SMA SB 2800i User Manual

Sunny Boy 2800i
String Inverter Sunny Boy 2800i
The New Generation of PV System Technology
Operating Instruction
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2 Safety Instructions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3 Device Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.2 Device Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.3 Operating States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.4 Status Messages on the Optional Display 23
3.5 Configuration of the Display Language . . 26
4 Servicing and Maitenance . . . . . . . . 27
5 Upgrading your Sunny Boy . . . . . . . 29
5.1 User Interface under Windows . . . . . . . . 30
6 Technical Documentation. . . . . . . . . 31
6.1 Data PV Generator Connection. . . . . . . . 31
6.2 Data Grid Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
6.3 General Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
6.4 Measurement Channels and Messages . . 34
6.5 Declaration of Conformity (CE) . . . . . . . 40
6.6 Unbedenklichkeitsbescheinigung. . . . . . . 41
7 Glossary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
8 Contact. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Revision History
Document number Changes Author
SB2800i-11:FE0504 First Issue Siebert
Operating Instructions
SMA Regelsysteme GmbH SB2800i-11:FE0504
Operating Instructions Introduction


You have decided to use one of the most advanced devices for modular PV system technology by purchasing a Sunny Boy 2800i. The Sunny Boy 2800i convinces with its outstanding qualities concerning efficiency and reliability.
The Sunny Boys comply with all regulations from the VDEW (Association of German Electricity Producers) for supplementary grid feeding to the low voltage electricity grid of the utility. This includes the regulations of the employee association (Berufsgenossenschaft für Feinmechanik und Elektrotechnik) concerning the „ Independent Disconnection Device“ known as MSD (Mains monitoring device with allocated Switching Devices) and the regulations of the DIN VDE 0126. Furthermore the Sunny Boy complies with the according harmonized standards and the low voltage regulations as certified in the CE declaration (see chapter 6.5 „Declaration of Conformity (CE)” (page 40)).
This document contains the „ Operating Instructions“ of the Sunny Boy 2800i. They are meant as guidelines on how to use all functions of the Sunny Boy 2800i optimally and how you can extend your existing PV-plant.
This part of device documentation especially deals with those topics that are relevant to the operation of the Sunny Boy 2800i. For the installation of the Sunny Boy 2800i please have a look at the „ Installation Guide“.
Sunny Boy 2800i
The Sunny Boy 2800i is especially designed for indoor usage. It is equipped with an internal fan for active cooling.
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Introduction Operating Instructions
4 SMA Regelsysteme GmbH SB2800i-11:FE0504
Operating Instructions Safety Instructions

2Safety Instructions

Opening the device and by that
the electrical installation,
the repair or
•the modification
of the Sunny Boy 2800i may only be done by a qualified technician. Even if there are no external voltages on the device there may be high voltages that are hazardous to touch.
The temperature of individual parts of the enclosure of the Sun­ny Boy 2800i – especially the heat sinks – can reach 85 °C even in normal operation. There is a danger of burning yourself when touching the Sunny Boy.
The Sunny Boy 2800i is equipped with the anti-islanding unit „SMA grid guard“. The Sunny Boy 2800i therefore complies with the VDEW guidelines for grid interactive inverters and the DIN VDE 0126 (4.99) specified in this regulation.
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Safety Instructions Operating Instructions
6 SMA Regelsysteme GmbH SB2800i-11:FE0504
Operating Instructions Device Description

3Device Description

3.1 Application of the Sunny Boy

The Sunny Boy 2800i is used in order to convert DC power from photovoltaic modules to AC voltage and subsequently feed this to the grid. The technical data is specified in chapter 6 „Technical Documentation” (page 31) of this document.

Fig. 3.1: Basic Principle of an Utility Interactive PV Plant

Usage of the Sunny Boy 2800i in any applications different from this will void the warranty.
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Device Description Operating Instructions

3.2 Device Design

We have focused on a simple functional design when we developed the Sunny Boy string inverters. In its basic design the Sunny Boy 2800i does not need more than three LEDs for status display. A display unit is available. The display can be already installed when your Sunny Boy is delivered as well as it can be additionally installed later.
The Sunny Boy 2800i will operate fully automatically without any modification or configuration as long as it is installed and commissioned according to the technical specifications. It can nevertheless be modified in terms of operating parameters if necessary. An additional communication interface is required for this, which also can be used in order to acquire operating data for performance evaluation. Please have a look at chapter 5 „Upgrading your Sunny Boy” (page 29) for details.

Fig. 3.1: Block circuit diagram of the Sunny Boy 2800i

Due to this design the specific costs are kept low and system management can be optimized.
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Operating Instructions Device Description
All connections to the PV strings and the public grid as well as the optional communication cables are on the bottom of the Sunny Boy 2800i.
Snap Cable
Snap Cable
Opening for optional
communication via RS232 or
RS485 (for PG 16)

Fig. 3.2: Bottom view of the Sunny Boy 2800i

AC Plug for
grid connection
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Device Description Operating Instructions

3.3 Operating States

The different operating states are displayed with three LEDs in the lid of the Sunny Boy 2800i.
Especially in the first year after installation the operator of the plant should regularly have a look at this display at different times of the day and with different irradiation.
You will find a complete description of all signal codes in chapter 3.3.4 „ Description of Operating States” (page 14). The operating states can be divided into three categories:
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Operating Instructions Device Description

3.3.1 Normal Operating States

As long as no LEDs or only the green LED is on blinking, the Sunny Boy 2800i is in one of its normal operating states. If all three LEDs are on, the inverter is in its initialization phase which is a normal operating state as well. All other signals indicate a disturbed operating state.
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Device Description Operating Instructions

3.3.2 Critical Failure States

Due to a comprehensive safety concept, the number of critical operating states could be reduced to one:
Input voltage exceeding specification
This is shown with the following blinking code of the yellow LED:
When failure occurs, the yellow failure LED is on for five seconds and then starts to send the blinking code by remaining off for three seconds and blinking four times in short intervals. The code is sent three times. If the failure persists the code is repeated.
Immediately disconnect the PV generator from the inverter! The Sunny Boy can otherwise be severly damaged.
12 SMA Regelsysteme GmbH SB2800i-11:FE0504
Operating Instructions Device Description

3.3.3 Uncritical Failure States

All other signaling codes show uncritical operating states. These normally do not mean any high danger of people or device, but their cause must be found and removed immediately in order to avoid yield losses.
Despite all the necessary precaution it is possible that there are additional faults which can not be signaled (e. g. failure of the status display). To be able to detect such failures as well, the operator should check the display of normal operating states for plausibility based on the explanations given in chapter 3.3.4 „Description of Operating States” (page 14). For example if the green LED is on in the middle of the night, this means as much a failure as if no LED is on in full sunlight.
You can diagnose the states in much more detail with one of the communication interfaces described in chapter 5 „Upgrading your Sunny Boy” (page 29).
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+ 35 hidden pages