Siemens XC1001-A, XC1005-A, XC1003-A Installation And Maintenance Manual

Building Technologies
2015-03-04 Control Products and System
Extinguishing control unit XC1001- A / XC1005-A /
Installation Commissioning Maintenance
© Siemens Switzerland Ltd, 2015 W e reserve all rights in this document and in t he subject thereof. By acceptance of the document the recipient acknowledges these
rights and undertak es not to publish the doc ument nor the subject thereof in full or in part, nor to make them available to any third party without our prior express written author ization, nor to use it for any pur pose other than for w hich it was delivered to him.
3 Building Technologies A6V10257473_e_en_-­Fire Safety 2015-03- 04
1 About this docume nt........................................................................... 7
2 Safety instruc tions .............................................................................. 9
2.1 Dange r levels ........................................................................................ 9
2.2 Safety instruction s ................................................................................. 9
2.3 Standa rds an d direc tives co mp lied w ith ............................................... 10
3 Standar ds .......................................................................................... 11
4 Overv iew ............................................................................................ 12
4.1 XC10 01-A ........................................................................................... 12
4.2 XC10 05-A ........................................................................................... 13
4.3 XC10 03-A ........................................................................................... 14
4.4 FCP100 4-E ......................................................................................... 15
4.5 XCM10 02 ............................................................................................ 16
4.6 User interface ...................................................................................... 18
5 Features ............................................................................................. 21
6 Instal lation ......................................................................................... 22
6.1 XC10 01-A / XC100 5-A ........................................................................ 22
6.2 XC10 03-A ........................................................................................... 24
6.3 User interface labels ............................................................................ 28
7 Connec tions ...................................................................................... 2 9
7.1 Mains .................................................................................................. 29
7.2 Batteries .............................................................................................. 29
7.3 Fire detectors /Manu al releas e control buttons ...................................... 3 1
7.4 Monitored inputs .................................................................................. 33
7.5 Control inputs ...................................................................................... 35
7.6 Monitored cont rol outpu ts .................................................................... 36
7.7 Programmab le outputs ........................................................................ 39
7.8 24V powe r supply outpu t ..................................................................... 42
7.9 Repea te r ter mina l and rep ea te r dis p lay ............................................... 42
8 Multi-s ector insta llation .................................................................... 43
8.1 Function al descript ion .......................................................................... 43
8.2 Detailed description ............................................................................. 45
8.3 Installat ion and wiring .......................................................................... 48
8.4 Modules te chn ica l sp eci fica tion ........................................................... 49
9 Accessories ....................................................................................... 50
9.1 FCA100 7 – Key switch ........................................................................ 50
9.2 FDCI222 / FDCIO22 2 – Input/outp ut inter faces .................................... 5 0
9.3 Remote transmitter .............................................................................. 50
9.4 Repea ters ........................................................................................... 51
10 Operati ng access levels .................................................................... 56
10.1 Operating ac ce s s le vel 1 ..................................................................... 56
10.2 Operating ac ce s s le vel 2 ..................................................................... 56
10.3 Operating acce s s level 3A ................................................................... 56
10.4 Operating acce s s level 3B ................................................................... 56
11 Extingu ishing process diagrams ...................................................... 5 7
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12 Programming ..................................................................................... 58
12.1 Before starting ..................................................................................... 58
12.2 Prese ttings .......................................................................................... 59
12.3 Steps 0 1 to 04 - Time duration settings................................................ 62
12.4 Step 05 - Sounde rs ............................................................................. 64
12.5 Steps 06 to 09 - Re mo te transmis s ion ................................................. 6 4
12.6 Steps 10 to 14 - Monitore d outputs 1 to 5 ............................................ 65
12.7 Steps 15 to 19 - Relay contact 1 to 5 ................................................... 6 6
12.8 Steps 20 to 27 - Driver outputs 1 to 8 .................................................. 67
12.9 Steps 28 to 31 - Monitore d inputs 1 to 4 .............................................. 68
12.10 Steps 32 to 38 - Rese t ......................................................................... 70
12.11 Steps 39 to 43 - Operat ion .................................................................. 7 0
12.12 Steps 44 to 47 - Fau l ts ........................................................................ 71
12.13 Steps 48 to 51 - Non monitored control inputs 1 to 4 ............................ 71
12.14 Steps 52 to 55 - Detect ion zon e s ......................................................... 72
12.15 Steps 56 to 57 - Operating acce s s level ............................................... 7 3
12.16 Step 58 - Multi-se cto r .......................................................................... 73
12.17 Step 59 - Dete ctor type ........................................................................ 73
12.18 Steps 60 to 61 - Repe aters .................................................................. 73
12.19 Step 62 - Los s of agent in mu lt i-sector ap p l ica tion ............................... 74
12.20 Steps 63 to 64 - Fire da mpe r ............................................................... 74
12.21 Step 65 to 66 - Pre-discharged warning time in manual release ........... 75
12.22 Step 67 – Op eration if “Discharge” is acti va te d in stand b y ................... 76
13 Commiss ioning ................................................................................. 77
13.1 Powering ............................................................................................. 77
13.2 Monitored con t rol ou tputs 4 and 5 calibra t ion ....................................... 77
13.3 System test ......................................................................................... 78
13.4 Commiss ioning validation .................................................................... 78
14 Maintena nce ...................................................................................... 79
14.1 Prevent ive maintenance ...................................................................... 79
14.2 Detailed faul t display ........................................................................... 82
15 Test functi ons ................................................................................... 84
15.1 Led test ............................................................................................... 84
15.2 Sound er test........................................................................................ 8 4
15.3 Warning pan e ls tes t ............................................................................. 84
15.4 RT-alar m test ...................................................................................... 85
15.5 RT-fault tes t ........................................................................................ 8 5
15.6 System test ......................................................................................... 85
15.7 Individu al outp u t test ........................................................................... 86
15.8 Zone test ............................................................................................. 87
15.9 Manua l releas e test ............................................................................. 87
16 Adva nced functions .......................................................................... 8 8
16.1 Checks um ........................................................................................... 88
16.2 Alarm counter ...................................................................................... 88
17 Special fu ncti ons .............................................................................. 8 9
17.1 Anticipa ted Silence Sounders .............................................................. 8 9
17.2 Anticipa ted Reset ................................................................................ 89
17.3 Extract fan ........................................................................................... 89
5 Building Technologies A6V10257473_e_en_-­Fire Safety 2015-03- 04
18 Connectio n to Sinte so / Cerber us PRO pa nels ................................ 90
18.1 XC10 zone .......................................................................................... 90
18.2 Detecto rs c o n n e cte d to XC10 pane l .................................................... 91
18.3 Detecto rs co nn e cte d to Sinte s o / Cerb eru s PR O pa n el ........................ 94
19 Maintena nce PC ................................................................................ 97
20 Componen ts an d spa re parts ........................................................... 9 8
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About this document
7 Building Technologies A6V10257473_e_en_-­Fire Safety 2015-03- 04
1 About this document
Purpose of the document
This document describes the installation, the commissioning and the maintenance of the XC100x-A equipment. It provides an overview of the structure and functions of the system as a whole as well as of the indiv idual devices. While following the instructions, a reliable operation is assured.
The information contained in this document is valid for the market package MP2.3. The document also contains information on country-specific components. Country ­specific components are marked with square brackets, e. g. [FR], and may not be sold/used in your count ry.
Target audience
This document and the information contained therein are aimed at the target groups defined below:
Personnel Activity Qualificatio n
Product m an ag er – Perfor ms local product managem ent
– Respons ible for exchangi ng inform ation
between the headquarters and his/her Regional Company (RC) for his/her product range
– Has suitabl e speci alis t traini ng for th e
function and for the product range
– Has attend ed the PM train ing courses
Project m an ag er – Performs project manag ement
– Coordi nat es the use of all persons an d
resources involved in the project according t o schedule
– Contin uous ly suppli es inf ormati on neces s ary for
project realisation
– Has suitabl e speci alis t traini ng for th e – functi on, sc ale of the project and pr oduct
– Has attend ed the training c ours es for
Project M an ag ers
Install er – Assemb les and inst alls th e compon ents at th e
place of installation
– Perf orms a subsequ en t check of the inst allati on
– Has recei ved spec iali z ed traini ng in the area
of buildin g installation techn ology or electrical installations
Commissioning personnel – Config ur e the produc t at the place of instal lat ion
according to customer specific requirements
– Check th e product oper abil it y and releas e the
product for use by the operator
– Search for and correct malfunc tions
– Has suitabl e speci alis t traini ng for th e
function and for the product range
– Have atten ded the train ing courses for
commissioning personnel
Maintenance pers on n el – Carry out all maint en anc e work and ch eck for
correct functioning
– Has suitabl e speci alis t traini ng for th e
function and for the product range
Reference docu ments
Designation Heading
A6V10257477 XC10 Extinguish ing control unit
Operating manual
001204 Fire alar m si gnal in areas at r isk of expl osi on
Principles, applications, instal lation, m aintenance
Identific ation of the docum ent
Location Definition
Title page – Short name
– Name in f ull – Docum ent pur pose
Last page bottom left-hand side – Document no. (number-modification index-language-country)
– Date of issue
Last page bottom right-hand side
– User's guide – Register
About this document
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Revision history
Document no. Edition date Brief description
A6V10257473_e_en_-- 03.2015 - MP2.3 SR2 A6V1025 7473_d _en_-- 04.20 12 - MP2.3 SR1 A6V1025 7473_c _en_-- 09. 2010 - chap. 4.5 upd at ed (f ig. 5 and t abl e)
- c h ap 7.2.1 ad d ed: meth od f or c alcu lati on of th e bat t ery capacity
- ch ap. 7.3: fig. 7.15 upd at ed
- chap. 8 updated
- c h ap. 8.3: f ig. 31 u pd at ed (l oss of ag en t is n orm all y closed)
- c hap 9.4 add ed: d escri pti on of rep eat er dis pl ay and repeater terminal
- c h ap 12.1: pr oc edur e st ep 5 upd at ed
- c hap 12.2 : count r y pre-s ettin gs upd ated
- chap 12.9: step 30 option 04 updated
- ch ap 12.18 add ed (step 60)
- c hap 13.1 u pd ated (p ar agr aph n u mber)
- c h ap 13.2 u pd at ed: w arni ng f or t h e calibration add ed
- chap 14.1 updated
- c h ap 14.2 upd at ed (1 0s inst ead of 5s )
- c hap. 15, 16, 17 upd at ed: sev er al word ing
- c hap 18 added
- chap. 19, 20 updated
- C E mar ki ng pap ers add ed at th e en d of th e docu m ent
A6V1025 74 73 _b _ en_ -- 01/20 10 Corrections after field tests:
- Chap. 3: Standar ds / 4.19 m oni t orin g th e st atus of components (spelling mistake)
- Ch ap.4: fig 4 updated
- Chap. 6.3 label for XC1 0 03-A is Pos. 8 not Pos.4
- Ch ap. 7. 6.2 …. “to equ ipm ent outs id e” (sp elli ng mistake)
- Ch ap 7.8 : 24V p olarit y out pu t was wr ong . 24V( +) is on X5-3 and 24V(-) is on X5-4
- C hap. 8. 2: n ote ad d ed for th e conn ec ti on of the 24V power supply
- Chap 8.3: fig 31 modif i ed: r es istor 3.3k on RS485 li n e removed
- Ch ap 11: f ig 33 and 34 updat ed
- C h ap 14.2: PMI picture is add ed on t he top of th e descrip tion table, for an easier checki ng
- Ch ap. 16 .2: acc ess c ode f or the al arm cou nt er w as wrong
- Spelling mistakes
A6V1025 7473_a_ en_-- 11/2009 First edition MP2. 1
Safety instructions
9 Building Technologies A6V10257473_e_en_-­Fire Safety 2015-03- 04
2 Safety instructions
2.1 Danger levels
The following pictograms indicate the possibl e danger levels, their severity and consequences.
Imminent danger!
è Serious in juries or death.
Potentially dangerous situation
è Serious in juries or death.
Potentially dangerous situation
è Light in juries or material d am age.
NOTE Importan t information requiring spec ial attention.
2.2 Safety instructions
Products are developed and manufactured in accordance with the applicable international and European security standards. The local rules of i nstallation, exploitation and destruction of the product apply and must be respected just like the safety instructions which appear i n the documentati on of the product.
Electric installations
CAUTION Interventions on w iring should be carried out only by qualified personnel.
CAUTION Respect the safety instructions in expl osive zon e.
l Hardware must not be powered during commissioning and maintenance l Affix an external label “DANGER external voltage” on the terminals connected t o
an external voltage source
l Separately lay the power lines towards the control unit. They must be fitted with
their own, clearly identified fuses
l Ground in accordance with the local security standards
Assembly, installation, commissioning and maintenan ce
l If any tools or accessories such as l adders are required, safe and suitable
devices must be used
l When the extinguishing control panel is started up, it must be ensured that no
instable condit ions can occur
l Controls may only be set to normal function when the product operability has
been completely tested and the system has been handed over to the customer.
l Control release for testing should not damage the installation l Avoid the inopportune release of RT-alarm l Inform the reception station before an RT-al arm test l Installation and commissioning shall be performed by trained personal
Safety instructions
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Product operation check
l Inform the personnel of the formation of a smoke cloud and presence of noise l Inform the personnel before alarm devices check and ant icipate possible pani c
l Warn the alarm recepti on centers and the fault reception stations connected to
the system before carrying out the tests
Design modifications of systems and products
l Modifications to the system and to individual products may lead to faults,
malfuncti oning and safety risks
l Intended system modifications or extensions require written approval from
Siemens and the rel ev ant safety authorities
Components and spare parts
l Components and spare parts m ust comply with the technical specifications
defined by Siemens. Only use products recommended or prescribed by Siemens
l Only use fuses with the specified fuse characteristics l Wrong battery types and improper battery changing lead to a risk of explosion.
Only use the same battery type or an equivalent type recommended by Siemens
l Batteries must be di sposed of in an environmentally friendly manner. Count ry
specific directives and regulations must be observed. They must be deposited at the collecti on places assigned to this purpose.
l Note that the cylinders containing the extinguishing agent are under pressure
and that they must consequently be replaced in accordance with the safety instructions in force
Disregard of the safety regulations
Before they are delivered, products are tested to ensure they function correctly when used properly. Siemens disclaims all liability for damage or injuries caused by the incorrect application of the instructi ons or the disregard of danger warnings contained i n the docum entation. This applies in particular to:
l Personal inj uri es or damage to property caused by improper use and incorrect
applicati on
l Personal inj uri es or damage to property caused by disregarding safety
instructi ons i n the docum entation or on the product
l Personal injury or damage to property caused by poor maintenance or lack of
2.3 Standards and directives complied with
A list of the standards and directives complied with is available at your Siemens contact part ner.
11 Building Technologies A6V10257473_e_en_-­Fire Safety 2015-03- 04
3 Standards
In addition to the requirements of EN12094-1 and EN54-2, the XC100x-A control panel complies with the following optional functions:
EN 12094-1 Clause Description
4.17 Delay of extinguishing signal
4.18 Signal r epresenti ng t he flow of extinguis hing agent
4.19 Monitoring the status of components
4.20 Emergency hold device
4.21 Control of floodi ng time
4.23 Manual onl y m od e
4.24 Triggering signals to equi pment wit hin the system
4.26 Triggering of equi pment outside the system
4.27 Emergency abort d evice
4.29 Release of the extinguishing media for selected flooding zones (only for XC1003-A)
4.30 Activati on of alarm device with differ ent signals
EN 54-2 / A1 Clause Description
7.8 Output t o fire alarm devices (Item C – EN54-1)
7.9.1 Control of fir e alarm rout ing equipment (Item E – EN54-1)
7.12.1 Depend encies on more th an one alarm sig nal (T ype A)
7.13 Alarm counter (only with XC1005-A)
8.3 Fault signals from point
8.4 Total loss of the p ower supply
8.9 Output to fault warning routing equipment (Item J – EN54-1) 10 Test condition
Following additional functions are also available:
- transmission of i nformation's outside the panel :
8 programmable digital outputs programmable relay contacts
- reception of information's from outside: control inputs (3 are programmable)
- 24V power supply output
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4 Overview
The equipment is declined in 3 versions:
- Wall mounting cabinet: XC1001-A / XC1005-A
- 19” rack cabinet: XC1003-A
4.1 XC1001-A
System ON
Silence buzzer
Silence Re-sound Sounders
Automatic blocked
Operating access
Earth fault
System fault
Manual blocked
Manual release
Detector Zone 1 ………………………………….
Mechanical blocked
Loss of agent
Incorrect status
Fire controls
Enable Disable
Detector test Fire alarm Remote ransmission
Detector Zone 2 ………………………………….
Detector Zone 3 ………………………………….
Power supply
Led test
Extinguishing contro l:
……………………………………… ……………..
EN12094-1 Class A
EN54-4 / EN54-2
1116 - CPD– xxx
Fig. 1 XC1001-A 1 FCP1004-E power supply unit with charger
2 XCM1002 mainboard 3 4.5 A/h batteries 4 DIN rail for accessory mounting (Z3B171 relay module)
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4.2 XC1005-A
Fig. 2 XC1005-A 1 FCP1004-E power supply unit with charger
2 XCM1002 mainboard 3 17 A/h batteries 4 DIN rail for accessory mounting (Z3B171 relay module) 5 FDCI / FDCI O222 module for the connection to a fire detection system
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4.3 XC1003-A
Fig. 3 XC1003-A 1 FCP1004-E power supply unit with charger
2 XCM1002 mainboard 3 Removable mainboard holder 4 4.5 A/h or 7.2 A/h batteries 5 DIN rail f or accessory mounting (Z3B171 rel ay m odule, XCA1030 multi-sect or
modules, etc.)
6 FDCI / FDCI O222 module for the connection to a fire detection system
15 Building Technologies A6V10257473_e_en_-­Fire Safety 2015-03- 04
4.4 FCP1004-E
Fig. 4 FCP1004-E power suppl y unit
Mark Function Remarks
1 Mains voltage setting Shunt ON = 115VCA, shunt OFF = 230VCA 2 Mains terminal block 3 Mains fuse 4A / 250V 4 System start without mains power Shunt th e 2 terminals with a jum per and
remove after system start 5 Temperature sensor for battery charging voltage compensation Do not cover 6 Internal green LED «Mai ns operat ion» but visible fr om the f ront Not lit if no m ains volt age 7 Battery connection 8 XCM1002 main board connection
Security level of terminal blocks 1 and 2: Dangerous v oltage Security level of other terminal blocks: SELV (Safety Extra Low Voltage)
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4.5 XCM1002
2411 12 13
14 15 16
19 20 21
1 2 3
5 6
8 9
F6 F5 F4
F2 F1
X14 X15 X16 X17
X10X27 1X9
X5 11
41 2 3
Fig. 5 XCM1002 board
Setting el ements
X3 Internal buzzer En able/Disable Jumper up (factory setting) : bu zzer enabled
Jumper down : buzzer disabled (only for servicing)
X4 Type of pow er supply Jumper up (factory setting) : FCP100 4-E
Jumper down : do not use (for further use of extern al power supply)
X8 Operati ng access Level 2 Jumper on the left: Level 2 permanent access
1 – 2: external key switch (option)
X13 Relay contact typ e 1
(NO or NC)
Jumper up : NC contact Jumper d own (factory setting) : NO contact
X14 Relay contact typ e 5
(NO or NC)
Jumper on the right : NC contact Jumper on the left (factory setting) : NO contact
X15 Relay contact typ e 4
(NO or NC)
Jumper on the right : NC contact Jumper on the left (factory setting) : NO contact
X16 Relay contact typ e 3
(NO or NC)
Jumper on the right : NC contact Jumper on the left (factory setting) : NO contact
X17 Relay contact typ e 2
(NO or NC)
Jumper on the right : NC contact Jumper on the left (factory setting) : NO contact
X18 Repeater (RTNet end of line
Jumper up (factory setting) : EOL connected Jumper down : do not use
X26 Serial connection (not used) Jumper down (factory setting) : do not change the position
Other elements
F1 / F2 Pluggable fuse 2 AF Fuse for protection of contr ol outputs 4 (F1) and 5 (F2) F3 Pluggable fuse 1 AT Fuse for protection of 24V output F4 / F5 / F6 Pluggable fuse 1 AT Fuse for pr otection of control outputs 1 (F4), 2 (F5) and 3 (F6) S1 Reset — S18-1 / S18-2 Not u sed Do not change (factory setting : OFF)
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PCB terminal blocks
X1 Plug-in block 6 points
(1.5 mm2 max.)
1-2 (–) / 5 -6 ( +) 24V p ower s upply 3-4 (+) Power supply m onitoring
X5 Plug-in block 4 points
(2.5 mm2 max.)
1 (+) / 2 (–) Monitored output 5 3 (+) / 4 (–) 24V use output
X6 Plug-in block 4 points
(2.5 mm2 max.)
1 (+) / 2 (–) Monitored outp ut 3 (control polarities, reversed in st andby) 3 (+) / 4 (–) Monitored output 4
X7 Plug-in block 4 points
(2.5 mm2 max.)
1 (+) / 2 (–) Monitored outp ut 1 (control polarities, reversed in st andby) 3 (+) / 4 (–) Monitored outp ut 2 (control polarities, reversed in st andby)
X9 Plug-in block 8 points
(1.5 mm2 max.)
1 (+) / 2 (–) Monitored input 1 3 (+) / 4 (–) Monitored input 2 5 (+) / 6 (–) Monitored input 3 7 (+) / 8 (–) Monitored input 4
X10 Plu g-in block 8 p oints
(1.5 mm2 max.)
1 (+) / 2 (–) Fire d etectors zone 1 3 (+) / 4 (–) Fire d etectors zone 2 5 (+) / 6 (–) Fire d etectors zone 3 7 (+) / 8 (–) Extinguishing manual control
X11 Plu g-i n bl oc k 10 p oints
(1.5 mm2 max.)
1 / 2 Potential-free c ontact relay 1 (NO or NC) 3 / 4 Potential-free c ontact relay 2 (NO or NC) 5 / 6 Potential-free c ontact relay 3 (NO or NC) 7 / 8 Potential-free c ontact relay 4 (NO or NC) 9 / 10 Potential-fr ee c ontact rel ay 5 (NO or NC)
X12 Plu g-i n bl oc k 10 p oints
(1.5 mm2 max.)
1 … 8 (–) Logical outputs 1 t o 8
9 (–) / 10 (+) Repeater display / Repeater t er minal RTNet connection X21 Jack 2.5 mm Maintenance PC X27 Plu g-in block 4 p oints
(1.5 mm2 max.)
1 (+) Reset
2 … 4 (+) Unmonitored inputs 2 to 4 X28 Faston 5.3 mm (+) To positive of battery (to provide “Total loss of power supply”
functi on (see note 1) X20 (*) Flat cable 26 points Connection for multi-sector module XC A1030 X35 Ter minal 12 p oints Connection for 4 digits display X23, 24 Not u sed — (*) on welding side
Note 1: T he XC10 provides th e EN5 4-2 option wit h req uir em en t 8.4 called “Tot al los s of pow er”. This opti on wh en s el ect ed acti v at es th e
system fault LED an d the buzzer continu ously, for at least 1 hour after a l ow discharg e battery disconnection. The option c an be selected by wiring the +BAT terminal to the posit ive voltage of batteries (use of remainin g power aft er battery disconnection).
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4.6 User interface
All display and control elements, except 4-digit display for XC1001-A version, are accessible to the user:
- Led 1 to 32 indicators for operati ng conditi on,
- Keys 1 to 15 allowing :
è operating access è operation (reset, off, test, etc) è system test è user functions programming
- 4-digit display showing:
è programming steps and opti ons è pre-discharged warning time count down è other information’s (calibration states, alarm counter, etc)
Fig. 6 XC100x-A, user interface
State Description
N° Color
1 Green Fixed The control panel is in operation 2 Yellow Fixed The control panel is n ot able to function any more
Fast Fault on at least one component in the system (see paragraph 14.2 for t he detail)
Or, Non-moni torred Control Input 3 is in active state, ass uming it is programmed as “External device fault” (Step50 – O ption7)
3 Yellow Slow Mains fault
Fast Batteries fault
4 Yellow Fixed Microprocessor fault
Slow Jumper buzzer (X3 - XCM1002 board) not connected (remainder) 5 Yellow Fast At least on e compon ent connected to the c ontrol panel is grounded 6 Yellow Fixed At leas t one component in th e system is disabled
Calibrati on in progress or errorProgrammin g in progress
7 Yellow Slow At least one detection zone and/or extinguish ing manual control is being tested 8 Red Fixed At l eas t one detecti on zone is in alarm 9 Red Fixed Remote transmission activated (according to programming) 10 Yellow Fixed Level 2 oper ating access granted
Slow System test activated 11 Yellow Fixed Mechanical blocki ng device is in the bloc ked positi on 12 Yellow Fast Mechanical blocki ng device is in a wrong posi tion
Selector valve is in a wr ong position (used for multi-s ector appl ications)
13 Yellow Fast Loss of ag ent
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State Description
N° Color
14 Yellow Fixed Manual release is block ed or being tested 15 Yellow Fixed Standard = not used
Alternati ve = automatic and manu al releas e grant ed (UK)
16 Yellow Fixed Automatic release is blocked
At least one detection zone which starts th e extinguis hing is off or being t ested
17 Red Fixed All det ection zones which start the extinguishing are in alarm condition
One of the el ectrical man ual trigg ering devic e (DM1103-L) is actuated
Fast One of the d etection zones which start the extinguishing is in alarm c ondition
18 Red Fixed Extin guishing agent is rel eased
Slow / Fas t Discharged contact is not activat ed within 30 seconds af ter actu ators c ontrol (according to programming)
19 Yellow Fixed Sounders are disabled
Slow Sounders test is in progress (real activation) Fast At least, an output programmed as Sounders is in fault condition (break or short-circuit)
20 Yellow Fixed Actuators are disabl ed
Slow Actuators test is in progress (simulated activation) Fast At least, one output programmed as ac tuators is in fault condition (br eak or short-c ircuit)
Calibration in progr ess or error or no calibration data
21 Yellow Fixed Fire contr ols are disabled
Slow W arning panels tes t is in progr ess ( real activation) Fast At least, one output programmed as fire controls is in fault condition (break or short-circuit)
22 Yellow Fixed R T-fault is disabled
Slow RT-f ault test is in progress (real activation)
23 Yellow Fixed R T-alarm is disabl ed
Slow RT-alarm test is in progress (real activ ation) Fast At least, one output pr ogrammed as RT-alarm is in fault condition (break or short-c ircuit)
24 Yellow Fixed Emergenc y abort is activated
Slow Emergency hold is activat ed (DM1103-S) Fast At least, one input pr ogrammed as emergency hold/ab ort is in fault condition (break or short-circ uit)
25 Red Fixed Detection zone 1 is in alarm condition
Slow Detection zone 1 is in alarm condition (first alarm)
26 Yellow Fixed / Slow Detection zone 1 is disabled (fixed) / being tested (slow)
Fast Detection zone 1 is in fault cond ition (break or short-circuit)
27 Red Fixed Detection zone 2 is in alarm condition
Slow Detection zone 2 is in alarm condition (first alarm)
28 Yellow Fixed / Slow Detection zone 2 is disabled (fixed) / being tested (slow)
Fast Detection zone 2 is in fault cond ition (break or short-circuit)
29 Red Fixed Detection zone 3 is in alarm condition
Slow Detection zone 3 is in alarm condition (first alarm)
30 Yellow Fixed / Slow Detection zone 3 is disabled (fixed) / being tested (slow)
Fast Detection zone 3 is in fault cond ition (break or short-circuit)
31 Red Fixed Manual releas e is activ ated (DM1103-L lin e)
Slow Manual release is activat ed (DM1103-L line) – F irst alarm
32 Yellow Fixed / Slow Manual release is disabled (fixed) / being tested (slow)
Fast Manual release is in fault condition (break or short-circuit)
20 Building Technologies A6V10257473_e_en_--
Fire Safety 2015-03- 04
Keys Description
1 … 4 Operating access code input (level 2, progr amming, system test, etc.)
è W hen op erating access level 2 is selec ted, if the code is ent er ed again, t he system returns t o the level 1, wi thout waiting
for the end of the 4 minutes timeout
Silence / Restar
t sounders by successive pressing:
1st pressing: silence sounders2nd p ressing: restart sounders etc…
è Operating acc ess level r equired f or this operation = level 2 (silenc e sounders is not possible during pre-dis charged
warning time)
Silence buzzer
è Operating access level required for this operation = l evel 1 or 2 or 2 o nly (according to prog ramming) è If a Repeater Ter minal is connected to the XC10, and if option 61 step 02 is selected, silenc e buzzer on XC10 silences
also buz z er on repeater
of the syst em. Reset is not possible
during pre-discharged warning time, emergency stop and flooding timeif buzzer and/or sounders are not silencedif manual release button and/or discharged contact ar e not reset (accord ing to pr ogramming)
è Operating acc ess level required f or this operati on = level 2
2) Fault reset
è Op er ating acc ess level required f or this operati on = level 2
Mode of operating, by successive press ing:
1st pressing: automatic blocked2nd pr essing: automatic and manual blocked3rd pressing: normal mode
è Operating access level required for these operations = level 2
Led and buzzer test (duration = 6 seconds)
All led indicators are activated and the buzzer sounds continuously (during the first three seconds, all the s egments of t he display are activat ed, then th e SW version is displ ayed)
è Operating acc ess level required f or this operati on = level 1
Disable / Enable by successive pres sing:
1st pressing: actuators are disabled2nd pr essing: s ounders an d actuat ors ar e disabl ed3rd pressing: fire controls are disabled4th pressing: all is disabled5th pressing: all is enabled
è Operating access level required for these operations = level 2
Disable / Enable by successive pres sing:
1st pressing: RT-fault is disabled2nd pressin g: RT-fault is en abled / RT -alarm is d isabled3rd pressing: RT-fault and RT -alarm are disabled4th pressing: all are enabled
è Operating access level required for these operations = level 2
Disable / Enable by successive pressing (n ot possible in case of fault or
1st pressing: zone 1 is disabled2nd pr essin g: z one 1 is tested3rd pr essing: zone 1 is in norm al conditi on
è Operating access level required for these operations = level 2
Disable / Enable by successive pressing (n ot possible in case of fault o
r alarm):
1st pressing: zone 2 is disabled2nd pr essin g: z one 2 is tested3rd pr essing: zone 2 is in norm al conditi on
è Operating access level required for these operations = level 2
Disable / Enable b y successive pressing (n ot possible in case of fault
or alarm):
1st pressing: zone 3 is disabled2nd pr essin g: z one 3 is tested3rd pr essing: zone 3 is in norm al conditi on
è Operating access level required for these operations = level 2
Disable / Enable b y successive pressing (n ot possible in case of fault
or alarm):
1st pressing: manual release is disabled2nd pr essin g: m anual rel ease is t ested3rd pr essing: manual release is in normal conditi on
è Operating access level required for these operations = level 2
21 Building Technologies A6V10257473_e_en_-­Fire Safety 2015-03- 04
5 Features
Power supply (FCP1004-E) Primary source (mains)
Voltage Current Power
115 / 230 VCA +10 …-15% – 50 / 60 Hz
1.75 A max. 150 VA max.
Secondary source (batteries)
Connect a bl e batter ies Voltage Charging current max. Internal resistance max. Deep discharge (disconnection threshold)
2 x 12 V / 4.5 … 17 Ah
23.4 … 27.6 V
1.3 A (with temperature compensation) 1 Ω 20 V +/-3%
Voltage Max. avai lable current
Min. current Power Switching frequency / Ripple
27.3 V +/- 0.3 V (25°C) Imax a : 2 A (b atteries load ing) Imax b : 3.5 A (batteries loaded)
0.05 A 105 W max. 132kHz / 7 0 mVpp max.
XCM1002 Input voltag e
Current consumption I/Os s ecurity level
22.5 … 27.6 V (25°C) 190 mA max. without prim ary source SELV (Safety Extra Low Voltage)
Detection lines Type / number of detectors
Compatible detectors End of line element (EOL) Standby condition voltage / current Alarm condition voltage / current Line resistance
Collective / 32 max. (according to detector t ype) Siemens (Algorex, Sinteso, Synova, Cerberus FD110 series) Transzorb 18 V (P6KE18CA)
17.1 … 19.3 V (fixed by EOL) / 11 mA max.
5.5 … 16.5 V / 11 … 57.1 mA max. 80 Ω max.
Manual release line Type / number of manual actuators
End of line element (EOL) Voltage / standby line current Voltage / al ar m line curr ent Line resistance
DM1103-L / 32 max. Transzorb 18 V (P6KE18CA)
17.1 … 19.3 V (fixed by EOL) / 11 mA max.
5.5 … 16.5 V / 11 … 57.1 mA max. 80 Ω max.
Monitored inputs 4
Activation resistance End of line element (EOL) Line resistance
680 Ω or 1.2 kΩ
3.3 kΩ r esistance 80 Ω max.
Control inputs (non monitored)
4 Activation +24 V, via contact
Monitored co ntrol outputs Outputs 1 to 3
Outputs 1 to 3
Control voltage / current End of lin e element
24 V / 1 A max.
3.3 kΩ r esistance
Outputs 4 and 5
Control voltage / current End of lin e element
24 V / 2 A max. No EOL (line calibration)
Driver outputs 8 (programmable) 24 V / 40 mA max. Relay outputs (contacts) 5 (4 programmable) 30 V / 1 A max. / NO or NC Connection s XCM1002
Inputs - outputs type / section Plug-in screw t er minal bloc ks
2.5 mm2 max. (X5, X5, X7)
1.5 mm2 max. (all oth ers )
mains input type / section Plug-in screw termi nal block / 2.5 mm2 max.
Environmental conditions Operating / Storage temperature
Humidit y relative at 40± 2° C
-5 ... +40° C / -20 ... +60° C 93% max., without condens ation
Mechanical data XC1001-A Cabinet / Protection index
Color Dimensions (l x h x p) / Weight
Metal frame with plastic cover / IP30 RAL9003 (cover), RAL9006 (user interface) 370 x 286 x 90 mm / 4.1 kg
XC1005-A Cabinet / Protection index
Color Dimensions (l x h x p) / Weight
Metal case with plastic cover / IP40 RAL9003 (cover), RAL9006 (user interface) 505 / 375 / 125 m m / 6.5 kg
XC1003-A Cabinet / Protection index
Color Dimensions (l x h x p) / Weight
Rack 19’’ 4U / IP30 RAL9006
482.6 (19’’) x 177.8 (4U) x 187 mm / 6 .6 kg
Conformity EN 12094-1, EN 54-2/A1, EN 54-4/A2
22 Building Technologies A6V10257473_e_en_--
Fire Safety 2015-03- 04
6 Installation
Generally, the XC10 must be easily accessible and i nstalled:
- outside the protected area
- protected from mechanical shocks and bad weather
6.1 XC1001-A / XC1005-A
The XC10 must be installed on a fixed and stable support, with a height ranging between 1.60 m and 1.70 m (eliminate the irregularities from the mounting surface 5 mm).
1. Remove the front cover
2. Mark and drill the mounting holes using the drilling template provided (start with
the hole for the top central screw)
3. Fix the chassis using 3 screws Ø 4 x 50 mm (not provided)
4. Cut out the cable entries
5. Cut out the plastic housing according to the cable inputs (XC1001-A)
6. Mount the cable glands if necessary (required for protection rating IP30)
7. Install the batteries and fix the bat tery holders
1 12 V – 4.5 Ah batteries Fig. 7 XC1001-A, bat tery installation
23 Building Technologies A6V10257473_e_en_-­Fire Safety 2015-03- 04
ON 12
1 4
23 3(insert in slot 4)
1 12 V – 12 Ah batteries 2 12 V – 17 Ah batteries 3 FCA1014 battery holder (option) 4 Slot for battery holder
Fig. 8 XC1005-A, bat tery installation
24 Building Technologies A6V10257473_e_en_--
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6.2 XC1003-A
Fix the XC1003-A into a 19'' housing cabinet with a protecti on rating IP 30.
Fig. 9 XC1003-A, mounting examples
The interval between 2 extinguishing racks and there power su pply rack should n ot exceed 12U.
25 Building Technologies A6V10257473_e_en_-­Fire Safety 2015-03- 04
XC1003-A, mounting adaptation
The 19” rack is symmetrical . This allows, with some mounting/ unm ounting operations, to adapt it to various configurations (2 racks minimum are necessary).
Remove parts 5 & 6 from rack B
Reassemble parts 1, 2, 3 & 4 from rack A in rack B
2 31 4
Remove parts 1, 2, 3 & 4 from rack A
Reassemble parts 5 & 6 from rack B in rack A
ON 12
ON 12
ON 12
Fig. 10 XC1003-A, mounting adaptation
26 Building Technologies A6V10257473_e_en_--
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XC1003-A, commissioning / connection / maintenance
The removable board hol der (1) can be positioned, after screw unmounting (3), as indicated bel ow to reach the DIN rail (2).
ON 12
ON 12
13 3
Fig. 11 XC1003-A, removable stand in “Commissioning” position
27 Building Technologies A6V10257473_e_en_-­Fire Safety 2015-03- 04
XC1003-A, batteries installation
4.5 Ah batteries:
1. Remove the holder (1)
2. Install the batter ies (3) as shown below
3. Remount the holder (1)
7.2 Ah batteries:
1. Remove the parts (1) and (2)
2. Install the batter ies (4) as shown below
ON 12
ON 12
ON 12
Fig. 12 XC1003-A, battery installation
28 Building Technologies A6V10257473_e_en_--
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6.3 User interface labels
Insert the l abels f ollowing the instructions on the board provided with the equipment.
XC1001-A XC1003-A XC1005-A
Stripe EN A5Q00034729A-03
Pos. 2
Mechanical blocked Incorrect status
Manual blocked
Loss of agent
Automatic blocked
Led test
Sounders Actuators Fire controls
Mechanical blocked Incorrect status
Manual blocked
Loss of agent
Automatic blocked
Led test
Sounders Actuators Fire controls
Pos. 2
Mechanical blocked Incorrect status
Manual blocked
Loss of agent
Automatic blocked
Led test
Sounders Actuators Fire controls
Pos. 1
System ON
System fault
Power supply
Detector test
Remote transmission
Operati ng access
Earth fault
Silence Re-sound Sounders
Fire alarm
Detector Zone 1 …………………………………….
Detector Zone 2 …………………………………….
Detector Zone 3 …………………………………….
Manual release
Detector Zone 1 …………………………………….
Detector Zone 2 …………………………………….
Detector Zone 3 …………………………………….
Manual release
Pos. 5
Extinguishing control
EN12094-1 Classe A
EN54-4 / EN54-2
1116 - CPD – xxx
Pos. 4
EN12094-1 Classe A
EN54-4 / EN54-2
1116 - CPD – xxx
Pos. 8
1116 - CPD – xxx
EN12094-1 Classe A / EN54-4 / EN54-2
Pos. 6
0.0 0
XC1003 -A
Fig. 13 XC100x-A, user interface labels
The label to be inserted in position 2 is different whether the stop/emergency hold function is used or not.
29 Building Technologies A6V10257473_e_en_-­Fire Safety 2015-03- 04
7 Connections
The installation must be realised by qualified personnel and in conformity with the applicable nati onal electric standard.
7.1 Mains
Connection with the mains must be established through an external circuit breaker (bipolar circuit breaker 1 A).
3. Make sure that the mains voltage is switched off
4. Connect the mains cabl e to the PSU terminals according to the pi n assignment
specified onto the PSU:
Protection ground ( ), neutral (N) and phase (L)
5. Fix the cable with two fasteners and check, during installation, that these fixings are well in place
The XC100x-A equipment is not designed to be c onnected according to an IT earth network . If such a network must be us ed, a separation transformer will have to be installed.
Danger - Electrical v oltage
Mortal danger due to electric shock
- B ef ore layi n g th e mai ns c abl e, m ak e sur e that it is n ot c on n ect ed t o th e pow er s up pl y.
- Ch eck to mak e sur e that the m ains are secured agai ns t inad ver t ent l y being s witc h ed on.
Danger - Short circuit
Potential damage to hardware
- B ef or e inst al li ng or dismantl in g the power supply unit, rem ov e t h e wir e jum p er between th e two batteries.
- T his ensu res that th e sec on d ary side is current-fr ee and that no mod ules can be dam ag ed due to a short circuit.
7.2 Batteries
Two 12 V batteries, connected in series, can be connected with t he FCP1004- E power supply. According to the control units, the following batteries can be installed:
- XC1001-A : 4.5 Ah
- XC1005-A : 4.5 Ah, 7.2 Ah, 12 Ah or 17 Ah
- XC1003-A : 4.5 Ah or 7.2 Ah
Fig. 14 Battery connection
In some countri es i.e. [ FR], it is r equired to indicate the total loss of power suppl y (opti on with
requirement EN54-2). In such case, connect the wire pr ovided between + of th e batteries and the X28 termin al of XC M1 0 02 m ai nboard.
If this option is not required in your country, do not connect the wire from +b atteries to X28
30 Building Technologies A6V10257473_e_en_--
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7.2.1 Battery capacity calculation
Battery capacity must be calculated according to the following formula: K
= ((I
R total
* tR) + (I
A total
* tA)) * K
* K
: battery capacity (Ah)
R total
: operating curr ent , internal and ext ernal in standby condition (A)
A total
: operati ng curr ent , internal and external in alarm condition (A) tR: required backup time in standby condition (hours) tA: required backup time in alarm condition (hours) K
: = 1.1 drops i n capacity, applicable only for 12 hours backup time or less
: = 1.25 safety factor, applicable only for 24 hours backup time or less
To define the operating current, all internal and external devices connected to the XC10 shall be taken into account:
- all components installed inside the XC100x-A are consi dered as internal
devices, i.e. : XCA1030, XCA1031, relay modules, etc.
- al l components installed outside the XC100x-A are considered as external
devices, i.e.: actuator, sounders, warning panels, repeater terminals (when supplied by the XC10), etc.
Current consumption (A) / 24 VDC
Standby conditi on
Alarm condition
XCM1002 0.168 0.247 Actuator 0 See component datasheet Warning panel 0 See component datasheet Sounder 0 See component datasheet Fire controls 0 See c om ponent datasheet XT1001-A1 powered by XC10 0.012 0.020 XCA1031 0.114 0. 141
Single-sector installation example:
2 actuators (POUSSAX24) activ ated during 10 seconds (360mA each)6 warning panels (70mA each)10 sounders (20mA each)2 repeaters XT1001-A1 powered by XC10
Battery capacity calculation for 12, 24 and 72 hours backup time, followed by an alarm conditi on during 15 mn:
è I
R total
= 0.168 + (0.012 x 2) = 0.192 A
è I
A total
= 0.247 + (0.020 x 2) + ((0.360 x 2) x (10 / (15 x 60))) + (0.070 x 6) +
(0.020 x 10) = 0.915 A
è 12 hours : K
= ((0.192 x 12) + (0.915 x 0.25)) x 1.1 x 1.25 = 3.48 Ah
è 24 hours : K
= ((0.192 x 24) + (0.915 x 0.25)) x 1.25 = 6.04 Ah
è 72 hours : K
= ((0.192 x 72) + (0.91 x 0.25)) = 14.05 Ah
Multi-sector installation example:
4 solenoid valves (DEMAFM or DEMADE M) activated during 10 seconds
(400mA each)
1 actuator POUSSAX24 connected to XCA103112 warning panels (70mA each)10 sounders (20mA each)
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