Sharp Retail PLUS User Manual

These buttons currently appear greyed out and cannot be clicked upon. When stock appears in the list, the buttons will appear in black and can then be clicked on.

Click on ‘OK’.

If you want to print a report, click on ‘ YES’. If you do not want to print a report, click on ‘NO’.

From here, click on either screen or printer. After you have done this, click on ‘ OK’.

Set Stock Transfer:

Click here if you want to save the details of your transfer and update your stock.

Clear Stock Transfer Values:

Click here if you want to clear the details you have entered and not update your stock.

Once you have added the relevant products to your list, your screen will look something like this:

From here, you can enter the quantity of stock that you want to transfer. To do this, click on ‘TAB’ on the keyboard until the ‘ trans stock’ column is highlighted, and then type in the quantity being transferred.

As you do this the ‘total value of transfer’ amounts and the ‘ current stock’ total will be automatically updated.

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The Product List Options also be used to show the Product Code, Barcode or Both, as shown below:

Once you have entered all of the stock to be transferred, you can either:

Click on the Set Stock Transfer button to save the changes you have made. This displays the following pop-up screen:

If you choose to print a report, another pop-up screen appears:

An example of a stock transfer report is shown below:


Click on the Clear Stock Transfer Values to delete the changes you have made.

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8.6 Run an Unstocked Core Range Products Report

To get to the unstocked core range products report screen, navigate to StockUnstocked Core Range. This displays the following screen:

Lets look at this screen in more detail:

Product restrictions

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If you want to run the report on products in a particular category, click on ‘ just those in a specific category’, and then click on the Select button. This displays the category selection common function screen. For more details on the category selection common function screen, refer to page 13.

If you want to run the report on a specific range, click on ‘ match a specific range’, and then click on the Select button.

This displays the pop-up screen below:

Print to

The unstocked core range products report can either be printed to the screen or to a printer. From here, click on either screen or printer, and then click on the Print button at the bottom of the screen.

This displays a report similar to the one below:

Sharp Retail PLUS User Manual

8.7 View the Suggested Deletions Product List

This section displays a list of products suggested for deletion by your preferred supplier.

To get to the suggested deletions screen, navigate to StockSuggested Deletions. This displays the following screen:

If the screen is blank, it means that your preferred supplier suggests that no products should be deleted at this time.

NOTE: The yellow colour change indicates that there are some products still in stock.

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8.8 Run a Stock List Report

To get to the stock list screen, navigate to StockStock List. This displays the following screen:

Lets look at this screen in more detail:

Product restrictions

From here you can choose what products you want to appear in the stock list. If you want the list to show products in a specific category, or products supplied by a particular supplier, just click on the respective button.

If you selected products in a specific category, click on the Select button.

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This displays the category selection common function screen. For more details on common functions and how to use them, refer to Chapter 2 – ‘ COMMON FUNCTIONS’.

If you selected products by a particular supplier, click on the Select button.

This displays the supplier box pop-up screen. For more details on how to use the supplier box, refer to page 31.

Print to

The stock list can either be printed to the screen or to a printer. From here, click on either screen or printer, and then click on the Print button at the bottom of the screen.

If you wish to show the existing level of stock in the report, click on the ‘show stock levels with report’ box.

A list similar to the one below is then displayed:

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8.9 Run a Stock Audit Report

To get to the stock audit screen, navigate to StockStock Audit. This displays the following screen:

Lets look at this screen in more detail:

Product restrictions

From here you can choose what products you want to appear in the stock audit report. If you want the report to show products in a specific category, products supplied by a particular supplier, or even a single product, just click on the respective button.

If you selected products in a specific category, click on the Select button.

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This displays the category selection common function screen. For more details on common functions and how to use them, refer to Chapter 2 – ‘ COMMON FUNCTIONS’.

If you selected products by a particular supplier, click on the Select button.

This displays the supplier box pop-up screen. For more details on how to use the supplier box, refer to page 31.

If you selected a single product, click on the Select button.

This displays the products search common function screen. For more details on how to use the product search common function, refer to page 8.

Print to

The stock audit report can either be printed to the screen or to a printer. From here, click on either screen or printer, and then click on the Print button at the bottom of the screen.

This displays a report similar to the one below:

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8.10 Run a Stock Value Adjustment Report

To get to the stock value adjustment screen, navigate to StockStock Value Adjustment. This displays the following screen:

To print the stock value adjustment report, click on either screen or printer, and then click on the Print button. This displays the report below:

Click on ‘OK’.

From here, click on either screen or printer. After you have done this, click on ‘ OK’.

To select a range, click on its left-hand box (next to range), and then click on ‘ OK’. This returns you to the unstocked core range products screen.

If you want the reports to show the Current stock prices, Click on:

If you want the report to show the old stock prices, Click on:

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8.11 View a PLU List

To get to the PLU list screen, navigate to StockPLU List. This displays the following screen:

Lets look at this screen in more detail:

Product restrictions

From here you can choose what products you want to appear in the PLU list. If you want the list to show products in a specific category, or products supplied by a particular supplier, just click on the respective button.

If you selected products in a specific category, click on the Select button.

This displays the category selection common function screen. For more details on common functions and how to use them, refer to Chapter 2 – ‘ COMMON FUNCTIONS’.

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If you selected products by a particular supplier, click on the Select button.

This displays the supplier box pop-up screen. For more details on how to use the supplier box, refer to page 31.

Print to

The PLU list can either be printed to the screen or to a printer. From here, click on either screen or printer, and then click on the Print button at the bottom of the screen.

A list similar to the one below is then displayed:

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8.12 Run a Minus Stock Report

To get to the minus stock screen, navigate to StockMinus Stock. This displays the following screen:

Lets look at this screen in more detail:

Product restrictions

From here you can choose what products you want to appear in the minus stock report. If you want the report to show products in a specific category, or products supplied by a particular supplier, just click on the respective button.

If you selected products in a specific category, click on the Select button.

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This displays the category selection common function screen. For more details on common functions and how to use them, refer to Chapter 2 – ‘ COMMON FUNCTIONS’.

If you selected products by a particular supplier, click on the Select button.

This displays the supplier box pop-up screen. For more details on how to use the supplier box, refer to page 31.

Print to

The minus stock report can either be printed to the screen or to a printer. From here, click on either screen or printer, and then click on the Print button at the bottom of the screen.

A report similar to the one below is then displayed:

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8.13 Run a Stock Valuation Report

To get to the stock valuation screen, navigate to StockStock Valuation. This displays the following screen:

To print the stock valuation report, click on either screen or printer, and then click on the Print button.

An example of a stock valuation report is shown below:

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8.14 Run a Stock Valuation (Individual Category) Report

To get to the stock valuation individual category screen, navigate to StockStock Valuation (Individual Category). This displays the following screen:

Lets look at this screen in more detail:

Product restrictions

Click on the Select button. This displays the category selection common function screen. For more details on the category selection common function screen, refer to page 13.

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Print to

The stock valuation individual category report can either be printed to the screen or to a printer. From here, click on either screen or printer, and then click on the Print button at the bottom of the screen.

A report similar to the one below is then displayed:

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8.15 View Stock Details

The stock details section enables you to find out information about a particular product, including:

The product’s supplier

How many you currently have in stock

How many you should have in stock

How many are on order

To get to the stock details report screen, navigate to StockStock Details. This displays the following screen:

From here, you can select if you want the report to be printed to the screen or to a printer. To do this, click on the relevant button in the ‘print to’ box.

After you have done this, click on the Select Stock Item button. This displays the product search common function screen:

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Once you have selected a product, click on the Print button at the bottom of the screen. A report will be printed similar to the one below:

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8.16 Summary

Well done, in this section of the User Manual you have covered the following sections:

Recorded DAMAGED STOCK into the system



TRANSFERRED STOCK to another store


DELETED products from the SUGGESTED DELETIONS list










VIEWED details on an item of stock (enquiry on an item of stock)

PRINTED details about an item of stock.

Sharp Electronics (UK) Ltd – Back Office User Manual 1999

9 Suppliers

9.1 Introduction

As you are already aware, not all goods required for selling in your store are available from your preferred supplier. Retail PLUS has completely taken care of that aspect of your business by including the suppliers component in the Back Office. Within the suppliers component you are able to add new suppliers to the system so that you can use your supplier box within many of the back office processes such as ordering and receiving deliveries.

You can have an unlimited number of suppliers other than your preferred supplier on the system.

You can allocate specific products to a supplier which will save you time and effort when placing orders or performing various process involving stock. As new products or promotions are released you can also add these to different suppliers.

Once a supplier has been added to the system you can make changes to their details as many times as required.

Should you cease to use a supplier you can delete their details from the system

Within this section of the User Manual you will find a step-by-step guide on how to perform the following functions:

ADD a NEW SUPPLIER to the system


DELETE a SUPPLIER from the system




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9.2 How to Add a New Supplier

To get to the ‘add supplier details’ screen, navigate to SuppliersNew Supplier. This displays the following screen:

Lets look at this screen in more detail:

Supplier details

From here, you can enter the supplier’s details. Press ‘ TAB’ on the keyboard to move forwards through the fields.

The fields that must be completed are:

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The supplier’s full name.



A shortened version of the supplier name for use in








supplier list.

The fields that do not have to be completed are:




The name of the person who is the main


contact for the







Account No


The supplier’s account number.

Telephone No


The supplier’s telephone number for voice calls.




The supplier’s full postal address.

Modem 1


The supplier’s telephone number to use for modem





Modem 2


The supplier’s telephone number to use for modem


calls, if the






main modem number fails or is busy.



The supplier’s fax number to use for faxing orders.

Delivery details

The fields that must be completed are:

Delivery period



How frequently the supplier delivers to the


store. This is






measured in number of weeks between visits.

Daily order


Whether or not the supplier delivers on a daily basis

The fields that do not have to be completed are:

Orders ID


The service command for electronic order







with the supplier.

Discount (%)


The discount given by the supplier.

Price changes ID


The service command for electronic order








with the supplier.

Once all of the details have been entered, click on the Save button to add the supplier to the system. This displays the pop-up screen below:

Click on ‘OK’.

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Click on the Go Back button to return to the main navigation screen.

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9.3 How to View / Modify Existing Suppliers

To get to the ‘add/ modify supplier – supplier list ’ screen, navigate to SuppliersSupplier Maintenance. This displays the following screen:

Lets look at this screen in more detail:

Supplier list

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The supplier list appears whenever there is the option to choose a supplier other than your preferred supplier for various processes. You can use the scroll bar to view all suppliers in the supplier list.

The list displays the supplier code, which is the short name that you gave the supplier when adding it to the system.

Search options

The search options box is used to search for suppliers that do not appear in the list of the lefthand side of the screen.

From here, either type in the supplier code or supplier name, and then click on the Search button.

The system then displays the supplier in the supplier list:

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To view further information about a supplier, click on the supplier’s left-hand column, and then on the Expand button.

This displays the modify supplier details screen:

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Here you can view the supplier details and make changes if required to any of the fields on screen.

Click on the Save button to save any changes made to the supplier’s details. Click on the Go Back button to return to the main navigation screen,

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9.4 How to Add Products to a Supplier

To get to the ‘supplier’s products – supplier list ’ screen, navigate to SuppliersSuppliers Products. This displays the following screen:

For more details on the supplier list and the search options, refer to page 31 for more details.

From here, select a supplier that you want to add products to by clicking on its left-hand column (next to code), and then click on the Expand button.

This displays the supplier’s products screen:

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This displays a list of products belonging to that supplier.

If you wish to show the product codes, click on the Show Product Code button.

If you then wish to remove the product codes, simply click on the Show Product Code button again.

This box is used to add a product to the supplier. There are two ways of doing this.

If you do not know the product code/ barcode, click on the Product Search button. This displays the product search common function screen:

For more details on the product search common function, refer to page 8.

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