Log book
Installation of service software
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Register 10 English
Print number: RLL5-310. Doc. gen. date: 1 1. 98
Replaces: RLL5-310.

Installation of service software1
Due to the technologies used in the UROSKOP D, only service engineers
who have completed training course LL 04.01.00 may perform service
work on the system.
Required documents 1
• Service PC manufacturer’s handbook.
• Operating the service softwar e: RLL5-310.113.02...
Required auxiliary devices 1
• Service PC
• Service software
• Host software
• Memory software (not for UROSKOP D3)
Service software VA00A and VA00B differ in the file transfer only.
Therefore, the instructions for the service software RLL5-310.113.02...
apply to both versions.
Service software VA00A will not function on fast (Pentium) PC’s.
General 1
The software is supplied on three diskettes. Two of the diskettes contain the system software for operating the UROSKOP D. The third diskette contains the actual service software:
1. Diskette with service soft ware
System-specific files (*.Cfg, *.Par, etc.).
2. Diskette with Host software
3. Diskette with MEMOSKOP 100 software (UROSKOP D1/ D2 only)
4. Diskette with MEMOSKOP 2K software (UROSKOP D1 only) with Polydoros SU
UROSKOP D Register 10 RLL5-310.113.01 Page 2 of 6 Siemens AG
Log book Rev. 05 11.98 TD PS 24 Medical Engineering Group