Singer Aviator Mini 10L, STC 010AWE User Manual

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1800 -103- 3474
(9.0 0 AM to 6 .00 PM Mo nday to Saturd ay)
A26/ 4,Mohan Co -operativ e Industri al Estate, New Delhi- 110 044.
Tel: +91 11 4 0617777, We bsit e: www.singe t
For C onsumer co mplaints / suggestio n: sms Help line No.: 9 555390390
You are now the proud owner of the SINGER Personal Cooler. We have taken care to give you a world class product with futuristic looks and world class performance.
Innovatively designed using only the highest quality material and Components, your is designed for years of trouble free performance.
Please read the instruction manual carefully before using and keep it cautiously after reading for future reference.
SINGER Personal Cooler
The company accepts no responsibility for any consequential loss
and damage out of misuse or negligence on the part of user.
Singer India Limited Warran ts this appliance to be free fro m any manufacturing defects a t the time of sale and for a further p eriod of 1 year from the date o f sale as evidenced by the sal e particulars mentioned below. The company will repai r or replace free of charge any p art or parts of the product, should the company be fully satisfi ed in its sole discretion th at the defect/s is/are due to fa ulty material or defective workmanshi p only.
The warranty is not vali d in case of any of the followi ng events: The warranty specifical ly excludes any problems ari sing out of mishandling, wil ful damage, improper storage of th e product and in the case of i ts parts, if they have not bee n maintained and operated strictly in a ccordance with the instructi on manual accompanying this appliance. Any repair work carried out by p ersons other than authorise d Singer shop/dealer. Normal wear and tear o f the product. Damage due to chippin g, peeling, plating and denti ng.. Damages due to running o f the appliances on the alternate sources of p ower such as Generator or any such a uxiliary power supply aid re sulting in variation/fuctu ating voltage. Breakage or damage to co mponents made of ABS, SAN, Bakelite , Glass and plastic / rubber parts, cord, bulbs and su rface coating. Product if used for th e commercial purposes. Product, the serial n umber of which has been remove d obliterated or altered on th e specification plate. The repair or replacement o f such defective parts or product shall consti tute complete fulfilment of all the obligations o f Singer India Limited in re spect of this product and no o ther claims of any kind would be admissi ble.
All expenses incurred i n collecting the units or pa rts there of from the companys a uthorised service station or the dealers o f Singer India Limited as wel l as the expenses incurred i n connection with deputing personnel / te chnicians towards to and fro tra vel conveyance and credentials etc. will b e borne by the customer.
Any Claims or disputes arising out of this warranty shall be subject to the jurisdiction of Courts in New Delhi only .
PRODUCT DE SCRIPTION : ...... ............... ................ ............... ............ S.No . : ............. ................ ............... .
DATE OF PURCHA SE : ............. ............... ................ ............... ................ ............... ................ ............... ........
CUSTOMER’ S NAME & ADDRESS : ..... ............... ................ ............... ................ ............... ................ ............
........ ................ ............... ................ ............... ................ ............... ................ ............... ................ ............... ....
INVOICE N O : .............. ............... ................ ............... ................ ...... DATE : ........ ................ ............... .........
D E A L E R ’ S S TA M P / S I GN A T UR E :
DESCRIPTION OF PARTS & SPECIFICATION :....................................... 2
INSTALLATION OF AIR COOLER :.............................................................4
APPLICATIONS & INSTRUCTIONS :..........................................................5
WARRANTY :...............................................................................................6
:............................................................. 3
+ 2 hidden pages