Positive Supply Voltage Terminals
Reference Terminals
A0 – A15Address Bus Input
The Ad dress bu s is decod ed to select one 18- bit word
out of the total 64K wo rds f or Read and Writ e operat ion s.
E Chip Enable Active LOW In put
Chip Enable is used to en able the device for Read and
Write operations. When HIGH, both Read and Write
operations are disabled and the device is in a reduced
power state. When LOW, a Read or Write operation is
W Write Enable Active LOW Input
Write Enable is used to select either Read or Write
operations when the device is enabled. When Write
Enable is HIGH and the device is Enabled, a Read
operat ion is select ed. When W rite Enab le is LOW and the
device is enabled, a Write oper ation is selected. A Bytewrite oper ation is available by using th e Byte-select controls.
Select High Active LOW Inputs
Select Low
The Select High and Select Low signals, in conjunction
with the Chip Enable and W r ite Ena ble signals, allow the
selection of the individual bytes for Read and Write operations. When High, the Select signal will deselect its
byte and prevent Read or Write operations . When the
Select signal is LOW and Chip Enable is LOW, a Read or
Write operation is performed at the location dete rmined
by the c ontent s of the Addr ess bus . When Chip Ena ble is
HIGH, th e Select signals are Don’t Care. S elect Low (SL)
is assigned to DQ0 – DQ8 and Select High (SH) is
assigned to DQ9 – DQ17.
ALE Address Latch Active High Input
The Addr ess La tch Enable signal is used to c ontrol t he
Tr ans parent lat ches on the Addr ess bus. T he Lat ch es a re
transparent when HIGH and are latched when LOW. If
not required, Address Latch Enable may be tied H IGH,
lea ving the Addr ess bu s in a transpar ent condit ion.
DQ0 – DQ17 Data Bus Input/Output
DQ0 – DQ8 comprise the Low byte, selected by SL,
and DQ9 – DQ17 comprise the High Data byte, selected
by SH. The Data Bus is in a high impedance input mode
during Write operations and standby. The Data bus is in
a low-impe dance output mode dur ing Read oper ations.
G Output Enable Active LOW Input
The Out put Enable signal is u sed t o cont rol the o u tpu t
buffers on the Data Input/Output bus. When G is HIGH,
all output buffers are forced to a high impedance condition. When G is LOW, the output buffers will become
active only during a R ead operation (E and SH / SL are
LO W, W is HIGH).
LH521028A CMOS 64 K ×× 18 Static RAM