Congratulations on your purchase of the SpeedStream 2614 DSL/Cable Router. Siemens is proud to
provide you with a powerful yet simple communication device for connecting your local area network
(LAN) to the Internet.
About the SpeedStream 2614
The SpeedStream 2614 provides Internet access to multiple users by sharing a single-user account. The
most outstanding feature of the SpeedStream 2614 is the
connect to an xDSL or cable
services for any client attached to a LAN port.
The SpeedStream 2614 supports dial-on-demand for ISDN/PSTN servi ce, a utomatically connectin g to t he
Internet when there are re quest s, and ter minati ng the conne ction when no fur ther request s occur. This dualport design also supports fail-over Internet access through the secondary WAN port, which enables the
serial port to be used for primary or backup Internet access.
This new SpeedStream 2614 te chnology pro vides many cost-ef fective functions and management be nefits.
It is simple to configure, and can be up and running in minutes.
extensive firewall protection and Virtual Private Network (VPN) services. It also provides print
modem, or an ISDN TA or PSTN analog modem. The
dual-port WAN interface which allows you to
SpeedStream 2614
Features and Benefits
•Internet connection to xDSL or cable modem via 10 Mbps WAN port.
•Internet connection to ISDN TA or PSTN modem via RS232 console port.
•Local network connection via 10/100 Mbps Ethernet ports.
•Print services for any client attached to the LAN.
•DHCP for dynamic IP configuratio n, and DNS for domain name mapping.
•Firewall with client privileges, hacker prevention, and NAT.
•Network Address Translation, or NAT, for multi-user access with a single-user account, and virtual
server functionality providing prot ected access to Internet services such as Web, FTP, mai l and Telnet.
•Virtual Private Network using PPTP, L2TP or IPSec.
•User-definable application-s e nsin g tunnel that supports applications requiring multiple connections.
•Support for CHAP authenticatio n protocol for dial-up identification.
•Support for PPP dial-in connection using standard dial-up program.
•Easy setup through a Web browser on any operating system that supports TCP/IP.
•Compatibility with all popular Int e rnet applications.
The SpeedStream 2614 by Siemens provides many advanced features and functionality:
LAN Access
create a network in small offices or homes.
Internet Access
connection. Since many DSL providers use PPPoE to establish communication s with end users, the
SpeedStream 2614 includes a built-in PPPoE client, eliminating the need to install this service on your
Shared IP Address
shared IP address. Using only one ISP acc ount, multiple users on your network can browse the Web at
the same time.
Virtual Server
host for network address translation. Remote users access various services at your site via a constant IP
address. Then, depending on the requested service (or port number), the SpeedStream 2614 can route the
request to the appropriate server at another internal IP address. This secures your network from direct
attack by hackers, and provides more fle xible management by allowing you to change inte rnal IP
addresses without affecting outside access to your network.
User-Definable Application-Sensing Tunnel
multiple connections such as Internet gaming, video conferencing, and Internet telephony. The
SpeedStream 2614 will then sense the app lication type and open a multi-port tunnel for it.
DMZ Host Support
Internet. This function is used when the special application-sensing tunnel feature is insufficient to allow
an application to function correctly.
– The SpeedStream 2614 provides connectivity to 10/100 Mbps devices, making it easy to
– This device supports Internet access through an xDSL, cable, ISDN or PSTN
– The SpeedStream 2614 provides Internet access for up to 253 users with a single
– If you have a fixed IP address, you can set up the SpeedStream 2614 to act as a virtual
– You can define special applications that require
– The SpeedStream 2614 allows a networked computer to be fully exposed to the
users, or filter all requests for specific services the administrator does not want to serve. The
SpeedStream 2614’s firewall can also block common hacker attacks, including IP Spoofing, Land
Attack, Ping of Death, IP with zero length, Smurf Attack, UDP port loopback, Snork Attack, TCP null
scan, and TCP SYN flooding.
Virtual Private Network
protocols: PPTP, L2TP and IPSec . Th ese prot ocols allow remote users to establish a secure connection
to their corporate network. If your service provider supports VPNs, any of these protocols can be used to
create an authenticated and encrypted tunnel for passing secure data over the Internet. The VPN protocols
supported by the SpeedStream 2614 are briefly described below:
-Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol provides a secure tunnel for remote client access to a PPTP
-Layer Two Tunneling Protocol includes most of the features provided by PPTP, but has less
-IP Security provide s IP network-l ayer encrypt ion and can suppo rt large enc ryption netwo rks, such
– The SpeedStream 2614 supports secu rity features that can deny Internet access to specified
– The SpeedStream 2614 supports three of the m ost commonly used VPN
security gateway. PPTP includes provisions for call origination and flow control required by ISPs.
overhead and is more suited for managed networks.
as the Internet, by using digital certificates for device authentication.
Before installing the SpeedStream 2614 DSL/Cable Router, verify that you have all the items listed under
“Package Contents,” and that you have all the necessary cabling. If any of the items are missing or
damaged, contact Technical Support (see Appendix A, “Troubleshooting”). After installing the
SpeedStream 2614, refer to the subsequent chapters for additional instructions:
•Chapter 3, “Configuring the SpeedStream 2614” to configure the router settings .
•Chapter 4, “Configuring Client TCP/IP” to install and configure the TCP/IP protoc ol on network
Package Contents
•SpeedStream 2614 DSL/Cable Router
•Power adapter (5V, 2.4A)
•Installation CD (contains User Gui de, Printer Port Monitor, other files and documents)
•Quick Start Guide
•Safety and Certifications Declara tions
•Extended Warranty and Registration Card
Description of Hardware
You can connect the SpeedStream 2614 DSL/Cable Router to the Internet or to a remote site using its RJ45 WAN port or RS232 serial port. You can connect it directly to your computer or to a local area network
using any of the four Fast Etherne t LAN port s. The SpeedStream 2614 can even function as a pri nt serv er.
Access speed to the Internet depends on your service type. Full-rate ADSL provides up to 8 Mbps
downstream and 640 Mbps upstream. G.lite (or splitterless) ADSL provides up to 1.5 Mbps downstream
and 512 Kbps upstream. Cable modems can provide up to 36 Mbps downstream and 2 Mbps upstream.
ISDN can provide up to 128 Kbps when using two bearer channels. And PSTN analog connections can
now run up to 56 Kbps. However, you should note that the actual rate provided by specific service
providers may vary dramatically from these upper limits.
Although access speed to the Internet is determined by the service and type of modem connected to your
SpeedStream 2614, data passing between devices connected to your local area network can run up to
100 Mbps over the Fast Ethernet ports!
The SpeedStream 2614 includes an LED display on the front panel for system power and port indicators
that simplify installation and network troubleshooting. It also provides four RJ-45 LAN ports on the front
panel, and one RJ-45 WAN port, one RS232 serial port and one parallel printer port on the rear panel:
•(1) RS232 serial port to connect to an ISDN Terminal Adapter (TA) or to a PSTN analog modem.
•(1) Parallel printer port that can be connected to a print er. This printer can then be shared by any LAN
•(4) RJ-45 LAN ports for connection to a 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX Ethernet Local Area Network (LAN).
These ports can auto-negotiate the operating speed to 10/100 Mbps, the mode to half/full duplex, and the
pin signals to MDI/MDI-X, allowing these ports to be connected to any network device with straightthrough cable. The ports can be connected directly to a computer or to a server equipped with an Ethernet
network interface card, or to a networkin g device such as an Ethernet hub or switch.
•(1) RJ-45 WAN port for connection to an xDS L or cable modem. This port is fixed at 10 Mbps fullduplex and only supports MDI-X pin sign als. Consequently, you will have to use either a straightthrough or crossover cable, depend ing on the port type used with the modem.
Figure 2-1. SpeedStream 2614
Reset ButtonResets the power and restores the default factory settings.
LEDsPower, WAN and LAN port status indicators.
LAN PortsFast Ethernet ports (RJ-45). Connect devices on you r local area network to these ports
(such as a computer, hub or switch).
Printer PortParallel port (25-pins, D-type, female) to connect a shared printer.
WAN PortWAN port (RJ-45) to connect your xDSL/cable modem or Ethernet router.
COM PortSerial port (9-pins, D-type, male) to connect your ISDN TA or 56K analog modem.
Power InletConnector for the included power adapter.
Caution: The included power adapter is DC 5V/2.4A. Using the wrong type of power
adapter may cause damage.
Table 2-1. SpeedStream 2614 Components
System Requirements
You must have access to a network that meets the following minimum requirements:
•Internet access from your local telepho ne company or Internet Service Provider (ISP) using an xDSL
modem, cable modem, ISDN TA, or PSTN analog modem. You may also have access over the telephone
system to an analog modem at another site.
•A computer using a fixed IP address or dynamic IP address assignment via DHCP, as well as a Gateway
server address and DNS server address from your service provider.
•A computer equipped with a 10 Mbps, 100 Mbps, or 10/100 Mbps Fast Ethernet card, or a USB -toEthernet converter.
•TCP/IP network protocol installed on each computer that needs to access the Internet.
•A Java-enabled Web browser (such as Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or above, or Netsc ape
Communicator 4.0 or above) installed on your host computer.
Hardware Installation
Before Starting
Please collect the following information from your ISP before setting up the SpeedStream 2614:
•An ISP account which includes ISP dial-up user name and password.
•ISP dial-up phone number.
•IP address for your ISP’s Gateway Serve r and Domain Name Server.
•ISP authentication type or script (if not PAP/CHAP).
•IP Address and Subnet mask (for fixed IP user s only).
You can position the SpeedStream 2614 at any convenient location in your office or home. No special
wiring or cooling requirements are needed. You should, however, comply with the following guidelines:
•Keep the SpeedStream 2614 away fro m any heating devices.
•Do not place the SpeedStream 2614 in a dusty or wet environment.
Installation Procedure
1. Power off all equipment. Before installing the SpeedStream 2614, turn off the power on your
computer and DSL/cabl e modem. You can leave the modem c onnected to its phone line or c able outl et.
2. Connect the LAN.
Run Ethernet cable from one of the LAN ports on the SpeedStream 2614 to your computer’s network
adapter or to another network device.
Connect the SpeedStream 2614 LAN port to your computer, or to a hub or switch.
Figure 2-2. Connecting the SpeedStream 2614
Do not plug a phone jack connector into any RJ-45 port. This may damage the SpeedStream 2614.
Instead, use only twisted-pair cables with RJ-45 connectors that conform to FCC standards.
The four LAN ports on the SpeedStream 2614 can auto-negotiate the connection speed to 10 Mbps
Ethernet or 100 Mbps Fast Ethernet, and can negotiate the transmission mode to half-duplex or fullduplex. The LAN ports also support auto-configuration for pin signals (auto-MDI/MDI-X), allowing
you to use straight-through cable to connect the SpeedStream 2614 to any network device. (See
Appendix B, “Cables” for details on wiring.)
Use twisted-pair cable to connect any of the four LAN ports on the SpeedStream 2614 to an Ethernet
adapter on your computer. You can also cascade any of the LAN ports on the SpeedStream 2614 to an
Ethernet hub or switch, and then connect your computer or other network equipment to the hub or
switch. When inserting an RJ-45 plug, be sur e th e tab on the plug cl ic ks int o posi t ion to ensur e pro per
Make sure each twisted-pair cable does not exceed 100 meters (328 feet).
3. Connect the WAN. Use an Ethernet cable to connect th e
or Ethernet router; or use a serial
cable to connect the SpeedStream 2614 to an ISDN TA or PSTN
Figure 2-3. WAN Connections
SpeedStream 2614 to a cable or xDSL modem
If Internet service s are prov ided thr ough an xDSL or ca ble modem, use unshi elded or shielded t wist edpair Ethernet cabl e with RJ-45 pl ugs t o conne ct the broad band modem d irect ly t o the WAN port on the
SpeedStream 2614. Use eithe r straight- through or cr ossover ca ble dependi ng on the port ty pe provided
by the modem (see Appendix B, “Cables”).
or PSTN service, attac h t he acc ess device to the
RS232 serial port on the SpeedStream 2614
4. Connect a printer. By connecting a printer to the Sp eedStr eam 2614, a ll comput ers c onnect ed to you r
LAN can access print services. Connect a standard parallel printer cable to the printer port on the
SpeedStream 2614 and configure printer services as instructed in Chapter 5, “Configuring Printer
5. Connect the power adapter and power up the router, modem and network computers. Plug the
power adapter into the power socket on the SpeedStream 2614, and plug the other end into a power
outlet. Check the Power indicator on the front panel to be sure it is on. If the Power indicator does not
light up
, refer to Appendix A, “Troubleshooting
6. Verify the port status. Confirm that all connections are successful by checking the
status indicators as shown in the following table
Powern/aGreenOn SpeedStream 2614 is receiving power.
WANn/aGreenOn The WAN port has establish ed a valid network c onnection.
Flashing The WAN port is transmitting or receiving traffic.
- Link/Act1-4GreenOn The indicated LAN port has established a valid network
FlashingThe indicated LAN port is transmitting or rec eiving traffic.
- 10/1001-4AmberOnThe indicated LAN port is operating at 100 Mbps.
FlashingThe indicated LAN por t is operating at 10 Mb ps.
Table 2-2. LED Status Indicators
power and port
7. Configure the SpeedStream 2614. Configure the SpeedStream 2614 as detailed in Chapter 3,
“Configuring the SpeedStream 2614.”.
8. Configure TCP/IP. Configure the TCP/IP prot ocol on your network computers as d eta il ed i n Chapter
4, “Configuring Client TCP/IP.” If TCP/IP is not on your system, this chapter also includes
installation instructions.
9. Install the Printer Port Monitor and configure printer services. Install the Printer Port Moni tor
from the SpeedStream 2614 installation CD and configure printer services as detailed in Chapter 5,
“Configuring Printer Services.”
10. Reboot the computer when prompted.
Before you can config ure the S peedStr eam 2614 DSL/Cable Router, the TCP/IP protocol must be i nstalle d
on all computers on your network. If you need to install TCP/IP, refer to Chapter 4, “Installing and
Configuri ng TCP/IP.”
After TCP/IP is installed and configured on your network computers, you can configure the SpeedStream
2614 from any Java-supported Web browser, including Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator, versions
4.0 or above. The ma nagement inte rface all ows you to co nfigur e set tings for the router, view status, update
firmware, and access the many features of this unit.
Web Browser Management Interface
To access the SpeedStream 2614 management interface:
1. Open your Web browser and enter the SpeedStream IP address in the browser Address box. The SpeedStream 2614 will automatically switch to port 88 for management access.
2. On the Login Screen, enter admin in th e Password box; then click Login to display the Status screen
of the management interface.
Figure 3-1. Login Screen
Navigating the Management Interface
Using the management interfac e, you can defi ne sys te m parame ter s, mana ge and co ntr ol the Spee dSt rea m
2614 and its ports, or monitor network conditions. The management interface includes five menus:
– View the WAN/LAN connection status, firmware and hardware version numbers, any illegal
attempts to access your network, and information on all DHCP clients connected to your network.
Simple Set up
entries and client filtering, and configure the WAN settings.
Advanced Setup
– Restrict management access based on a specific password, set the local time zone for log
– Configure LAN settings, firewall protection, virtual server, special applications,
client filtering, and various other settings.
– Reset the SpeedStream 2614, restore the factory settings, or upgrade on-board firmware.
– View descriptions of menu items, troubleshooting tips, glossary of terms, and contact information
for SpeedStream support, driver updates, Web site, and FTP site.
Menu Selections
The following table briefly describes the selections available from the management interface:
Menu ItemDescription
InternetDisplays WAN connection type and status.
GatewayDisplays system IP settings, as well as DHCP, NAT, Firewall and Printer status.
InformationDisplays the number of attached clients, the firmware versions, the physical MAC address for
Security LogDisplays any illegal attempts to access your network.
DHCP Client Log Displays information on all DHCP clients attached to your network.
Simple Setup
Change PasswordSets/changes the password for administrator access.
Set Time ZoneSets the local time zone.
WANSpecifies the Internet connection type: Dynamic IP Address, Static IP Address, PPPo E , o r
Advanced Setup
LANSets the TCP/IP configuration for the SpeedStream 2614 LAN interface and all DHCP clients.
Firewall Enables hacker attack monitoring and logging to block IP Spoofing, Land Attack, Pin of
Virtual ServerAllows remote users accessing services such as Web or FTP at your local site via public IP
Special ApplicationsProvides for applications requiring multiple connections, such as Internet gaming or
Client FilteringAllows you to filter Internet access for local clients based on IP addresses, application types
MiscSpecifies administrator time-out, PING discard from WAN side, remote management for
Change PasswordSets/changes the password for administrator access.
Set Time ZoneSets the local time zone.
Reset RouterReboots the system and retains all of your configuration settings.
Displays general connection, firmware and hardware information.
each media interface, as well as the hard ware version and serial number.
Configures TCP/IP settings and client services.
Dial-up on Demand.
Configures a variety of packet filter ing and specialized functions.
Death, IP with Zero Length, Smurf Attack, UDP Port Loopback, Snork Attack, TCP Null
Scan, TCP SYN Flooding, and others.
addresses to be automatically redirected to local servers configured with private IP addresses.
conferencing, by opening ports for inbound traffic.
(i.e., HTTP port), and time of day.
administrator, and virtual DMZ host.
Contains options to reset the system, restore configuration settings, or update system
Restore Factory Settings Restores all your configuration settings and restores the factory defaults.
Update FirmwareUpgrades the system with firmware obtained from the SpeedStream Web site.
Contains product support and contact information, troubleshooting suggestions, and glossary
of terms.
Table 3-1. Management Interface Main Menu
Configuration Changes
Configurable parameters are available by means of dialog boxes or drop-down lists. After you change a
configuration, be sure to click the Enter button at the bottom of the page to confirm the new setting.
To ensure proper screen refresh after a command entry, configure Internet Explorer 5.0 as follows (other
browsers or later browser versions may vary somewhat):
1. From the browser menu bar, click Tools.
2. On the Tools menu, click Internet Options.
3. On the Internet Options menu, click the General tab.
4. In the General box, select Temporary Internet Files.
5. In the Settings, box, select Every visit to the page to check for newer versions of stored pages each
time you connect to the server.
View Network and Device Status
From the Status screen, you can view WAN and LAN connection status, firmware and hardware version
numbers, any illegal attempts to access your network, and information on all DHCP clients connected to
your network.
Figure 3-2. Main/Status
+ 30 hidden pages
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