SINGER PSW 1.10 User Manual

Table of Contents

Installing the Software............................................................................................................................ 1
Introduction ..........................................................................................................................................
Opening a Library Design.....................................................................................................................
Modifying a Design
.............................................................................................................................. 9
Dimensions............................................................................................................................................. 11
Changing Color......................................................................................................................................
Embroidery Simulator............................................................................................................................. 15
Lettering - Pre-Digitized Fonts .............................................................................................................. 16
Changing Lettering Stitches from Satin to Fill
Lettering Shapes and Modes.................................................................................................................. 22
Library and Text Combinations.............................................................................................................. 25
Creative Lettering.................................................................................................................................. 26
Changing Scale of .wmf and .bmp......................................................................................................... 32
Importing dst and exp Designs
.............................................................................................................. 33
Digitizing Hints...................................................................................................................................... 35
Image Span............................................................................................................................................. 36
Digitizing................................................................................................................................................ 37
Opening an xxx File Along with a bmp or wmf
Autotrace ............................................................................................................................................... 44
Digitizing - Planning the Design..........................................................................................................
Digitizing Underlay................................................................................................................................ 50
Adding a Stitch Point to the Outline
Changing Stitch Type Block.................................................................................................................. 53
Changing Stitch Parameters................................................................................................................... 54
Editing - Changing the Stitch Inclination.............................................................................................
Changing the Stop and Start Points....................................................................................................... 56
Editing - Inserting New Blocks Between Blocks.................................................................................. 57
Combining Multiple dst or exp Designs............................................................................................... 58
Editing - Deleting a Stitch Block
.................................................................................................. 60
Editing - Moving a Design or Segment................................................................................................. 62
Editing - Repositioning the First Jump Stitch........................................................................................ 64
Editing Stitch Edit
Editing - Deleting or Adding Color Stops.............................................................................................. 68
Reorder Color Segments........................................................................................................................ 70
Multiple Hoop Lettering........................................................................................................................
Digitizing with Method 2 - Creating a Hole in a Segment
Professional Sew-Ware

Installation of the Software

1. Setup: Connections between the Computer and the PSW Card Writer
Turn the computer off.
Connect the interface cable to the computer (9 pin serial port)
Connect interface cable to PSW Card Writer.
Connect PSW adapter to outlet and PSW Card Writer
Turn on the computer
2. installation:
Install the software on the computer
The Professional Sew-Ware program comes on a CD-ROM Start the Windows 95 Insert the PSW CD-ROM In the CD drive (usually drive “D") Setup window appears Immediately following Welcome window appears Read instructions, click Next Read license agreement, click Yes Type name or company name (this must be done), click Next To install to the default folder, click Next Select language (English. French, German) Check settings, dick Next Start copying Files appear, click Next During the installation, three indicators appear on the screen providing information on installation progress . File copying progress CD copying progress Remaining free disk space When installation is complete, click Finish
Path names showing where the PSW program is installed in the computer:
C\PSW for the main program directory C\PSW\FONT for the lettering fonts C\PSW\IMAGES for the sample image C\PSW\LIBRARY for the library designs C\PSW\PALETTES for the color palette C\PSW\HOOPS for the hoop frames
Professional Sew-Ware


■ When you turn on the computer, there will be an icon on the main screen that says Professional Sew-Ware 1.0, or in the Start menu bar it will say Professional Sew
Ware 1.0.
■ Double click the left mouse on either icon.
■ The white introductory Screen will appear that says. Singer Professional Sew-Ware, then the main working screen will automatically appear.
At the very top of the screen it says Professional Sew Ware v1.00.
^Professional Sew-Ware vl.00
Filoi Cfosto Edit Modfly Chotoes ,Paranr«>torG UtJrtes Wr\ikw_ Hoip - ,
l’. C;.
At the far right there are 3 boxes:
The first box will minimize the screen.
lo.o "'T
The third box is to exit the software.
The second box is for full screen.
Professional Sew-Ware


■ Across the top of the screen is the main menu. This menu is very similar to other software menus such as word processing.
Professional Sew-Ware vl.OO
Files^:^Gгeate ; Edit-vModify Choices'"Parameters3: Utilities;aW
■ Below the main menu is a horizontal tool bar.
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Edit Outline
Current Method
Q, [s^i
Stitch Type
Density / Size
Number of Stitches
Professional Sew-Ware
To the left of the screen is a vertical tool bar.


'* Vv'iM'V-
Library Special functions Jump function
Ruler Show Image
Stitch Colors Stitch Parameters Draw Grid Embroidery Simulator Hoop
Tutorial Contents (Help)
The right bottom area shows:
Professional Sew-Ware

Opening PSW Library Designs

1. Click the left mouse on Files in the menu bar and choose New - or - click on the
NEW t\=
icon in the toolbar
2. An Open dialog box will appear on the screen.
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SANTA bmp Wialo bmp
“3 'M’d f^«l
3. Click the left mouse on NEW and the New dialog box will appear on the screen.
Professional Sew-Ware

Opening PSW Library Designs

6. The screen will appear with a white rectangle that represents the hoop size
^Professional Sew-Ware vi.OO • [Designi]
p/ttes- Create Sdit lyjodiV .vPwiw• Wndow Halo
B?l y|^| ifelil Qili:?s|in::
7. Click the left mouse on the Library Icon 1 the PSW Library will appear on the screen.
8. Click the left mouse to highlight a selection such as BIRD, scroll through the
designs using the scroll bar.
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The Pre-digitized designs in
\T r
Professional Sew-Ware

Opening PSW Library Designs

9. Click the left mouse on 006; (Parrot). The design will appear in the hoop area in a black/gray tone. Click OK.
10. Click the right mouse and the design will now appear on the screen in
Professional Sew-Ware vl.OO • [Designl
I ^a| cii aid) '¿I«1 ial'^l: ¿jcil;;---- ^ Z1
Writing a design to the Singer PSW Card Writer
1. Click on Files in the menu bar and choose Write to Card Writer. It may take a moment for the information to compute, then the Save Design
to Card dialog box will appear.
2. Click on one of the 6 spaces/cells available on the card.
Professional Sew~Ware

Opening PSW Library Designs

3. Click on Write and design will be transferred to the Design Card
Important: Make sure the red light on the Card Writer is off before the card is removed.
4. When the design has been transferred to the card, the Save Design to Card dialog box will disappear and the design v/ill reappear on the screen.
5. To preview what is stored on the card, follow step 1 again.
6. The dialog box will reappear showing the designs that have been transferred
onto the card.
Designs can be moved around in the Design Card by clicking and dragging.
Icons in the Save dsign to card dialog box :
8. Insert the card Into the XL-1000.
Load Directory
Adjust card options
Delete Initialize the card
Write design to card
Close dialog
9. Select your design and sew. Close the design in the PSW.
Professional Sew-Ware

Modifying a Library Design

1. Click the left mouse on Files in the menu bar and choose New -or- click on NEW icon in the toolbar.
2. An Open dialog box will appear on the screen -
3. Click the left mouse on NEW and the New dialog box will appear on the screen.
4. Click the left mouse on the Hoop Size 130 x 240 mm.
5. Click OK. The screen will appear with a white rectangle that represents the hoop size selected.
6. Click the left mouse on the Library icon. The Pre-digitized designs in the
PSW Library will appear on the screen.
7. Click the left mouse to highlight a selection such as BIRD, scroll through the designs using the scroll bar.
8. Double dick the left mouse on 006: Parrot. The design will appear in the
hoop area in a black/gray tone.
The design can be edited at this point before the stitches are added.
1. To move the design within the hoop area, place the mouse pointer inside the rectangle that is around the design (still appearing in black) and it willchange
to 4 white arrows.
2. Click the left mouse and move the design to a new position.
3. Click the left mouse once again to lock the design in the new position.
1. Move the mouse pointer to one of the “arrow corners" and it changes to 2 half-circle arrows.
2. Click the left mouse to rotate the design.
Professional Sew-Ware

Modifying a Library Design

3. Click the left mouse once again to lock the design in the new rotated position.
Change the size
1. Move the mouse pointer to any of the small black squares and it changes to 2 arrows.
2. Click the left mouse to change the size and alter the proportions.
3. Click right mouse button and watch the stitches appear as the XL-1000 will sew them out.
4. The PSW program recalculates the stitches for the new size selection. The stitch density of the Library design will be preserved even if the size is enlarged.
Professional Sew-Ware
Howto Modify a LIBRARY design using Dimensions
1. On the Menu bar and select Modify.
2. Click on Dimensions
3. The Dimensions dialog box will appear.
4. The design is shown as a white silhouette.
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5. X: and Y: represent the height and width in 1/10mm and can be changed by pressing the arrows or typing the number in the box.
6. Click on the LOCK icon to maintain the ratio of the design.
7. Click the % box to change dimensions as a percentage value. A check mark
will appear in the box.
- 100 % is defaults.
-120% will increase the size by 20%
-70% will decrease the size by 30%
8. Mirror • click on square horizontal arrow icon
9. Invert - (upside down) -click on square vertical arrow icon.
Professional Sew-Ware


10. Rotate - in increments of 1 degree, type in Rotation Angle
- select the direction of rotation jo
11. The Offset X and Y can not be accessed.
12. Click OK.
13. The Modified parrot appears.
14. The PSW program has recalculated the stitches for the altered Library design to keep the same density as the original design.
Professional Sew-Ware

Changing Colors of a Design

How to Change the Colors of a Design
The PSW software remembers the last color selections chosen. To set up new
colors for a design follow these instructions.
1. Open a design and click the right mouse to input the colors.
2. For easy viewing of both the design and the color dialog box, use the arrows on the keyboard to move the design to the right on the screen.
3. Select the Stitch Colors icon from the left vertical tool bar. - B l
4. The Stitch Colors dialog box will now open. Click and hold the left mouse in the upper colored area of the dialog box drag to the left as shown. Both the Color dialog box and the design can be seen clearly as shown.
Professional Sew-Ware

Changing Colors of a Design

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5. To select a new color click the left mouse on a color segment of the design.
6. Click on a color box and select new
colors from the color palette or choose one of the thread code lists.
7. After a color is selected, it can be
previewed in the design by selecting the Preview Button.
Monitor Screen Color
Preview Bi/tton
Color Palette Shading
Full page thread code list
Vertical thread code list
Thread code list
8. When all colors are selected, click on OK to set the colors and close the color
dialog box.
9. The background screen color can be changed. To do this click on the Monitor Screen Color box below the representation of the monitor (See
above illustration). Choose the color or shade you would like to use. Click
OK and the background screen color will change.
Professional Sew-Ware

Embroidery Simulator

The embroidery simulator shows how the design on the screen will appear actually stitched out. It also shows how different light sources will change the appearance of the stitches, and how different weights of thread will change the design.
1. Click the left mouse on the icon that looks like a ladder on the left side of the screen.
2. The simulator control panel now appears in the upper left side of the screen.
3. Click the left mouse on the icon of the arrow pointing to the right. This activates the
simulator. The screen will now show how the design actually looks stitched out.
1. Click the left mouse on the light bulb icon on the control panel. The Light Direction
Box now appears on the screen
2. Click the left mouse on the directional squares to change the direction of the light source.
Thread thickness is measured in tenths of millimeters.
1. Click on the box at the bottom of the control panel. The number 2 will be displayed. Change the number by left clicking on the up or down arrow in the box.
2. To activate the thread change; click on the Run icon (the solid arrow pointing the right. Notice how the change affects the embroidery.
Professional Sew-Ware

Lettering - Pre-Digitized Fonts

1. Click the left mouse on Files and select New.
2. An Open dialog box will appear. Click on New.
3. In the New dialog box click on OK.
There are 3 different ways to access
the lettering function of the PSW:
On horizontal tool bar, go to Create, then choose lettering,
Click on the “^”icon at the top of the vertical tool bar
Touch the F key on the keyboard
4. Choose one of the methods described above to access the lettering function.
5. The TEXT dialog box will appear on the screen. Type the word “Singer”.
6. Click OK. The outline of the word “Singer” will appear on the screen. The
letters can now be customized before the stitches are added.

Customizing the Letters

Notice a new horizontal tool appears at the top of the screen.
^ Cheltenham Large
Professional Sew-Ware

Lettering - Pre-Digitized Fonts

CHOOSING FONT STYLE (14 selections)
Cheltenham Large
[HI Fonilist...
Cheltenham Large
^ Century Medium
Block Large
Block Small
S Block Large
^ Block Small
Century Medium
M Century Small
Cheltenham Large
^ Cheltenham Srriall
S Coifier
^ Pearl Scfpl
Times Large
1. Click on the down arrow next to the displayed font name, to view the font
list, then either;
2. Click on the desired font name.
i :
!■: 1
, V A ..
f:'. • i -
fe; i'. -
(- ■'
3. Click on “Font List" to preview the fonts on screen, then click on the desired font from the preview list.
V *
P '
s. ►
\ ■
. ^ ■
There are 2 fonts (Athletic & Campus)
which sew in 2 colors.
There are 2 fonts (Campus & Century
Small) which sew in capital letters only
Changing Letter Height and Spacing
1. To change the height of ‘‘Singer", go to the first A in the horizontal tool bar.
Select the desired height (in tenths of millimeters). Click the left mouse on the screen to activate the change.
B, Century Medium
2. To change the amount of space between individual letters, go to the second A in the horizontal tool bar. Select the desired amount of space (in tenths of millimeters). Click left mouse on the screen to activate the change.
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Professional Sew-Ware

Lettering - Pre-Digitized Fonts

3. To move “Singer”, click the cursor anywhere within the “box” around the
word. The white 4-directional arrow icon will appear. Move the word to the desired placement.
Manual Method for Changing the Size of a Word
A - click & move left mouse to
B - click & move left mouse to C - click & move left mouse to degrees
D - click & move left mouse to
E - click & move left mouse to
F - click & move left mouse to G - click & move left mouse to
H - click & move left mouse to
change width & height simultaneously, up & left raise or lower parameters of word from upper side rotate the word to any position from 0-360
widen or narrow word from right side vflden or narrow word from left side italicize (or slant) word forward or backward
raise or lower word parameters from bottom side
change width & height together, down & right
Other Letter Editing Features
In the Horizontal toolbar are the justify text functions , the software default is set for Justify Left, click on Justify Center or Justify Right to alter text.
Note: Be sure there is not a space entered at the end of any line of text, or it will justify left, center, or right including the space
Justify Text
E, Century Medum ; ▼
#191 -i]#
-s- ■"S
Professional Sew-Ware

Lettering - Pre-Digitized Fonts

Density - set the distance between stitches Step Length - defines length of each stitch inside a stepping-stitch area
Running stitch Length - controls length of stitches in a line of automatic running stitches
Satin Width - the width of the satin stitches.
Underlay - adds underlay stitching to an area before creating the topstitching. can be done in perimeter or zig-zag
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Machine Code
Select the Machine Code icon in the vertical toolbar.
The Stop Sign is placed wherever a thread change Is desired. When the stitches display on screen, thread changes will appear as letters change color. Use this function to change colors between individual letters and change colors between words or lines of text
Creating the Stitches
Once “Singer" is manipulated to its desired shape & size, stitches can be inserted in either of 2 ways;
Click on the right mouse key,
Go to the Fill Stitches icon In the vertical toolbar
Singer - Professional Sew-Ware

Changing Lettering Stitches from Satin to Fill Stitches

Lettering in the PSW is set automatically for satin stitches. Use the following procedure to change the letters from satin stitching to step-satin stitching (which looks like fill
1. Click the left mouse on Files and select New.
2. In the Open dialog box click on New
3. Click OK.
4. Touch F on keyboard to recall the Text box.
5. Type in PSW, then click OK.
6. Use the reference points to increase the height and width of PSW for easier viewing.
7. Click the right mouse to fill the PSW with stitches.
8. Go to Edit at top tool bar, and click on Edit Outline (At this point, the W should be
9. Go to the Stitch-type icon {located under the Edit of the tool bar), for display of various stitch-type options.
lO.Choose Step-Satin and click OK.
••• '•.r-v'.iCancel.
Singer - Professional Sew-Ware

Changing Lettering Stitches from Satin to Fill Stitches

11. Click the right mouse and W now becomes step-satin stitches.
12. T0 move to next letter, go to Edit again, then pull down to Edit Outline.
13. On the computer keyboard use the position arrow pointing to the left to move to the letter S. The S should now be highlighted.
14. Go again to the Stitch-type icon (located under the Edit on the menu bar) and again select Step-Satin and click OK.
15. CIick the right mouse and S becomes step-satin.
16. T0 move to next letter, go to Edit again, then pul! down to Edit Outline.
17. Use the position arrow pointing to the left on your keyboard and press it once to move left by one letter. The P should now be highlighted.
18. Go again to the Stitch-type icon (located under Edit on the menu bar) and again
select Step-Satin and click OK. Click the right mouse. P becomes Step-Satin stitches.
Changing the Stitch Type for Campus and Athletic Fonts
1. Zoom into each individual letter for easy viewing.
2. Follow the same procedure as described above using Edit Outline and the arrow keys on the computer keyboard or by clicking your mouse on the segment.
3. There are two sections to each letter in the Campus and Athletic fonts. When using the arrow keys or clicking the mouse on the segment in the Edit Outline
function, it is possible to highlight either section to change the stitch type. When
more than one letter is being created, click the mouse on the segment to change the inside and the outline.
Outside stitches are highlighted
Use arrow keys or click mouse to select the inside stitches.
Professional Sew-Ware

Lettering - Shapes and Modes

1. Click the left mouse on Files:Newor click on the New icon in the top horizontal tool bar
2. An Open dialog box will appear on the screen.
3. Click the left mouse on New and the New dialog box will appear. Click OK.
4. Click the left mouse on the lettering icon. SINGER, then click OK. ^—“
5. Font: Block Small - Size: 200, Space: 20. Click on screen for changes to take effect
6. To customize lettering shapes, click on Letters frame icon.
A Text box will appear, type
Lettering Shapes
Lettering shape refers to entire text.
There are 3 categories:
line (2 styles), circle (3 styles) and box
{5 styles). The default is box shape
There are 2 kinds of tools to edit text.
Outline Mode: Reference points are used to manipulate the entire text.
Point Mode: Reference points for each letter. Letters can be manipulated individually.
7. Click on Line Shapes, Outline Mode "SINGER" appears on a line. Move the mouse pointer near the word and it changes to 4 white arrows. Click the left mouse once and the word Singer can
be repositioned by moving the mouse on the screen. Click again to set the new position.
Click on the Letters frame icon.
+ 56 hidden pages