Sierra QuadraTherm 640i, QuadraTherm 780i Instruction Manual

QuadraTherm® 640i & 780i
Foundation Fieldbus
Instruction Manual
Foundation Fieldbus Interface Specification for Models: 640i and 780i
Thermal Mass Flow Meters
Part Number: IM640i/780i-FF, Rev. V1
January 2014
5 Harris Court, Building L Monterey, CA 93940 Phone (831) 373-0200 (800) 866-0200 Fax (831) 373-4402
Bijlmansweid 2 1934RE Egmond aan den Hoef The Netherlands Phone +31 72 5071400 Fax +31 72 5071401
Second Floor Building 5, Senpu Industrial Park 25 Hangdu Road Hangtou Town Pu Dong New District, Shanghai, P.R. China Postal Code 201316 Phone: + 8621 5879 8521 Fax: +8621 5879 8586
Sierra Instruments, Inc. is not liable for any damage or personal injury, whatsoever, resulting from the use of Sierra Instruments standard mass flow meters for oxygen gas. You are responsible for determining if this mass flow meter is appropriate for your oxygen application. You are responsible for cleaning the mass flow meter to the degree required for your oxygen flow application.
No part of this publication may be copied or distributed, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any human or computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, manual, or otherwise, or disclosed to third parties without the express written permission of Sierra Instruments. The information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice.
QuadraTherm® is a trademark of Sierra Instruments, Inc. Other product and company names listed in this manual are trademarks or trade names of their respective manufacturers.
Warnings and Cautions
nameplate for specific flow meter approvals before any hazardous location installation.
Agency approval for hazardous location installations varies between flow meter models. Consult the flow meter
manufacturer of the hot tap equipment and/or the contractor performing the hot tap is responsible for providing proof of such a permit.
to a power source and to peripheral devices. Failure to do so could result in injury or death. All AC power connections must be in accordance with published CE directives.
sensors and/or damage to the electronics.
control system. Adjustments to the electronics will cause direct changes to flow control settings.
as the main pipeline.
Hot tapping must be performed by a trained professional. U.S. regulations often require a hot tap permit. The
All wiring procedures must be performed with the power off.
To avoid potential electric shock, follow National Electric Code safety practices or your local code when wiring this unit
Do not power the flow meter with the sensor remote (if applicable) wires disconnected. This could cause over-heating of the
Before attempting any flow meter repair, verify that the line is de -pressurized.
Always remove main power before disassembling any part of the mass flow meter.
Before making adjustments to the device, verify the flow meter is not actively monitoring or reporting to any master
All flow meter connections, isolation valves and fittings for hot tapping must have the same or higher pressure rating
You cannot add or subtract wire length without returning the meter to the factory for re-calibration.
before installing the meter.
precautions to minimize the risk of damage:
Changing the length of cables or interchanging sensors or senso r wiring will affect the accuracy of the flow meter.
When using toxic or corrosive gases, purge the line with inert gas for a minimum of four hours at full gas flow
The AC wire insulation temperature rating must meet or exceed 80°C (176°F).
Printed circuit boards are sensitive to electrostatic discharge. To avoid damaging the board, follow these
before handling the assembly, discharge your body by touching a grounded, metal object handle all cards by their edges unless otherwise required when possible, use grounded electrostatic discharge wrist straps when handling sensitive components
Note and Safety Information
We use caution and warning statements throughout this book to draw your attention to important information.
This statement appears with information that is important to protect people and equipment from damage. Pay very close attention to all warnings that apply to your application.
This statement appears with information that is important for protecting your equipment and performance. Read and follow all cautions that apply to your application.
Receipt of System Components
When receiving a Sierra mass flow meter, carefully check the outside
carton for damage incurred in shipment. If the carton is damaged, notify the local carrier and submit a report to the factory or distributor. Remove the packing slip and check that all ordered components are present. Make sure any spare parts or accessories are not discarded with the packing material. Do not return any equipment to the factory without first contacting Sierra Customer Service
Technical Assistance
If you encounter a problem with your flow meter, review the configuration information for each step of the installation, operation, and setup procedures. Verify that your settings and adjustments are consistent with factory recommendations. Installation and troubleshooting information can be found in the QuadraTherm®640i/780i product manual.
If the problem persists after following the troubleshooting procedures outlined in the QuadraTherm640i/780i product manual, contact Sierra Instruments by fax or by E-mail (see inside front cover). For urgent phone support you may call (800) 866­0200 or (831) 373-0200 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. PST. In Europe, contact Sierra Instruments Europe at +31 20 6145810. In the Asia-Pacific region, contact Sierra Instruments Asia at +
When contacting Technical Support,
make sure to include this information:
The flow range, serial number, and Sierra order number (all marked on the meter nameplate)
The software version (visible at start up)
The problem you are encountering and any corrective action taken
Application information (gas, pressure, temperature and piping configuration)
Table of Contents
Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................... 5
Chapter 1: Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 6
Chapter 2 – Connecting the 640i/780i Series to Your FF-BUS Network ............................................. 7
Chapter 3 - Definitions ............................................................................................................................ 8
Chapter 4 – Foundation Fieldbus Interface Configurations ................................................................ 9
AI/AO Blocks: ....................................................................................................................................... 9
MODBUS_REGS_ (1 through 4): ......................................................................................................... 9
Chapter 5 Configuring the FF-BUS Using NI-FBUS Configurator ................................................. 10
Getting Started Configuring FF-Bus Using NI-FBUS Configurator ..................................................... 11
Configuration ...................................................................................................................................... 12
MODBUS_COM_SETUP.................................................................................................................... 15
Chapter 6 – Available Modbus Registers ............................................................................................ 16
Chapter 7 – Modbus Register Explained ............................................................................................ 19
Chapter 8 – Communication Diagnostic LEDS .................................................................................. 29
Chapter 1: Introduction
This manual will explain how to add a Sierra flow meter equipped with Foundation Fieldbus to your network. The Foundation Fieldbus interface allows access to all relevant data available in the flow meter.
This manual is intended to document the configuration of the Sierra Instruments QuadraTherm 640i and 780i thermal flow meters with the Foundation Fieldbus Communication Interface to your network. It assumes the reader already has a working knowledge of Foundation Fieldbus. For specific operations of the Sierra Instruments’ 640i and 780i thermal flow meters, consult the QuadraTherm® 640i/780i Series instruction manual.
For detailed information about Foundation Fieldbus go to:
The Sierra Instruments 640i/780i Series mass flow meters can be ordered with the optional Foundation Fieldbus (FF-BUS) Communication interface for use on a Foundation Fieldbus H1 network. This Interface complies with the new ITK version 6.
FF-BUS differs from other digital communication protocols, it is designed for process control rather than just transfer of data between a device and a central controller. It supports peer-to­peer communication and allows for functional blocks to operate independently between themselves without main controller intervention.
Foundation Fieldbus H1 networks are connected using a shielded twisted wire pairs. For more information about FF-BUS H1 wiring see: ginstallationguide.pdf
Chapter 2 – Connecting the QuadraTherm 640i/780i
to Your FF-BUS Network
The QuadraTherm 640i/780i meters use 24VDC (+/-10%) at 1 Amp. Due to the current needed, the meter cannot be powered from the H1 network. The separate 24VDC (+/-10%) power is connected to terminals 1 and 2.
The Foundation Fieldbus H1 network connections are labeled as FF-1 and FF-2. This is on the 2 position terminal block on the upper right shown below in Figure 1. These are not polarity dependent. If you are using multiple shield grounds, use the grounding screw.
Terminal pin 1: DC Power +
Terminal pin 2: DC Power -
Operation, the RS-
232 Harness Must
Be Connected
Figure 1: Basic Meter Connections
Grounding Screw
Chapter 3 - Definitions
DD: Device Description files are necessary to configure your FF-BUS host software. The DD files explain the specific configuration and features to your host network so it understands how to use the device.
Resource Block (RS): This function block contains basic information about the FF-BUS interface.
Transducer Block (TB): This block makes the connection to the meter and presents the process variables to the lower blocks. Most of the configuration setup is done in this block.
AI (Analog Input) Block: Although this is actually digital process data coming from the instrument (output), it is still referred to as an AI Block. This FF-BUS interface has four analog input blocks: AI1, AI2, AI3, and AI4.
AO (Analog Output) Block: Although this is a digital command being sent to the instrument (input), it is still referred to as an AO Block. The 640i/780i FF-BUS interface has one, labeled AO.
Modbus: Modbus is another digital communication protocol and is only relevant here because the Sierra FF-BUS interface uses Modbus as an intermediary between the meter and the FF-BUS interface. For special configuration, the user will only need a rudimentary knowledge of Modbus.
MODBUS_REG_SETUP_1 to 4: This is where AI1,2,3,4 and AO are configured as PV1,2,3,4, and Final Value. These are 32-bit registers the can configured multiple data types in various Byte order.
MODBUS_REGS_1 to 4: There are four groups of ten Modbus R/W registers that can be used for static variables such as serial number, calibration date, total reset, and meter full scale. These only have limited use, and may not be able to be seen with all FF-BUS devices.
32-bit float: Also known as Real or IEEE-754 single precision. The 32-bit float is a common data encoding scheme that provides 1 bit for the sign, 8 bits for an exponent, and 23 bits of significant numbers. In Modbus the Byte order is normally 1-0,3-2, however FF-BUS interface allows it to be changed if needed.
16-bit short integer: This is a 16-bit number ranging from 0-65,535 (216). The Byte order is 0,1.
32-bit long integer: This combines two 16-bit Modbus registers to make a number as high as 4,294,967,296 (232). The Byte order is 1-0,3-2. The FF-BUS will see this as one 32-bit integer.
String (Character): A 16-bit Modbus register would contain 2 ASCII characters (8 bits each) in 0-1 Byte order. So ox 41 42 would equal “A B”.
Chapter 4 – Foundation Fieldbus Interface Configurations
The 640i/780i FF-BUS interfaces uses a Modbus to FF-BUS translator board inside the flow meter. This allows the user to configure variables accessible to our Modbus interface. For the most part, the Modbus to FF-BUS translation is invisible to the end user unless they want to reconfigure the Transducer Block (TB) to access other Modbus variables.
AI/AO Blocks:
The Foundation Fieldbus Transducer Block (SIERRA_TB) provides four analog inputs (AI1 through AI4) and one analog output (AO). These are all configurable as 16 or 32-bit integer or Float data types. We have pre-configured these blocks as shown below in Table 1. However, the user can reconfigure them as needed.
Data Type
Analog Signal
32-bit Float/Real
Flow Rate
32-bit Float/Real
32-bit Float/Real
32-bit Float/Real
Final Value
5 * *
*Unassigned, open for customer configuration.
MODBUS_REGS_ (1 through 4):
The Transducer Block also has four groups of Modbus registers. These can be used for static setup inputs and outputs for variables such as reading the Serial Number, Calibration Date or changing the Gas Index, or resetting the totalizer. This data is not cyclic as it only updates occasionally, and might not be accessible to all devices on the fieldbus. These variables are limited to an unsigned short integer, Byte order 0-1. There are four groups of ten. Each group can only be configured in consecutive Modbus register order.
To use these groups, a starting registers number (MODBUS_REG_START_ADDRESS) and the number of registers after (NUM_OF_MODBUS_REG) is needed. These have been pre­configured as shown below in Table 2. However, the user can reconfigure them as needed.
Alarm status
1 8 10
Gas name ASCII Char 1-2
Gas name ASCII Char 3-4
Gas name ASCII Char 5-6
Gas name ASCII Char 7-8
Gas name ASCII Char 9-10
Gas name ASCII Char 11-12
Gas name ASCII Char 13-14
Gas name ASCII Char 15-16
Gas index
Flow units ASCII Char 1-2
Flow units ASCII Char 3-4
Flow units ASCII Char 5-6
Flow units ASCII Char 7-8
Table 1: Factory AI/AO Blocks
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