image is important
Form and function, that dicult balancing act
between what appear to be two opposing forces
in design criteria, is something of a SIM2 specialty.
It separates SIM2 products from the rest of the
market. Compact (12” x 12”), crystal glass clad and
powerful enough to light up the largest screen,
SUPERCUBE brings SIM2-quality images to the
center of your visual entertainment world.
Academy Award-winning DLP picture technology is
at the heart of the design, ensuring that SUPERCUBE
is able to reproduce the look and feel of a movie just
as the director intended.
SUPERCUBE is a distinguished performer with
sophisticated video processing electronics ensuring
that all video sources are reproduced at their best.
Upgrading to an RGBRGB color wheel has improved
the colorimetry and color saturation delivered by
SUPERCUBE and a new 270W lamp takes the light
output to 3,000 lumens.