Singer ATHENA 2000 Instruction Manual

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Solid-state Electronic Sewing Machine
ATHENA 2000.
It makes sowm _ _o simele _c fooIDroof -- arc so much f[JR[ -- joe W e@
_stounaea The crov--g acmevemem of years of Singer research ATHENA _ 2000 sewing machine teatures--esE "_or_an_ [ecnnoJoc ca creaKmrougr]s:
® Exclusive Sotidostate Electronic Sewi,ng System ATHENA 2000 is the
sewm_ macn_n_ w_m the electronic 'brair_ ' a storehouse of sewm Knowledge [ au_omanca y programs your macmne _'_sew o-_e of twer [y
ve different shtches--mc doing two t3 Des of buttonno_es
Exclusive Light Touch Fingertip Controls. They re the buttons on the front
of the macnme. You SImD_V tOUCh me one unaer me Da_e<n you want the red indicate- ign_ c_mes on-- _nd ATHENA 20C2 _s read _o sew. Am, s[ncn S ins[at - _V_laOle. at the to Jch of e Sing e euz_on.
Exclusive Individual Preference Panet. Your ver own centre ean_
31lows yoL lo modify _ne orr-_grammed stilcn e]rnens )ns [_ 3ur heart's conten'(, re suit sEocta fabr :_ and satisfy persone_ preference2
And tha_ _s onw me begmmng! There are so many more ne'-- features. Such as _ne Exclusive Pattern Receet Button-that lets you sew one or]it )t a oatten
for sueerc eecorat ve _o__sbes. And Exclusive L_ght Touch F/ngeR_ 3uick
Reverse Button--for an _nstan_ reverse stra ght stitch A-]a over a cozen more Singer Excluswes _lus all 3] the other Singer advances of the Eas_ decade Such as the fabuJous Exclusive built-i- Flio& Sew* _ _nel for both nat ana _n me-rouna sewing. 3oft-touch Fabric Feed. _nat ore[acts even tne most ee_ ca_e fabrics. Variah}e-seeeo Solid-state Control System, that enables you to rnamta q the same pressure on [ne eoeeo controller as ou sew [nrougn vary-
ng fabric m_cKnesses And mar, man_, more advances from Stager.
We suggest you take a Tew moments to read [-_ougn [n_s new oeerator s guide, as ¢ou sit at _our machine You will qulc_/ discover now s mole i_ Is to
co any sewing ooerat_on ,ou aeswe on ATHENA 200L
We/corr?e to [Re fUrL re worlQ or se_ _o
Getting to Know Your ATHENA 2000 Electronic Sewing Machine ........................ 2
Accessories ........................................................................ 3
Changing Presser Feet .............................................................. 4
Snap-on Presser Feet The Button Foot, Even Feed Foot
Changing Plates ................................................................... 5
Chainstitch Plate and Insert ........................... : .............................. 5
Speed Control ..................................................................... 6
Needles ........................................................................... 6
Changing the Needle
Threading the Machine ............................................................. 7
Threading the Needle
The Bobbin .................. ; ................................................. 8
Winding the Bobbin - Removing the Bobbin ,, Replacing a Wound Bobbin
Raising the Bobbin Thread Removing Thread from Bobbin
Threading for Twin-Needle Stitching ................................................... 10
Regulating Pressure ................................................................ 11
Adjusting Thread Tension ............................................................ 11
Lifting the Presser Foot ............................................................... 11
Electronic Sewing ..... .... ..... _. .................. , _: : ...... ................... 12
Selecting a Stitch * Straight-Stitching Straight-Stitch Plate and Foot
Pattern Repeat Button, Starting to Sew, Sewing in Reverse *
Removing Work from Machine Chainstitching
Individual Preferences., ,: ............ ......... , .................................... 14
Stitch Width ,, Stitch Length ,, Reverse Stitch-balance
One-step Buttonholing ..... . ....... , ....... , ...................................... !5
Balancing the Density Stitching a Series of Buttonholes
Two-step Buttonholing .......................... : .................................. 16
Corded Buttonholes ............................................................... 17
inserting Cord in One-step Buttonhole Foot inserting Cord in Two-step Buttonhole Foot
Free*Arm Sewing ................................................................... t8
Circuit Breaker ................................................................ 18
Cleaning the Machine ............................................................... 19
Changing the Light Bulb ............................................ : .... :. : ......... 19
Performance Checklist ............................................................... 20
Snap-on Presser Feet
Raise take-up fever to highest position by turning hand wheel toward you, Raise presser foot by ra!sing pros _ ser foot lifter, }ocated at back of machine. Press front of foot _Jt_as far as it will go_ then snap down to re-
move. Center new foot under shank Lower presser-foot
lifter so shank fits ever pin. Press presser_foot screw down untii foot snaps in place
The Button Foot
Raise take-up lever to highest position by turnin 9 hand wheel toward you. Raise foot. Loosen presser-foot
screw and remove presser-foot shank: Hook button foot around the presser bar and tighten presser-foot
Even Feed FoOt
Raise take,up lever to highest position by turning hand
wheel toward you, Raise foot. Loosen presser foot
screw and remove presser foot shank Guide Even
Feed Foot into position from back of machine. Make
sure movable arm straddles needle clamp Tighten
presser-foot screw with coin.
NeedJe Clamp
Attaching Even Feed Foot
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