Sierra S5010, S5011, S5012 Using Manual

Using Your
With Alphanumeric Keypad
S5010, S5011, S5012
1 Overview
Your Security System ..................................... 1
How Your Security System Works ................. 2
Your System's Programming ......................... 3
Getting Used to Your System.........................3
The Parts of Your Keypad .............................. 4
Emergency Keys ............................................ 5
System Status Messages .............................. 6
2 User Codes and Privileges
User Codes and User Numbers.....................7
How to Enter a User Code ............................. 7
How to Assign or Change User Codes .......... 8
Correcting a User Code Entry......................10
How to Delete a User Code ......................... 10
Types of User Codes.................................... 11
Master User Code ........................................ 11
Basic User Code .......................................... 11
Kidwatch Code ............................................. 12
Maid Code .................................................... 14
Temporary Maid Code .................................. 15
Duress Code ................................................ 17
Relay Code...................................................17
3 Arming and Bypassing
How the Arming Modes Differ ...................... 18
Quick Arming Modes.................................... 18
Exit Delays.................................................... 19
Canceling an Arming Sequence .................. 19
Full Arming ................................................... 20
Quick Full-Arming ......................................... 20
Home Arming ............................................... 21
Quick Home-Arming..................................... 21
Instant Home-Arming ................................... 22
Quick Instant Home-Arming ......................... 22
Automatic (Timed) Arming ........................... 23
Arming With Not-Ready Zones .................... 24
Bypassing ..................................................... 25
Quick Bypassing .......................................... 26
Optional Arming Features ............................ 27
4 Disarming and Alarms
Entry Delays ................................................. 29
Disarming ..................................................... 29
Automatic (Timed) Disarming ...................... 30
Canceling an Alarm ...................................... 31
After an Alarm .............................................. 31
How to Prevent False Alarms ...................... 32
Optional Alarm Features .............................. 33
5 System Settings
How to Set the Clock and Calendar............. 34
How to Turn the Warning Tone On/Off ......... 36
How to Turn the Chimes On/Off ................... 37
How to Turn the Backlight On/Off ................ 38
How to Change the Relay Days ................... 39
6 System Maintenance
How to Walk-Test the System.................... . 40
How to Use Event Memory......................... 41
How to Test the Bells and Sirens................ 42
To Start a Remote Programming Session.. . 43
How to Test the Battery.............................. . 44
How to Use Quick View.............................. 45
Common System Messages...................... . 46
Troubleshooting Service Conditions........... . 47
7 Partitioning
What Areas Do............................................ 49
How Areas Affect User Codes ..................... 51
Pre-Assigned Area User Numbers .............. 52
Changing Area User Codes ......................... 52
Understanding the Area Status Menu.......... 53
Using Multiple Keypads in an Area .............. 55
Arming Individual Areas ............................... 55
Arming Multiple Areas .................................. 56
Disarming Individual Areas .......................... 57
Disarming Multiple Areas ............................. 57
Using the Zone Status Menu ....................... 58
Canceling Alarms ......................................... 59
Resetting After an Alarm.............................. 59
8 Notes
System Configurations ................................. 60
Glossary of Terms ........................................ 63
Where to Place Smoke Detectors ............... 65
How to Evacuate in an Emergency.............. 66
Y our Security System
Smoke Detector
Motion Sensor
(Interior Protection)
Magnetic Contact
Glassbreak Detector
(Perimeter Protection)
Monitoring Station
Siren (Alarm)
Y our security system includes a number of detection devices, such as magnetic contacts, glassbreak detectors, smoke detec- tors, and motion sensors. These devices identify alarm condi­tions and report them to the control panel. If programmed, the control panel sounds an alarm. The control panel also communi­cates with you (through the keypad) and with a monitoring sta- tion (through a telephone hook-up).
Each region monitored by a sensor (or group of sensors) is known as a zone. Most zones will trigger an alarm only when the sys­tem is armed. Other sensors, such as smoke detectors, can trig­ger an alarm at any time. Y our system's zones are identified on a label placed inside the door of your keypad.
Monitoring station personnel respond to system messages, and notify emergency personnel as needed. A monitoring service is an optional part of a security system.
How Your Security System Works
When an intruder enters the building, a detection device is trig­gered. The device sends a message to the control panel. The device may have LEDs (lights) that blink.
The control panel responds by sounding the alarm. (Alarm sounds
vary. If your system is programmed for silent alarms, no bells sound.) A message is sent to the keypad and, if connected, to the monitoring station.
The keypad displays a warning message. Personnel at the moni­toring station confirm the alarm and respond accordingly.
Some alarms can be canceled before the siren sounds and the monitoring station is notified. See Section 4 for more informa­tion.
Triggers Alarm
Sounds Alarm
Issues Warnings
Station Is
Your System's Programming
Your Sierra security system has been customized to suit your needs. Besides selecting the best equipment for your building, your installer has programmed your system to operate in a way that reflects your lifestyle. For example, your system may be programmed to recognize special user codes, to arm and disarm automatically, or to report to a monitoring station.
Throughout this manual, you will find descriptions of features that may have been programmed into your system. To see how your system was programmed, refer to the checklist in Section 8.
Getting Used to Your System
Your security system can be programmed for a learning period that can last from one to 31 days. With this option, you can prac­tice using your system without causing any false alarms. Refer to Section 8 to see if this learning period was programmed into your system.
During the learning period, your system does two things differ­ently . First, during an alarm, you do not hear any sirens or bells. Second, if you have a monitoring station hook-up, your system does not notify the station of an alarm.
After the learning period is over, your system automatically be­gins to function normally . If programmed, sirens and bells sound during an alarm, and the monitoring station receives information over the telephone hook-up.
IMPORTANT: Your building is not fully protected from actual alarms during the learning period.
The Parts of Y our Keypad
, the system is armed.
If on
, the system is disarmed.
If off If blinking
leave the building.
Power LED
, the system's power
If on
supply is normal.
, the system is drawing
If off
power from the battery.
If blinking slowly
is about to fail.
, the battery
, the system is about to arm;
Describes the system's status, such as: —if the system is ready to arm —if an alarm has occurred —if a zone is faulted —other special information
Numeric Keys
Used to enter
user codes and perform other functions.
Secondary Function
Press and hold the key
for two seconds to make changes to the system.
Emergency Keys
To notify your monitoring station of an emergency, press and hold for two seconds until you hear an alarm. (Keys must be programmed to function.)
—for a medical emergency
—for a fire
—for a crime in progress
Emergency Keys
Your keypad is equipped with three emergency keys.
keys do not function unless your installer activated them.
activated, these keys are a one-button way to inform your monitoring station of a medical emergency, a fire, or a crime in progress.
Depending upon how your sys­tem is programmed, an alarm may sound when an emer­gency key is pressed. To can-
cel the alarm, press the
key and enter your
user code.
After you press an emergency key, your keypad's display shows that an emergency alarm occurred. To clear the display, press and hold the
key for two seconds.
To Use Emergency Keys:
1. To report a medical emer­gency, press and hold the
key for 2 seconds
until you see:
2. To report a fire, press and hold the
seconds until you see:
3. To report a crime in progress, press and hold the
key for 2 seconds until you see:
key for 2
System Status Messages
Your keypad's display gives you information about the status of your system. If there is more than one condition to report, your keypad displays each message in turn.
Below is a list of the types of messages you may see. On your
display , the # symbol is replaced with the number of the zone, or zones, in question. For more information about many of these messages, see Section 6.
ALARM (ZN#) A zone (ZN) is, or recently has been, in alarm.
ARMED-HOM The system is armed using home-arming. ARMED-INS The system is armed using instant home-arming. BYPASSED (ZN#) A zone has been bypassed, meaning the zone is no
FAULTED (ZN#) The sensor in the zone has detected a condition
which, if the system were armed, would cause an alarm. (For example, a door may be ajar.)
READY The system is ready to be armed. NOT READY The system is not ready to be armed because a zone
is faulted.
PRESS SERVICE Your system may need to be repaired. TAMPER (ZN#) A sensor may have been vandalized. TROUBLE (ZN#) A sensor may not be functioning properly.
longer protected.
No system status messages are displayed while you arm the sys­tem, or make other changes, like assign user codes.
User Codes and User Numbers
A user code is a secret four-digit number, used to arm and dis- arm the system, and possibly to make other changes. Every in­dividual who has a user code is also assigned a two-digit user number. You cannot assign the same user code to more than one user number.
You can assign a different user code and user number to each person who operates the system. Your security system supports up to 60 users (user numbers 1 through 60).
If you prefer, you can assign only one user code and user num­ber to a group of users. This is not recommended, since it will then be impossible to determine which individual gave a specific command.
How to Enter a User Code
To enter a user code, simply press the four numbers in succes­sion. Do not pause for more than five seconds between num­bers.
For security reasons, the code you enter is not displayed.
User Codes
How to Assign or Change User Codes
User codes can be created or
changed as often as you like. Any code you select must be four digits long.
Y ou cannot use 0000, or assign the same user code to more than one user number. Avoid
User Codes
codes that are easy to guess, like 1234. The default master user code (user number 1) is
5832. For security reasons, be sure to change this code. Do not assign the code 5832 to an­other user.
If you make a mistake while assigning a user code, you may correct it by repeating the procedure.
Be sure to record the user codes, and to keep these records in a safe place.
To Assign or Change
a User Code:
1. Press and hold the [user prg] key for 2 seconds until you hear two beeps. You see:
2. Enter the master user code. You see:
If a user number is available, the number is displayed.
3. Enter the two-digit user num­ber . You see:
USER ## = ####
4. Enter the new four-digit user code. You see:
Byp=NO Home=YES
Assign User Codes (continued)
Important Note. At installa­tion, each user number is as­signed rights and privileges. For example, user number 18 may have the rights to arm, dis­arm, and bypass zones. This is true even if, in this example, there is no user 18 using the system.
Thus, if you want to assign a user code to a new user,
sure that you select a user number with the privileges you want that user to have.
installer should have provided you with specific information about how your system was configured. Refer to this infor­mation to select the proper user number.
To Assign or Change
a User Code (continued):
5. If the user's language is En­glish, press the
6. If the user's language is not English, press the key until the appropriate lan­guage is displayed, then press the
You see:
7. To change another user code, press the key.
8. To exit, press and hold the
key for 2 seconds.
User Codes
Correcting a User Code Entry
You will know that you entered an incorrect user code when
the system does not complete your command. As a security feature, your keypad does not beep when you enter an incor­rect user code.
User Codes
If you make a mistake entering the user code, simply re-enter the code.
How to Delete a User Code
Y ou may delete a user code by changing that code to 0000. Follow the procedure for as­signing or changing a user code, described on the previ­ous page.
Some security systems include wire­less keyfobs and remotes, used to
arm and disarm the system. If a keyfob or remote is lost, you can pro­tect your building by deleting its user code.
To Correct a User
Code Entry:
1. Re-enter your user code.
To Delete a User Code:
1. Change the user code to 0000, following the proce­dure for assigning or chang­ing a user code.
Types of User Codes
This section identifies the types of user codes your system may recognize. At the top of each user code section, you will see a checklist like this:
Standard Code _X_
Optional Code ___
Active Certain Days/Times ___
Items on this checklist followed by an "X" are features of the user code.
Master User Code
The master user can arm and disarm the system, and can make other changes, such as disabling your system's features, and changing user codes.
Active Certain Days/Times ___
Basic User Code
Depending upon how your system was programmed, basic users may have rights to arm, disarm, or bypass zones.
Active Certain Days/Times ___
Standard Code _X_
Optional Code ___
Standard Code _X_
Optional Code ___
User Codes
Kidwatch Code
Standard Code ___
Optional Code _X_
Active Certain Days/Times _X_
Designed for parents whose children come home first, this option allows you to be notified if your child is not home by a certain time. You can be noti-
User Codes
fied by pager, by an automated telephone call, or by your moni­toring station. (Not all monitor­ing stations offer this service.)
The Kidwatch Code is a four­digit code that you can change or delete like any other user code. The code is assigned to user number 1 1. It allows your children to disarm the system, and can be programmed to al­low them to arm or bypass zones.
How it works. After arriving home during a day when Kidwatch is active, your chil­dren disarm the system by en­tering the Kidwatch code. If they do not enter the code by a given time, you are notified.
To Change Kidwatch Days:
1. Press and hold the [kidwatch] key for 2 seconds until you hear two beeps. Y ou see:
2. Enter the master user code. You see something like this:
SMTWTFS8 1234567
3. The "" marks those days you are notified about the use of the Kidwatch Code.
4. Press the number above the letter of the day(s) you wish to switch on or off.
5. To exit, press the key.
Kidwatch Code (continued)
Changing Kidwatch Days.
You have the option of chang­ing which days Kidwatch is in effect. T o do so, follow the pro­cedure on the previous page.
Reviewing Kidwatch Use.
You can review the times that Kidwatch Codes were used to arm and disarm your system by viewing Event Memory. See Section 6 for more information.
Turning Kidwatch on and off.
Kidwatch can be turned on and off. When Kidwatch is turned off, you are no longer notified of the use of the Kidwatch Code. Otherwise, the code works as before. If you turn the Kidwatch Code on or off, it re­mains that way until you change it back.
Kidwatch Setup. See Section 8 for the specifics of how the Kidwatch Code was set up on your system.
To Turn Kidwatch On/Off:
1. Press and hold the [kidwatch] key for 2 seconds until you hear two beeps. Y ou see:
2. Enter the master user code. You see something like this:
SMTWTFS8 1234567
If there is an "E" under the "8," the Kidwatch Code is en­abled (on). If you see a "D," the Kidwatch Code is dis­abled (off).
3. To switch the Kidwatch Code on or off, press the
4. To exit, press the key.
User Codes
Maid Code
Standard Code ___
Optional Code _X_
Active Certain Days/Times _X_
Unlike other user codes, which work any day of the week, the Maid Code works only on cer­tain days of the week.
User Codes
The Maid Code is a four-digit user code that you can change or delete like any other user code. Y our installer must have programmed your system to accept a Maid Code. For sys­tems without multiple areas (as described in Section 7), the code is assigned to user num­ber 13. It allows an individual to arm and disarm the system on specific days.
How it works. Arriving at the building during a day when the Maid Code is active, the maid can disarm the system by en­tering the Maid Code. Upon leaving the building, the maid can arm the system by enter­ing the same code.
Maid Days and Times. For the
To Change Maid Days :
1. Press and hold the [maid] key for 2 seconds un­til you hear two beeps. You see:
2. Enter the master user code. If you see the following display,
press the
Byp=NO Home=YES
If you do not see this display, continue to step 3.
3. You see something like this:
SMTWTFS8 1234567
In this example, the "" be­low the "W" means the code works only on W ednesdays.
Maid Code (continued)
specifics of how the Maid Code was set up on your system, see Section 8.
As the preceding section shows, the Maid Code can be programmed to work on certain days of the week only. If you prefer, however, you can set the Maid Code to work for the next few hours, regardless of the day of the week. The num­ber of hours the Maid Code works depends upon your system's programming.
The Temporary Maid Code is assigned to user number 13.
See Section 8 for the specifics
Temporary Maid Code
To Change Maid Days
5. Press the number above the letter of the day(s) you wish to switch on or off.
6. To exit, press the key.
Standard Code ___
Active Certain Days/Times _X_
To Start the Maid Code Timer:
1. Press and hold the
[maid] key for 2 seconds un­til you hear two beeps. You see:
2. Enter the master user code. If you see the following display,
press the
Optional Code _X_
Byp=NO Home=YES
User Codes
Temporary Maid Code (continued)
of how your system was pro-
If you turn on the Temporary Maid Code, your maid can use this code to disarm the system for the next few hours. Once that time has expired, the code
User Codes
cannot be used to disarm the system.
To Start the Maid Code Timer:
3. You see something like this:
4. Press the
5. Press the
6. Press and hold the
If you do not see this display, continue to step 3.
SMTWTFS8 1234567
key until
you see an "E" under the 8.
[maid] key for 2 seconds un­til you hear two beeps. Enter the master user code. You see:
Byp=NO Home=YES
7. Press the key. You see something like this:
Standard Code ___
Optional Code _X_
Active Certain Days/Times _X_
If an intruder forces you to dis­arm your system, this optional code sends a silent signal to alert monitoring station person­nel that you are in danger.
For systems without multiple areas, the code is assigned to user number 15. You can change or delete this code like any other user code.
Relay Code
A relay code acts like a switch. When you enter this code, a device that is connected to the control panel is turned on or off. For ex­ample, your system can be programmed to switch the exterior lights of your building on or off when you enter a relay code. Relay codes must be programmed into your system by the installer.
To Use the Duress Code:
1. Enter the four-digit code. You see:
Your system appears to dis­arm normally. However, a message is sent to your monitoring station that you are in danger.
Standard Code ___
Optional Code _X_
Active Certain Days/Times ___
User Codes
The relay code is a four-digit code that you can change or delete like any other user code. If you delete the relay code, you will no longer be able to use this feature. For systems without multiple areas (as described in Section 7), the code is assigned to user number 14.
How the Arming Modes Differ
Your security system can be armed in a number of ways, to suit different situations. These modes are summarized below:
Full Arming. You cannot be inside the building when it is
Arm/ Bypass
armed with full-arming. If sensors detect movement within a building, or at the building's perimeter, an alarm sounds.
Home Arming (optional): You can be inside the building when it is armed with home-arming. If someone enters the building through a protected door, you must enter a user code, or an alarm sounds.
Instant Home-Arming (optional). You can be inside the building when it is armed with instant home-arming. If some­one enters the building through a protected door, an alarm sounds instantly.
Automatic Arming (optional). Y our system can be pre-pro­grammed to arm and disarm at preset times and days. You cannot be inside the building when it is automatically armed. (See Note 1 on page 64.)
Quick Arming Modes
If your system is programmed for quick arming, you do not need to enter your user code before arming begins. Refer to Section 8 to determine if your system was programmed for quick arming.
Quick arming does not affect how your system behaves once it is armed. For example, there is no difference in the way a system armed with home-arming or quick home-arming protects you.
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