Siemens UP 258D11 OPTISENS OFFICE Technical Product Information

GAMMA instabus
Technical product information
February 2012
UP 258D11 OPTISENS OFFICE Presence detector / motion detector with lighting control 5WG1 2582DB11
Product and functional description
Each time a presence is detected, the overshoot time is started. Its duration is separately configurable for each functional block. The end of presence is determined by the end of the overshoot time. The duration of the dead time is also configurable per functional block. It is used to protect the actuators that are connected to the detector. If a presence is detected during the dead time, neither telegrams are sent nor the overshoot time is started. In the following the telegrams, which are sent at the beginning of a presence, are called A and B, the tele grams, which are sent at the end of a presence, are called C and D.
Operating Sequence
After the device has detected a presence, telegram A is sent immediately. If it has been configured to send also a telegram B, then telegram B is sent after the configured time (optionally also cyclically). If there are no motions any more, at the end of the over shoot time telegram C and (if configured) telegram D are
The UP 258D11 is a presence/motion detector with inte grated 2point light control. The UP 258D11 device com municates via KNX/EIB with actuators or other KNX de vices. It is designed for mounting on the ceiling. Owing to its tilting sensor head, the UP 258D11 can be aligned
sent. Telegram D can also be sent cyclically. If there are motions while the overshoot time is running, the overshoot time is restarted.
overshoot time
dead time
with the required capture area. The main application for the device is automatic lighting control in an office workplace. The UP 258D11 senses the presence of a person or that
bus telegrams
there is no longer anyone in its detection area. The de tector signal can be analyzed via two separate communi cation channels, termed motion detector and presence detector. Additionally, the UP 258D11 provides an output for con trol of HVAC applications. For example, this function can switch systems that are used for heating, ventilating and airconditioning control (HVAC) of the room from “En ergy saving mode” in an unused room to “Comfort mode” in an occupied room and back to “Energy saving mode” when the room is again unoccupied. For each detector function block (presence, motion, HVAC) 4 communication objects are available, in total 12 different communication objects. Depending on configu ration, one or two KNX telegrams are sent onto the bus when motion is first detected and when, after the last motion was detected, an overshoot time has expired. The values of the communication objects are configured for each functional block (motion detector, presence detector, HVACdetector) via corresponding parameters.
Use as single device or as main detector (master), respectively secondary detector (slave)
The detector can be operated as an independent device, as the main or secondary detector. According to the requirement, additional presence detec tors can be connected with the “main detector” via KNX/EIB as “secondary detectors” to extend the presence detection zone. “Secondary detectors” supply motion information only to the main detector.
Brightness measuring – adjustable via KNX/EIB
The UP 258D11 contains an independent light sensor. The signal measured there is available both at the KNX/EIB and internally. Because the light sensor measures directly, it must be possible to calibrate it for indirect measurement, so that it can be adapted to the different installation sites. Rapid
Siemens AG UP 258D11, 8 pages Technical manual Infrastructure & Cities Sector, Building Technologies Control Products and Systems © Siemens AG 2012 Update: P.O. Box 10 09 53, D93009 Regensburg Subject to change without further notice
GAMMA instabus
Technical product information
February 2012
UP 258D11 OPTISENS OFFICE Presence detector / motion detector with lighting control 5WG1 2582DB11
brightness fluctuations are filtered out. The measure ment range of the internal light sensor is between 20 and 1000 lux. The settings determine whether the brightness value computed by the device or a brightness value received from outside is used for the detector's remaining func tional blocks.
Integrated light control (on – off)
If the brightness controller is enabled (automatic mode) the lighting is switched on as soon as the brightness falls below a set lower threshold. The lighting is switched off if the set upper brightness threshold is exceeded. The brightness thresholds are variable either via parameters or via communication objects. The controller can also be operated semiautomatically by separating into two individual switching objects for exceeding or falling below the threshold. In this way, it can be switched to “Only on” or “Only off.” If the controller receives a switching or dimming com mand via the associated communication object over KNX/EIB, then this is deemed an external override and the controller switches automatic mode off. This change of status is sent simultaneously on the bus via the “Automatic Status” object.
Operation via infrared (IR) remote control
The IR receiver integrated in the presence detector can control light and shade, as well as store and call up scenes via a special IR remote control. The IR commands implemented can be combined via communication objects with the other function blocks or used to control other devices. The IR decoder can be controlled only with one of the Siemens IR remote controls shown in figure 1. The re mote controls have a range of 5 meters maximum. The IR decoder cannot distinguish between remote con trols. The functionality of button pairs A to F (see dia gram in figure 1) will be configured via the ETS.
Figure 1. IR remote control units for UP 258D11
Commissioning / Factory default settings
After the device is connected to the bus voltage, the sensor must first "Restart". In this phase, the program ming LED flashes double.(¼sec. ON ¼sec. OFF ¼sec. ON 1¼sec. OFF ) After "Restart" of the sensor, it appears that no motion is detected at present, the programming LED is off.
Factory default settings
In the as delivered state, the parameter Operating Mode is set to Setting Mode. While the device is in "Setting Mode", the integrated programming LED displays the PIR sensor state. (illumi nates briefly with motion)
Note: The programming LED can be recognized more easily without the design cover!
If the device is in programming mode, the LED stays on and does not flash. The PIR state is then not displayed.
Programming mode
Press the programming key short (< 0,5 s) to enable programming mode. This is indicated by the program ming LED.
Factory setting
When the programming key is pressed very long (> 20 s) the device is reset to the default factory settings. This is indicated by evenly flashing the programming LED. The flashing stops after 5 seconds.
Behavior after programming
The behavior of the device after programming with the ETS is dependent on the configuration. The description of the features, parameters and objects is in the applica tion program description of the device.
When the programming key is pressed longer (> 0,5 s to 2 s) no functions are activated. When the programming key is pressed longer (> 2 s) the device starts connection test. This is a special mode for Desigo TRA. The device may be blocked for the manufac turer specific functions for approx. 10 seconds for the programming mode. This is indicated by briefly flashing the programming LED.
Technical manual UP 258D11, 8 pages Siemens AG Infrastructure & Cities Sector, Building Technologies Update: © Siemens AG 2012 Control Products and Systems Subject to change without further notice P.O. Box 10 09 53, D93009 Regensburg
GAMMA instabus
Technical product information
February 2012
UP 258D11 OPTISENS OFFICE Presence detector / motion detector with lighting control 5WG1 2582DB11
Application program
25 CO Presence detector with light control  910501
The following features are integrated in the device:
Brightness measurement as mixed light measurement; Calibration via bus
Integrated 2point brightness controller (switching)
Presence and motion detection
Operation as an individual sensor or as the main or
ancillary sensor for covering wider areas.
Separate output (as a KNX  object) for heating, ventila tion and air conditioning applications.
Selectable functions for presence, motion, and HVAC detector function blocks:  Switching On/Off  8bit value (0...255)  16bit value (0...65535)  16bitvalue (temperature) (0°C – 40°C)  16bitvalue (brightness) (0 – 2000Lux)  8bit scene
Integrated IRreceiver for a IRremote control (see ac cessories)
Selectable functions per IR pair of pushbuttons:  Switching On/Off/toggle  8bit value (0...255)  16bit value (0...65535)  16bitvalue(temperature) (0°C – 40°C)  16bitvalue (brightness) (0 – 2000Lux)  8bit scene
The KNX Engineering Tool Software (ETS) version 3.0 f is required to load the application program.
Installation notes
The device must be mounted and commissioned by an
authorized electrician.
When connecting the device, it should be ensured that
the device can be isolated.
The device must not be opened.
For planning and construction of electric installations,
the relevant guidelines, regulations and standards of the respective country are to be considered.
Technical data
Power supply
via bus line
Current drain approx. 10 mA
Presence detection
Type: Passive infrared (PIR)
horizontal 360°, vertical ca. 100°, for monitoring of an area of 3 x 3 m up to approx. 5 x 5 m (dependent on the mounting resp. ceiling height)
Brightness measurement
Type: Mixed light measurement
Measuring range: 20...1000 Lux
IR receiver
For remote control (see accessories) max. Distance detector <–> remote control: ~ 4.5 m
Operating elements
1 commissioning push button: for toggling between normal mode / addressing mode
for reset the device to the default factory settings and to activate manufacturer specific functions
Display elements
1 red LED: for checking the bus voltage and for display ing normal mode / addressing mode
This LED indicated also the reset to the default factory settings and further activated manufacturer specific functions.
This LED also indicates presence / motion detection in test mode .
KNX bus line: bus terminal block
Mechanical specifications
Housing: plastic
Dimensions (DxT): ; 53 mm x 31 mm (without design cover) ; 88 mm x 63 mm (with design cover)
Weight: approx. 70g
Siemens AG UP 258D11, 8 pages Technical manual Infrastructure & Cities Sector, Building Technologies Control Products and Systems © Siemens AG 2012 Update: P.O. Box 10 09 53, D93009 Regensburg Subject to change without further notice
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