Siemens PRIMERGY 560 Operating Manual

Intel-based Server
Operating Manual
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Bestell-Nr./Order No.: A26361-K412-Z107-3-7619 Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany AG 1098 10/98
Important notes
Operating Manual
Preparation for use and operation
Settings in BIOS Setup
Propertyand data protection
Troubleshootingand tips
System expansions
Boards and cablin
October 1998 edition
Technical data
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Introduction ........................................................................................................... 1
Features.................................................................................................................. 2
Notational conventions............................................................................................ 3
Important notes ..................................................................................................... 5
Safety...................................................................................................................... 5
Manufacturer’s notes...............................................................................................6
CE certificate....................................................................................................6
FCC Class A Compliance Statement ............................................................... 7
Power cord selection........................................................................................8
For the United States and Canada...................................................................8
For the United Kingdom ................................................................................... 9
Disposal and recycling ................................................................................... 10
Energy saving under Windows NT................................................................. 11
Transporting the server ......................................................................................... 11
Preparation for use and operation.....................................................................13
Unpacking and checking the delivery.................................................................... 13
Preparing the PC for use.......................................................................................13
Setting up the server ............................................................................................. 14
Connecting the server ........................................................................................... 14
Connecting external devices .......................................................................... 15
Connecting the server to the line voltage....................................................... 16
Unlocking/locking the server.................................................................................. 18
Controls and indicators.......................................................................................... 19
Switching the server on and off ............................................................................. 21
Configuring the server........................................................................................... 22
Saving the EISA configuration........................................................................ 22
ICU Utility ....................................................................................................... 24
Configuring the Disk Array Controller............................................................. 24
Configuring the standard SCSI controller....................................................... 24
Installing the operating system....................................................................... 24
Cleaning the server ............................................................................................... 25
Settings in BIOS Setup ....................................................................................... 27
Calling BIOS Setup ............................................................................................... 27
Operating BIOS Setup........................................................................................... 29
Exiting BIOS Setup................................................................................................ 30
Property and data protection..............................................................................31
BIOS Setup security functions...............................................................................31
Setting the Setup password............................................................................33
Setting the System password .........................................................................35
Troubleshooting and tips....................................................................................37
Power-on indicator remains dark after you have switched on your device ............37
Server switches itself off........................................................................................38
The screen stays blank..........................................................................................38
Flickering stripes on the monitor screen ................................................................39
No screen display or display drifts .........................................................................40
No mouse pointer displayed on the screen............................................................40
The floppy disk cannot be read or written..............................................................41
Time and/or date is not correct ..............................................................................41
The system cannot be started up...........................................................................41
System will not boot after installing hard disk drives..............................................44
Drives are reported as "dead" at system boot .......................................................44
DAC reports added drive as defective ...................................................................44
Error messages on the screen...............................................................................44
System expansions .............................................................................................45
Opening the server ................................................................................................45
Removing the top panel..................................................................................46
Removing the control panel............................................................................47
Removing the side cover................................................................................48
Assembling the server ...........................................................................................49
Mounting the side cover..................................................................................49
Mounting the control panel .............................................................................50
Mounting the top panel...................................................................................51
Installing and removing a SCSI hard disk drive .....................................................52
Installing a RemoteView hard disk drive................................................................55
Installing and removing a power supply module....................................................58
Installing and removing an accessible drive ..........................................................59
Installing an accessible 5 1/4-inch drive .........................................................60
Removing an accessible 5 1/4-inch drive .......................................................62
Changing the floppy disk drive........................................................................64
Installing and removing boards..............................................................................66
Installing a board ............................................................................................66
Removing a board ..........................................................................................68
Installing a second processor board ......................................................................69
Installing the SE/DE converter boards...................................................................71
Extensions on the system board............................................................................73
Boards and cabling............................................................................................. 75
SCSI platter with SAF-TE function ........................................................................ 75
Disk array controller and standard controller on internal drives ............................77
Two standard controllers on internal drives........................................................... 78
Technical data ..................................................................................................... 79
Index..................................................................................................................... 81


The PRIMERGY 560 is an Intel-based server for medium-size and large networks and can be equipped with up to four Pentium Pro processors.
Its highly developed hardware and software components provide a high degree of reliability and availability. Hardware components include hot-plug power supplies and hot-replace hard disks, and memory modules with EDC option (Error Detection and Correction). Software components include server management, PDA (Prefailure Detection and Analyzing) and ASR&R (Automatic Server Reconfiguration and Restart).
Security functions in the BIOS Setup and on the system board protect the data on the server against manipulation. Additional protection is offered by the lockable server door and an anti-theft facility.
This Operating Manual tells you how to put your server into operation, how to operate it in daily use and how to expand your server.
Further information is provided:
in the manual "Safety and Ergonomics"
in the Technical Manual for the system board
in the Operating Manual for the monitor
in the manual for the ServerView server management
in the manual for RemoteView
in the documentation of your operating system
in the information files of your operating system
in the documentation for the boards and drives
A26361-K412-Z107-3-7619 1
Introduction Features


System board
The system board can accommodate one or two processor boards, each with one or two Intel Pentium Pro processors. This enables the system to be expanded to a four-processor system. The main memory has error detection and correction (EDC) and can be extended up to four Gbytes. Three EISA, one EISA/PCI and five PCI slots are available for expansion boards. The ASIC on the system board and associated server management ensure high system reliability.
Hard disk subsystem
The hard disk subsystem comprises six 3 1/2-inch hard disk carriers and the SCSI platter. The hard disk carriers are connected to the SCSI platter without cables and are simple to install and remove. An SCSI hard disk drive can be installed in each hard disk carrier. The subsystem is controlled by a standard controller or by a disk array controller (DAC). If a DAC is installed in the server, a hard disk carrier can be swapped during operation (hot replace).
Power supply
The power supply comprises up to three hot-plug power supply modules connected in parallel in the server. Depending on the equipment level, a redundant power supply can be achieved for the server with two or three power supply modules. In the case of redundant power supply, it is a simple matter to exchange a power supply module during operation (hot replace).
Server management
Server management is implemented on the system board with the aid of the supplied ServerView software and PDA (Prefailure Detection and Analyzing) technology from Siemens. The PDA analyzes and monitors all components relevant to system reliability, thus enabling early detection of overload situations and appropriate counter-measures. Further information on the ServerView server management is provided in the manual of the same name.
2 A26361-K412-Z107-3-7619
Notational conventions Introduction

Notational conventions

The meanings of the symbols and fonts used in this manual are as follows:
Pay particular attention to texts marked with this symbol. Failure to
observe this warning endangers your life, destroys the system, or may lead to loss of data.
This symbol is followed by supplementary information, remarks and tips.
Ê Texts which follow this symbol describe activities that must be performed in the
order shown.
Ë This symbol means that you must enter a blank space at this point.
Ú This symbol means that you must press the Enter key.
Texts in this typeface are screen outputs from the PC.
Texts in this bold typeface are the entries you make via the keyboard.
Texts in italics indicate commands or menu item. "Quotation marks" indicate names of chapters and terms that are being
A26361-K412-Z107-3-7619 3

Important notes

In this chapter you will find information regarding safety which it is essential to take note of when working with your server. The manufacturer's notes contain helpful information on your server.


Pay attention to the information provided in the manual "Safety and
During installation and before operating the device, observe the instructions
on environmental conditions in the chapter entitled "Technical data" as well as the instructions in the chapter "Preparation for use and operation".
The ON/OFF switch does not cut off line voltage from the server. To
disconnect the line voltage completely, remove the power plug from the grounded power outlet.
When cleaning the Server, observe the relevant notes in the chapter
"Preparation for use and operation".
When connecting and disconnecting cables, observe the relevant notes in the
chapter "Preparation for use and operation".
Replace the lithium battery on the system board in accordance with the
instructions in the Technical Manual for the system board.
The CD-ROM drive contains a light-emitting diode (LED), classified according
to IEC 825-1:1993:LASER CLASS 1.
Keep this Operating Manual together with your device. If you pass on the
device to third parties, you should also pass on the Operating Manual.
Please check whether the device is set to the local line voltage (see "Installing
and removing a power supply module").
A26361-K412-Z107-3-7619 5
Important notes Manufacturer's notes
Boards with electrostatic sensitive devices (ESD) may be identified by labels.
When you handle boards fitted with ESDs, you must observe the following points under all circumstances:
You must always discharge yourself (e.g. by touching a grounded object)
before working.
The equipment and tools you use must be free of static charges.
Pull out the power plug before inserting or pulling out boards containing ESDs.
Always hold boards with ESDs by their edges.
Never touch pins or conductors on boards fitted with ESDs.

Manufacturer's notes

CE certificate

This device complies with the requirements of the EEC directive 89/336/EEC "Electromagnetic compatibility" and 73/23/EEC "Low voltage directive".
6 A26361-K412-Z107-3-7619
Manufacturer's notes Important notes

FCC Class A Compliance Statement

If there is an FCC statement on the device, then: The following statement applies to the products covered in this manual, unless otherwise specified herein. The statement for other products will appear in the accompanying documentation.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a "Class A" digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules and meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment Regulations. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in strict accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between equipment and the receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which
the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Siemens AG is not responsible for any radio or television interference caused by unauthorized modifications of this equipment or the substitution or attachment of connecting cables and equipment other than those specified by Siemens AG. The correction of interferences caused by such unauthorized modification, substitution or attachment will be the responsibility of the user.
The use of shielded I/O cables is required when connecting this equipment to any and all optional peripheral or host devices. Failure to do so may violate FCC rules.
A26361-K412-Z107-3-7619 7
Important notes Manufacturer's notes

Power cord selection

The power cord for this unit has been packed separately and has been selected according to the country of destination. It must be used to prevent electric shock. Use the following guidelines if it is necessary to replace the original cord set.
The female receptacle of the cord set must meet CEE-22 requirements (see Figure 1).
Figure 1

For the United States and Canada

Use a UL listed and CSA labeled cord set consisting of a three conductor cord with a maximum length of 15 feet.
For units which stand on a desk or table, type SVT or SJT cord sets shall be used. For units which stand on floor, only SJT type cord sets shall be used. The cord set must be selected according to the current rating for your unit. Please
consult Table A for the selection criteria for power cords used in the United States and Canada.
Table A:
Cord Type Size of Conductors
in Cord
16 AWG 14 AWG
17 AWG
8 A26361-K412-Z107-3-7619
Maximum Current
Rating of Unit
10 Amps 12 Amps 12 Amps 10 Amps 12 Amps
Manufacturer's notes Important notes
For units set at 115 V:
use a parallel blade, grounding type attachment plug rated 15 A, 125 V (Figure 2).
For units set at 230 V (domestic use):
use a tandem blade, grounding type attachment plug rated 15 A, 250 V (Figure 3).
Figure 2 Figure 3
For units set at 230 V (outside of the United States and Canada):
use a cord set consisting of a minimum AWG according to Table A and a grounding type attachment plug rated 15 A, 250 V. The cord set should have the appropriate safety approvals for the country in which the equipment will be installed and should be marked HAR.

For the United Kingdom

Should the plug on the flexible cord not be of the type for your socket outlets, do not use an adapter but remove the plug from the cord and discard. Carefully prepare the end of the supply cord and fit a suitable plug.
A26361-K412-Z107-3-7619 9
Important notes Manufacturer's notes
The wires in this mains lead are coloured in accordance with the following code:
Green and Yellow: Earth Blue: Neutral Brown: Live
As the colours of the wires in the mains lead of this appliance may not correspond with the coloured markings identifying the terminals in your plug, proceed as follows:
The wire which is coloured Green and Yellow must be connected to the
terminal in the plug which is marked with the letter E or by the earth symbol or
coloured Green or Green and Yellow.
The wire which is coloured Blue must be connected to the terminal which is
marked with the letter N or coloured Black.
The wire which is coloured Brown must be connected to the terminal which is
marked with the letter L or coloured Red.

Disposal and recycling

This server is made predominantly of materials that are suitable for environmentally-friendly disposal or specialized recycling.
Do not throw lithium batteries or accumulators into the trashcan. They must be disposed of in accordance with local regulations concerning special waste.
If you have any questions on disposal, please contact your local office, our service department, or, directly:
Siemens AG ICP CS Recycling Center D-33094 Paderborn
Tel.: ..49 5251 818010 Fax: ..49 5251 818015
10 A26361-K412-Z107-3-7619
Transporting the server Important notes

Energy saving under Windows NT

Using the Powersaver screen blanker (file POWERSAV.SCR) you can lock the mouse and keyboard so that no input can be made. If the attached monitor and screen controller support power management in accordance with VESA (DPMS), the monitor can be switched into power-saving mode at the same time.
The program SSLAUNCH enables you to activate the screen blanker immediately. Both programs are located on the SNI Utility Diskette for Windows NT. Information
on the programs is provided in the associated help files.

Transporting the server

Transport the server only in its original packaging or in a packaging which
protects it from knocks and jolts, to the new site. Do the server until all transport maneuvers are completed.
If you need to lift or transport the server, ask someone to help you.
A26361-K412-Z107-3-7619 11

Preparation for use and operation

Please take note of the safety information in the chapter "Important

Unpacking and checking the delivery

If you need to lift or transport the server, ask someone to help you.
It is recommended not to throw away the original packaging material! It may be required for reshipment at some later date
Ê Unpack all the individual parts. Ê Check the delivery for damage incurred during transport. Ê Check whether the delivery agrees with the details in the delivery note. Ê Check whether all necessary details have been entered on the first page of
the guarantee coupon booklet.
Should you discover that the delivery does not correspond to the delivery note, notify your supplier immediately.

Preparing the PC for use

The steps required to prepare for use should be carried out in the prescribed order. The single steps are described in this chapter.
1. Decide where you are going to install the server.
2. Connect the external devices to the server.
3. Connect the server to the line voltage.
4. Unlock the server.
5. Configure the server and install the operating system.
A26361-K412-Z107-3-7619 13
Preparation for use and operation Setting up the server

Setting up the server

Do not expose the server to extreme environmental conditions (see
chapter "Technical data"). Protect it from dust, humidity and heat. There must be a clearance of at least 200 mm in front of and behind the
server to ensure adequate ventilation. Do not cover the ventilation areas of the monitor and the server.

Connecting the server

Read the documentation about the external device before connecting it.
Do not connect or disconnect cables during a thunderstorm. Always take hold of the actual plug body. Never unplug a cable by pulling
the cable itself! Connect and disconnect the cables in the order described below.
Connecting cables
Turn off all power and equipment switches.
Pull all power plugs out of the grounded power outlets.
Plug all cables into the server and peripherals.
Plug all data communication cables into the utility sockets.
Plug all power cables into the grounded power outlets.
14 A26361-K412-Z107-3-7619
Connecting the server Preparation for use and operation
Disconnecting cables
Turn off all power and equipment switches.
Pull all power plugs out of the grounded power outlets.
Unplug all data communication cables from the utility sockets.
Disconnect the relevant cables at the server and at the peripherals.

Connecting external devices

The ports for external devices are on the rear of the server. Which ports are available on your server depend on the boards installed. The standard ports are indicated by symbols.
1 = Monitorport 2 = CANbus 3 = Parallelport 4 = Serialport 1
5 = Serialport 2 6 = Keyboardport 7 = PS/2mouse port
Some of the devices that you connect require special drivers (see the
documentation for the connected device).
Ê Connect the external devices to the appropriate port.
A26361-K412-Z107-3-7619 15
Preparation for use and operation Connecting the server
Connecting the keyboard
Ê Plug the round plug of the keyboard cable into the keyboard port on the
Ê Plug the other connector of the keyboard cable into the socket on the
underside of the keyboard.

Connecting the server to the line voltage

The power supply can be set to the following line voltage range: 100Vto125Vor200Vto240V).
Before connecting the server to the line voltage, you must always check
that the line voltage range set on the server corresponds to the local line voltage.
The line voltage range set when shipped is indicated at the rear of the server on a sticker near the type rating plate.
Label Line voltage range
230 V 200 V - 240 V 115 V 100 V - 125 V
If you need to change the set line voltage range, proceed as follows: Ê Remove all power supply modules (see "Installing and removing a power
supply module").
16 A26361-K412-Z107-3-7619
Connecting the server Preparation for use and operation
Ê Set the correct line voltage range at the switch on the right of the power
supply modules.
Switch position Line voltage range
230 V 200 V - 240 V 115 V 100 V - 125 V
Ê Refit all power supply modules. Ê Remove the old voltage sticker and replace it with the enclosed sticker
indicating the current voltage setting.
Ê Plug the power cable into the server (1). Ê Plug the power cable into the grounded power outlet (2).
A26361-K412-Z107-3-7619 17
Preparation for use and operation Unlocking/locking the server

Unlocking/locking the server

Ê Turn the key clockwise (1). Ê Open the door (2). Ê Perform the necessary operations.
Ê Shut the door (3). Ê Turn the key counterclockwise (4).
18 A26361-K412-Z107-3-7619
Controls and indicators Preparation for use and operation

Controls and indicators

1 = ON/OFF switch 2 = Floppy disk access indicator 3 = CD-ROM access indicator 4 = Server power-on indicator 5 = SCSI indicator 6 = Alarm indicator
7 = Power supply power-on indicator 8 = Hard disk drive power-on indicator 9 = Hard disk drive access indicator 10 = Hard disk error indicator 11 = Indicator test switch
ON/OFF switch
switches the server on or off. If the server is switched on, the power-on indicator (4) lights up green.
The ON/OFF switch does not cut off line voltage from the server. To
disconnect the line voltage completely, remove the power plug from the grounded power outlet.
Floppy disk access indicator
The indicator lights up when the floppy disk drive is being accessed.
CD-ROM access indicator
The indicator lights up when the CD-ROM drive is accessed.
A26361-K412-Z107-3-7619 19
Preparation for use and operation Controls and indicators
Power-on indicator (server)
The indicator lights up when the server is switched on.
SCSI busy indicator
lights up green, when data is transferred on a SCSI channel. lights up green and yellow alternatingly if no hard disk drive may be installed
or withdrawn.
Alarm indicator
lights when there is a fault in a hard disk drive. flashes when a rebuild is in progress at the disk array controller after a hard
disk has been exchanged.
Power-on indicator (power supply)
lights if the power supply is correctly installed and is in operation
Power-on indicator (hard disk drive)
lights if a hard disk drive is installed in the hard disk carrier and the required supply voltage is available.
Hard disk drive access indicator
lights green, when the hard disk drive is being accessed. flashes green-yellow when the hard disk drive may not be removed (60
seconds delay time after a hard disk replacement).
Hard disk error indicator (only in conjunction with disk array controller) lights if the hard disk drive is defective or not installed correctly. flashes when a rebuild is in progress after a hard disk has been exchanged.
Indicator test switch
tests the indicators of the server and hard disk drives, the SCSI Busy indicator, the alarm indicator and the hard disk error indicator.
20 A26361-K412-Z107-3-7619
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