SMA CLCON-10, CLCON-S-10 Installation Manual

ClusterController-IA-en-15 | Version 1.5
Legal Provisions
SMA Solar Technology AG
Legal Provisions
The information contained in these documents is property of SMA Solar Technology AG. Any publication, whether in whole or in part, requires prior written approval by SMA Solar Technology AG. Internal reproduction used solely for the purpose of product evaluation or other proper use is allowed and does not require prior approval.
SMA Warranty
You can download the current warranty conditions from the Internet at
Software Licenses
The licenses for the software modules used with this product can be found on the supplied CD.
All trademarks are recognized, even if not explicitly identified as such. A lack of identification does not mean that a product or symbol is not trademarked.
The BLUETOOTH® word mark and logos are registered trademarks of BluetoothSIG,Inc. and any use of these marks by SMASolarTechnologyAG is under license.
Modbus® is a registered trademark of Schneider Electric and is licensed by the Modbus Organization, Inc.
QR Code is a registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED. Phillips® and Pozidriv® are registered trademarks of Phillips Screw Company. Torx® is a registered trademark of Acument Global Technologies, Inc.
Sonnenallee 1 34266 Niestetal Germany Tel. +49 561 9522-0 Fax +49 561 9522-100 E-mail: © 2004 to 2015SMASolarTechnologyAG. All rights reserved.
Installation ManualClusterController-IA-en-152
SMA Solar Technology AG
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1 Information on this Document ................................................. 6
1.1 Validity................................................................................................ 6
1.2 Target group....................................................................................... 6
1.3 Additional Information....................................................................... 6
1.4 Symbols .............................................................................................. 6
1.5 Typographies...................................................................................... 7
1.6 Nomenclature..................................................................................... 7
2 Safety......................................................................................... 8
2.1 Intended Use ...................................................................................... 8
2.2 Safety Information.............................................................................. 8
2.3 Supported Products............................................................................ 9
2.4 System Requirements ......................................................................... 10
3 Scope of Delivery...................................................................... 11
4 Product Description................................................................... 12
4.1 Cluster Controller ............................................................................... 12
4.2 Type Label .......................................................................................... 17
4.3 LEDs..................................................................................................... 18
4.4 Display................................................................................................ 19
4.5 Keypad ............................................................................................... 20
5 Mounting ................................................................................... 22
5.1 Requirements for Mounting ............................................................... 22
5.2 Mounting the Cluster Controller........................................................ 23
6 Connection and Commissioning .............................................. 25
6.1 Overview of the Connection Area .................................................... 25
6.2 Functions of the Terminals and Pin Groups ...................................... 26
6.3 Cable Requirements........................................................................... 28
6.4 Performing Pin Coding....................................................................... 29
6.5 Preparing Connection Cables for Connection to Multipole Plugs .. 30
6.6 Connecting the Cluster Controller to the Voltage Supply................ 32
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Table of Contents
SMA Solar Technology AG
6.7 Checking and Setting the Cluster Controller System Time............... 35
6.8 Connecting the Cluster Controller to a Speedwire Network .......... 36
6.9 Connecting the Cluster Controller to the LAN.................................. 38
6.10 Connecting USB Data Carriers to the Cluster Controller................. 39
6.11 Connecting Sensors to the Cluster Controller................................... 40
6.11.1 Connecting the Temperature Sensor............................................. 40
6.11.2 Connecting an Irradiation Sensor................................................. 43
6.11.3 Connecting Additional Sensors..................................................... 44
6.12 Connections for Grid Management Services................................... 47
6.12.1 Options for Implementing Grid Management Service Setpoints 47
6.12.2 Digital Setpoint Signal ................................................................... 48 Connection Options ................................................................ 48 Connecting a Signal Source to a Digital Input for Active
Power Limitation....................................................................... Connecting a Signal Source to a Digital Input for Reactive
Power Setpoint......................................................................... Digital Signal Setpoint when Using Multiple Cluster
6.12.3 Analog Setpoint Signal.................................................................. 54 Connecting a Signal Source to an Analog Input for Active
Power Limitation....................................................................... Connecting a Signal Source to an Analog Input for
Reactive Power Setpoint.......................................................... Analog Setpoint Signal when Using Multiple Cluster
6.12.4 Setpoint via Modbus Client........................................................... 57
6.12.5 Feedback of the Cluster Controller ............................................... 57 Feedback Options................................................................... 57 Connecting a Remote Terminal for Feedback via Digital
Signal ....................................................................................... Connecting a Remote Terminal for Feedback via Analog
Signal ....................................................................................... Feedback When Using Multiple Cluster Controllers............. 63
6.13 Checking the Connections via the Display....................................... 64
6.14 Configuring a Static LAN................................................................... 65
6.15 Setting Up a Modbus Data Connection........................................... 65
7 Troubleshooting ........................................................................ 66
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Table of Contents
7.1 LED States........................................................................................... 66
7.1.1 Operation LEDs.............................................................................. 66
7.1.2 Network Port LEDs ......................................................................... 69
7.2 Errors in the Cluster Controller or the Connected Devices .............. 70
7.3 Resetting the Cluster Controller ......................................................... 74
8 Decommissioning...................................................................... 76
8.1 Disassembling the Cluster Controller ................................................ 76
8.2 Packing the Product for Shipment ..................................................... 76
8.3 Disposing of the Product.................................................................... 77
9 Technical Data........................................................................... 78
10 Accessories................................................................................ 82
11 Contact....................................................................................... 83
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1 Information on this Document

SMA Solar Technology AG
1 Information on this Document

1.1 Validity

This document is valid for the SMAClusterController (models "CLCON-10" and "CLCON-S-10") from hardware versionA1 and from firmware version1.03.xx.R.

1.2 Target group

The tasks described in this document must only be performed by qualified persons. Qualified persons must have the following skills:
• Training in the installation and configuration of IT systems
• Knowledge of how an inverter works and is operated
• Training in how to deal with the dangers and risks associated with installing and using electrical devices and installations
• Training in the installation and commissioning of electrical devices and installations
• Knowledge of the applicable standards and directives
• Knowledge of and compliance with this document and all safety information

1.3 Additional Information

Links to additional information can be found at
Document title Document type
"SMASPEEDWIRE FIELDBUS" Technical Information

1.4 Symbols

Symbol Explanation
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, can result in death or serious injury
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, can result in minor or moderate injury
Indicates a situation which, if not avoided, can result in property damage
Information that is important for a specific topic or goal, but is not safety-relevant
Indicates a requirement for meeting a specific goal
Desired result
A problem that might occur
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1 Information on this Document

1.5 Typographies

Typography Use Example
[Button] [Key]
• Display texts
• Elements on a user interface
• Terminals
• Elements to be selected
• Elements to be entered
• Connects several elements to be selected
• Button or key to be selected or pressed
• The value can be found in the field Energy.
• Select Settings.
• Enter 10 in the field Minutes.
• Select Settings > Date.
• Select [Next].

1.6 Nomenclature

Complete designation Designation in this document
Large-scale PV power plant PV system PV inverter Inverter SMAClusterController ClusterController SMA Energy Meter Energy Meter
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2 Safety

SMA Solar Technology AG
2 Safety

2.1 Intended Use

The ClusterController is a device for monitoring and controlling SMAinverters with Speedwire/ Webconnect interfaces in decentralized PV systems and large-scale PV power plants.
The ClusterController is an ITE classA device as per EN55022 and is designed for industrial use. The product is designed for indoor use only. Use this product only in accordance with the information provided in the enclosed documentation
and with the locally applicable standards and directives. Any other application may cause personal injury or property damage.
Alterations to the product, e.g. changes or modifications, are only permitted with the express written permission of SMA Solar Technology AG. Unauthorized alterations will void guarantee and warranty claims and in most cases terminate the operating license. SMA Solar Technology AG shall not be held liable for any damage caused by such changes.
Any use of the product other than that described in the Intended Use section does not qualify as appropriate.
The enclosed documentation is an integral part of this product. Keep the documentation in a convenient place for future reference and observe all instructions contained therein.
The type label must remain permanently attached to the product.

2.2 Safety Information

This section contains safety information that must be observed at all times when working on or with the product.
To prevent personal injury and property damage and to ensure long-term operation of the product, read this section carefully and observe all safety information at all times.
Danger to life due to electric shock from touching an ungrounded product
Touching an ungrounded product can cause a lethal electric shock.
• Ensure that the product is integrated in the existing overvoltage protection.
• Ground the enclosure of the product.
Damage to the product due to moisture
The product is not splash-proof (IP20). Moisture can penetrate the product and damage it.
• Only use the product in a dry, indoor environment.
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2.3 Supported Products

SMA Products
Availability of SMA products in your country
Not all SMA products are available in all countries. For information on whether an SMA product is available in your country, visit the website of your country's SMA subsidiary at or contact your distributor.
The ClusterController can establish a connection to and display data on the following SMA products that are equipped with Speedwire communication:
• All inverters with integrated or retrofitted Speedwire/Webconnect interface Information on whether an inverter has an integrated Speedwire/Webconnect interface or can
be retrofitted with a Speedwire/Webconnect interface can be found on the inverter product page at
Other products:
• SunnyPortal
• SMA Energy Meter
• SMAFuelSaveController
• SMAGridGate of device type "GRIDGATE-20" from firmware version1.0
• SMAPowerPlantController
Products from Other Manufacturers
2 Safety
• Irradiation sensors that can output a current signal in the range from 0mAto20mA
• Temperature sensors with a Pt100 measuring shunt or a Pt1000 measuring shunt
• Other sensors that can output a current signal in the range from 0mAto20mA or a voltage signal in the range from −10V to+10V
Signal receivers and digital and analog signal sources:
• Signal sources with relay contacts
• Signal sources that provide digital output signals
• Signal sources that can output current signals in the range from 0mA to 20mA
• Signal sources that can output voltage signals in the range from −10V to+10 V
• Signal receivers that can process current signals in the range from 0mA to 20mA
Routers and network switches:
• Routers and network switches for Fast Ethernet with a data transfer rate of at least 100Mbit/s All network components used must support the IGMP version 1 protocol (IGMPv1).
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2 Safety
Power supply units:
In addition to the top-hat rail power supply unit offered as an accessory (see Section10, page82 ), the ClusterController supports power supply units with the following properties:
• Maximum output current including short circuit: 8A
• Maximum output apparent power: 100VA
• DC output voltage: 24V
• Nominal current: minimum 1.8A
SMA Solar Technology AG

2.4 System Requirements

Supported web browsers:
☐ MicrosoftInternetExplorer from version8 ☐ MozillaFirefox from version3.6
Recommended display resolution:
☐ Minimum 1,024pixelsx768pixels
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3 Scope of Delivery

3 Scope of Delivery
Check the scope of delivery for completeness and any externally visible damage. Contact your distributor if the scope of delivery is incomplete or damaged.
Figure 1: Components included in the scope of delivery
Position Quantity Designation
A 1 ClusterController B 1 Three-pole plug C 1 Two-pole plug* D 2 Five-pole plug E 8 Six-pole plug** F 2 Eight-pole plug G 2 Coding element H 20 Cable tie with caption field I 8 Shield clamp with ring terminal lug K 1 Ring terminal lug L 1 Fastening screw M 2 Washer N 1 Tooth lock washer O 1 Split lock washer P 1 CD with product documentation Q 1 Quick reference guide for commissioning and supplementary sheet
for noting down connected devices
* Reserved for future applications. Keep the plug in a safe place.
** Two of the eight plugs are reserved for future applications. Keep the twoplugs in a safe place.
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4 Product Description

SMA Solar Technology AG
4 Product Description
4.1 ClusterController
The ClusterController is a device for monitoring and controlling SMAinverters with Speedwire/ Webconnect interfaces in decentralized PV systems and large-scale PV power plants.
The ClusterController primarily performs the following tasks:
• Set-up of the Speedwire network
• Reading out, provision and administration of PV system data
• Configuring device parameters
• Feedback on current total active power of the system
• Implementation and feedback of grid operator setpoints for active power limitation and reactive power operation under grid management services
• Implementation and feedback of setpoints for active power limitation when PV electricity is directly marketed
• Sending e-mail alarms in the event of critical system statuses
• Sending the system data to an FTP server and/or the SunnyPortal Internet portal
• Performing updates for the ClusterController and the inverters
Figure 2: Design of the ClusterController
Position Designation
A LEDs B Connection areas C Keypad D Display
Reading out, provision and administration of PV system data
The ClusterController is the central communication unit for the system and continuously reads out the data of the devices in the system (e.g. inverters, sensors). The ClusterController then makes this system data available via the display, user interface and Modbus data interface. In addition, the PV system data can be displayed, evaluated and managed using Sunny Portal.
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4 Product Description
Configuring device parameters
You can configure specific parameters of individual devices or entire device classes via the user interface of the ClusterController. You must be logged into the user group Installer on the ClusterController. The device parameters that can be configured, if any, depend on the device and the rights of the user group. You may only change grid-sensitive device parameters (SMAGridGuard parameters) with the approval of the grid operator and using your personal SMAGridGuard code.
Sending e-mail alarms in the event of critical system statuses
You have the option of receiving prompt information on critical system statuses via e-mail. The ClusterController automatically sends a notification if alarm-related events occur in the system.
Feedback on current total active power of the system
You have the option of being informed of the total active power currently generated by the system via an analog current output signal.
Implementation and feedback of grid operator setpoints for active power limitation and reactive power operation under grid management services
With the ClusterController, as part of grid management services you can implement different grid operator setpoints for active power limitation and reactive power operation of your system. The ClusterController can implement the setpoints using open-loop control or closed-loop control.
For ClusterController systems without self-consumption and with direct limitation of active power feed-in, the operating mode Open-loop control is used. In this operating mode, the ClusterController can receive the setpoints either in the form of digital or analog signals, or via Modbus. The different types of signal source can be combined so that, for example, the setpoints for the active power limitation are received as digital signals and the reactive power setpoints are received as analog signals: For ClusterController systems with self-consumption, the operating mode Closed-loop control is used. In this operating mode, you can regulate the active power fed in by the system at the grid-connection point and limit it e.g. to a fixed percentage value. In agreement with your grid operator, you can use the user interface of the ClusterController to configure which setpoints of the ClusterController are to be transmitted to the connected inverters depending on the respective signal. In addition, you can use a digital response contact or an analog current output signal to inform the grid operator of the setpoints (if any) for active power limitation and reactive power operation that are currently being used in the system.
Implementation and feedback of setpoints for active power limitation when PV electricity is directly marketed
The PV current generated by your system can be directly marketed. The ClusterController can receive setpoints for active power limitation from the direct marketer as digital or analog signals or via Modbus. The "CLCON-S-10" model provides a Modbus register for sending setpoints via Modbus. The model "CLCON-10" provides two Modbus registers. The ClusterController can provide feedback about the current feed-in power of the system to the direct marketer via digital or analog signals. To avoid conflicts when different setpoints are used by the grid operator and the direct marketer, the ClusterController always implements the setpoint that more strongly limits the active power of the system.
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4 Product Description
SMA Solar Technology AG
Sending the system data to an FTP server and/or the SunnyPortal Internet portal
The ClusterController can automatically send the system data that has been read out to an arbitrary FTP server and/or the SunnyPortal Internet portal via the Internet. The ClusterController establishes the connection to the FTP server and/or SunnyPortal e.g. via a router.
Performing updates for the ClusterController and the inverters
You have the option of performing updates for the Cluster Controller and the inverters in the system. You can perform the updates automatically or manually. The update source can be the SMAUpdate Portal or a USB data carrier with update files downloaded from the Internet. Alternatively, you can also upload the update files directly from the computer via the user interface of the ClusterController.
Figure 3: Decentralized large-scale PV power plant with ClusterController and implementation of grid operator setpoints via open-loop control (example)
Position Designation
A PV Modules B Module temperature sensor C Inverter D Outside temperature sensor
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Position Designation
E Irradiation sensor F ClusterController G SunnyPortal H Router I Ripple control receiver or remote terminal unit K Grid station L Control room M Grid control room N Utility grid
4 Product Description
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4 Product Description
SMA Solar Technology AG
Figure 4: Decentralized large-scale PV power plant with ClusterController and implementation of grid operator setpoints via closed-loop control (example)
Position Designation
A PV Modules B Module temperature sensor C Inverter D Outside temperature sensor E Irradiation sensor F ClusterController G Industrial load H SunnyPortal I Router K Ripple control receiver or remote terminal unit
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SMA Solar Technology AG
Position Designation
L Energy meter M Control room N Grid control room O Grid station P Utility grid
4 Product Description

4.2 Type Label

The type label clearly identifies the product. The type label can be found on the back of the enclosure. You can read off the following data from the type label:
• Device type (Type)
• Serial Number
• Hardware version (Version)
• Model
• Device-specific characteristics
You will require the information on the type label to use the product safely and when seeking customer support from Service (see Section11 "Contact", page83).
Symbols on the Type Label
Symbol Designation Explanation
C-Tick The product complies with the require-
ments of the applicable Australian EMC standards.
CANICES-3(A)/ NMB-3(A)
IC marking The product complies with the require-
ments of the applicable Canadian EMC standards.
Indoors The product is only suitable for indoor
FCC designation The product complies with the require-
ments of the applicable FCC stan­dards.
CE marking The product complies with the require-
ments of the applicable EU directives.
Installation Manual 17ClusterController-IA-en-15
4 Product Description
Symbol Designation Explanation
WEEE designation Do not dispose of the product together
with household waste but in accor­dance with the locally applicable dis­posal regulations for electronic waste.
Data matrix code 2Dcode for device-specific character-

4.3 LEDs

Operation LEDs
LED Designation Explanation
Power LED Shows whether the ClusterController is starting or is in op-
eration (see Section7.1 "LED States", page66)
Status LED Shows the status of the ClusterController and the con-
nected devices as well as the communication status of the system and the status of the grid management services (see Section7.1 "LED States", page66)
Data carrier status LED
Shows the status of the connected USB data carrier (see Section7.1 "LED States", page66)
SMA Solar Technology AG
Network Port LEDs
Colors and functionality of the network port LEDs are not standardized
The colors and functionalities of the network port LEDs are not standardized. The colors used by SMA for the link/activity LED and the speed LED as well as the corresponding functionalities can deviate in products supplied by third-party manufacturers.
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Figure 5: Network port LEDs
4 Product Description
Position Designation Color Explanation
A Link/activity LED Green Shows the status and the activity of the network
connection (see Section7.1.2 "Network Port LEDs", page69)
B Speed LED Yellow Shows the network connection speed (see Sec-
tion7.1.2 "Network Port LEDs", page69)

4.4 Display

The display shows information on the ClusterController and the connected devices as well as the system status and the system configuration. The display contrast can be configured. The display languages are "German" and "English". You can change the display language via the ClusterController user interface.
Figure 6: ClusterController display (example)
Position Designation Explanation
A Title line Displays the title of the display view
The system time is always displayed.
B Data lines Displays text and numeric values
The numeric values for measurement or yield data are dis­played with units.
Overview of the Display Views
Display view Explanation
Start view Displayed when the ClusterController starts up; includes the current
firmware version of the ClusterController
Installation Manual 19ClusterController-IA-en-15
4 Product Description
Display view Explanation
System overview Displays the system status, the current daily yield, the nominal sys-
tem power and the current setpoints for active power and reactive power
If no button on the keypad is pressed within five minutes, the Clus-
terController switches to the display view System overview. Yield data Displays the yield data of the system System status Displays the current system status
The number of inverters detected by the ClusterController and the
status of the inverters is displayed here. ClusterController Displays the status and device information of the ClusterController
When a USB data carrier is inserted into USB port1, information on
the current memory usage of the USB data carrier will be displayed. SunnyPortal settings Displays the configured upload frequency and the date of the last
successful data upload to SunnyPortal Analog inputs Displays the analog inputs with the current level value and unit Digital inputs Displays the digital inputs in binary form
The digital inputs are summarized in two groups here. Meteorology Displays the measured values of the connected irradiation sensor
and the connected temperature sensors Active power limitation Displays the current setpoint for active power limitation with the set-
point size and the date of the last configuration change Reactive power setpoint Displays the current reactive power setpoint and the date of the last
configuration change Grid management services Displays the setpoint type and the signal sources selected via the
ClusterController user interface for the grid management services External communication Displays the settings for the LAN Speedwire Displays the settings for the Speedwire network Modbus settings Displays the Modbus settings with the activated network protocols
and the corresponding network ports Settings Enables the display contrast to be changed and the ClusterCon-
troller to be partially or fully reset (see Section7.3, page74)
SMA Solar Technology AG

4.5 Keypad

Designation Explanation
Any button Activates the display illumination Arrow buttons (◂▸▴▾) Changes display views and selects specific display lines
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Designation Explanation
[OK] [ESC] ⓘ
Confirms the selected action Cancels the selected action Opens the display view System status
4 Product Description
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5 Mounting

SMA Solar Technology AG
5 Mounting

5.1 Requirements for Mounting

Requirements for the mounting location:
Product can cause radio interference in living areas
The product is a device of ITE class A (EN55022) and can cause radio interference in living areas.
• Take suitable measures for shielding radio waves when the ClusterController is used in the vicinity of living areas.
☐ The mounting location must be indoors. ☐ The ambient conditions at the mounting location must be suitable for the operation of the
ClusterController (see Section9, page78).
☐ The mounting location must be protected against dust, moisture and corrosive substances.
Maximum permitted cable lengths:
☐ Observe the maximum cable length of 100 m each between any two nodes in the Speedwire
network and in the LAN.
☐ When connecting a digital or analog signal source (e.g. remote terminal unit, ripple control
receiver), observe the maximum cable length of 30 m from the ClusterController to the signal source.
☐ When connecting a temperature sensor using the four-conductor connection technology,
observe the maximum cable length of 20 m from the ClusterController to the temperature sensor.
☐ When connecting a temperature sensor using the two-conductor connection technology,
observe the maximum cable length of 2.5 m from the ClusterController to the temperature sensor.
Minimum clearances:
☐ The minimum clearances must be maintained to ensure adequate heat dissipation.
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Figure 7: Minimum clearances
Permitted and prohibited mounting positions:
☐ The ClusterController must be mounted so that the ventilation slots face upward and
downward. This ensures optimum heat dissipation.
5 Mounting
Figure 8: Permitted and prohibited mounting positions
5.2 Mounting the ClusterController
☐ A top-hat rail must be available. ☐ The top-hat rail must 35 mm wide.
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5 Mounting
SMA Solar Technology AG
☐ In order to mount the ClusterController, the top-hat rail must be at least 26 cm long. When a
top-hat rail power supply unit is used, the top-hat rail must be correspondingly longer.
☐ The top-hat rail must be securely mounted on the wall or in the switch cabinet.
• Use the rear-side upper retainers to hook the ClusterController into the upper edge of the top­hat rail and press down toward the top-hat rail. This will hook the spring-mounted top-hat rail locking mechanism on the ClusterController onto the lower edge of the top-hat rail.
☑ The top-hat rail locking mechanism snaps into place.
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6 Connection and Commissioning

6.1 Overview of the Connection Area

Figure 9: Overview of the connection area

6 Connection and Commissioning

Position Quantity Designation Explanation
A 1 X1 Terminal for the voltage supply B 1 Terminal for grounding C 1 1 USB port for exporting system data D 1 2 USB port for updates E 1 X2 Digital outputs F 1 X3 Reserved for future applications G 1 X4 Digital inputs H 1 X5 Digital inputs I 1 X8 Analog inputs K 1 X7 Terminals for temperature sensors L 1 X6 Analog outputs M 2 X13, X14 Network ports for connecting the LAN
Installation Manual 25ClusterController-IA-en-15
6 Connection and Commissioning
Position Quantity Designation Explanation
N 2 X11, X12 Reserved for future applications O 2 X9, X10 Network ports for connecting the inverters (Speed-
SMA Solar Technology AG

6.2 Functions of the Terminals and Pin Groups

The digital and analog terminals of the ClusterController are divided into pin groups. Each pin group forms one of the digital or analog inputs or outputs. On the enclosure, the upper row of contact pins is marked with A and the lower row is marked with B. The contact pins are counted from left to right.
The division of terminals into pin groups and the functions of the pin groups are described in the following table.
For the pin groups of terminals X2 and X6 there are several functions to choose from. You can find all selectable functions on the user interface of the Cluster Controller. In the following table you can find the factory-set function.
Terminal Pin group Pin Function
X1 1to 3 Voltage supply X2 Digital output1
Relay A Digital output2
Relay B Digital output3
Relay C
X3 Reserved for future applications X4 Digital input1 A1toA3 Signal 1 of 4 for the active power limita-
Digital input2 A4toA6 Signal 2 of 4 for the active power limita-
Digital input3 B1toB3 Signal 3 of 4 for the active power limita-
Digital input4 B4 to B6 Signal 4 of 4 for the active power limita-
A4toA6 Fault indicator contact for the status
B1toB3 Response contact for the current active
Fault indicator contact for the status Er-
Warning or Error
power limitation in grid management ser­vices
tion in grid management services
tion in grid management services
tion in grid management services
tion in grid management services
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+ 60 hidden pages