Subject: Level 2.5 repairs on C62.
Dear all,
The amount of low-level C62 repairs sent to the level 3 centres has reached an unacceptable high level.
One of the most common examples is the C62 units with charging problems, and the root cause for this
problem, is mainly a disconnected fuse (F403).
The replacement of the fuse is possible for Level 2.5 service centers and the replacement and test procedure is
instructed in level 2.5 repair documentation,
This service information includes “quick” instructions how to test and replace the fuse.
Charging Problem detection
Charging problem is easy to find by installing “not fully” charged battery to C62 and after that phone has to be
connected to Siemens standard charger and checked if phone indicates charging.
Defect in the charging / DC I/O circuit can also be seen if Camera accessory does not work, i.e. phone does not
supply power to the camera connected to the system connector.
Before judging if the root cause for the charging problem is in electrical component(s), check also the system
connector and system connector soldering.
If charging problem seems to be caused by defect in charging circuit please see the following chapter.
Charging line components
If charging problem is caused by broken component most likely it is Fuse F403, which is damaged. In addition to
fuse also Zener diode V414, Transistor V421 and Voltage supressor V419 can be damaged due overload in the
charging line, see pictures below. All these 4 components are provided as Level 2,5 spare parts for Siemens.

5,7 Volt
8,3 Volt
6,2 Volt
Testing of the charging line components
Measure resistance over fuse (F403), it should be 0 Ohm. If not, replace the fuse.
Connect the charger and measure transistor SOT-223 (V421) PIN1+GROUND, it should be 6.2V (zener
voltage), if it’s not, then the zener diode (V414) is faulty.
Measure V421 PIN2+GROUND, it should be 8.3 V (charging voltage, not charging mode), if it’s not, then the
Voltage suppressor (V419) is faulty.
Measure V421 PIN3+GROUND, it should be 5.7V (lowered voltage), if it’s not, then the V421 is faulty.