Sierra Series 200 Owner's Manual

Sierra Radio Systems
Series 200 Control System Owners Manual
Version 1.2
Table of Contents
Hardware overview
Architecture Configuring and installing the hardware boards External connections
Configuring the control system
Introduction Using DTMF Using a PC and the CONFIG program Basic configuration parameters Radio port configuration Setting audio levels Using macros and creating custom commands Saving the configuration to a file Downloading configuration to the control system Terminology and file system
Installing new firmware
Control system operation
Status indication LEDs Command processor Unlock codes Site prefixing
Command reference guide
System-wide Audio Level Setting
Final System Installation Checklist
Glossary Receive qualification, squelch and transmit timing Telemetry tones and level control Software architecture and theory of operation
This manual provides all the basic information you need to know to get your control system installed, configured and on the air quickly. The control system is designed to work "out of the box" in a standard configuration.
In most installations, all that is required is making the physical connections to power and the radio equipment and setting a few basic configuration parameters such as call sign and unlock code (password) and you are on the air.
The control system can be tailored to your particular needs in many ways. This manual will give you a good overview of many of the parameters that can be changed to tailor your system to meet your specific needs. Each port can be customized for a particular behavior including repeaters, RF links, VOIP links, etc. Telemetry, command names, and many other behaviors can also be customized.
Additional application notes are available on the SRS support web site that provides detailed information on a variety of special topics.
Basic Checklist
As you read through this document, from time to time you will see a check box. This is used to get your attention and indicates that this is something you really need to do to get your control system working. This is part of your “basic check list”. Make sure you read these notes.
You will also see open check boxes. These are for your to check them off as you go
to make sure you follow all the important steps.
Architecture Overview
The Series 200 control systems are very modular and scalable. The basic architecture includes a master CPU board, from 1 to 8 Radio Control Boards (RCBs), and a backplane to provide the interconnection between boards. Each RCB interfaces with an external device such as a repeater, RF link, VOIP link, or computer and provides a basic signaling interface that includes receive audio input, transmit audio output, COR (carrier present), CTCSS/DCS decode logic input, and PTT (transmit control) output, serial radio control I/O, and transmitter cooling fan output control.
The RCB can interface with many types of radio and computer equipment without modification. In some cases, additional signal processing is required. The Series 200 is designed to allow an additional signal interface board to be added to any of the RCB. Optional signaling boards include special boards for microwave radio equipment, E&M signaling, squelch detect, CTCSS tone generation, CTCSS detection, low pass filtering, high pass filtering, TTL to RS-232 conversion, etc. The optional signaling interface boards bolt on to the RCB to form a board pair or “module”.
A control system may be as simple as a CPU board, a single RCB and a short backplane. A fully configured system may occupy an entire 19 inch card rack and contain a CPU, up to 8 RCBs each with its own special signaling interface board, optional system interface boards, and a large backplane and power supply board. In any configuration, the system uses exactly the same CPU and RCB boards so a small system can easily grow into a large system by simply adding more boards. Additionally, the software that runs on the smallest configuration is exactly the same as the software for the largest configuration.
The modular nature of the Series 200 control system make it not only easy to upgrade, but also very easy to maintain. Boards can be quickly replaced from the front of the card rack.
Very modular. Very scalable. Easy to maintain.
System Installation Checklist
Basic Checklist Summary
This is a reminder of the basic steps to get your control system configured and running.
Hardware installation and external connections
Configure all necessary jumpers on each board.Plug boards into the backplane in the correct slots.Connect the control system to an external 12 VDC power source. Connect the CPU’s DB-9 connector to your PC.Connect each RCB’s DB-9 connector to your external devices: radios (repeater, RF
links, remote base radios), VOIP computers, etc.
Software configuration
Set basic configuration parameters
Call sign   
Set radio port configuration
Site prefix Location ID Unlock code
Set audio levels Customize commands Save the configuration to a file Download configuration to the control system
Configuring the CPU Board
Most of the boards in the control system have one or more jumpers that can be set to configure the board for various special purposes. The default configuration will be used in most cases. Refer to the SRS Hardware Reference manuals for more details on each board and the various jumper options. Here are the default jumper settings for the CPU and RCB boards.
Basic Checklist
Make sure all CPU board jumpers in properly set.
The CPU board executes the main control system functions including routing the audio, controlling the transmitter PTT lines, command decoding, and command response telemetry generation. The CPU board also provides a serial RS-232 connection to a PC for controller configuration, and 24 user defined I/O connections including digital inputs, analog inputs and buffered digital outputs.
CPU Jumper Settings
JU1 - DVB Jumper
The DVB jumper enables or disables audio from the DVB_bus signal on the backplane. This signal is audio generated from the optional Digital Voice Board or DVB.
"EN": When using the optional DVB in the system, JU1 MUST be in the enabled or
JU2 - Digital Pot Bypass Jumper
JU3 - ICD Power
IN: Install if using Con 5, the modular ICD jack for in-circuit programming.
NOTE: When using the ICD jack, you MUST cut the trace on the bottom of board to enable the ICD power.
In normal operation when not using the DVB, the jumper MUST be in the disabled or "DIS" position.
"EN" position.
T: Default. Set telemetry level under CPU control. This is the normal state for this
Force telemetry pot to mid scale. This overrides the CPU level set for the master telemetry generator.
Default. For using Con 3, the 10 pin header connector for in-circuit progamming.
JU4 - PGC Pullup
OUT: Remove the jumper when using Con 5, the ICD programming jack.
NOTE: When using the ICD jack, you MUST cut the trace on the bottom of board.Default CPU Jumper Configuration
Default. Install this jumper for using Con 3, the 10 pin header connector for in­circuit programming.
All jumpers should be installed in the default positions indicated.
JU1 DVB Default DIS
Configuring the Radio Control Board
The radio control board provides the audio interface, level set, audio mixing, local telemetry (key up and CW ID) generation, serial radio control interface, extra user programmable open collector outputs. One RCB is required for every radio or VOIP computer in the system. Each RCB is configured to have one of several "personalities" including a repeater, RF link, remotely controlled base station, or VOIP computer.
Basic Checklist
Make sure all RCB board jumpers are properly set.
JU1 - RX Port Select
You MUST to the port you want to assign this board from 0 to 7.
No two boards can have the same rx port select value.
have one (and only one) jumper installed in this block. It must correspond
JU2 - CPU Address
You MUST should be the same vale as the jumper installed in the Rx Port Select information above.
0 out out out out 1 out out out IN 2 out out IN out 3 out out IN IN 4 out IN out out 5 out IN out IN 6 out IN IN out 7 out IN IN IN
install jumpers in the address header to match the port assignment. This
8 4 2 1
JU 3 - DTMF Filter Bypass
IN: Bypass the DTMF filter and dirve the audio directly into the DTMF decoder.
Default. Takes the rx audio through a bandpass filter before it goes to the DTMF decoder.
JU4 - Local (NO)
OUT: Default
IN: Install the jumper to enable the open collector output of Q2 to drive the "local
COR" input on the local CPU.
JU5 - PL_Filter (NC)
Remove jumper is using a companion signaling board like the microwave or PL encode / decode boards. Default. Install the jumper when opearting the RCB without any signal conditioning boards.
JU6 - DAC Pot Mid
OUT: IN: Sets all four digital pots to mid scale.
Default. Allows digital pots to be set by the local CPU.
JU6 – Last Port Jumper (yes, there are two jumpers marked JU6)
OUT: IN: Insert a jumper in this position if this is the last RCB in the card rack. The Last
Not used at this time.
Default. Leave the jumper out for all RCB board except the last one.
Port jumper provides a termination on the high speed serial bus and will reduce noise on the bus.
T: Default.
JU8 - TA2D
T: Default
Not used at this time.
Default RCB Jumper Configuration
Note: There are two jumpers labeled “JU6”, the “DAC pot mid” jumper and the “last port” jumper.
The RCB jumpers should all be set to the defaults. Additionally, each RCB must be jumpered with the proper addresses set. Each RCB must be assigned one unique address from 0 to 7.
Jumper block ____ must be set with a single jumper to properly route the Rx
audio to the proper backplane bus signal.
Hardware Orientation
Power Supply Board The power supply board provides a power switch and a power LED. The power switch provides primary power to the CPU, RCB and accessory boards. The 12 VDC from the external power connector is routed to all boards in the card cage and is not switched. The power LED indicates that power is being supplied to the rest of the control system.
CPU Board The CPU board provides a power LED, hardware resest switch, optional I/O connector (DB25) and the male DB9 RS-232 serial connection to a PC used for computer-based configuration and control.
To trigger a hardware reset, press the hardware reset button.
Radio Control Board (RCB) The RCB board provides a power LED, a set of 6 channel status LEDs, a female DB15 auxiliary I/O connector and a female DB9 radio I/O connector.
The channel status LEDs indicate COR (active Rx signal present), PTT (transmitter active), CTCSS/DCS decode, DTMF decode and two user programmable output bits.
The DB15 auxiliary connector provides many convenient functions including
Configuring the Backplane
The system will come configured as ordered. You will need to plug the various boards into the correct slots in the backplane. If your system is already assembled as desired, you can skip this section.
The Power Supply, CPU and the first Radio Control Board (RCB) must be placed in specific slots. After the first RCB, all additional RCBs must be installed next to each other. There can be no gaps between the CPU and any of the RCBs. When optional microwave or CTCSS signaling boards are used, these boards are paired with each RCB and are installed in the slot to the right of the RCB.
The basic control system consists of the card rack with backplane, a power supply board, CPU board and one Radio Control Board (RCB) for each receiver/transmitter in the system. All controllers have the first 5 slots assigned as follows…
Slot Assignment 0 Power supply 1 Reserved for future expansion 2 Reserved for future expansion 3 CPU 4 Radio control board - port 0
Radio Control Boards are installed starting in slot 4. Every radio requires a radio control board. Radio Control Boards must be plugged into the backplane next to each other and are named port 0 through port 7. There can be NO gaps between boards after port 0.
A basic 8 port controller will have the following configuration…
Typical 8 port controller
Slot Assignment
0 Power supply 1 Reserved for future expansion 2 Reserved for future expansion 3 CPU 4 Radio control board - port 0 5 Radio control board - port 1 6 Radio control board - port 2 7 Radio control board - port 3 8 Radio control board - port 4 9 Radio control board - port 5 10 Radio control board - port 6 11 Radio control board - port 7 12-18 Empty
Each port is assigned a "personality" which defines the basic behavior of that RCB. Personalities can be either a repeater, RF link, VOIP link or remotely controlled base station. The different personalities of a system can be assigned to the ports in any desired order. The user level and many of the configuration commands refer to specific ports by a number, often referred to as the link number because most of them will be links. Configuration of the system is simpler if the number by which a port will be referred is same as the port number. A typical configuration would have a primary repeater in port 0, RF links in the next set of ports, VOID links, remote bases and then any additional repeaters, For example, 2 repeaters, 4 links, and 2 remote bases would be configured as…
Slot Assignment
0 Power supply 1 Reserved for future expansion 2 Reserved for future expansion 3 CPU 4 Radio control board - port 0 – Repeater 1 5 Radio control board - port 1 – Link 1 6 Radio control board - port 2 – Link 2 7 Radio control board - port 3 – Link 3 8 Radio control board - port 4 – Link 4 9 Radio control board - port 5 – Remote base 1, link 5 10 Radio control board - port 6 – Remote base 2, link 6 11 Radio control board - port 7 – Repeater 2, Radio 7 12-18 Empty
Special Note: There must
not be any empty slots between radio control boards. If there is a gap between boards, all ports up to the gap will work fine but all subsequent ports will not function properly. This breaks the high speed serial control bus which communicates the state of COR, PL decode, PTT, fan control, user outputs and DTMF signals to the master CPU.
Using Optional Signaling Boards
If optional signaling boards such as t
he microwave radio board or PL encode / decode boards are used, they are placed in the slot immediately to the right of the radio control board. A typical 6 port microwave hub would be configured as…
Slot Assignment 0 Power supply 1 Reserved for future expansion 2 Reserved for future expansion 3 CPU 4 Radio control board - port 0 - Microwave radio 1 5 Microwave E&M signaling interface board 6 Radio control board - port 1 - Microwave radio 2 7 Microwave E&M signaling interface board 8 Radio control board - port 2 - Microwave radio 3 9 Microwave E&M signaling interface board 10 Radio control board - port 3 - Microwave radio 4 11 Microwave E&M signaling interface board 12 Radio control board - port 4 - Microwave radio 5 13 Microwave E&M signaling interface board 14 Radio control board - port 5 - Microwave radio 6 15 Microwave E&M signaling interface board 16-18 Empty
Any combination of Radio Control Boards with or without optional signaling boards may be used. For example, a site with 1 repeater, 2 microwave radios, 2 narrowband RF links, one with PL encode/decode, one VOIP interconnect to the internet and one remote base radio.
Slot Assignment
0 Power supply 1 Reserved for future expansion 2 Reserved for future expansion 3 CPU 4 Radio control board - port 0 - Repeater 5 Radio control board - port 1 - Microwave radio, link 1 6 Microwave E&M signaling interface board 7 Radio control board - port 2 - Microwave radio, link 2 8 Microwave E&M signaling interface board 9 Radio control board - port 3 - RF link 3 10 PL encode / decode signaling interface board for RF link 1 11 Radio control board - port 4 - RF link 4 12 Radio control board - port 5 - VOIP internet interconnect board 13 Radio control board - port 6 - remote base radio 14-18 Empty
External Connections
Backplane DC Power Connection
Basic Checklist
Make sure you connect the control system to an external 12 VDC power source.
The control system typically uses +12 to +14 VDC and will operate down to10 VDC with no problems. The external DC power is supplied through a 2 pin connector mounted on the back of the control system.
The alignment tab is on the top of the connector. As you look at the back of the backplane, the left pin is +12 VDC in and the right pin is ground.
Make sure the connector is plugged in correctly. The control system is internally fused on the power supply board just in case something gets shorted out. The fuse value should be 3 amps.
CPU Board Connections
The are three types of external connections on the CPU board, the configuration serial port connector, the general purpose I/O connector and the in-circuit programming connectors.
Basic Checklist
Make sure you connect the CPU’s DB-9 connector to your PC so you can use the CONFIG program to configure your control system.
CPU Board Serial Port Connector
This connection is a standard RS-232 ASCII interface between the control system and your computer. It is used to configure the control system under computer control. Connector pin outs…
Pin 2 - Rx data in Pin 3 - Tx data out Pin 5 - Ground
The configuration serial port is the male DB-9 connector on the front edge of the board. This connection is not used in normal operation. When using the optional PC-based configuration software, the PCs serial port is plugged in this connector.
PC Configuration Cable
This cable connects your computer to the main CPU board for upload and downloading the control systems configuration. The programming cable is a straight through cable. Connections required are pin 2 to 2, 3 to 3 and 5 to 5. The crossover of txd / rxd is done on the CPU board. Note that most female to female cable available in computer stores swap pins 2 and 3, so you may need to make your own cable.
Con_3 - In-Circuit Progamming Connector
The in-circuit programming connector, Con_3, is used to download new versions of firmware to the main CPU. This is a 10 pin header connector designed to be used for in­circuit programming with an ME Labs in-circuit programmer.
General Purpose I/O Connector
The GPIO connector provides 24 I/O signals that can be used for a variety of purposes. The signals inlcude 8 TTL level digital inputs with internal logic pullups, 8 open collector buffered outputs, 8 analog to digital converter inputs and ground.
All 24 I/O signals are protected from over voltage conditions using transient voltage suppression devices.
1 Analog input 2 Analog input 3 Analog input 4 Analog input
5 Digital output 6 Digital output 7 Digital output 8 Digital output
9 Digital input 10 Digital input 11 Digital input 12 Digital input 13 Digital input
Digital inputs are pulled up with a 10k resistor and must be either ground or +5 VDC.
Analog inputs must be between 0 and +5V.
Digital outputs are buffered open collector outputs that can sink up to 500 ma.
14 Analog input 15 Analog input 16 Analog input 17 Analog input
18 Digital output 19 Digital output 20 Digital output 21 Digital output
22 Digital input 23 Digital input 24 Digital input
25 Ground
Radio Control Board (RCB) Connections
Basic Checklist
Make sure you connect each radio, computer or other external device to the control system RCBs using the DB9 connector on the front of the RCB.
DB-9 radio connections
The control system has a female DB-9 connector which is used to connect to an external device including a repeater, link radio, remote base radio or computer system. The cable should have a male connector.
This picture is the DB-9 connector as seen on the front of the control system.
Pin 1
Pin 2
Pin 3
Pin 4
Pin 5
Pin 6
Pin 7
Pin 8
High impedence Rx audio input from receiver. Input can range from 0 to 2v peak-to-peak. Anything around 1 v p/p works great. Rx audio may be unsquelched.
COR ("Carrier Operated Relay"), an active low signal. When the carrier is present, the COR pin must be pulled to ground.
PTT ("Push To Talk"), an active low signal. This is an open collector output that pulls to ground when the controller wants to key the transmitter. The output can sink a maximum of 250 ma.
Low impedence audio output to the transmitter. Nominal 1v p/p output. Can be adjusted from 0 to about 4v p/p.
PL decode input active low. Pull this input pin low to indicate the presence of the proper PL or DPL tone being decoded.
Serial data input. TTL level ASCII input used with serial programmable remote base radios.
Serial data output. TTL level ASCII input used with serial programmable remote base radios.
Fan control output. This is an open collector output which is pulled to ground
Pin 9
to actuate a relay that will turn on the cooling fan on the transmitter. The output can sink a maximum of 250 ma.
Radio control cable.
The radio co
ntrol cable connects the control system to the individual radios. The cable is a 9 pin, shielded cable with all 9 connections wired straight through, with pin 1 to 1, 2 to 2, etc.
In-circuit programming connector
This is a 10
pin, dual row header connector. This connection is not used in normal operation. This is the connection where the in-circuit programmer in plugged in when downloading new versions of firmware to the RCB's local CPU.
RCB Accessory Connector "Aux_IO"
This is a female DB-15 which provid
es various optional connections for external device control, testing and alternate programming connections for the local CPU on the radio control board.
Typical cable for external device control
15 Open collector user output #1 8 Open collector user output #2 7 Open collector user output #3 14 Open collector user output #4 6 Open collector user output #5 11 Open collector PTT Output 12 Open collector Tx cooling fan output 13 Ground
Microwave Radio Interface Board
This board can be configured to drive a microwave radio that requires balanced audio and E & M signaling.
Modular jack pin outs
Pin Use
2 Balanced Tx audio out (600 Ohms) 3 PTT "M" signaling 4 Ground 5 Negative voltage input for PTT keying circuit (nomially -24v) 6 COR input, active low 7 Balanced Rx audio input (600 Ohms) 8 Balanced Rx audio input (600 Ohms)
1 Balanced Tx audio out (600 Ohms)
AS-3 Audio Squelch Board
High impedence Rx audio input from receiver. Input can range from 0 to 2v
Pin 1
peak-to-peak. Anything around 1 v p/p works great. Rx audio may be unsquelched.
Pin 2
Pin 3
Pin 4
Pin 5
Pin 6
Pin 7
Pin 8
Pin 9
COR ("Carrier Operated Relay"), an active low signal. When the carrier is present, the COR pin must be pulled to ground.
PTT ("Push To Talk"), an active low signal. This is an open collector output that pulls to ground when the controller wants to key the transmitter. The output can sink a maximum of 250 ma.
Low impedence audio output to the transmitter. Nominal 1v p/p output. Can be adjusted from 0 to about 4v p/p.
PL decode input active low. Pull this input pin low to indicate the presence of the proper PL or DPL tone being decoded.
Serial data input. TTL level ASCII input used with serial programmable remote base radios.
Serial data output. TTL level ASCII input used with serial programmable remote base radios.
Fan control output. This is an open collector output which is pulled to ground to actuate a relay that will turn on the cooling fan on the transmitter. The output can sink a maximum of 250 ma.
Radio I/O – II (RIO-II) Board
Configuring the Control System
Control System Configuration Software
Sierra Radio Systems supplies a software configuration program called “config” that allows the system administrator to configure the control system through a Windows­based PC. Config can be used in may different ways to configure a Sierra Radio Systems control system. Features include a graphic user interface to enter and modify control system parameters, run files control commands called scripts, reading configuration files into the program and writing the configuration back out to a file, interactively set audio levels, and more. The config program can be used “offline” to create and edit a configuration without a control system. Config uses the serial port on the master CPU board to transfer information to and from the control system. Config runs on a standard Windows PC that supports a serial port. A USB to serial adapter can be used is no serial port is available on the PC.
If you want to a detailed understanding of the config program and data files, skip forward to section II. If you just want to jump right in and configure your control system then here we go…
Section I - Setting up a New Configuration
The built in wizard helps you walk through the steps of creating a new configuration.
As you can see from the wizard the steps are…
1. Reset all parameters
2. Customize basic parameters
3. Configure each radio port
4. Set audio levels
5. Set command names and macros
6. Save configuration file
7. Download configuration to the controller
The steps are simple and in some cases some steps can even be skipped. Here is a description of what each step does…
1. Reset all parameters
This will set all the configuration parameters in the config program to their normal default values. Then the configuration file “
default.cfg” will be loaded. This is the
starting point for your new controller configuration.
2. Customize basic parameters
At a minimum, the controller should be personalized with its call sign, site prefix, location ID and unlock codes. For testing purposes, the defaults are fine but systems typically need to have their own unique call sign. Also for security reasons, the unlock code should be changed to something only the site administrator knows. If there are multiple control systems in a network, the site prefix and location ID should be changed to something unique to avoid confusion and proper network operation.
Call signs and location IDs can be up to 20 characters.
The site prefix should be 1, 2 or three unique digits. All site prefix codes are # followed by the parameter that you enter. If you enter 123, then your prefix will be #123.
Unlock codes should be something that only system administrators know. The minimum requirement is to specify unlock codes 1 and 2.
3. Configure Each Radio Port
Each port is assigned a personality depending on the type of equipment and desired behavior. Port types include repeaters, link, VIOP gateways, and remote bases.
Differences between port types
The table below describes the differences in behavior between ports configured as
repeaters, links, irlp nodes, and remote bases. Some of these are just the default
behavior that is created when the port type is defined, and can be changed, either by
port type or by individual port. Others (such as ability to accept commands) are built
into the programmed behavior of the port type.
Repeater port type
Used for normal repeater operation. Loops repeater receiver audio to transmitter, uses transmitter carrier delay, mutes all DTMF audio to the transmitter but passes DTMF to the links, etc.
Link port type
Used for RF or “private” internet VOIP point to point network links. Does not loop audio, passes all DTMF tones, has no carrier delay unless the signal comes from a repeater input, etc.
VOIP port type
Used for IRLP, EchoLink and other “public” VOIP systems. Does not loop audio, does not pass DTMF or any locally generated telemetry, turns off carrier delay by default, etc.
Remote base port type
Used for remotely controlled base stations including Icom, Yaesu, Kenwood serial programmed radios, BCD and channelized radios. Does not loop audio, does not pass DTMF or any locally generated telemetry, carrier delay turned off by default, etc
If the port type is “Remote Base” then the remote base type should be selected for the controller to generate the correct frequency and mode control data sent to the remote base radio.
The control system can support up to 3 independent groups of ports. The default is for all ports to operate together as group 0. Additional groups can be created by assigning group #1 or #2 to a port. Each group will act as if its members are the only radios in the system. All groups must use the same command set and will generate the same type of telemetry.
This defines the combination of carrier detect (COR) and CTCSS/DCS signaling required for a valid signal present indication from each receiver.
When checked, this makes that specific RCB (radio control board) available to the system. When unchecked, it is logically disconnected as if the board was pulled from the card cage.
Default on link
When checked, this port will default to be connected to the other ports in its group when the system is reset or a site normal command is executed. When unchecked, this port will be defaulted in the disconnected mode.
3. Set Audio Levels
Each radio control board has 4 digitally controlled audio level set potentiometers. The control the receiver and transmitter audio levels, telemetry level generated by the RCB that is sent only to that specific transmitter and an auxiliary audio input level. The local telemetry generator per transmitter is used for dial tone, busy signal, function complete, CW ID and other functions. The auxiliary audio input is typically used for sub-audible CTCSS and other externally generated signaling tones.
Audio level set dialog box
Use the “radio buttons” to select the specific audio level you want to set. Pick a port on the left and a level set pot on the top. Then click one of the level adjust buttons on the right side to change the pot level.
Interactive, real time audio level setting from the computer.
This is an interactive dialog box. Most commands and parameters entered on most screens are not sent to the control system until the “download configuration to control system” is performed. In the case of the audio level set screen, as you change audio level values, they are sent real time to the control system. This allows you to set all audio levels in the control system while connected to actual radio and test equipment. This is the equivalent of adjusting up to 36 little audio pots but without having to bring your little green screwdriver.
Each audio level can be set between 0 and 255. 0 is minimum (“Min”) which shuts off the audio, 127 is Mid scale and 255 is maximum (“Max”) audio. Audio is adjusted by
pressing one of the buttons on the right side of the screen. It Up 10 and Down 10 lets you move quickly across the range of the pot while Up 1 / Down 1 let you fine tune your levels.
4. Set Command Names and Macros
The control system comes with several dozen built in commands. In the simplest use mode, all you need to do is select your own personal unlock code and use all the generic built in commands and everything will work fine. This relies on the unique unlock code for security, which for most situations may be good enough. It is often desirable to have some or all of the user commands assigned unique “command names”. This is accomplished by using the user command macro features of the control system. Up to 250 user macros can be created. A macro can be a simple mapping of a custom command name to a single built in controller command. For example the built in command C310 will send the CW ID for the system. If you wanted to have your own command 123 send a CW ID you would create a macro with the name 123 and the macro string contents would be C310.
Macros allow you to string several commands together. You can create a command that will perform multiple actions with a single command name. For example you can create a command 234 which will execute the internal commands C3311 C3312 C3313 C3304 C351 which will turn on links 1, 2 and 3, turn off link 4 and set the repeater in CTCSS mode. Macros can even contain other macros.
Special note: If you have any special script files that need to be run to finalize your configuration, this is the time to do it.
5. Save Configuration File
After you create your configuration, you should save it to a disk file so you can easily edit or re-download your configuration in the future into the same or another control system. To generate your configuration file, select File / Save As. You well see a dialog box like this…
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