Siemens XC10 Series, XC1001-A, XC1005-A, XC1003-A Installation, Commissioning Maintenance

XC1001-A / XC1005-A / XC1003-A
Installation Commissioning Maintenance
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
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1 About this document ..............................................................................7
2 Safety instructions..................................................................................9
2.1 Danger levels ............................................................................................9
2.2 Safety instructions.....................................................................................9
2.3 Standards and directives complied with..................................................10
3 Standards...............................................................................................11
4 Overview ................................................................................................12
4.1 XC1001-A................................................................................................12
4.2 XC1005-A................................................................................................13
4.3 XC1003-A................................................................................................14
4.4 FCP1004-E .............................................................................................15
4.5 XCM1002 ................................................................................................16
4.6 User interface..........................................................................................18
5 Features .................................................................................................21
6 Installation .............................................................................................22
6.1 XC1001-A / XC1005-A ............................................................................22
6.2 XC1003-A................................................................................................24
6.3 User interface labels ...............................................................................28
7 Connections ..........................................................................................29
7.1 Mains.......................................................................................................29
7.2 Batteries ..................................................................................................29
7.3 Fire detectors/Manual release control buttons........................................30
7.4 Monitored inputs......................................................................................31
7.4.1 Monitored input 1 ....................................................................................31
7.4.2 Monitored input 2 ....................................................................................31
7.4.3 Monitored input 3 ....................................................................................32
7.4.4 Monitored input 4 ....................................................................................32
7.5 Control inputs ..........................................................................................33
7.6 Monitored control outputs .......................................................................34
7.6.1 Monitored control output 1 ......................................................................35
7.6.2 Monitored control output 2 ......................................................................35
7.6.3 Monitored control output 3 ......................................................................35
7.6.4 Monitored control output 4 ......................................................................36
7.6.5 Monitored control output 5 ......................................................................37
7.7 Programmable outputs............................................................................38
7.7.1 Driver outputs..........................................................................................38
7.7.2 Relay outputs ..........................................................................................39
7.8 24V power supply output ........................................................................39
8 Multi-sector installation........................................................................40
8.1 Operationg principle ................................................................................40
8.1.1 Example ..................................................................................................40
8.1.2 XCA1031 common module description...................................................41
8.1.3 XCA1030 Individual module description .................................................42
8.2 Multiple flooding zones modules overview .............................................43
8.3 Multiple flooding zones modules assembly and connection...................44
8.4 Multisector modules technical specification............................................45
9 Accessories ...........................................................................................46
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9.1 FCA1007 – Key switch............................................................................46
9.2 FDCI222 / FDCIO222 – Input/output interfaces......................................46
9.3 Remote transmitter..................................................................................46
10 Operating access levels .......................................................................47
10.1 Operating access level 1.........................................................................47
10.2 Operating access level 2.........................................................................47
10.3 Operating access level 3A ......................................................................47
10.4 Operating access level 3B ......................................................................47
11 Extinguishing process diagrams ........................................................48
12 Programming .........................................................................................49
12.1 Before starting.........................................................................................49
12.2 Presettings ..............................................................................................50
12.3 Steps 01 to 04 – Time duration settings .................................................52
12.4 Step 05 - Sounders .................................................................................53
12.5 Steps 06 to 09 - Remote transmission....................................................53
12.6 Steps 10 to 14 - Monitored outputs 1 to 5 ...............................................54
12.7 Steps 15 to 19 - Relay contact 1 to 5 ......................................................55
12.8 Steps 20 to 27 – Driver outputs 1 to 8 ....................................................56
12.9 Steps 28 to 31 - Monitored inputs 1 to 4 .................................................57
12.10 Steps 32 to 38 - Reset ............................................................................58
12.11 Steps 39 to 43 - Operation ......................................................................58
12.12 Steps 44 to 47 - Faults ............................................................................59
12.13 Steps 48 to 51 – Non monitored control inputs 1 to 4.............................59
12.14 Steps 52 to 55 - Detection zones ............................................................60
12.15 Steps 56 to 57 – Operating access level ................................................60
12.16 Step 58 – Multi-sector .............................................................................61
12.17 Step 59 - Detectors .................................................................................61
13 Commissioning .....................................................................................62
13.1 Powering .................................................................................................62
13.2 Monitored control outputs 4 and 5 calibration.........................................62
13.3 System test..............................................................................................63
13.4 Commissioning validation .......................................................................63
14 Maintenance ..........................................................................................64
14.1 Preventive maintenance..........................................................................64
14.2 Detailed fault display ...............................................................................65
15 Test functions........................................................................................67
15.1 Lamp test.................................................................................................67
15.2 Sounder test............................................................................................67
15.3 Warning panels test ................................................................................67
15.4 RT-alarm test ..........................................................................................68
15.5 RT-fault test.............................................................................................68
15.6 System test..............................................................................................68
15.7 Individual output test ...............................................................................69
15.8 Zone test .................................................................................................70
15.9 Manual release test.................................................................................70
16 Advanced functions..............................................................................71
16.1 Checksum ...............................................................................................71
16.2 Alarm counter..........................................................................................71
17 Special functions ..................................................................................72
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17.1 Anticipated Silence Sounders .................................................................72
17.2 Anticipated Reset ....................................................................................72
18 Maintenance PC ....................................................................................73
19 Components and spare parts ..............................................................74
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1 About this document
Purpose of the document
This document describes the installation, the commissioning and the maintenance of the XC10xx-A equipment. It provides an overview of the structure and functions of the system as a whole as well as of the individual devices. While following the instructions, a reliable operation is assured.
The information contained in this document is valid for the market package MP2.1. The document also contains information on country-specific components. Country­specific components are marked with square brackets, e. g. [FR], and may not be sold/used in your country.
Target audience
This document and the information contained therein are aimed at the target groups defined below:
Personnel Activity Qualification
Product manager – Performs local product management
– Responsible for exchanging information
between the headquarters and his/her Regional Company (RC) for his/her product range
Project manager – Performs project management
– Coordinates the use of all persons and
resources involved in the project according to schedule
– Continuously supplies information necessary for
project realisation
Installer – Assembles and installs the components at the
place of installation
– Performs a subsequent check of the installation
Commissioning personnel – Configure the product at the place of installation
according to customer specific requirements
– Check the product operability and release the
product for use by the operator
– Search for and correct malfunctions
Maintenance personnel – Carry out all maintenance work and check for
correct functioning
– Has suitable specialist training for the
function and for the product range
– Has attended the PM training courses
– Has suitable specialist training for the – function, scale of the project and product
– Has attended the training courses for
Project Managers
– Has received specialized training in the area
of building installation technology or electrical installations
– Has suitable specialist training for the
function and for the product range
– Have attended the training courses for
commissioning personnel
– Has suitable specialist training for the
function and for the product range
About this document
Reference documents
Designation Heading
A6V10257477_a_fr XC10 range
Operating manual
Identification of the document
Location Definition
Title page – Short name
Last page bottom left-hand side – Document no. (number-modification index-language-country)
Last page bottom right-hand side
Building Technologies A6V10257473_b_en_--.doc Fire Safety & Security Products 01.2010
– Name in full – Document purpose
– Date of issue
– User's guide – Register
About this document
Revision history
Document no. Edition date Brief description
A6V10257473_a_en_-- 11/2009 First edition MP2.1
A6V10257473_b_en_-- 01/2010 Corrections after field tests:
- Chap. 3: Standards / 4.19 monitoring the status of components (spelling mistake)
- Chap.4: fig 4 updated
- Chap. 6.3 label for XC1003-A is Pos. 8 not Pos.4
- Chap. 7.6.2 …. “to equipment outside” (spelling mistake)
- Chap 7.8: 24V polarity output was wrong. 24V(+) is on X5-3 and 24V(-) is on X5-4
- Chap. 8.2: note added for the connection of the 24V power supply
- Chap 8.3: fig 31 modified: resistor 3.3k on RS485 line removed
- Chap 11: fig 33 and 34 updated
- Chap 14.2: PMI picture is added on the top of the description table, for an easier checking
- Chap. 16.2: access code for the alarm counter was wrong
- Spelling mistakes
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2 Safety instructions
2.1 Danger levels
The following pictograms indicate the possible danger levels, their severity and consequences.
Safety instructions
Imminent danger!
Serious injuries or death.
Potentially dangerous situation
Serious injuries or death.
Potentially dangerous situation
Light injuries or material damage.
Important information requiring special attention.
2.2 Safety instructions
Products are developed and manufactured in accordance with the applicable international and European security standards. The local rules of installation, exploitation and destruction of the product apply and must be respected just like the safety instructions which appear in the documentation of the product.
Electric installations
Hardware must not be powered during commissioning and maintenance Affix an external label “DANGER external voltage” on the terminals connected to
an external voltage source
Separately lay the power lines towards the control unit. They must be fitted with
their own, clearly identified fuses
Ground in accordance with the local security standards
Interventions on wiring should be carried out only by qualified personnel.
Respect the safety instructions in explosive zone.
Assembly, installation, commissioning and maintenance
If any tools or accessories such as ladders are required, safe and suitable
devices must be used
When the extinguishing control panel is started up, it must be ensured that no
instable conditions can occur
Controls may only be set to normal function when the product operability has
been completely tested and the system has been handed over to the customer.
Control release for testing should not damage the installation
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Safety instructions
Avoid the inopportune release of RT-alarm Inform the reception station before an RT-alarm test Installation and commissioning shall be performed by trained personal
Product operation check
Inform the personnel of the formation of a smoke cloud and presence of noise Inform the personnel before alarm devices check and anticipate possible panic
Warn the alarm reception centers and the fault reception stations connected to
the system before carrying out the tests
Design modifications of systems and products
Modifications to the system and to individual products may lead to faults,
malfunctioning and safety risks
Intended system modifications or extensions require written approval from
Siemens and the relevant safety authorities
Components and spare parts
Components and spare parts must comply with the technical specifications
defined by Siemens. Only use products recommended or prescribed by Siemens
Only use fuses with the specified fuse characteristics Wrong battery types and improper battery changing lead to a risk of explosion.
Only use the same battery type or an equivalent type recommended by Siemens
Batteries must be disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner. Country
specific directives and regulations must be observed. They must be deposited at the collection places assigned to this purpose.
Note that the cylinders containing the extinguishing agent are under pressure
and that they must consequently be replaced in accordance with the safety instructions in force
Disregard of the safety regulations
Before they are delivered, products are tested to ensure they function correctly when used properly. Siemens disclaims all liability for damage or injuries caused by the incorrect application of the instructions or the disregard of danger warnings contained in the documentation. This applies in particular to:
Personal injuries or damage to property caused by improper use and incorrect
Personal injuries or damage to property caused by disregarding safety
instructions in the documentation or on the product
Personal injury or damage to property caused by poor maintenance or lack of
2.3 Standards and directives complied with
A list of the standards and directives complied with is available at your Siemens contact partner.
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3 Standards
In addition to the requirements of EN12094-1 and EN54-2, the XC10xx-A control panel complies with the following optional functions:
EN 12094-1
Clause Description
4.17 Delay of extinguishing signal
4.18 Signal representing the flow of extinguishing agent
4.19 Monitoring the status of components
4.20 Emergency hold device
4.21 Control of flooding time
4.23 Manual only mode
4.24 Triggering signals to equipment within the system
4.26 Triggering of equipment outside the system
4.27 Emergency abort device
4.29 Release of the extinguishing media for selected flooding zones (only for XC1003-A)
4.30 Activation of alarm device with different signals
EN 54-2 / A1
Clause Description
7.8 Output to fire alarm devices (Item C – EN54-1)
7.9.1 Control of fire alarm routing equipment (Item E – EN54-1)
7.12.1 Dependencies on more than one alarm signal (Type A)
7.13 Alarm counter (only with XC1005-A)
8.3 Fault signals from point
8.4 Total loss of the power supply
8.9 Output to fault warning routing equipment (Item J – EN54-1)
10 Test condition
Following additional functions are also available:
- transmission of information's outside the panel:
8 programmable digital outputs programmable relay contacts
- reception of information's from outside: control inputs (3 are programmable)
- 24V power supply output
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4 Overview
4.1 XC1001-A
The equipment is declined in 3 versions:
- Wall mounting cabinet: XC1001-A / XC1005-A
- 19” rack cabinet: XC1003-A
1 2
3 421
Fig. 1 XC1001-A
1 FCP1004-E power supply unit with charger 2 XCM1002 mainboard 3 4.5 A/h batteries 4 DIN rail for accessory mounting (Z3B171 relay module)
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4.2 XC1005-A
Fig. 2 XC1005-A
1 FCP1004-E power supply unit with charger 2 XCM1002 mainboard 3 17 A/h batteries 4 DIN rail for accessory mounting (Z3B171 relay module) 5 FDCI / FDCIO222 module for the connection to a fire detection system
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4.3 XC1003-A
Fig. 3 XC1003-A
1 FCP1004-E power supply unit with charger 2 XCM1002 mainboard 3 Removable mainboard holder 4 4.5 A/h or 7.2 A/h batteries 5 DIN rail for accessory mounting (Z3B171 relay module, XCA1030 multi-sector
modules, etc.)
6 FDCI / FDCIO222 module for the connection to a fire detection system
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4.4 FCP1004-E
Fig. 4 FCP1004-E power supply unit
Mark Function Remarks
1 Mains voltage setting Shunt ON = 115VCA, shunt OFF = 230VCA 2 Mains terminal block 3 Mains fuse 4A / 250V 4 System start without mains power Shunt the 2 terminals with a jumper and
5 Temperature sensor for battery charging voltage compensation Do not cover 6 Internal green LED «Mains operation» but visible from the front Not lit if no mains voltage 7 Battery connection 8 XCM1002 main board connection
remove after system start
Security level of terminal blocks 1 and 2: Dangerous voltage Security level of other terminal blocks: SELV (Safety Extra Low Voltage)
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4.5 XCM1002
Fig. 5 XCM1002 board
Setting elements
X3 Internal buzzer Enable/Disable
X4 Type of power supply
X8 Operating access Level 2
X13 Relay contact type 1
(NO or NC)
X14 Relay contact type 5
(NO or NC)
X15 Relay contact type 4
(NO or NC)
X16 Relay contact type 3
(NO or NC)
X17 Relay contact type 2
(NO or NC)
Other elements
F1 / F2 Pluggable fuse 2 AF Fuse for protection of control outputs 4 (F1) and 5 (F2) F3 Pluggable fuse 1 AF Fuse for protection of 24V output F4 / F5 / F6 Pluggable fuse 1 AT Fuse for protection of control outputs 1 (F4), 2 (F5) and 3 (F6) S1 Reset — S18-1 / S18-2 Not used Do not change (factory setting : OFF)
Jumper up (factory setting) : buzzer enabled Jumper down : buzzer disabled (only for servicing)
Jumper up (factory setting) : FCP1004-E Jumper down : do not use (for further use of external power supply)
Jumper on the right (factory setting) : Level 2 access using code Jumper on the left : Level 2 access permanent
Jumper up : NC contact Jumper down (factory setting) : NO contact
Jumper on the right : NC contact Jumper on the left (factory setting) : NO contact
Jumper on the right : NC contact Jumper on the left (factory setting) : NO contact
Jumper on the right : NC contact Jumper on the left (factory setting) : NO contact
Jumper on the right : NC contact Jumper on the left (factory setting) : NO contact
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PCB terminal blocks
(1.5 mm2 max.)
(2.5 mm2 max.)
(2.5 mm2 max.)
(2.5 mm2 max.)
X9 Plug-in block 8 points
X10 Plug-in block 8 points
X11 Plug-in block 10 points
X21 Jack 2.5 mm Maintenance PC
X28 Faston 5.3 mm (+) To positive of battery (to provide “Total loss of power supply”
X30 (*) Flat cable 26 points Connection for multi-sector module XCA1030 X35 Terminal 12 points Connection for 4 digits display X18, 23, 24,
26 (*) on welding side
Note 1: The XC10 provides the EN54-2 option with requirement 8.4 called “Total loss of power”. This option when selected activates the
(1.5 mm2 max.)
(1.5 mm2 max.)
(1.5 mm2 max.)
(1.5 mm2 max.)
(1.5 mm2 max.)
Not used
system fault LED and the buzzer continuously, for at least 1 hour after a low discharge battery disconnection. The option can be selected by wiring the +BAT terminal to the positive voltage of batteries (use of remaining power after battery disconnection).
1-2 (–) / 5-6 (+) 24V power supply X1 Plug-in block 6 points 3-4 (+) Power supply monitoring 1 (+) / 2 (–) Monitored output 5 X5 Plug-in block 4 points 3 (+) / 4 (–) 24V use output 1 (+) / 2 (–) Monitored output 3 (control polarities, reversed in standby) X6 Plug-in block 4 points 3 (+) / 4 (–) Monitored output 4 1 (+) / 2 (–) Monitored output 1 (control polarities, reversed in standby) X7 Plug-in block 4 points 3 (+) / 4 (–) Monitored output 2 (control polarities, reversed in standby) 1 (+) / 2 (–) Monitored input 1 3 (+) / 4 (–) Monitored input 2 5 (+) / 6 (–) Monitored input 3 7 (+) / 8 (–) Monitored input 4 1 (+) / 2 (–) Fire detectors zone 1 3 (+) / 4 (–) Fire detectors zone 2 5 (+) / 6 (–) Fire detectors zone 3 7 (+) / 8 (–) Extinguishing manual control 1 / 2 Potential-free contact relay 1 (NO or NC) 3 / 4 Potential-free contact relay 2 (NO or NC) 5 / 6 Potential-free contact relay 3 (NO or NC) 7 / 8 Potential-free contact relay 4 (NO or NC) 9 / 10 Potential-free contact relay 5 (NO or NC) 1 … 8 (–) Logical outputs 1 to 8 X12 Plug-in block 10 points 9 / 10 Not used
1 (+) Reset X27 Plug-in block 4 points 2 … 4 (+) Unmonitored inputs 2 to 4
function (see note 1)
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4.6 User interface
All display and control elements, except 4-digit display for XC1001-A and XC1003-A versions, are accessible to the user:
- Led 1 to 32 indicators for operating condition,
- Keys 1 to 15 allowing :
operating access operation (reset, off, test, etc) system test user functions programming
- 4-digit display showing:
programming steps and options pre-warning time count down other information’s (calibration states, alarm counter, etc)
System ON
Power supply
System fault
Earth fault
Detector test
Fire alarm
Remote transmission
Operating access
10 19
Silence Re-sound Sounders
5 2
11 12 13
14 15 16
20 21
Mechanical blocked
Incorrect status
Loss of agent
Manual blocked
Automatic blocked
Sounders Actuators
Fire controls
Led test
Detector Zone 1
Detector Zone 2
Detector Zone 3
Manual release
Fig. 6 XC10xx-A, user interface
1 Green Fixed The control panel is in operation
5 Yellow Fast At least one component connected to the control panel is grounded 6 Yellow Fixed At least one component in the system is disabled
7 Yellow Slow At least one detection zone and/or extinguishing manual control is being tested 8 Red Fixed At least one detection zone is in alarm 9 Red Fixed Remote transmission activated (*)
11 Yellow Fixed Mechanical blocking device is in the blocked position 12 Yellow Fast Mechanical blocking device is in a wrong position
13 Yellow Fast Loss of agent (*) According to programming
State Description
Fixed The control panel is not able to function any more 2 Yellow Fast Fault on at least one component in the system (see paragraph 14.2 for the detail) Slow Mains fault 3 Yellow Fast Batteries fault Fixed Microprocessor fault 4 Yellow Slow Jumper buzzer (X3 - XCM1002 board) not connected (remainder)
Calibration in progress or error Programming in progress
Fixed Level 2 operating access granted 10 Yellow Slow System test activated
Selector valve is in a wrong position (used for multi-sector applications)
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State Description
14 Yellow Fixed Manual release is blocked or being tested 15 Yellow Fixed Standard = not used
Alternative = automatic and manual release granted (UK)
16 Yellow Fixed Automatic release is blocked
At least one detection zone which starts the extinguishing is off or being tested
17 Red
Fixed All detection zones which start the extinguishing are in alarm condition
One of the electrical manual triggering device (DM1103-L) is actuated
Fast One of the detection zones which start the extinguishing is in alarm condition Fixed Extinguishing agent is released 18 Red Slow / Fast Discharged contact is not activated within 30 seconds after actuators control (*)
19 Yellow
Fixed Sounders are disabled Slow Sounders test is in progress (real activation) Fast At least, an output programmed as Sounders is in fault condition (break or short-circuit)
20 Yellow
Fixed Actuators are disabled Slow Actuators test is in progress (simulated activation) Fast At least, one output programmed as actuators is in fault condition (break or short-circuit)
Calibration in progress or error or no calibration data
21 Yellow
Fixed Fire controls are disabled Slow Warning panels test is in progress (real activation) Fast At least, one output programmed as fire controls is in fault condition (break or short-circuit) Fixed RT-fault is disabled 22 Yellow Slow RT-fault test is in progress (real activation)
23 Yellow
Fixed RT-alarm is disabled Slow RT-alarm test is in progress (real activation) Fast At least, one output programmed as RT-alarm is in fault condition (break or short-circuit)
24 Yellow
Fixed Emergency abort is activated Slow Emergency hold is activated (DM1101-S) Fast At least, one input programmed as emergency hold/abort is in fault condition (break or short-circuit) Fixed Detection zone 1 is in alarm condition 25 Red Slow Detection zone 1 is in alarm condition (first alarm) Fixed / Slow Detection zone 1 is disabled (fixed) / being tested (slow) 26 Yellow Fast Detection zone 1 is in fault condition (break or short-circuit) Fixed Detection zone 2 is in alarm condition 27 Red Slow Detection zone 2 is in alarm condition (first alarm) Fixed / Slow Detection zone 2 is disabled (fixed) / being tested (slow) 28 Yellow Fast Detection zone 2 is in fault condition (break or short-circuit) Fixed Detection zone 3 is in alarm condition 29 Red Slow Detection zone 3 is in alarm condition (first alarm) Fixed / Slow Detection zone 3 is disabled (fixed) / being tested (slow) 30 Yellow Fast Detection zone 3 is in fault condition (break or short-circuit) Fixed Manual release is activated (DM1103-L line) 31 Red Slow Manual release is activated (DM1103-L line) – First alarm Fixed / Slow Manual release is disabled (fixed) / being tested (slow) 32 Yellow Fast Manual release is in fault condition (break or short-circuit)
(*) According to programming
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Keys Description
1 … 4 Operating access code input (level 2, programming, system test, etc.) 5 Silence / Restart sounders by successive pressing:
1st pressing: silence sounders 2nd pressing: restart sounders 3rd pressing: silence sounders etc
Operating access level required for this operation = level 2 (silence sounders is not possible during pre-warning time)
6 Silence buzzer
Operating access level required for this operation = level 1 or 2 or 2 only (*)
8 Mode of operating, by successive pressing:
9 Led and buzzer test (duration = 6 seconds) :
10 Disable / Enable by successive pressing:
11 Disable / Enable by successive pressing:
12 Disable / Enable by successive pressing (not possible in case of fault or alarm):
13 Disable / Enable by successive pressing (not possible in case of fault or alarm):
14 Disable / Enable by successive pressing (not possible in case of fault or alarm):
15 Disable / Enable by successive pressing (not possible in case of fault or alarm):
(*) According to programming
1) Reset of the system. Reset is not possible :
during pre-warning time, emergency stop and flooding time if buzzer and/or sounders are not silenced if manual release button and/or discharged contact are not reset (*)
Operating access level required for this operation = level 2
2) Fault reset (*)
Operating access level required for this operation = level 2
1st pressing: automatic blocked 2nd pressing: automatic and manual blocked 3rd pressing: normal mode
Operating access level required for these operations = level 2
All led indicators are activated and the buzzer sounds continuously (during the first three seconds, all the segments of the display are activated, then the SW version is displayed)
Operating access level required for this operation = level 1
1st pressing: actuators are disabled 2nd pressing: sounders and actuators are disabled 3rd pressing: fire controls are disabled 4th pressing: all is disabled 5th pressing: all is enabled
Operating access level required for these operations = level 2
1st pressing: RT-fault is disabled 2nd pressing: RT-fault is enabled / RT-alarm is disabled 3rd pressing: RT-fault and RT-alarm are disabled 4th pressing: all are enabled
Operating access level required for these operations = level 2
1st pressing: zone 1 is disabled 2nd pressing: zone 1 is tested 3rd pressing: zone 1 is in normal condition
Operating access level required for these operations = level 2
1st pressing: zone 2 is disabled 2nd pressing: zone 2 is tested 3rd pressing: zone 2 is in normal condition
Operating access level required for these operations = level 2
1st pressing: zone 3 is disabled 2nd pressing: zone 3 is tested 3rd pressing: zone 3 is in normal condition
Operating access level required for these operations = level 2
1st pressing: manual release is disabled 2nd pressing: manual release is tested 3rd pressing: manual release is in normal condition
Operating access level required for these operations = level 2
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5 Features
Power supply (FCP1004-E)
Detection lines
Manual release line
Monitored inputs
Control inputs (non monitored)
Monitored control outputs Outputs 1 to 3
Driver outputs
Relay outputs (contacts)
Environmental conditions
Mechanical data
Primary source (mains)
Voltage Current Power
Secondary source (batteries)
Connectable batteries Voltage Charging current max. Internal resistance max. Deep discharge (disconnection threshold)
Voltage Max. available current
Min. current Power Switching frequency / Ripple
Input voltage Current consumption I/Os security level
Type / number of detectors Compatible detectors End of line element (EOL) Standby condition voltage / current Alarm condition voltage / current Line resistance
Type / number of manual actuators End of line element (EOL) Voltage / standby line current Voltage / alarm line current Line resistance
4 Activation resistance End of line element (EOL) Line resistance
4 Activation +24 V, via contact
Outputs 1 to 3
Control voltage / current End of line element
Outputs 4 and 5
Control voltage / current End of line element
8 (programmable) 24 V / 40 mA max. 5 (4 programmable) 30 V / 1 A max. / NO or NC
Inputs - outputs type / section
mains input type / section Operating / Storage temperature
Humidity relative at 40 ± 2° C XC1001-A Cabinet / Protection index
XC1005-A Cabinet / Protection index
XC1003-A Cabinet / Protection index
EN 12094-1, EN 54-2/A1, EN 54-4/A2
Color Dimensions (l x h x p) / Weight
Color Dimensions (l x h x p) / Weight
Color Dimensions (l x h x p) / Weight
115 / 230 VCA +10 …-15% – 50 / 60 Hz
1.75 A max. 150 VA max.
2 x 12 V / 4.5 … 17 Ah
23.4 … 27.6 V
1.3 A (with temperature compensation) 1 20 V +/-3%
27.3 V +/- 0.3 V (25°C) Imax a : 2 A (batteries loading) Imax b : 3.5 A (batteries loaded)
0.05 A 105 W max. 132kHz / 70 mVpp max.
22.5 … 27.6 V (25°C) 190 mA max. without primary source SELV (Safety Extra Low Voltage)
Collective / 32 max. (according to detector type) Siemens (Algorex, Sinteso, Synova) Transzorb 18 V (P6KE18CA)
17.1 … 19.3 V (fixed by EOL) / 11 mA max.
5.5 … 16.5 V / 11 … 57.1 mA max. 80 max.
DM1103-L / 32 max. Transzorb 18 V (P6KE18CA)
17.1 … 19.3 V (fixed by EOL) / 11 mA max.
5.5 … 16.5 V / 11 … 57.1 mA max. 80 max.
680 or 1.2 k
3.3 k resistance 80 max.
24 V / 1 A max.
3.3 k resistance
24 V / 2 A max. No EOL (line calibration)
Plug-in screw terminal blocks
2.5 mm2 max. (X5, X5, X7)
1.5 mm2 max. (all others)
Plug-in screw terminal block / 2.5 mm2 max.
-5 ... +40° C / -20 ... +60° C 93% max., without condensation
Metal frame with plastic cover / IP30 RAL9003 (cover), RAL9006 (user interface) 370 x 286 x 90 mm / 4.1 kg
Metal case with plastic cover / IP40 RAL9003 (cover), RAL9006 (user interface) 505 / 375 / 125 mm / 6.5 kg
Rack 19’’ 4U / IP30 RAL9006
482.6 (19’’) x 177.8 (4U) x 187 mm / 6.6 kg
Building Technologies A6V10257473_b_en_--.doc Fire Safety & Security Products 01.2010
6 Installation
6.1 XC1001-A / XC1005-A
Generally, the XC10 must be easily accessible and installed:
- outside the protected area
- protected from mechanical shocks and bad weather
The XC10 must be installed on a fixed and stable support, with a height ranging between 1.60 m and 1.70 m (eliminate the irregularities from the mounting surface 5 mm).
1. Remove front cover
2. Mark and drill the mounting holes using the drilling template provided (start with
the hole for the top central screw)
3. Fix the chassis using 3 screws Ø 4 x 50 mm (not provided)
4. Cut out the cable entries
5. Cut out the plastic housing according to the cable inputs (XC1001-A)
6. Mount the cable glands is necessary (required for protection rating IP30)
7. Install the batteries and fix the battery holders
1 2
1 12 V – 4.5 Ah batteries
Fig. 7 XC1001-A, battery installation
22 Building Technologies A6V10257473_b_en_--.doc
Fire Safety & Security Products 01.2010
1 2
1 4
1 2
23 3 (insert in slot 4)
1 12 V – 12 Ah batteries 2 12 V – 17 Ah batteries 3 FCA1014 battery holder (option) 4 Slot for battery holder
Fig. 8 XC1005-A, battery installation
Building Technologies A6V10257473_b_en_--.doc Fire Safety & Security Products 01.2010
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