The DP series:
the world's only compact cameras
with DSLR specifications.
Following the breakthrough,
an evolution to greater refinement:
the SIGMA DP1x.
Trust your eye. Trust your hand,
They know a good camera.
Sigma's DP cameras treat light and color with due respect. They don't change any of it. They don't lose any of it. The result? An amazing capacity to capture fine detail.
Unleash your creativity. Let your inner photographer see things in a new way. Do it all with this compact body.
We believe in photographing things as they really are. This shapes our concept of the way a camera should be. With the DP series, we're aiming to recapture the essence of the camera.
The DP1 that launched this initiative has now been reborn.
You remember the DP1? The little camera that could? It blew existing image-quality standards out of the water. It opened up new horizons for amateur photographers. And now it's even better.
The SIGMA DP1x. For the photographer who wants to capture genuine emotion.
This photograph shows the approximate dimensions of the Sigma DP1x.
Camera : SIGMA DP1x, File Type: X3F Raw, Exposure Mode: Aperture Priority AE, ISO Setting : 100, White Balance : Auto, Shutter Speed : 1/80s, Aperture Value : F4.0, Focal Length: 16.6 mm
Camera : SIGMA DP1x, File Type: X3F Raw, Exposure Mode: Aperture Priority AE, ISO Setting : 100, White Balance : Auto, Shutter Speed : 1 sec, Aperture Value : F4.0, Focal Length: 16.6 mm
The revolution has gained refinement.
The world's first full-spec compact
“A large sensor in a compact body.” Appearing all over the media, this phrase neatly summed up Sigma's DP series of high-performance, high image-quality compact cameras.
Ever since digital cameras ousted film cameras from their mainstream status, the image sensors used in compact cameras had been far smaller than those used in SLRs. Of course, photo sensor size plays a crucial role in determining image quality. This was true in the days of film, and it's just as true in the digital age. Yet compact cameras had been getting steadily smaller and lighter. Meanwhile, the all-important pursuit of higher image quality had become an afterthought, for reasons of cost and technological difficulties.
What's more, digital compacts were all about extra functions and more megapixels. Higher pixel-counts were achieved simply by making the pixels extremely small, so that more of them could be crammed in, while the sensor itself remained as small as ever. In terms of the essence of photographic expression, pixel counts don't really count. Yet competition on this front had reached fever pitch by the spring of 2008, when the Sigma DP1 made its long­awaited debut.
The DP1 opened up new horizons
The DP1 was introduced as a compact digital camera with an SLR-sized image sensor. It was a camera that satisfied the artist's need for top image quality and yet was compact enough to take anywhere. This had always been the amateur photographer's dream. And a dream it remained, until Sigma boldly took up the challenge and overcame numerous challenges to make it happen.
That glimpse of unexpected beauty on your daily commute, early in the morning or late in the evening. The subtlety of human drama encountered on a street corner. The dewy petal of a nameless roadside flower. As anyone who loves photography could tell you, those crucial moments can't be contrived. There's only one place you find them: the often overlooked corners of ordinary life.
At Sigma, we have strong views about what a camera should be. Sensor size isn't our only obsession: we're also big on pioneering sensor design. That's why our DP cameras feature the Foveon X3® direct image sensor, which breaks
new ground by capturing the full complement of colors at each individual pixel location. Thanks to this sensor, our DP cameras produce distinctive images that combine exquisite vividness with astonishingly high definition, outclassing conventional digital image quality.
Thanks to the unique 3-D feel plus the clarity and sharpness, delivered by Sigma's proprietary three-layered Foveon X3® direct image sensor, the images created by the DP1 won acclaim from photographers all over the world. Their image quality was compared to that of a medium­format film camera rather than that of a DSLR. The rest is recent history: the DP1's formidable descriptive power not only made a worldwide splash, but also transcended the existing distinction between SLRs and compacts, creating the new “full-spec compact” category. There's just no doubt about it—the DP1 created quite a buzz in photographic circles.
Sigma's photographic passion and principles
You wouldn't carry an SLR around unless you intended to shoot some serious photos. Pictures taken with an SLR have to be carefully set up, framed and posed. All sorts of complicated settings have to be fiddled with. That's how most people would think of an SLR. Yet Sigma took the essence of an SLR, and packed it, unabridged, into a compact body. We also included a generous dollop of extra high-performance functions. We gave the photographer more artistic control, and left more scope for creative expression.
With the introduction of the Sigma DP series, serious photography can now be part of your everyday routine. And that's not all: these cameras are the perfect fit for today's increasingly nonconformist, free-spirited users. They awaken the creativity within many photographers, often causing them to fall in love with photography all over again.
In its forms and workflows, photographic equipment changes with the times. Photographic expression is also subject to passing trends. What stays unchanged is the way a camera should be. A camera should slavishly follow your direction. It should respect your intention. And it should do this without losing sight of the essence of photography, namely, capturing your own personal sensory experience, the picture in your mind's eye— a single image only you could create. This is the fundamental concept underlying all of Sigma's evolving technological innovation.
A Camera that Transforms Your Perception
After the ground-breaking, the fine-tuning
The DP1 was the world's first truly full spec compact camera. It deserves to be remembered as the camera that launched Sigma's DP series. This truly high-performance compact camera was groundbreaking in that it featured an SLR-sized image sensor. However, precisely because it was so ground­breaking, it faced some challenges.
At Sigma, we believe that users should experience the joy of finessing their pictures, working with superb image quality. In line with this philosophy, we gave the DP1 a specification worthy of an SLR, based on RAW (X3 mode) output. We wanted to create a whole new DP world of our own. But we must admit that, as an instrument for taking photos, the DP1 was more of a breakthrough than a culmination.
We must also concede that the TRUE the first-generation image-processing engine featured in the DP1–processed the abundant image data output by the Foveon X3® direct image sensor at a speed that some found unsatisfactory. The DP1's early adopters may well have felt the need for enhancement.
A more highly evolved version of the DP1
The concept behind the DP1—the first generation model remains unchanged in the DP1x. The new camera features the Foveon X3® direct image sensor, which provides astonishing definition, said to be on a par with that of medium format film. It also uses a specially designed ultra high-performance wide-angle lens equivalent to 28mm in a 35mm camera, which is even better than many high-performance interchangeable lenses used in SLRs.
We wanted the DP1x to deliver the special 3-D feel and texture that are the raison d'être of the DP series. That's why, rather than concentrating on a single index such as MTF, we aimed for all-round lens performance. As for image texture, which is determined by differences in focal length, F-number and other parameters, we took care to make the DP1x consistent with the rest of the DP series.
We also endowed the DP1x with the highly-acclaimed user interface and the TRUE II second-generation image
processing engine used in the DP2—the second release in the DP series. With more intuitive controls and dramatically improved operability and processing speeds, the DP1x is a more highly­evolved photographic instrument.
The pleasures of perspective
The DP1x has an integral wide-angle lens equivalent to 28mm in a 35mm camera. Since its field angle is greater than that of the human eye, a wide­angle lens can be used to bring out perspective, adding dynamism and drama to your photographs.
This type of lens really comes into its own when shooting landscapes and buildings, where its distinctive perspective can be used to full advantage. It allows dynamic captures of clear blue skies, white fluffy clouds and deep crimson sunsets. Buildings, be they historical structures, stylish examples of modern architecture, or anything in between, can be cleverly framed for maximum interest, or captured in a thousand other cool ways.
Breathing new inspiration into your photographic art
The wide-angle lens is also great for snapshots. For one thing, it has technical advantages—it's less susceptible to camera-shake and allows a greater depth of field. For another, its wide field angle gives you an edge when it comes to capturing subtle human interactions, or snatching that rare and unexpected photogenic moment that can show up in the most banal of everyday scenes.
Portraits are another genre you really should try with the wide-angle lens on the DP1x. The telephoto lens is the mainstream choice for this type of shot, so using a wide-angle lens adds a fresh twist right away. For a classic headshot, use portrait (vertical) orientation. Whether you shoot in portrait or landscape, you can inject a sense of depth and a dash of drama by cleverly incorporating the existing background, or by arranging background objects yourself.
Most photographers start out with an interest in using telephoto lenses. An obsession with wide-angle lenses tends to follow later. What gets them hooked on the wide-angle lens is its versatility and its infinite potential for artistic expression. This type of lens
brings all sorts of extraneous objects into the frame, so it can be tricky to master. The effort is more than repaid, however, by the extra scope for dramatic staging. In terms of sheer artistic enjoyment, the wide-angle lens gets more and more rewarding as you go up the learning curve.
A lens that takes you back to basics
Like the other Sigma DP cameras, the DP1x uses a single-focus lens. As high-performance zoom lenses have become mainstream even in integral­lens cameras, this might seem an unusual choice.
Certainly, when you can only shoot from a certain spot, a high­magnification zoom lens is hard to beat: its extensive visual field conveniently covers the range from wide-angle to telephoto. If you've ever struggled to take pictures with a single-focus lens that has the wrong field angle, you'll know just how frustrating it can be.
And yet, the single-focus lens has an elegance all of its own. Give it some serious attention, and it will repay the favor by taking you right back to the basics of photography. Choosing the subject. Finding the best angle. Framing the shot in the best way possible. Considering the light and shadow falling on the subject. Taking account of the colors. This is what photography is all about. In Sigma's philosophy, there's only one way to take a picture that is truly your own. You have to establish your personal, subjective relationship with the subject. And that means making all the artistic decisions yourself.
A camera that trains your artistic eye
Shooting with a single-focus lens forces you to frame the shot by moving your physical position. With a camera that automatically selects the best field angle for the subject, it wouldn't really matter where you positioned yourself. With a single­focus lens, however, actively searching for the best way to frame the shot makes you rethink your old habits. This prompts you to re-establish a new, more authentic, more personal relationship with photography.
Rediscover the joy of photography. Unleash your inner artist with the DP1x.
Camera : SIGMA DP1x, File Type: X3F Raw, Exposure Mode: Aperture Priority AE, ISO Setting : 100, White Balance : Auto, Shutter Speed : 1/80s, Aperture Value : F4.0, Focal Length: 16.6 mm
The DP1x's Foveon X3® direct image sensor utilizes the special features of silicon, which is penetrated to different depths by different wavelengths of light, to successfully achieve full-color capture for the first time ever in a single-chip configuration. No color filter is required.
Since the X3 can capture all the color information in its three layers, the aforementioned late-stage color interpolation necessitated by the Bayer filter image-sensor is not required, and exquisite, nuanced color expression can be created in
pixel-location units. Compared with the color-fudging Bayer filter image sensor, the X3 takes color resolution to a new and truly amazing level.
Since it does not need a color filter, the direct image sensor does not generate color artefacts. This, of course, means that no optical low­pass filter is needed either. This full-color capture system can cope with all kinds of high-frequency areas, and capture the full complement of colors. That's why the results are both absolutely natural and truly exquisite.
R: 100% G: 100% B: 100% R: 25% G: 50% B: 25%
The Foveon X3® Sensor
The Foveon X3® has three layers of photosensors, enabling it to capture 100% of the RGB color data at once.
The Bayer filter Image Sensor
The old-fashioned Bayer filter image sensor can only capture 50% of the green color data, and a mere 25% each of the blue and the red.
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