accuracy............................... 14
2.5.1 Proximity............................................................ 14
2.5.2 Latency ............................................................... 15
2.5.3 Ionospheric Errors ............................................ 15
2.5.4 Satellites Visible ................................................ 16
2.5.5 MultiPath ........................................................... 16
2.6 Using WAAS................................................................. 16
2.6.1 Wide Area Augmentation System .....................
2.6.2 WAAS reception and DGPS ............................17
2.7 Axis
2.8 Axis
Chapter 3 Receiver Set Up......................................19
3.1 Receiver Layout and Connections.............................19
3.1.1 Connecting Cables ............................................20
3.1.2 Communication.................................................21
3.2 Install ing the Axis
3.2.1 Environmental Considerations .......................22
3.2.2 Connecting Power............................................. 22
3.3 Axis
Antenna Guidelines..........................................22
3.3.1 Placing Antenna for Optimal Reception........ 23
3.3.2 Routing and Securing the Antenna Cable.....23
3.3.3 Connecting the Axis
3.4 Installing the Data Collector.......................................24
3.5 Preparing for Operation..............................................24
Chapter 4 Axis 3 Operation......................................27
4.1 Locating Satellites.........................................................27
4.2 Interpreting LED Indicators........................................28
4.2.1 Other LED Conditions (OmniSTAR)..............29
4.3 Understanding Settings............................................... 29
4.3.1 Default Configuration ......................................30
4.4 Beacon Tune Mode.......................................................30
4.4.1 Using ABS Mode...............................................31
4.4.2 Using Manual Mode......................................... 32
4.5 Beacon Performance - SNR Reading .........................32
4.6 DGPS Performance................................. ...... ................ 33
ii Axis ABS Global Search ......................................31 ABS Background Sear ch.............................31
Appendix A Troubleshooting.....................................35
Appendix B Specifications.........................................36
Appendix C Frequently Asked Questions ................41
Chapter 1 Welcome
Welcome to the Axis 3 Operations Manual and congratulations on purchasing this high performance GPS product from Sokkia. The purpose of this manual is to familiarize you with the proper installation, configuration, and operation of your new
receiver. The Axis receiver with flexible real-time solutions. This integrated product is designed to provide positioning by using corrections from its internal beacon, differential satellite and W AAS sensors to function in a wide array of applications and environments.
Compact, lightweight, yet rugged, the Axis provide you with years of reliable operation.
1.1 Ports and Icons
is a high perf ormance 12-channel GPS
receiver will
This icon is the symbol for power and identifies the power port, which is located on the rear panel of the Axis receiver. The power port is also referred to in this docu
ment as PWR.
This icon is the symbol for communications and identifies the communications port, which is located on the rear panel of the Axis receiver. The communications port is also referred to in this document as COM.
This icon is the symbol for antenna and identifies the antenna port, which is located on the rear panel of the Axis receiver. The antenna port is also referred to in this
document as RF.
1.2 Notes, Cautions, and Warnings
Notes, Cautions, and Warnings stress importan t inform a tio n
Chapter 1 Welcome
regarding the installation, configuration, and operation of the
* Note: Notes outline important information of a general
Cautions inform of possible sources of difficulty or situations that may cause damage to the product.
Warnings inform of situations that may cause you harm.
1.3 Obtaining T echnical Support
When contacting customer support, please ensure the following information is available: the product mode l, serial number and a concise description of the problem.
Welcome Chapter 1
Sokkia Corp. 1050 Stacey Court Mississauga, Ontari o L4W 2X8 Phone +1-905-238 -5810 Fax +1-905-238-9383
Sokkia Pty. Ltd. Rydalmere Metro Centre Unit 29,38-46 South Street Rydalmere NSW 2116 Australia Phone +61-2-9638 -0055 Fax +61-2-9638-3933
Sokkia Ltd. Datum House, Electra Way Crewe Business Park Crewe, Cheshire, CW1 6ZT United Kingdom Phone +44-1270-2 5.0 5. 11 Fax +44-1270-25.05.33
Sokkia Corporation 16900 W. 118th Terrace P.O. Box 726 Olathe, KS 66061 Phone +1(913) 492-4 900 Fax +1(913) 492-0188
Sokkia Singapore Pte. Ltd. 401 Commonwealth Dr ive #06-01 Haw Par Technocentre Singapore 149598 Phone +65-479-3966 Fax +65-479-4966
Sokkia RSA Pty. Ltd. P.O. Box 7998 Centurion, 0046 Republic of South Africa Phone +27-12-663 -7999 Fax +27-12-663-7998
Sokkia B.V. Businesspark De Vaart Damsluisw eg 1, 1332 EA Almere P.O. Box 1292, 1300 BG Al mere The Netherlands Phone +31-36-53.22. 880 Fax +31-36-53.26.241
New Zealand
Sokkia New Zealand 20 Constellation Drive Mairangi Bay, C.P.O. Box 4464, Auckland 10 New Zealand Phone +64-9-479-3 064 Fax +64-9-479-3066
Central & South America
Sokkia Central & South America 1200 N.W. 78 Avenue Suite 109 Miami, FL USA 33126 Phone +1-305-599 -4701 Fax +1-305-599-4703
Welcome Chapter 1
Chapter 2 Introduction
This chapter provides a brief overview of the Global Positioning System (GPS), differential GPS (DGP S), bea con and
satellite differential and a description of th e Axis antenna, and accessories.
2.1 Understanding GPS
The United States Department of Defense (DoD) operates a reliable, 24 hour, all-weather GPS.
Navstar , the original name given to this geographic positioning and navigation tool, in clud es a constellation of 24 satellites (plus active spares) orbiting the Earth at an altitude of
approximately 22,000 km.
* Note: Selective Availability, SA, was turned off in May 2000.
The ini t ial intent of the Dep a rtment of Defense wa s t o have the ability to degrade the quality of the GPS signal for all non-military users. The resulting positioning accuracy with SA on is from a few meters to 100 meters, however with SA off the positioning accuracy is approxima tely two to five meters. If there is an immediate danger perceived to the USA, SA may be turned on without review.
2.1.1 How it Works
GPS satellites transmit cod e d i nf ormation to GPS users at UHF (1.575 GHz) frequencies that allows user equipment to calculate a range to each satellite. GPS is essentially a timing system ­ranges are calculated by timing how long it takes for the GPS signal to reach the users GPS antenna.
Chapter 2 Introduction
To calculate a geographic position, the GPS receiver uses a complex algorithm incorporating satellite coordinates a nd ranges to each satellite. Reception of any four or more of these signals allows a GPS receiver to compute 3D coordinates. Tracking of only three satellites reduces the positio n f ix to 2 D coordinates (horizontal with fixed vertical).
2.1.2 GPS Services
The positioning accuracy offered by GPS varies depending upon the type of service and equipment available. For security reasons, two GPS services exist: the Standard Positioning Service (SPS) and the Precise Positioning Service (PPS). The US DoD reserves the PPS for use by its personnel and authorized partners. The DoD provides the SPS free of charge, worldwide, to all civilian users.
For many positioning and navigation applications, stand-alone or autonomous accuracy i s insufficient, and differential positioning techniques must be employed.
2.1.3 DGPS Format, GPS Standard
For manufacturers of GPS equipment, commonality is essential to maximize the utility and compa tibility of a product. The governing standard associated with GPS is the Interface Control Document, ICD-GPS-200, maintained by the US DoD. This document provides the message and signal structure information required to access GPS.
Like GPS, DGPS data and broadcast standards exist to ensure compatibility between DGPS networks and associa ted hardw are and soft ware. The Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services Special Committee 104 has developed the primary DGPS standard associated with radiobeacon DGPS, designated RTCM SC-104 V2.2.
Introduction Ch apte r 2
2.2 Differential GPS
The purpose of DGPS is to remove the effects of atmospheric errors, timing errors, and satellite orbit errors, while enhancing system integrity.
2.2.1 How it Works
DGPS involves setting up a reference GPS receiver at a point of known coordinates. This receiver makes distance measurements, in real-time, to each of the GPS satellites. The measured ranges include the erro rs present in the system. The base station receiver calculates what the true range should be, without errors, knowing its coordinates and those of each satellite. The difference between the known and measured range for each satellite is the range error. This error is the amount that needs to be removed from each sa tellite distance measurement in order to correct for errors present in the system.
2.2.2 Real-Time DGPS
The base station transmits the range error corrections to remote receivers in real-time. The remote receiver corrects its satellite range measurements using these differential corrections, yielding a much more accurate position. This is the predominant DGPS strategy used for a majority of real-time applications. Positi oning using corrections generated by DGPS radiobeacons will provide a horizontal accuracy of one to five meters with a 95% confidence.
2.3 OmniSTAR Worldwide DGPS Service
OmniST AR DGPS corrections to subscribers of the system through a geostationary satellite signal.
is a worldwide terrestrial service that provides
Chapter 2 Introduction
2.3.1 OmniSTAR signal information
The OmniST AR satellite correction is a line-of-sight UHF signal similar to the GPS sig nal. Various L-Band communication s satellites are used for transmitting the correction data to OmniSTAR users around the world. The OmniSTAR signal can be used where beacon signals are not available.
The OmniSTAR service uses geostationary satellites (satellites that remain stationary in relation to the earth) for communication. The elevation angle to these satellites is dependent upon latitude. OmniSTAR provides differential coverage over most of the land areas of the globe, with the exception of some areas beyond 60 degrees South Latitude. However, even within the coverage areas, the user must have a clear line-of-sight to the satelli te.
2.3.2 OmniSTAR Reception and DGPS
The OmniSTAR network functions as a wide-area DGPS service. The information broadcast by the service is based on a network of strategic reference stations. The reference stat ions communicate GPS correction data to control centers where it is decoded, checked, and repacka ged into a proprietar y format for transmission to a geostationary L-ba nd communications satellite. This correction data is rebroadcast to the Earth over a large area where an L-band differential receiver demodulates the data.
The Axis signal specific to your location . The resultin g corrections are similar to those calculated if a reference station was set up at
receiver will process corrections from the wi de-area
your location. This type of solution ensures a consistent level of accuracy across the entire coverage area.
The OmniSTAR signal is a proprietary wide-area signal (not RTCM SC-104) with specialized geographically independent formats. Positioning accuracy will not degrade based on the distance to a base station. The data is composed of information
Introduction Ch apte r 2
from an entire network as opposed to a single base station. When the signal is demodulated by a DGPS receiver, it is converted to a local-area format (standard RTCM SC-104, message Type 1) for input.
The Axis
L-Band receiver uses a feature called a Virtual Base Station (VBS) when processing the OmniSTAR wide-area signal. The resulting corrections are those th at woul d be applied if a reference station were set up at your present location. This provides consistent accuracy levels across the coverage area.
* Note: The GPS receiver inside the Axis
provides position
information to the L-Band receiver for VBS calculations. Activating the OmniSTAR Service
To use OmniSTAR, you must know your receivers internal L­band receiver number. This number can be found on the silver tag located on the bottom of the receiver.
You can contact the OmniST AR of fice closest to your location to receive a subscription.
Location Phone Number Fax Number
North America +1-888-883-8476 +1-713-780-9408 Europe/North America +31-70-311-1151 +31-71-581-4719 Asia, Australia, New
Zealand, South Africa Central American,
South America
+61-89-322-5295 +61-8-9322-4164
+1-713-785-5850 +1-713-780-9408
Chapter 2 Introduction Over-Air Subscription Activation
After you contact OmniSTAR, your subscription can be
activated on your Axis
receiver over the air. The internal DGPS receiver will automatically lock on to the signal even if your subscription has not been ac tivated, however it is of no use to you until your subscription is activated.
When you power on the receiver, you must have the antenna in a location with an unobstructed view of the sky. The subscription activation will be transmitted over the air and received by the internal L-band DGPS receiver.
To confirm you have a valid and active OmniSTAR subscription, refer to your data collection software reference manual.
10 Axis
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