Sigma PHOTO PRO 3.3 User Manual

SSIIGGMMAA PPhhoottoo PPrroo UUsseerr GGuuiiddee
Companion Processing Software
for SIGMA Digital Cameras
Version 3.3
For Macintosh
IIMMPPOORRTTAANNTT::PPlleeaassee RReeaadd BBeeffoorree YYoouu SSttaarrtt
Thank you very much for purchasing this SIGMA product.
To receive maximum performance and enjoyment, and to not cause any injury or damage, please read this instruction manual carefully before using this product.
Do not reproduce this manual in any form in whole or in part without prior permission.
The contents of this manual may be changed without notice.
Although we have made all possible efforts to produce a very accurate manual, if you find any
mistakes, please contact our customer support. No liability can be accepted for any errors.
The specifications of this product are subject to change without notice.
SIGMA and its licensor do not accept any liability for any kind of results incurred as a result of
software operation.
In order to avoid causing any damage or injury, please read the following very carefully before using this product.
Warning !!
Disregarding this warning sign when using the product can result in serious injury or other dangerous results.
Warning !!
Do not play the included CD-ROM(s) in an Audio CD-ROM player. Listening to the included CD-ROM with headphones on a music CD player can cause hearing loss. Playing the included CD-ROM on a music CD player could damage the speakers.
The images recorded with this camera are intended strictly for personal use and should never be used in a way that infringes upon or contravenes international or domestic copyright laws and regulations. In addition, although it is intended purely for personal use, some restrictions may be applied to the photographing of demonstrations, performances, shows, exhibitions, or commercial properties, etc. Copyright or other legal rights should not be contravened.
Trademark Acknowledgements
FOVEON X3, and the X3 Logo are registered trademarks of Foveon, Inc. Compact Flash is a trademark of SanDisk Corporation. Macintosh and FireWire are registered trademarks or trademarks of Apple Inc. in the United
States and/or other countries.
Adobe and Adobe Photoshop, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Adobe Systems
Microdrive is a registered trademark of Hitachi Global Storage Technologies in the United
States and/or other countries.
All other company or product names used in this document are trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective holders.
SIGMA Photo Pro User Guide i
IIMMPPOORRTTAANNTT::PPlleeaassee RReeaadd BBeeffoorree YYoouu SSttaarrtt
1.1 About SIGMA Photo Pro ..................................................................................... 2
What you can do in SIGMA Photo Pro; A quick visual tour................................... 2
Main Window elements.......................................................................................... 3
Review Window elements ..................................................................................... 4
1.2 About this manual ............................................................................................... 5
Symbols and conventions...................................................................................... 5
Navigating the on-screen version of the manual ................................................... 5
2.1 Installing the software......................................................................................... 7
Macintosh system requirements............................................................................ 7
Installing and uninstalling of software.................................................................... 7
2.2 Setting up your monitor ...................................................................................... 8
Verifying monitor brightness, gamma, and color ................................................... 8
Using a pre-existing monitor profile ....................................................................... 8
Choosing the best monitor resolution for your screen size ................................... 8
3.1 Connecting the camera to your computer ...................................................... 10
Connecting the cables ......................................................................................... 10
Turning on the camera ........................................................................................ 10
Connecting the camera (SD/ DP series) ............................................................. 10
Connecting the camera (SD9/SD10) ................................................................... 10
Switching from battery to AC power (SD9/SD10)................................................ 11
Connecting the camera while the application is running (SD9/SD10)................. 11
3.2 Launching the software .................................................................................... 11
Opening and closing SIGMA Photo Pro .............................................................. 11
Enabling and disabling Auto-Launch................................................................... 11
4.1 Transferring images from the camera to your computer .............................. 13
Transferring images from the camera by using SIGMA Photo Pro ..................... 13
Using a CARD Reader to copy images to your computer ................................... 14
SIGMA Photo Pro User Guide ii
5.1 Main Window Overview..................................................................................... 16
Main functions...................................................................................................... 16
Links to more information .................................................................................... 16
Changing the size of the Main Window ............................................................... 17
Changing the size of the Navigation Pane or Thumbnail Pane........................... 17
5.2 Displaying images in the Main Window .......................................................... 17
Viewing images stored on the camera ................................................................ 17
View images stored on your computer ................................................................ 17
5.3 Different ways to view thumbnails................................................................... 18
Changing the size and style of thumbnails.......................................................... 18
Thumbnail Zoom Slider ....................................................................................... 18
Sorting and filtering thumbnails ........................................................................... 18
5.4 Renaming images .............................................................................................. 19
Renaming images................................................................................................ 19
Batch renaming.................................................................................................... 19
Renaming images outside of SIGMA Photo Pro ................................................. 19
5.5 Selecting images ............................................................................................... 19
Selecting one image ............................................................................................ 19
Selecting multiple images.................................................................................... 19
5.6 Marking, Locking, & Rotating images in Main and Review Windows .......... 20
Rotating images................................................................................................... 20
Marking and unmarking images .......................................................................... 20
Locking and unlocking images ............................................................................ 20
5.7 Deleting images in the Main or Review Window ............................................ 21
Deleting images ................................................................................................... 21
5.8 Printing images in the Main or Review Window................................................. 21
Printing images .................................................................................................... 21
5.9 Slideshow in the Main Window ............................................................................ 21
Slideshow in Main Window.................................................................................. 21
6.1 The Review Window .......................................................................................... 23
Opening a Review Window ................................................................................. 23
Main functions...................................................................................................... 23
Links to more information .................................................................................... 23
6.2 Navigating through a folder using the Review Window ................................ 24
Choosing which image is displayed in the Review Window ................................ 24
Using Navigation Buttons to select images ......................................................... 24
Selecting specific images from the Main Window ............................................... 24
SIGMA Photo Pro User Guide iii
6.3 Using the Magnification Loupe ........................................................................ 24
Turning the loupe on and off................................................................................ 24
Changing the magnification of the loupe ............................................................. 24
Activating the loupe ............................................................................................. 25
How to read the RGB values in the loupe ........................................................... 25
6.4 Using the Magnification .................................................................................... 25
Fit in Button.......................................................................................................... 25
Changing the magnification ................................................................................. 25
6.5 Viewing Images with Highlight and Shadow Warnings ................................. 26
Using masks to analyze highlights and shadows................................................ 26
6.6 Using the Adjustment Mode Settings.............................................................. 26
In the case of indicated images, files are X3F format. ........................................ 26
X3F Mode: Reviewing images with default adjustments (to match in-camera
preview) ............................................................................................................... 26
Auto Mode: Reviewing images with automatic adjustments (dependent on image
content)................................................................................................................ 27
Custom Mode: Reviewing images with a specific setting applied ....................... 27
Saving Current Unsaved Settings ....................................................................... 27
In the case of displayed images, files are JPEG or TIFF format......................... 28
File Mode: Reviewing images without adjustment .............................................. 28
Auto: Reviewing images with automatic adjustment ........................................... 28
Custom Mode: Reviewing images with a specific setting applied ....................... 28
6.7 Multiple Review Windows ................................................................................. 29
Opening Multiple Review Windows ..................................................................... 29
Using multiple Review Windows to compare images.......................................... 29
Using multiple Review Windows to compare modes........................................... 29
7.1 Main Window Processing ................................................................................. 31
Processing groups of images simultaneously ..................................................... 31
7.2 Review Window Processing ............................................................................. 32
Processing individual images .............................................................................. 32
Choosing a destination ........................................................................................ 32
7.3 Processing options ........................................................................................... 33
Resolution............................................................................................................ 33
Adjustment Settings............................................................................................. 33
Color Space ......................................................................................................... 33
Output File Type .................................................................................................. 33
Quality.................................................................................................................. 33
SIGMA Photo Pro User Guide iv
8.1 Using Adjustment Controls to manually adjust images................................ 35
Opening and closing the Adjustment Controls Palette........................................ 35
Maximizing, minimizing, and closing the palette ................................................. 36
8.2 Making Tonal Adjustments ............................................................................... 36
Exposure.............................................................................................................. 36
Contrast ............................................................................................................... 36
Shadow................................................................................................................ 36
Highlight............................................................................................................... 36
Saturation ............................................................................................................ 36
Sharpness............................................................................................................ 37
X3 Fill Light (X3F files only)................................................................................. 37
8.3 Making Color Adjustments ............................................................................... 38
Using the Color Wheel......................................................................................... 38
Using the Color Wheel to manually adjust color.................................................. 39
Using the Color Adjustment Eyedropper to adjust color...................................... 39
8.4 Using the Histogram and Warning Masks....................................................... 40
Reading the Histogram........................................................................................ 40
Enabling, disabling and setting values for the Warning Masks ........................... 40
8.5 Changing White Balance................................................................................... 41
Changing the White Balance setting in an X3F file ............................................. 41
8.6 Change the Color Mode (only for RAW data of DP2 and SD15).................... 41
Changing the Color Mode setting in an X3F file.................................................. 41
8.7 Saving and applying custom settings ............................................................. 42
Applying settings from the Adjustment Controls Palette ..................................... 42
Saving application settings .................................................................................. 42
Deleting application settings................................................................................ 42
Replacing stored X3F settings............................................................................. 42
9.1 Image information.............................................................................................. 44
Image information in the Main and Review Windows.......................................... 44
Image information in the Thumbnail Pane........................................................... 44
Image information in the Computer Pane............................................................ 44
9.2 Accessing the Image Information Window ..................................................... 45
The Image Info Button ......................................................................................... 45
The Image Information Window........................................................................... 45
SIGMA Photo Pro User Guide v
10.1 Printing images in the Main or Review windows............................................ 47
Print Setup window .............................................................................................. 47
Print Size ............................................................................................................. 48
Auto Rotate.......................................................................................................... 48
Auto Crop............................................................................................................. 48
Image Copies....................................................................................................... 48
10.2 SLIDE SHOW ...................................................................................................... 49
Display Type Slide Show..................................................................................... 49
SIGMA Photo Pro User Guide vi
In this section you will learn…
The main features of SIGMA Photo Pro
How this manual works
SIGMA Photo Pro User Guide 1
11..11 AAbboouutt SSIIGGMMAA PPhhoottoo PPrroo

What you can do in SIGMA Photo Pro; A quick visual tour

Below are the windows and palettes found in SIGMA Photo Pro image processing software of the Sigma Digital Camera. Click on any window or palette to jump to a detailed view.
Main Window
Copy images from camera to your computer
Save groups of images to TIFF or JPEG
Mark, lock, rotate, and delete images from
camera or computer
Slide Show
Change file name
Review Window
Choose adjustment mode
Save images
Magnify details or change
magnification ratio
View highlight and shadow warnings
Mark, lock, rotate, and delete images
Cycle through images displayed in the Main Window
Activate Adjustment Controls
load and Save Settings
Image Information Window
View capture information
View file information
View processing information
SIGMA Photo Pro User Guide 2
Adjustment Mode Palette
Adjust image Exposure Compensation, Contrast, Shadow, Highlight, Sharpness, Saturation and Fill Light
Adjust color
Load, save, and delete user-defined settings
View histogram
Set highlight and shadow warnings
Adjust White Balance
Color Mode

Main Window elements

Below are the key elements found in the Main Window. Click on any link to take you to the section in the manual containing detailed descriptions.
Camera Pane
status can be verified. Clicking on camera pane will display stored images in the Thumbnail pane.
Clicking Copy camera images button transfers X3F images from Camera (SD9/SD10) to computer
p. 10, camera’s (SD9/SD10) connection
p. 14
Click on the Save Images As button
p. 31
to process and save X3F
images in TIFF or JPEG formats
Use Edit Buttons lock, or delete selected images
Click on the Review Images button p.23 to open a Review Window for viewing and adjusting an image
p. 20to rotate, mark,
Click on the Info Button the Image Information Window
p. 45 to open
Use Thumbnail Buttons p. 18to control the size and style of the thumbnails
The computer pane
folders on your computer, if the camera (SD/DP series) is connected to the computer, it will be displayed here, volume and folder information can be confirmed b
p. 17 shows the drives and
clicking the arrow.
The Thumbnail Pane
p. 16 displays images directly from the camera, or images from selected folder.
SIGMA Photo Pro User Guide 3

Review Window elements

Below are the key elements found in the Review Window. Click on any link to take you to the section in the manual containing detailed descriptions.
Clicking on the Navigation
button p. 24 selects,
next image or previous image
Press the Save Image As
button p. 32
to process and save the X3F image in TIFF or JPEG format
Press the Fit in
button p. 25 to
resize the image to fit window
Magnification Loupe
p. 24 displays
a magnified section of the image.
Press the Magnification button p. 25 to increase or decrease image display size.
Press Adjustment Controls p. 35 to open the Adjustment Controls Palette
Click on the left or right arrow button p. 24 to increase or decrease magnification of the loupe.
Press the X3F Button
p. 42
to update the X3F file with the current adjustment settings.
Adjustment Modes
p. 26
allow you to view images with different adjustment settings
p. 45
Click on the Info Button
to open
the Image Information Window
SIGMA Photo Pro User Guide 4
Use Edit Buttons delete the currently displayed image
p. 20
to rotate, print, mark, lock, or
11..22 AAbboouutt tthhiiss mmaannuuaall
This manual provides information on the installation and use of SIGMA Photo Pro, the companion processing software for your SIGMA digital camera.

Symbols and conventions

Menu paths are denoted as follows:
Menu Header > Menu Choice
Keyboard Equivalents are shown as follows:
Cmd/ + Letter or Symbol
“Cmd” is an abbreviation for Command key on a Macintosh keyboard.

Navigating the on-screen version of the manual

To view the SIGMA Photo Pro manual while working in SIGMA Photo Pro, select Help > SIGMA Photo Pro Help from any window menu.
The following features in the screen version of the PDF manual help you navigate and search quickly:
Use the Bookmarks feature to find main topics
Use the Search feature to find keywords
SIGMA Photo Pro User Guide 5
In this section you will learn…
How to install SIGMA Photo Pro on your computer
How to set up your monitor
SIGMA Photo Pro User Guide 6
22..11 IInnssttaalllliinngg tthhee ssooffttwwaarree

Macintosh system requirements

If you are using your SIGMA digital camera with a Macintosh computer, the following minimum requirements are necessary to run SIGMA Photo Pro:
PowerPC®, G4, G5 Processor or Intel ® Core
Duo Processor
Mac OS X Ver.10.4 or later.
512MB or higher RAM
1GB of available hard disk space
16-bit (65,000 color) display card. 24-bit (16,770,000) recommended
1024x768 monitor resolution or higher
USB or FireWire (SD9/SD10 only) connection
CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive

Installing and uninstalling of software

Install SIGMA Photo Pro
To install SIGMA Photo Pro please proceed as follows:
1. Insert SIGMA Photo Pro CD-ROM into your CD-ROM driver.
2. Click on PhotoPro icon and drag and drop the SIGMA Photo Pro folder into the Applications
folder* in Macintosh HD.
*To open the Applications folder, select GO>Applications in finder menu.
3. Once the copying has finished, the installation will be complete.
Uninstall SIGMA Photo Pro
To uninstall SIGMA Photo Pro, delete the installed SIGMA Photo Pro folder manually as follows:
1. Drag and drop the SIGMA Photo Pro folder from the Applications folder into the trash box.
2. Delete the file “com.sigmaphoto.photopro.plist” found in the Preferences folder
(Macintosh HD / Users / User Name / Library / Preferences).
SIGMA Photo Pro User Guide 7
22..22 SSeettttiinngg uupp yyoouurr mmoonniittoorr

Verifying monitor brightness, gamma, and color

You can then verify monitor output from within SIGMA Photo Pro by selecting Tools > Monitor Verification… from the Main Window.
The charts in this dialog box are for verification of color neutrality and gamma only. Use your monitor’s adjustment controls as specified in the manufacturer’s documentation to make any adjustments.
Making adjustments to your images on screen works best with a monitor that displays color consistently. Over time the characteristics of your monitor change, so check your monitor’s performance periodically. Consult your monitor documentation and perform calibration adjustments as recommended by the manufacturer.

Using a pre-existing monitor profile

For information regarding monitor profiles, consult the documentation for your monitor, after-market profiling software, or operating system.

Choosing the best monitor resolution for your screen size

SIGMA Photo Pro is designed to fit on a monitor with a screen resolution of 800x600, however the viewable area for images and thumbnails is not maximized at this small screen size. A screen resolution of 1024x768 or greater offers the most flexibility for viewing and processing images. You can then resize the Main or Review Windows, resize the Thumbnail Pane within the Main Window, or move the windows anywhere on the desktop.
SIGMA Photo Pro User Guide 8
In this section you will learn…
How to connect your camera to your computer
How to start up SIGMA Photo Pro
SIGMA Photo Pro User Guide 9
33..11 CCoonnnneeccttiinngg tthhee ccaammeerraa ttoo yyoouurr ccoommppuutteerr
When using SIGMA Photo Pro, only one SIGMA SD9 or SD10 camera may be connected. In the case of SD and DP series, more than one camera can be connected. Disconnect any other digital cameras to ensure that the software operates correctly.

Connecting the cables

Before connecting the camera to your computer using either the USB cable or IEEE 1394 (FireWire™) (SD9/S10 only) cable, verify that the camera is turned off. Plug the cable into the computer and camera. Never connect the camera to the computer with both USB and IEEE 1394 (FireWire™) at the same time.

Turning on the camera

Turn the camera on as illustrated in your camera manual. SIGMA Photo Pro will not detect the camera unless it is turned on after being connected to the computer.

Connecting the camera (SD/ DP series)

Connect your SD or DP series to computer and turn the camera on, The SD/ DP series is indicated as a Removable Disk (Volume). (SD/ DP series is mounted to desktop as Removable Disk (Volume) icon. To display the images in memory card of the camera body on the Thumbnail Pane, click the folder in the Volume of the Thumbnail Pane. If the images are not displayed in the Thumbnail pane, images are not stored in the memory card.
Notice: SD14 or DP1 is indicated as Removable Disk (Volume). Therefore, the status of battery and CF card is not displayed.

Connecting the camera (SD9/SD10)

SIGMA Photo Pro works automatically, when a camera body is connected to the computer and turned on. Image which are stored in the CF card are displayed in the Thumbnail Pane.
The blue title bar indicates that the images on the camera are displayed in the Thumbnail Pane
The battery / AC icons indicate power source for the camera
The camera and CF Card icons indicate connectivity
SIGMA Photo Pro User Guide 10

Switching from battery to AC power (SD9/SD10)

It is recommended that you use AC power when connecting the camera to the computer. Using AC power saves the camera batteries and avoids unsuccessful image transfer due to power loss.
When you switch to AC power, the battery indicator will be replaced with the AC power indicator.
While using batteries, the battery icon will flash red periodically as a reminder that the batteries are draining. This is not necessarily an indication of low battery power.
Connecting the camera while the application is running (SD9/SD10)
Turn the camera on after connecting it to the computer. If SIGMA Photo Pro is already running, the images on the camera will be automatically displayed in the Thumnail Pane.
33..22 LLaauunncchhiinngg tthhee ssooffttwwaarree

Opening and closing SIGMA Photo Pro

You can launch SIGMA Photo Pro without connecting a camera by double­clicking on the SIGMA Photo Pro icon The Main Window will appear and the last folder you worked in will be selected in the Computer Pane. Any X3F, JPEG, or TIFF images in this folder will be displayed. If this is the first time you are opening SIGMA Photo Pro, no folder will be selected.
To exit the application, click on the red button in the main window, or select
SIGMA Photo Pro > Quit SIGMA Photo Pro from the Main Window Menu.
Notice: To use this software, it is necessary to agree with our License Agreement. Please read this License Agreement carefully and click “Yes” if you accept it. Installation will not be completed if you click “No”.

Enabling and disabling Auto-Launch

SIGMA Photo Pro’s default condition is to auto-launch whenever the SIGMA SD9/SD10 camera is detected. If you do not want SIGMA Photo Pro to launch each time you connect and turn on the camera, you can disable the preference by selecting Camera > Auto-Launch Setting… from the Main Window menu.
SIGMA Photo Pro User Guide 11
+ 39 hidden pages