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Advanced Server for UNIX can be used to integrate personal computers, which are
operated under MS-DOS
OS/2 or OS/2® (referred to as OS/2 in this manual), Windows 95/98 and MS Windows
operating systems, in local networks (LAN, Local Area Network and WAN, Wide Area
Network). Advanced Server for UNIX allows the operation of various systems in a network.
Advanced Server for UNIX V4.0 (Advanced Server for UNIX in this manual) provides users
with server functions for the local network. It extends UNIX
Advanced Server for UNIX corresponds to Windows NT Server. The network server is
based on systems with the operating system UNIX. Cooperation with Microsoft
ensured that Advanced Server for UNIX is compatible with Windows NT Server.
The operating system is generally referred to as UNIX in this manual. This term is
used generically to include all UNIX operating systems on which Advanced Server
for UNIX is installed, for example Reliant UNIX.
Advanced Server for UNIX is also used in abbreviated form as AS/X, as well as
sometimes as AS/U or Advanced Server. All of these terms are synonymous for the
same product.
The description of the entire Advanced Server for UNIX product covers several manuals.
The “Concepts and Planning” manual provides information on the structure and function-
ality of Advanced Server for UNIX and describes, among other things, the differences in
comparison to LAN Manager/X.
(also running MS Windows or MS Windows for Workgroups),
to a network operating system.
This manual provides information on the enhancements that are implemented in Advanced
Server for UNIX; it supplements the information in the manual entitled “Concepts and
Planning”. The installation and configuration of Advanced Server for UNIX on the UNIX
system are also described in that manual.
The “API Reference” manual contains information on the API (Application Programming
Interface) with regard to syntax and functions. It is supplemented by online documentation
which is supplied with the package for the manual pages.
The “SNMP Service” manual contains information on the installation and configuration of
an extension for the SNMP agent (Simple Network Management Protocol), which among
other things allows network events to be determined centrally. This manual is part of the
LAN Manager/X V2.2 series of manuals.
Product ManualU7613-J-Z815-6-76
PrefaceTarget Group
The “User's Guide for MS-DOS Clients” and “User's Guide for MS Windows Clients” are
aimed at users of the MS-DOS or Windows clients. They provide information on starting up
and closing down clients, and on shared directories and printers. They also provide references to the commands available for working with the client. The manuals “Installation
Guide for Clients”, “MS Network Client V2.2”, and “MS Network Client V3.0” describe how
to install these clients.
The manual “NetWare Connectivity” contains information on how your MS-DOS client can
work simultaneously with Advanced Server for UNIX or LAN Manager servers and with
servers. It also contains installation and configuration instructions for NetWare
1.1Target group
This manual is intended for the system and network administrator, who is responsible for
installing, configuring, and operating Advanced Server for UNIX.
The network administrator is known as the administrator in this manual.
●The administrator requires therights of the system administratorroot and
must have an in-depth knowledge of the operating system and of the Advanced
Server for UNIX product. The tasks of the administrator and the system administrator are undertaken by one
●In order to execute administrator commands using the net commands, you
simply need to log on with net logon Administrator <password>.
Product ManualU7613-J-Z815-6-76
PrefaceSummary of Contents
1.2Summary of contents
Information that became available after this manual went to print is contained in the
SIreadmeM package which is supplied with Advanced Server for UNIX.
The chapter “Preface” provides users with an overview of the content and structure of this
The chapter “Introduction to Advanced Server for UNIX” contains information on the supple-
ments and changes which you will require in addition to the information contained in the
“Concepts and Planning” manual.
The chapter “Advanced Server for UNIX architecture” contains an overview of the process
model and of internal and external Advanced Server for UNIX communication.
The chapter “Installing Advanced Server for UNIX” contains information on the hardware
and software requirements of your server system. It also provides instructions for transferring the Advanced Server for UNIX software onto the server system as well as all the
information required to configure the system and Advanced Server for UNIX software, and
to create a development environment for Advanced Server for UNIX applications.
The chapter “Configuring Advanced Server for UNIX” contains, among other things, the
steps necessary for configuring and for starting NetBIOS and Advanced Server for UNIX.
Y ou should consult the chapter “Administration guidelines” if you want to change the role of
the server, for example if you have installed and configured Advanced Server for UNIX.
Among other things, the chapter also describes how to enable a CD-ROM drive for
Advanced Server for UNIX.
The chapter “Tools for sp ecia l tas ks” describes other tools offered by Advanced Server for
UNIX. These are generally only relevant when used with particular applications.
Another chapter is dedicated to “Installing Network and Administrative Client Software”.
The next chapter is about “Administering Advanced Server at the Command Prompt”.
Then a chapter describes in detail the WINS service: “Implementing WINS”.
The chapter entitled “Troubleshooting” contains guidelines for resolving errors.
The chapter “Advanced Server for UNIX - directories and files” contains an overview of the
most important files and directories of Advanced Server for UNIX.
The following chapters describe in detail “Advanced Server Registry” and the “Lanman.ini
The “Glossary”, “Abbreviations”, and “Index” chapters are useful as a reference when
reading this manual.
The “Related publications” chapter lists additional useful documentation.
Product ManualU7613-J-Z815-6-76
PrefaceChanges since the last version
1.3Changes since the last version of the manual
The documentation has been updated to conform to the software level of Advanced Server
for UNIX V4.0B.
For a list of differences between Advanced Server for UNIX V4.0B and the previons version,
please refer to the section “Compatibility” in the chapter “Introduction to Advanced Server
for UNIX”.
1.4Notational conventions
The following notational conventions are used in this manual:
Italicsin the main body of text denote file, variable, and
program names, as well as commands and
options in continuous text
Bordered Courierindicates extracts from files
Courierdenotes system output
Courier semi-bolddenotes user input in a sample dialog
Êindicates tasks to be performed by the user
indicates a key or key combination
denotes important information that must be
denotes a warning that you must heed to avoid
loss of data or serious errors
Product ManualU7613-J-Z815-6-76
2Introduction to Advanced Server for UNIX
This chapter contains supplementary and additional information on Advanced Server for
UNIX that is not contained in the manual entitled “Concepts and Planning”.
The following topics are dealt with:
●Shared resources and services
●Connection management
●Application Programming Interface (API)
The section on “Client-server architecture” contains a sh or t de s cri pt i on o f th e c l i e nt- s er ve r
architecture. The section entitled “Shared resources” contains information on which
network resources of Advanced Server for UNIX can be shared.
The section entitled “Services” introduces the services provided by Advanced Server for
UNIX. The section “Connection management” explains the terms “sessions“ as well as
“connection”. This section also provides information on the security concept of Advanced
Server for UNIX. The manual entitled “Concepts and Planning” contains conceptional infor-
mation relating to this topic.
Finally, the section “Administration of Advanced Server for UNIX” provides infor mati on on
remote administration.
Information on the programming interface and on compatibility can be found at the end of
this chapter.
Product ManualU7613-J-Z815-6-76
Introduction to Advanced Server for UNIXClient-server architecture
2.1Client-server architecture
One or more server systems and several clients (workstations) are connected in a network
(LAN, Local Area Network and WAN, Wide Area Network) with Advanced Server for UNIX.
The server systems provide services and resources in the local network. In contrast, the
clients utilize the services and resources of the server and generally do not provide any
services and resources themselves in the network.
Provided they are authorized, every client can access every server system in the local
network. Advanced Server for UNIX also supports so-called trust relationships between
domains, which permit the user to access resources in other domains.
2.2Shared resources
The resources provided by a server system for the network are known as shared
resources. Shared resources are protected against unauthorized access (for more
detailed information, see section on “Security concept”).
Advanced Server for UNIX provides users with the following types of resources, which can
be shared by one or more users in the network:
●Shared directory
●Shared printer
●Interprocess communication resource IPC$
●Network-wide administration (Resource ADMIN$)
Product ManualU7613-J-Z815-6-76
Introduction to Advanced Server for UNIXShared resources
2.2.1Names in the network
In the network, servers, domains, clients, users, and resources are assigned unique
names. The following table describes briefly the various types of names in the network.
System nameName of the UNIX system
Computername, server nameEach server and client in a network must have a unique
A proposed server name is derived from the system
name when it is being installed first (maximum 15
UsernameThe administrator provides each user in a network with a
unique username for identification.
Users from other domains with which there is a
trust relationship are addressed with <domain
SharenameThe administrator assigns a unique sharename to each
shared resource on a server.
Network name, UNC nameThe network name consists of the server’s computer
name and the sharename of one of this server’s
resources. A connection to a resource is established, for
example, with a network name.
Domain nameThe domain gets a domain name when you install the
primary domain controller. By default, it consists of the
first eleven characters of the system name plus the suffix
.dom (maximum 15 characters).
Product ManualU7613-J-Z815-6-76
Introduction to Advanced Server for UNIXShared resources name
Each UNIX system has a unique name in the network, which can be displayed using the
command uname -n and set as the network node name using the SYSADM utility program.
In order to avoid problems, it is strongly recommended that the system names you
assign are unique throughout the network. While the same system name may
appear several times in different DNS domains, even in the same network,
Advanced Server for UNIX uses the system name internally for generating names
which must always be unique. (server name)
Servers and clients must have a unique name in the network, known as the computername.
The computername of a server is also called server name.
A proposed server name is derived from the first 15 characters of the system name when
it is being installed first. The terms computername and server name are used synonymously in relation to the server.
It can be changed to any name (with a maximum of fifteen characters) during installation.
The server name is stored automatically in the lanman.ini file on the server. It is part of the
network name and may only be changed after the installation using special utility programs.
For further information please refer to the section entitled “Changing server attributes” in
the chapter entitled “Administration guidelines”.
●The server name consists of up to fifteen characters: letters from a to z,
numbers from 0 to 9 and the special characters -.~!#$%^&()_{}.
●In the previous Version 2.0, the server name for the LAN Manager/X server had
the suffix .serve. Please note that both LAN Manager/X Version 2.2 and
Advanced Server for UNIX up to version 4.0A10 propose the suffix .srv for a first
installation instead.
●Since Advanced Server for UNIX V4.0B, the default server name proposed
during the first installation is built from the system name without an extension.
●In order not to run into problems when upgrading to upcoming NT/AS/X-
versions in the future, all tools requesting a server name during installation or
reconfiguration offer the DNS-compatible host name (‘uname -n‘) as the default
server name. The extension .srv can still be used, but is not recommended and
no longer offered as a default. Installation/configuration scripts now inform the
administrator about DNS-incompatible server names.
Product ManualU7613-J-Z815-6-76
Introduction to Advanced Server for UNIXShared resources
Every user of a client is assigned a username by the administrator, which is unique
throughout the network. Users are identified by their usernames in the network.
The username consists of three to fifteen characters: letters, numbers, spaces and
special characters without / \ * ’ " ‘!. Use a maximum of eight characters to achieve
unique mapping between UNIX names and Advanced Server for UNIX users. It is
not recommended to use umlauts or characters like the euro symbol in usernames.
If a resource on a server is shared, it gets a sharename. The sharename identifies the
resource on the server. A sharename for a resource must appear only once on a server,
however the same sharename may be used several times on other servers in the network.
The sharename is part of the network name.
The sharename consists of up to twelve characters: letters (no umlauts), numbers,
and special characters. For MS-DOS clients, the sharename must comply with the
MS-DOS conventions.
The command net share sf1=c:/u1/public is used by the administrator to share the directory
/u1/public as a resource for the network, sf1 is the sharename of this resource.
●The character string c: must always precede the resource pathname when
i name
A client user sets up a connection to a shared resource using the network name. The
network name of a shared resource consists of the computername of a server and of the
sharename of the resource shared on this server.
The command net use j: \\server1\sf1 is used by the client user to set up a connection to the
shared resource with the sharename sf1, which is located on the server with the
computername server1. The network name of the resource in this case is \\server1\sf1. Using
the command dir \\server1\sf1 or dir j: you can then display the contents of the shared
sharing directories.
Product ManualU7613-J-Z815-6-76
Introduction to Advanced Server for UNIXShared resources name
A domain gets its domain name during installation of the primary domain controller. The
backup domain controllers are assigned during installation of a domain. The assignment of
a client to a domain is defined while it is being installed; it can be reconfigured later or, on
some clients, modified temporarily with the net logon command, for example.
The trust relationship concept means that it is easier to manage and use several domains.
(The manual entitled “Concepts and Planning” contains further information relating to this
The default domain name consists of the first eleven characters of the system name plus
the suffix .dom, e.g. the domain name of the server server1 would be server1.dom.
The domain name consists of up to fifteen characters: letters from a to z, numbers
from 0 to 9 and the special characters -.~!#$%^&()_{}.
The domain name may only be changed following installation using special utility programs.
Please refer here to the section entitled “Changing server attributes” in the chapter
“Administration guidelines”.
2.2.2Mapping of file attributes through Advanced Server for UNIX
This section contains information on how Advanced Server for UNIX maps characters and
file attributes between the server and clients.
The following DOS attributes are mapped on the server by Advanced Server for UNIX:
●r (read only)
●d (directory)
●h (hidden)
●s (system)
●a (archive)
Product ManualU7613-J-Z815-6-76
Introduction to Advanced Server for UNIXShared resources
The attributes r and d are mapped to the relating UNIX mechanisms. The attributes a, s and
h, as well as any possible combination of these are translated to Advanced Server for UNIX
by means of UNIX group names. The table below, for example, shows how the MS-DOS
file BSP.DAT with the attributes a and h and the MS-DOS file READONLY.BSP with the attri-
butes a, r and h are mapped under UNIX:
The extended file attributes of the HPFS (OS/2 extended attributes) contain additional information on OS/2 files such as long filenames or comments, for example. The UNIX file
system does not support all attributes, so Advanced Server for UNIX creates a hidden
shadow file for each file with extended attributes. This shadow file has the default name
.EA@<filename>. For example:
The autoexec.bat file has a shadow file with the name .EA@autoexec.bat.
The period (.) as the first character in the filename hides the file under UNIX. The
hidden files are not displayed with the ls command. To do this, use the ls -a
You must try to ensure that these files are only handled under OS/2. If you delete or copy
the files under UNIX, you should also delete or copy the shadow file accordingly.
It is not possible to copy these files with their attributes from an Intel-based to a
RISC-based UNIX system using UNIX commands, as the internal formats do not
match. When the server system is changed, copy the files from the first server to an
OS/2 PC first and from this PC to the other server.
The shadow files of LAN Manager/X 2.2 are compatible with those of Advanced Server for
UNIX and can be continued to be used unchanged.
You should also be aware that with the current version of Advanced Server for UNIX, files
with extended attributes cannot be transferred via the replicator service and also cannot be
copied locally, for example, with lmshell.
The def ault val ue o f the EAFilePr efix registry parameter has changed since Version 4.0A10
of Advanced Server for UNIX. Instead of .ea@, the value .EA@ is now used to ensure
compatibility with Advanced Server for UNIX V3.5.
Product ManualU7613-J-Z815-6-76
Introduction to Advanced Server for UNIXShared resources
Existing configurations are not modified during an upgrade installation. You should
therefore use either the Registry Editor or the regconfig command to set the value of the
EAFilePrefix parameter in the registry to .EA@ under the key
If you previously operated Advanced Server for UNIX V4.0A10 with the setting UseEAs=1,
you will now have to rename all hidden shadow files with the extended file attributes.
Use the following command to display all existing shadow files:
find / -type f -name ’.ea@*’ -print
The following shell script can be used to give all old shadow files the new prefix .EA@:
for eafile in ‘find / -type f -name ’.ea@*’ -print‘
newfile="‘echo $eafile | sed ’s/\.ea@/.EA@/’‘"
echo rename "$eafile" to "$newfile"
mv "$eafile" "$newfile"
Advanced Server for UNIX will only find the extended attributes of a file if the
associated hidden shadow file has the same prefix as is set in the current Advanced
Server for UNIX configuration instance. It would be best to change the file and
directory names and the registry parameters when the server is stopped and then
start the server again.
2.2.3Share table (li st of shared resou rc es)
All shared resources are comprised in the share table. Every resource shared using the
command net share is entered in the share table. Every resource deleted using net share /delete is removed from the share table.
Advanced Server for UNIX stores the share table in an internal format in the registry. The
share table is loaded automatically each time Advanced Server for UNIX is started. The
various types of shared resources are introduced in the following sections.
Product ManualU7613-J-Z815-6-76
Introduction to Advanced Server for UNIXShared resources
2.2.4Shared directory
A shared directory is a file tree of a server system, which was shared for the usage in the
local network. Users can access the shared directory from a client using the sharename.
In this case, users work with the shared directory as they would with a local drive or
directory on their clients.
The security check is not taken into account in the following description in order to
avoid complexity.
The administrator is responsible for assigning a directory (for example with the server
named server1) to a sharename. The administrator links the local directory name
/u1/public1 to the sharename sf1 using the command: net share sf1=c:/u1/publi c1, at the same
time sharing this resource for use in the local network.
●The directory must have been created beforehand, otherwise the administration
interface reports an error.
●The character string c: must always precede the resource pathname on the
Advanced Server for UNIX.
Access information is assigned to shared directories using net per ms, which is stored in the
AS/X database (acl).
For example, using net perms c:/u1/p ublic1 /grant group1:fullcontrol the group group1 is
assigned read, write, and execute permissions as well as the permission to create files and
directories, to change or delete attributes and to change the permissions for these directories.
●UNIX permissions have a higher priority than permissions assigned using net
perms. Thus, for example, the abov e dir ecto ry has no write authorization if the
permissions r-x-r-x-r-x are set up using UNIX. If problems arise, the UNIX
permissions can be set temporarily to rwxrwxrwx to establish whether the
missing UNIX permissions have caused the problem.
Product ManualU7613-J-Z815-6-76
Introduction to Advanced Server for UNIXShared resources
Authorized users can assign this shared directory to their clients. The network name of the
shared directory (in accordance with DOS naming conventions) \\server1\sf1 is linked on the
client to a local drive letter, e.g. j:, using the command net use j : \\server1\sf1.
The user may have to allow additional drive letters on the client in the configuration
file config.sys using the command lastdrive.
The client user can then access the shared directory using the drive letter j:. All attempts to
access files (copying files and directories, editing files etc.) made by the user on drive letter
j: are mapped on the file system of the server.
The shared directory can therefore be used by a user or a user group. If several users wish
to process a file at the same time, entire files or parts of files can be locked using file locks
for the duration of processing. Read and/or write locks are available.
Older MS-DOS versions or programs are not network-ready, in this case only one
user at a time can access a file.
Advanced Server for UNIX maps the interfaces available under the MS-DOS, OS/2,
Windows, Windows for Workgroups, Windows 95/98 and Windows NT operating systems
to UNIX mechanisms in order to manipulate files and directories.
For further information, please refer to the manual entitled “Concepts and Planning”.
2.2.5Shared printer resource
As an administrator, it is possible to share the printer queues for the network. The
administrator can also check the status of the printer queue using the corresponding administration commands and can manipulate the print jobs (delete, for example).
The printout waits in the printer queue and is then printed on a printer connected to the
UNIX system or on a printer connected to a specially configured client (shared client
printer). For further information, please refer to the chapter entitled “Configuring Advanced
Server for UNIX”. spoolers
Interfaces for the followin g spoolers are available for Advanced Server for UNIX:
●S tan dar d spo oler (AT&T
●SPOOL V4.2 (and above) for all Reliant UNIX systems
Please refer to the section “Configuring printers on the UNIX system” for information on how
to configure the interface to the spooler.
high performance interface)
Product ManualU7613-J-Z815-6-76
Introduction to Advanced Server for UNIXShared resources client printer
It is also possible to route the output of the printer spooler to a printer which is connected
to a client (shared client printer). For further information, please refer to the manuals entitled
“MS Network Client V2.2” and “User's Guide for MS-DOS Clients”. server
The output of the printer spooler can also be routed to server and client systems that can
share a printer resource (e.g. Windows for Workgroups, Windows NT). a printer
The administrator shares the printer queue on the server (with the computername server1).
For example, you can enable a printer group or class with the sharename sp1 using the
net share sp1 /print command.
For example, the user of the client with the computername cl3 links to a shared printer. To
do this, he/she assigns the network name \\server1\sp1 with lpt1 using the command (in the
MS-DOS naming conventions) net use lpt1: \\server1\sp1. The user can now work on lpt1: for
all print jobs as he/she would on a local printer.
●For Windows NT-Style Printing the sharing of a printer with UNIX commands is
For further information, please consult the manual entitled “Concepts and Planning”.
no longer recommended.
2.2.6Interprocess communication resource, IPC$
Advanced Server for UNIX can be used to implement distributed applications: Application
processes on the server system exchange data over the network with application
processes on clients. The resource IPC$ enables this communication using LM named
pipes and mailslots.
Special functions also allow the administration of Advanced Server for UNIX using
programs. For additional information please refer to the manual “API Reference” and in the
manual pages for the API, which are supplied with Advanced Server for UNIX. The
following sections contain further information on interprocess communication.
The IPC$ resource is automatically shared.
Product ManualU7613-J-Z815-6-76
Introduction to Advanced Server for UNIXShared resources named pipes
Advanced Server for UNIX also provides LM named pipes. They are bidirectional communication channels for interprocess communication in the network. They differ from UNIX
named pipes.
The following example describes the basic procedure for setting up and clearing down an
LM named pipe: An application process with root authorization creates a named pipe on the
server. The client process on the client sets up a connection to the known named pipe over
the local network. Both processes can then exchange data using the LM named pipe. When
the data exchange has ended, the LM named pipe is deleted.
Advanced Server for UNIX must be running in order to use LM named pipes.
The root-authorized process on the server server1 creates a LM named pipe with the name
srvp using the function DosMakeNmPipe (“/PIPE/srvp” , &reference,...) and waits using the
function DosConnectNmPipe (r efer ence) for a connection to be set up (_dos_open) to the client
The client process – under MS-DOS, OS/2, Windows, Windows for Workgroups,
Windows NT or Windows 95/98 – opens the named pipe with
_dos_open ("\\\\server1\\PIPE\\srvp",&cfd,...), and data can now be exchanged between the
The character “\” must always be specified twice in a C program since the first “\” is
interpreted as an escape character.
The connection to the LM named pipe is set up using the resource IPC$. If a client process
on a client wishes to communicate with an application process on the server, this resource
is connected automatically.
If the LM named pipe is to be closed again after the data exchange, the client process closes this named pipe using _dos_close(cfd).
The server process can then clear down the connection using
DosDisconnectNmPipe(reference) and delete the named pipe using DosClose(reference).
Further information on LM named pipes can be found in the manual “API Reference” and
in the manual pages for the API.
Product ManualU7613-J-Z815-6-76
Introduction to Advanced Server for UNIXShared resources
Mailslots are unidirectional communication channels. They are created by an application
process on the server or by a client process on the client. In contrast to LM named pipes,
several processes can write to the same mailslot simultaneously but only the process that
created the mailslot can read from it.
A reading process (on the server server1) creates a mailslot with the name ms. This progr am
waits for messages for the mailslot. The writing program sends a message to the network
name of the mailslot //server1/mailslot/ms.
The developer implements this in the program sources for client processes using the API
functions, in compliance with MS-DOS and OS/2 naming conventions:
In the reading program using DosMakeMailslot(\\\\mailslot\\ms, ..) and in the writing program
using DosWriteMailslot(\\\\server1\\mailslot\\ms, ,..).
The following calls are used in the processes on the server:
In the reading program using DosMakeMailslot(//mailslot/ms, ..) and in the writing program
using DosWriteMailslot(//server1/mailslot/ms, ,..).
2.2.7Using the UNIX operating system from the PC
You can execute UNIX commands from the PC over the netrun service. For further infor-
mation, please consult “Chapter 5 - Enhanced Reference” in the manual “User's Guide for
MS-DOS Clients”.
Product ManualU7613-J-Z815-6-76
Introduction to Advanced Server for UNIXServices
The following additional services can be configured in Advanced Server for UNIX:
Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS)
The following sections briefly explain these services.
This service sends alarm messages to certain client users. For example, alarm messages
are initiated if access permissions are violated when using shared resources and if
important limits are exceeded (maximum error rate when accessing networks and hard
disks and maximum number of logon attempts ).
configured when server is installed
installed and configured with the asxsnmp
configured automa tically
Important activities in the network are recorded by this service. These include starting and
stopping the server, user sessions and utilization of shared resources by specifying the
username and time. This list can be displayed if required.
Product ManualU7613-J-Z815-6-76
Introduction to Advanced Server for UNIXServices
The Replicator service allows specific files and directories to be copied automatically from
the export server to one or more of the specifically configured import servers (server and
clients with the Replicator service).
The Replicator service on the export server monitors the export directory, containing the
designated files and directories. If a file in the export directory is changed or directories
and/or files are added or deleted, the Replicator service updates these directories and files
under the import directories.
The netlogon service connects a specified server to a domain. This simplifies the administrator’s duties: within a domain a user account only needs to be managed and maintained
on one server. User accounts can be maintained on each server using the single system
image (SSI), the accounts is thus central ly managed and distributed.
The netlogon service ensures that there is an identical copy of the user account on the
primary domain controller and the backup domain controllers of the domain. The netlogon
service also processes the logon procedures of the clients.
If you are using the Netlogon service, the servers in a domain have several roles:
Server roleTask
Primary Domain ControllerMaintains and distributes the master copy of
Backup Domain ControllerReceives a copy of the user account
The netlogon service also provides connections to other domains with which a trust
relationship ex is ts .
This is a Advanced Server service which identifies a server as the time source for a domain.
Other servers can synchronize their clocks with the time source.
the user account database, handles “logon”
database, handles “logon” requests.
UNIX servers cannot synchronise their clocks using this service.
Product ManualU7613-J-Z815-6-76
Introduction to Advanced Server for UNIXServices
2.3.6SNMP service
The SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) service is installed and configured with
the asxsnmp package. This daemon process is started and stopped automatically with
Advanced Server for UNIX. It provides a connection between Advanced Server for UNIX
and the SNMP agent. Please refer to the manual “SNMP Service” for further information. In
addition, the “Emanate Master Agent” (Slsnmpdm) can also be used with the “SINIX SNMP
Agent Adapter” (Slsnmpd).
2.3.7Netrun service
The Netrun service enables you to run a UNIX program on Advanced Server for UNIX from
an OS/2 or an extended MS-DOS client.
The corresponding user interface is not available on Windows for Workgroups, Windows
95/98, and Windows NT.
The browser service extends the announce messages that normally occured in the LAN
Manager/X environment (every 60 seconds). This new mechanism consists of a system of
hierarc hical ly orde red br owser prog rams t hat a re use d for sear ching do main s, serv ers a nd
resources within the network. The browser service function is provided in the Explorer/File
Manager and Windows Print Manager. Relevant shared resources on other servers and on
servers in other domains can be found using this system.
However, the browser service can only be used by a Windows NT server, a Windows NT
workstation, a Windows 95/98 client, or a Windows for Workgroups client. It is not available
on a Windows or MS-DOS client.
For further information in this regard, please refer to the “Concepts and Planning” manual.
2.3.9Windows Internet Naming Service
The Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) is used to map computernames to IP
addresses. For further information please consult the chapter describing “Implementing
Product ManualU7613-J-Z815-6-76
Introduction to Advanced Server for UNIXConnection management
2.4Connection management
The following sections contain descriptions of a network connection between the server and
the client. The terms “session” and “network connection” are explained and the security
concept of Advanced Server for UNIX is introduced.
A session is set up between a client and a server the first time when a connection from the
client to a server resource was successful. (N.B. Windows NT clients sometimes have two
sessions to th e s ame serv er) . Ev ery cl ien t ca n h ave se vera l sessi o ns wit h se ve ral s er ve rs.
●Sessions are also set up between the servers in a domain; likewise, local
sessions exist on the server. The command net session shows all current
●The MAXCLIENTS parameter restricts the number of sessions that can exist
simultaneously. See also section “Parameters” in chapter “Lanman.ini File” in
this manual.
2.4.2Connection to a resource
If the client user successfully connects to a resource first time from a server, a session is
automatically set up for this server (see above). However, if there is already a session with
this server then a new connection is set up to the required resource of this server using the
existing session.
A connection is explicitly cleared down from a client using the command net use and the
option /delete. On the other hand, if the session with a server is shut down then all connections to the shared resources of this server are closed.
Product ManualU7613-J-Z815-6-76
Introduction to Advanced Server for UNIXAdministration
2.4.3Security concept
In order to protect shared resources from unauthorized access, the user level security
concept is always used in Advanced Server for UNIX.
Users must legitimate using their username and password once in the domain to be able
to access the shared resources for which they are authorized.
Even after you have successfully logged onto a domain, you may need to carry out
further steps to be able to use the resource of a server in another domain:
●If you have a different password for the same user name in another domain, you
must enter this password.
●If you have a different user name in another domain, you must log off from the
previous domain and log onto the new domain or alternatively make the
connection with th e resource as a different user.
●If there is a trust relationship between the two domains there is no need to
create the user account a second time. You can also access the resources in
the other domain if you are a legitimate user in your domain. For further information, please refer to the “Concepts and Planning” manual.
2.5Administration of Advanced Server for UNIX
The administrator manages and controls the shared resources, users, and their permissions on the UNIX server.
Advanced Server for UNIX is managed via the graphical interface of the Windows NT
Server T ools. Using this administration program you can carry out your administration tasks
remotely, e.g. from a Windows NT system (server or client) or a Windows, Windows for
Workgroups or a Windows 95/98 client if these utilities are installed there.
The administration of Advanced Server at the command prompt is described in chapter
“Administering Advanced Server at the Command Prompt”.
Administration functions can also be carried out from programs via the programming
interface (API). For further information please refer to the manual “API Reference” and the
API manual pages.
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Introduction to Advanced Server for UNIXProgramming interface (API)
2.5.1Remote administration
You can execute remote administration from any of the following systems:
●Windows NT client and server
●Windows 95/98, Windows for Workgroups, or Windows client
●Extended MS-DOS client
●UNIX system running Advanced Server for UNIX administration under MS-DOS
The administration shell is started using the command
net admin \\<servername> [password] /command and thereafter commands are issued using
the command net <subcommand>.
The command exit or the key combination and can be used to exit the administration shell and return to the operating shell system. administration under Windows
Remote administration is possible from any system on which MS Windows, Windows for
Workgroups, Windows NT, or Windows 95/98 is installed. For this reason, the Windows NT
Server Tools are supplied with Advanced Server for UNIX. Special NT Server Tools have
been developed for the Windows client. Since they have the same functionality, a standard
administration interface is available to you on all clients and workstations.
2.6Programming interface (API)
Advanced Server for UNIX provides a programming interface (application programming
interface (API)), which can be used to develop distributed applications in the network. The
API provides functions, for example, for the LM named pipes and mailslots. You can also
execute administration functions from your own programs.
With these functions, you can develop your own programs on the server operating system
which can exchange data with client processes. Advanced Server for UNIX itself uses the
API for administration tasks.
The API functions and changes since LAN Manager/X V2.2 are described in the manual
“API Reference” and in API manual pages. For information on how to install the manual
pages, please refer to the section “Installing the asxman package”.
Product ManualU7613-J-Z815-6-76
Introduction to Advanced Server for UNIXCompatibility
2.6.1Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
Advanced Server for UNIX supports the Microsoft Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs). This
platform-independent mechanism is used for interprocess communication within a clientserver architecture.
The new functions of Advanced Server for UNIX are called up internally via RPC.
2.7.1Client software
The functionality of Advanced Server for UNIX corresponds to the server part of Microsoft
Windows NT Server. The Advanced Server for UNIX product uses the SMB protocol
(Server Message Block) and is thus compatible with the following products:
●MS Networks 1.01 (not included in delivery package)
●MS Network Client MS-DOS V3.0 (included in delivery package)
●MS LAN Manager MS-DOS V1.1 (not included in delivery package)
●MS LAN Manager MS-DOS V2.0 (not included in delivery package)
●MS LAN Manager MS-DOS V2.1 (not included in delivery package)
●MS LAN Manager MS-DOS V2.2c (included in delivery package)
●MS LAN Manager OS/2 V1.1 (not included in delivery package)
●MS LAN Manager OS/2 V2.0 (not included in delivery package)
●MS LAN Manager OS/2 V2.1 (not included in delivery package)
●MS LAN Manager OS/2 V2.2 (not included in delivery package)
●MS Windows for Workgroups V3.1 (not included in delivery package)
●MS Windows for Workgroups V3.11 (not included in delivery package)
●MS Windows 95 (not included in delivery package)
●MS Windows 98 (not included in delivery package)
●MS Windows NT Version 3.1 and later, for administration Version 3.51 and later (not
included in delivery package)
Product ManualU7613-J-Z815-6-76
Introduction to Advanced Server for UNIXCompatibility
●The RFC 1001/2 implementation (NetBIOS™ on TCP/IP) is the basis for
communication with the server system.
●The MS LAN Manager OS/2 products referred to above are only available for
OS/2 V1.x.
●If you are using the client with MS LAN Manager V2.0, you must set up the
TCP/IP communication software with the Siemens product LAN1 Vx.
●The product MS LAN Manager provides TCP/IP with V ersion 2.1 and later; with
this product you have the option (e.g. if you want to implement an emulation in
parallel) of incorporating the product LAN1 Vx.
●The product LAN1 is not supplied with Advanced Server for UNIX.
●The commands referred to, i.e. udir, uren, and uchmod, cannot be used on all
clients. In this case you should use the corresponding UNIX commands.
2.7.2Role of the serve r
You can install Advanced Server for UNIX and LAN Manager/X in a domain with Windows
NT servers. Only one Advanced Server for UNIX or Windows NT server can be installed as
a primary domain controller in a single domain. LAN Manager/X servers cannot take on the
server role of primary domain controller.
The server roles of member server and standalone server have been omitted from
Advanced Server for UNIX.
2.7.3Server hardware
Advanced Server for UNIX can be operated via any network with TCP/IP capability , e.g. via
or Token Ring™.
Product ManualU7613-J-Z815-6-76
Introduction to Advanced Server for UNIXCompatibility
2.7.4LAN Manager/X V1.1
Version 2.0 and later of LAN Manager/X or Advanced Server for UNIX are compatible with
Version 1.1 as regards the following:
●The environment variable $xLMX
●The environment variable $LM_HOMEDIR
●The file /etc/rclmx, in which the environment variables are set
●The automatic call of /etc/rclmx from the script /etc/profile
●The utilities
os2unix and unix2dos, which can be called under the system path and
under $xLMX/bin
●The programs net and lm, which can be called under
●The script lmx for starting and stopping the server (with the NetBIOS administration
program) and the server status display.
Important changes to the previous version for Version 2.0 and later:
●The domain concept is supported.
●You can route the output of the printer spooler to a printer that is connected to a client
(shared client printer).
●The share table and usernames are saved in a different format (if required this data can
be converted manually for the new version).
●The MS-DOS notation must be used with the command net, for example options may
only be introduced with the character “/”.
●For shared directories, c: must always be specified with the command net share,
e.g. net share sf1=c:/u1/sf1.
●Programs which create LM named pipes must have root authorization.
●LAN Manager/X must be started when creating the LM named pipes.
●Remote systems can be administered from a client with the command net admin. For
this purpose, the server name must always be specified e.g.
net admin \\server1 /command
●The prefix net must always be set in the administration shell.
●The configuration file is now called
deviate from standard. The program
modification functions. The chapter “Lanman.ini File“ contains a description of this.
Product ManualU7613-J-Z815-6-76
$xLMX/lanman.ini, and only contains values which
srvconfig should always be used for viewing or
Introduction to Advanced Server for UNIXCompatibility
2.7.5LAN Manager/X V2.0
Version 2.2 and later of LAN Manager/X or Advanced Server for UNIX is compatible with
Version 2.0 as regards the following:
●The API of Version 2.0 is a subset of the API of Version 2.2.
Important changes to Version 2.0
●The API of Version 2.0 has been extended.
●The Targon/31 system is no longer supported.
●Y ou are now provided with a suggested name for the server name consisting of the first
nine characters of the host name and the suffix .srv instead of .serve (e.g. server1.srv).
●In order to start a UNIX program from the PC, you should now use the command netrun
(extended MS-DOS client) instead of uexec.
●In the case of an update installation, the configuration of Versions 2.0 and 2.2 can be
●Server attributes such as server role, server name etc. can be changed afterwards with
a utility program.
●The servers and clients can be located in different subnets.
●You can save the entries for installation in a file and carry out the installation at a later
date. This file also makes it possible for you to carry out “automatic installation” – even
on other UNIX systems.
●Individual services can be started and stopped.
●The command net version shows which version of LAN Manager is installed on the
current system.
Product ManualU7613-J-Z815-6-76
Introduction to Advanced Server for UNIXCompatibility
2.7.6LAN Manager/X V2.2
Advanced Server for UNIX since V3.5 is compatible with LAN Manager/X V2.2 as regards
the following:
●Advanced Server for UNIX supports the full functionality of LAN Manager/X V2.2.
●Interoperability is possible both with LAN Manager V2.x systems and with LAN
Manager V2.0 and V2.2 clients under MS-DOS, OS/2, Windows 3.1, and Windows 3.11
(Windows for Workgroups).
●The environment variable $xLMX and the lmx command are still available.
Important changes to Version 2.2
Advanced Server for UNIX has the following new or modified features and functions:
New and modified commands or procedures are explained in comparative tables
with comments in Appendix A of the manual “Concepts and Planning”. Please refer
to the tables for these descriptions.
●Like a Windows NT server, Advanced Server for UNIX can take on the server role of
primary domain controller in a domain.
●The server roles of “member server” and “standalone server” have been omitted. In an
upgrade, the member server is given the role of “backup domain controller” and the
standalone server is given the role of “primary domain controller”.
●The share level security concept is no longer supported. In the upgrade installation, the
server is given the server role of primary domain controller with the user level security
●Modified processing and defaults for access permissions
●The environment variable $xASX exists in parallel to the environment variable $xLMX.
The new command asx (e.g. asx start) corresponds to the lmx command, which can still
be used.
●The Replicator service is no longer started automatically.
●Trust relationships can be set up between domains. These facilitate the use of
resources in other domains.
●Global and local groups as well as global and local user accounts are supported.
●Customizable user environments: A specific user environment is recorded by means
of defining a user profile or by allocating a logon script regardless of which client the
user logs on from.
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